Archive for December 27th, 2006

Dec 27 2006

Mercury And Polonium?

Saldy folks I ended up with a terrible Christmas cold which is making me miserable. So the posting is light (and light headed). The news out today is that the Russians are looking at how another exiled Oligarch, Leonid Nevzlin, may have played a role in the Litvinenko incident: “A version is being looked at […]

20 responses so far

Dec 27 2006

Agreeing With An Anti-War Liberal On Litvinenko

It has become a very strange time indeed when I find myself in complete agreement with an anti-war liberal. In this case it is on the Litvinenko incident, and the argument laid out is an excellent synopsis of my posts on this matter. My impression of liberals has been inching upward recently, as I see […]

52 responses so far

Dec 27 2006

Rest In Peace President Ford

Published by under All General Discussions

It is sad to wake up this morning and have the first news be that of the death of a good President. The news stories will say it better than I can, but Gerald Ford was the ultimate example of sacrificing political gain in order to do right by the country. After Bill Clinton held […]

7 responses so far