Archive for the 'All General Discussions' Category

Mar 07 2017

Fake News Misleads On Obama Surveillance Of Trump

  Major Update: When crafting this long post I neglected to add one more bit of evidence that ties all these actions to the Obama White House (from The Guardian): The White House is aware of phone calls between retired lieutenant-general Michael Flynn and ambassador Sergey Kislyak, a senior US official told the Associated Press. […]

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Mar 05 2017

Obama Administration Looks To Be In Very Serious Legal Trouble

  There is a lot of breaking news this weekend as the nation learns that a sitting President (Obama) looks to have used the nation’s national security apparatus – which is empowered to protect this nation from foreign enemies and threats – for crass political gain (read “personal gain”).  If this is even partially true, […]

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Jan 30 2017

FoxNews Panel Demonstrates Inside Beltway Niavete

Published by under All General Discussions

Bret Baier’s panel tonight was a laughing stock of inside-the-beltway babble  regarding the immigration ban put in place this weekend. The ignorance shined through in the idea presented by all of them that if President Trump only coordinated with more people (and more sources of Fake News leaks) there would not have been a heated […]

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Jan 25 2017

Trump Plays Media: Answers Their Call For Proof Of Vote Fraud

  I don’t think the Fake News Media or the Liberal Democrats are EVER going to learn not to be played by Trump. The best example in the last 24 hours was how Team Trump made the claim –  without any hard  evidence – that Trump would have won the popular vote if not for […]

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Jan 22 2017

Trump Executive Order #1: FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums

  The first Trump Executive Order (EO) seems to be all about nothing. Even some of “Fake News” media has had a tough time blowing this one out of proportion. But of course some leftwing rags were in full angst mode (do they have any other?). But universally the “media” did not tell the whole […]

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Jan 20 2017

Trump Is Change We Can Believe In

Published by under All General Discussions

I was stunned when President Trump stated clearly and unequivocally that this transfer of power was from DC to the Nation. What a powerful speech to give in the belly of the beast. Among all those politicians who did well why the country suffered. This is beyond my wildest dreams. More great lines [paraphrasing]. Trump […]

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Jan 20 2017

Today’s Real News: Executive Orders

Published by under The Trump Presidency

I know what I am going to be doing this weekend and for weeks to come: reviewing the slew of Executive Orders (EOs) President Trump will be initiating to roll back and redirect the Federal Government. These Trump EOs will undo years of EOs under former President Obama. These EOs will be the first, the […]

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Jan 20 2017

Democrats/”Fake News” Just Extended Their Time In The Political Wilderness

The Democrats and the Fake News Media need to comprehend what a nation sees when it wakes up on Inauguration Day and is faced with this kind of picture and news. Americans go to an Inaugural ball (The Deploraball) and this is the price they pay? The only conclusion to draw is that the left […]

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Jan 19 2017

Trump Shatters Inauguration Fundraising Record

Published by under All General Discussions

Haven’t seen this bit of news from the “Fake News” Media, probably because it does not play nicely with their obstructionist bias: And it’s not even close. In fact, Trump’s Presidential Inaugural Committee has raised over $100 million in private donations The Medicare raises that NVivo contraception. Don’t treat a Joanna attention and health prescription […]

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Jan 19 2017

Now Elites Get To Sacrifice Their Jobs For America

  Losing your job, your livelihood – your career! – can be devastating. And the later in life it happens the more devastating it is because you cannot just start another career. A career is more than a job. It is what you spent your early years achieving and your middle years honing. It is […]

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