Archive for the 'Filibuster Showdown' Category

Jan 28 2006

Hill Sucks Up To Base

Hillary has decided to show how a real Democrat leader bows down to the rabid leftwing base. Sad to see such spineless pandering.

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Jan 28 2006

Chafee Kills Filibuster Hopes

The Democrats apparently have not had their fill of failure yet, so they are pandering to their extreme base (the only one they have left) and posturing like there is no tomorrow! But Lincoln Chaffee has dashed any hopes for a filibuster by coming out for an up and down vote (registration required): Sen. Lincoln […]

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Jan 27 2006

Democrats Surrender On Alito

I am not surprised (I predicted this a few hours ago) that the Dems are surrendering on Alito: Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid admitted on Friday he and fellow Democrats lack the votes to block President George W. Bush’s nomination of conservative appeals judge Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court. “Everyone knows there is […]

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Jan 27 2006

Carnival Update

The deadline for posts to the Coalition of the Chillin’ Carnival is being extended to Sunday night at 6:00 PM. The final confirmation vote is tentatively going to be Tuesday: Near the close of a second day of debate, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a Tennessee Republican, moved to force a confirmation vote on Tuesday. […]

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Jan 24 2006

Alito Confirmed In Committee

Alito has been confirmed by the Senate Judiciary Committee on a party line 10-8 vote. Now it goes to the Senate floor. Members of the Coalition of the Chillin’ (and any others who wish to chime in) might like to know Mark Coffey and I have been discussing a Carnival of the Coalition to mark […]

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Jan 12 2006

Biden Sees No Use In Hearings

Well, it took their shameful self destruction to finally realize that these hearings are not allowing the people to understand the candidates for the Federal Bench, but simply allow the Senators to look foolish. Biden has come out calling for an end to these hearings, which were not always required: Supreme Court nominees are so […]

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Jan 12 2006


The democrats really did a number on themselves yesterday. They presented the perfect example of what WE DON”T want our political leaders to be – arrogant bullies. Too many have said too well today for me to waste time trying to add my two cents. I think Kennedy did more damage in more ways than […]

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Jan 11 2006

Disheartened Liberals, No Filibuster

That sound you hear is the air spilling out of the democrat’s bravado. As I said previously, the Alito hearings are not generating any news against Alito, and the liberals are losing heart while the country ignores their overly strained cries of ‘Wolf!’. Real Clear Politics leads with an assessment of the left and on […]

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Jan 10 2006

Alito Hearings

I have not been writing on the Alito confirmation process because, well… It’s not very interesting. And that seems to general feeling if you check in Tom Bevan at Real Clear Politics. The odds of a filibuster will rise or fall based on the success Democrats have in tarnishing Alito today, and that, in turn, […]

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Jan 06 2006

Those Whacky Dems

Drudge has this: Senate Democrats have put into place a plan that includes one last push to take down the nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito as he heads into his confirmation hearing next week, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. Senate Democrats intend to zero in on Alito’s alleged membership to an organization, a witness […]

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