Archive for November 18th, 2006

Nov 18 2006

The Whimps Of NATO

It seems those brave NATO forces trying to stabilize Afghanistan are pretty much just for show since they refuse to engage the enemy: The NATO-led force in Afghanistan would be more effective if member countries lifted restrictions that prevent their troops from fighting insurgents in the country’s restive south, a senior Canadian officer said Saturday. […]

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Nov 18 2006

The Bush Conservatives Vision

Published by under All General Discussions

I was not the only one to push for supporting Bush and his consvervative leadership. I found this image and message at Point Five, which came out months prior to the elections: [H/T: Beth at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy] While a bit idealistic, the point is still excellent. We should be applauding Bush’s effrots, […]

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Nov 18 2006

Anti-Bush Republicans

Published by under All General Discussions

To emphasize my point about Reps losing the independent middle, I must bring some history back into focus, and how much Republicans despised Reagan and Bush I. I use this example to show that the Far Right actually has a history of dumping popular Presidents and leaders due to their insatiable impatience. When they returned […]

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