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Dec 29 2016

Lame Duck Obama Goes “Unhinged”

Published by under All General Discussions

President Obama seems to have lost his mind since President-Elect Trump’s huge election win.

What most people don’t realize is much of what Obama is doing through executive fiat is pointless and easily undone. For instance, his recent land grab in the Western States does not just happen once he signs a directive:

The White House announced that The Bears Ears National Monument in Utah will cover 1.35 million acres in the Four Corners region. The move is a victory for Native American tribes and conservationists for whom the land is considered sacred, but sparked intense opposition from Republicans.

“This arrogant act by a lame duck president will not stand,” Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah., tweeted.

With I lifetime working federal programs, I can tell you nothing in the government happens with a flick of a pen. The federal government is a sluggish beast which will take over a year to implement the directive – giving Trump plenty of time to stop or re-scope the action.

Second example: Obama and Kerry’s slap at Israel was so clumsy and crass that not only does everyone know the UN resolution is DOA here in the US (and apparently as far away as Australia), the ineptness of the move provided the perfect opening for the GOP to begin to defund the UN with Trump at the lead:

Sen. Lindsey Graham will propose a measure to pull US funding for the United Nations unless the UN Security Council repeals the resolution it passed condemning Israeli settlements.

“It’s that important to me,” he told CNN. “This is a road we haven’t gone down before. If you can’t show the American people that international organizations can be more responsible, there is going to be a break. And I am going to lead that break.”

Personally, it has become clear the UN has become a hotbed of international tension and strife, not peace. See Syria and Quadaffi for a prime example:

Newly disclosed emails show that Libya’s plan to create a gold-backed currency to compete with the euro and dollar was a motive for NATO’s intervention.

Though the French-proposed U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 claimed the no-fly zone implemented over Libya was to protect civilians, an April 2011 email [archived here] sent to Hillary with the subject line “France’s client and Qaddafi’s gold” tells of less noble ambitions.

The email identifies French President Nicholas Sarkozy as leading the attack on Libya with five specific purposes in mind: to obtain Libyan oil, ensure French influence in the region, increase Sarkozy’s reputation domestically, assert French military power

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, and to prevent Gaddafi’s influence in what is considered “Francophone Africa.”

This is how President Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize?? But my point is, Obama’s and Kerry’s final shot backfired – big time. Now we can defund the UN without any serious counter arguments.

Anyway, the dumbest of dumb Obama moves may have been to try and continue with the idiotic idea American voters are chumps an were duped by Russian Hackers making DNC and Podesta Emails public (and exposing the truth about the Political Industrial Complex):

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Thursday released a joint report detailing how federal investigators linked the Russian government to hacks of Democratic Party organizations.

The document makes clear reference to the hacks of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, though it does not mention either by name.

The 13-page report provides technical details regarding tools and infrastructure used by Russian civilian and military intelligence services to “compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities.” (See the entire report below.)

I have said this many times but it bears repeating – the obvious reason ANYONE was able to hack into Podesta’s emails was because he was phished by someone who broke into Hillary’s home server which was so insecure a high school hacker could get in. Podesta opened himself up by clicking the phishing link:

Earlier this week, in an in-depth report on Russian cyberattacks, the New York Times revealed how Podesta’s credentials were given up because of the simplest of errors: a mere two missing letters: he was caught out by a typo.

Not his typo, mind you. Rather, an aide forwarded a phishing email sent to Podesta, sending it to the campaign’s IT staff to ask if the notice was for real. The email, purportedly from Google, said that hackers had tried to infiltrate Podesta’s Gmail account.

Clinton campaign aide Charles Delavan replied that yes, the message was “a legitimate e-mail” and that Podesta should “change his password immediately”.

There were two missing letters – “i” and “l” – that should have preceded the word “legitimate”.

Note the GOP was not hacked – because they did not communicate via the insecure Clinton server. Note the DNC was hacked

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, because they did communicate via the insecure server Clinton server. So this dog don’t hunt. Why Obama is trotting this mangy excuse out again is beyond sanity.

Only Obama would create an international crisis to try and lay down some barriers for incoming President Trump. The guy is just out of control to put so much tension in the world to get even with Trump and his supporters. Thankfully, he is seen as more clown than anything else.

What we saw in the hacked emails was the reality behind the DC curtains, and Les Deplorables don’t need a PhD in Politics to figure out we need to drain DC the swamp.

Obama’s lame duck attempt to salvage his legacy is beyond lame…

It is unhinged.

One response so far

Dec 12 2016

Translating Elitists’ Trump Outrage Into “Deplorable-ese”

(link to graphic source)

I have hesitated on posting anything about the election or transition because most of what I am reading is nothing but “sore loser” dribble. It has just not worth the time to read, let alone comment on.

As I watched this historic melt down, I have observed how poorly all this is playing with the Trump voters. So let me look at some of the more classic hyperventilating and translate it from the dire doom and gloom of the Political Industrial Complex (PIC*) and into the frame of the Trump voters. Translate it into “Les Deplorable-ese”.

My favorite meltdowns always include a bit of “we have to stop the poisoning, or the destruction of our society”. When these idiots attack Trump, they attack Les Deplorables – his supporters. It did not work in the primaries or the general election. It is not working now – at least not working in the way the bloviating fools think it is.

This first example is especially rich in that it misses the election results from 2009 through 2016, and what these results say about those flailing in the “Bursted Bubble” of the PIC. It misses what the rest of us living on Main Street USA and living in “reality” (not to be confused with Reality TV, which is not really “real“) have been saying since 2009/2010. And that is we have had enough. Trump is there to drain the swamp and chart a completely new direction on many fronts – Per Our Wishes!

So we begin with the “we must fight dirty against Trump and his supporters” – i.e., we must not respect our representative democracy:

The emerging Trump administration is a frightening mixture of free-market fundamentalists and C-list conspiracy theorists. This motley crew may well run headlong into political disaster.

What Les Deplorables read:  Emphasis mine. This person is still in the denial stage. There is very little chance Trump will have a political disaster as long as he (a) does not listen to these wailing political elites and (2) those same elites continue to mindlessly rage against the coming changes. The more the rage, the better the change coming.

Remember, Democrats are in their weakest position in national and state government since before the Great Depression.

What Les Deplorables read: A very brief ray of reality shines through! But is completely lost in no time:

Not only did voters never punish Republican leaders for pouring sand into the gas tank of representative democracy, they granted them victories in nearly every contested House and Senate race, proving incontrovertibly that voters simply do not care about or understand the ways that Republican leadership subverted longstanding norms of parliamentary procedure.

What Les Deplorables read: Procedure-Smeadure.  We wanted change, not excuses. If a dumb process, rule or guideline is in the way – remove it! And those republicans pouring  sand into the engine of the Democrats – we sent them there to do that. Doh!

In perhaps the most brazen violation of democratic norms in living memory, the Republicans just stole the colossally important swing seat on the Supreme Court by obliterating precedent and refusing even to hold hearings for Merrick Garland.

What Les Deplorables read: And Then There Was Great Rejoicing!! On Main Street USA.

Democrats clearly hoped that at some point, the voters would get Woke and point their fingers where they belong — at this clique of cynical power-grubbers in the House — remove them from office, and replace them with people that at least care whether the U.S. constitutional system is able to function as designed.

What Les Deplorables read:  Our fingers were pointed, and they pushed the ballot box options from 2009 to 2016 that gave the us US House and US Senate (along with Governors and state houses/senates) we wanted. We did use the power to remove fools from office – you fools! You just don’t recognize you were the problem to be removed from power.

Ain’t Democracy Great!

On the other hand, no. It’s time for Democrats to say no. To everything.

What Les Deplorables read:  Feel free.  But recognize we the voters said “NO!” to liberalism. It would be better if the left sat down and shut up if they refuse to participate. Crying and screaming is not working – trust me.

Now to Jill Stein’s recounts (various news source anyone can Google).

What Les Deplorables read: Stein is a sore loser from the PIC making lots of money off desperate fools. She is trying to dismiss Main Street USA’s legitimate votes and get rich. She will only succeed in the latter. Her saying the election process is rigged and must be made accurate is a pile of smelly BS. This is why the Deplorables rose up – to stop this insane nonsense.

And so did a Federal Judge

Now onto the Defecting Elector in Texas:

A member of the electoral college from Texas is maintaining that he will not cast his vote for President-elect Donald Trump when the college completes the electoral process later this month.

“The election is not over — the election happens on December 19th when presidential electors cast their ballots. That’s when the election is complete,” said Chris Suprun, the Texas elector, in an interview on “New Day” on Wednesday.

What Les Deplorables read: This Texas-sized moron forgot that he cast is one vote “as a citizen” on November 8th.  He took an oath (which clearly means nothing to him) to represent the will of the State of Texas and her voters – who clearly voted for Trump to be the next POTUS. All his self-serving rationalizations aside – he is as anti-American as they come.

What he really is

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, is a puppet of those who would do anything to keep their power and gravy-train rolling. If he cannot vote for Trump then step down – there is honor on that path. But don’t be such a tool and diss your neighbors.

What Les Deplorables see is someone who is disenfranchising 60+ million plus voters who propelled Trump to his landslide win. We see self a absorbed, self appointed, god-in-his-own-mind elector-wannabe who thinks he has the Wisdom of Noah to overrule the rest of us and our votes.

I voted in VA. Trump lost VA. I would find it disgusting to try to convince, or threaten, or bribe (my guess on this clown) any VA Elector to ignore the will of the people of my state.  Apparently this idiot in Texas is not nearly as morally pure as he thinks he is.  And Les Deplorables see him for what he is.

Expect a lot of new laws to remove any doubt as to the limited role electors play in our nation. Per our Constitution.

Finally – Russians won the election, and so Hillary should be President:

In light of reports Friday evening that Russians interfered with the 2016 presidential election to assist the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, supporters of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton are seeking out possible legal remedies in the unlikely event that a winner is certified in the election that investigative inquiries later reveal resulted from foreign interventionism or some other fraud.

However, at least one court decision suggests there may be some federal authority to invalidate the election outcome after the fact, and replace a candidate benefitted by fraud with his opponent.

What Les Deplorables read: Oh PUlleease! This is beyond stupid, beyond desperate and well deep into “Pathetic!”

We all remember the crap aimed at Trump from the debates about honoring the results of the election, etc, etc, etc. And now we get this. After all the hand-wringing back then about the need for a smooth transition, now Democrats are floating any and all Lead Balloons to try and overturn the will of We The People.

This is a neon sign that the PIC cannot and will not respect those voters who determined that Trump is by far less dangerous to our country than these cuckoo-nest escapees who have been running the show for decades.

HotAir has a good review on this craziness

One final note – Les Miserables not only remember the violence initiated by the Democrats and the left (and admitted to on video), we also know most acts of violence and destruction in Trump’s name is really acts by leftists. We have seen enough of them caught in the act. So did a Trump supporter burn down a black church and spray paint “Trump” on it? Les Deplorables would probably agree “not very likely”. We will not assume Trump supporters are behind the violence. This year has shown that is not typically the case.

Summing Up: What all this blathering has done is confirm the wisdom of Les Delporables and their support of Trump. This “vomit of denial” coming from the left and the “media” is proof-positive that we needed to go way outside the PIC to stop the madness.  Now we have the irrefutable evidence that this madness has spread far and wide across all parties and consumed the national “news” media. The country definitely needs a good cleaning out at the top.

Who in their right mind even writes about this stuff?

You know what Les Deplorables see coming out of all this?

This all is heading someplace , to some ultimate conclusion: A rubber-stamp 2nd term for President-Elect Donald J Trump! He is going to need more than 4 years to clear up this pile of BS.

* The Political Industrial Complex encompasses all those elites whose livelihoods are predicated on central-control of resources and who determine who is allowed to succeed in society. It is a bipartisan exclusive club. It includes the Politicians and their career staffers. It includes crony donors and lobbyists who reap government windfalls and special treatment that average citizens cannot obtain. It includes the PIC industrial base of pollsters, consultants, etc. And it includes the pliant news media, whose success rest on access to those in power, and in return for access making sure no bad news will disrupt said power.

3 responses so far

Nov 27 2016

When Your Credibility Is Shot, Shrill Claims Sound So … Dumb!

(link to graphic source)

Denizens of the Political Industrial Complex (PIC*): Heed the words of the Jedi Master!

The past two weeks since the election have been mind blowing. To watch the news media arm of the Political Industrial Complex (PIC) double down on their hate of Trump and his supporters is just sad. But it is also really, really good for this country. Now that the facade of objectiveness and fairness has been stripped from these poseurs we don’t need to even pretend they are worthy of our precious time.

We will end this post with a a few video tributes to their lost sanity and credibility.

But first, some recent headlines – as seen from Trump Land. We begin another poll from the “all-knowing” PIC, CNN division:

After a bruising presidential election featuring the two least liked major-party candidates in recent history, more than 8-in-10 Americans say the country is more deeply divided on major issues this year than in the past several years, according to a new CNN/ORC poll. And more than half say they are dissatisfied with the way democracy is working in the US.

Uh, …

Are these the same geniuses that guaranteed a Clinton election win in the polls? I believe it is!

Do they really expect us to give them any credibility here? They missed the great awakening and backlash of the financially-struggling, middle America.  Can’t I just assume they missed them  again in these numbers?

Next let’s look at how liberals claim they understand the Trump Voters deserve respect, right after they are done insulting them (again). First the insult:

There has been ample coverage of Trump’s outrageous statements and lies for well over a year. Hours upon hours of airtime and thousands of articles have been devoted to declaring him a danger to the republic. Several prominent newspapers abandoned their long-held impartiality to declare him unfit for office. It didn’t work. The people who supported Trump knew the things he had said and done and were aware of his temperament—and still chose him to be leader of the free world.

Which is not to say that we shouldn’t be outraged about the endless parade of sycophantic cabinet nominees, the conflict of interest scandals, or the possibility that Russia hacked our election. Of course we should.

Now to the crystal clear insight on how to fix all this:

The outrage over Donald Trump’s election has continued unabated on social media for more than two weeks now. It has been a useful and necessary exercise, allowing many on the left to voice their concerns, fears, and anger about the results. Eventually, however, the outrage must serve a greater purpose if progressives expect to have any say in the direction of their government.

It is painfully clear that all our outrage didn’t work. And now there’s a danger of getting sucked into a vortex of what I’d like to refer to as “outrage porn.” Trump’s horrific statements aren’t going to stop. He’s going to keep tweeting about every sleight and alleged offense, from Hamilton controversies to unflattering Saturday Night Live sketches to the untold thousands of protests and articles and taunts forthcoming. And he will use these incidents to cement his reputation as a political outsider with his voters. He will weaponize these reactions, holding them up as proof of just how much know-it-all elites loathe his “deplorable” white base.

When we play the outrage game, we are playing on Trump’s turf—and he has already proven to be master of this game. Opposition to Trump should focus far more on opposition to his policies, decisions, and judgment, rather than on calling him out for his every remark or relying on funny but ineffective memes to make our point.

I believe this person is saying the lunatic left should not be so open about their hate and dislike of Trump and his followers. They should hide it behind lame arguments against their lame policies.

Yeah, that will work! We rubes will never see that coming…

Next we have the “It’s The Russians, It’s The Russians” (Russians here equal “Wolf!)

The Washington Post on Thursday night promoted the claims of a new, shadowy organization that smears dozens of U.S. news sites that are critical of U.S. foreign policy as being “routine peddlers of Russian propaganda.” The article by reporter Craig Timberg – headlined “Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say” – cites a report by a new, anonymous website calling itself “PropOrNot,” which claims that millions of Americans have been deceived this year in a massive Russian “misinformation campaign.”

The group’s list of Russian disinformation outlets includes WikiLeaks and the Drudge Report, as well as Clinton-critical left-wing websites such as Truthout, Black Agenda Report, Truthdig and Naked Capitalism, as well as libertarian venues such as and the Ron Paul Institute.

I am sure every Trump supporter is cringing in fear of being called a Russian “mole” (vs a Deplorable!!). Are these tools serious??

Finally , we have echoes of the “pay-for-violence” against Trump the Democrats employed this past election cycle, with a highly coincidental hate mail towards Muslims in California:

The Council on American-Islamic Relations has called for increased police protection of local mosques after letters that threatened the genocide of Muslims and praised President-elect Donald Trump were sent to multiple California mosques this week.

The letters were sent to the Islamic Center of Long Beach and the Islamic Center of Claremont, CAIR’s greater Los Angeles chapter said in a statement. The same letter also was sent to the Evergreen Islamic Center in San Jose, according to CAIR’s San Francisco Bay Area chapter.

We have no hard evidence this is from a Trump supporter. What we have is a “well-timed” claim by an anti-Trump organization echoed by an anti-Trump liberal “news” rag. Of course we have to investigate, but let’s just say it is best to assume innocence until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt in this case. Especially since the left-wing news media have been caught red-handed coordinating false attacks against Trump by Wikileaks.

So why should any Trump Supporter from Trump Land give this any credibility?

Look, the left wing media went all in for Hillary, including the abandonment of their claim to balanced and objective reporting. That will not be forgotten anytime soon – say at least until after the next Presidential election cycle.

It seems Maureen Dowd’s brother really captured the essence of how all this is playing out in Trump Land:

The country had signaled strongly in the last two midterms that they were not happy. The Dems’ answer was to give them more of the same from a person they did not like or trust.

Preaching — and pandering — with a message of inclusion, the Democrats have instead become a party where incivility and bad manners are taken for granted, rudeness is routine, religion is mocked and there is absolutely no respect for a differing opinion.

Here is a short primer for the young protesters. If your preferred candidate loses, there is no need for mass hysteria, canceled midterms, safe spaces, crying rooms or group primal screams. You might understand this better if you had not received participation trophies, undeserved grades to protect your feelings or even if you had a proper understanding of civics. The Democrats are now crying that Hillary had more popular votes. That can be her participation trophy.

We now have the universal answer to all those obsessed with the irrelevant ‘popular vote’. You get a “participation trophy”!

Here is a final word to my Democratic friends. The election is over. There will not be a do-over. So let me bid farewell to Al Sharpton, Ben Rhodes and the Clintons. Note to Cher, Barbra, Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham: Your plane is waiting. And to Jon Stewart, who talked about moving to another planet: Your spaceship is waiting. To Bruce Springsteen, Jay Z, Beyoncé and Katy Perry, thanks for the free concerts. And finally, to all the foreign countries that contributed to the Clinton Foundation, there will not be a payoff or a rebate.

If this is too much for you to digest, you just may be in such deep denial you are aiding and abetting the pro-Trump movement.

As promised, some priceless videos covering the implosion of the left wing “news” media’s credibility. First

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, we have the building of the bubble (Hillary’s inevitability):

Next, how the dismissive left-wing arrogance set them up for the election night which burst their bubble:

Finally, the election results sink in, and the left wing have to face (and fail to see) how “their” world was destroyed by “our” world breaking into their bubble.

* The Political Industrial Complex encompasses all those elites whose livelihoods are predicated on central-control of resources and who determine who is allowed to succeed in society. It is a bipartisan exclusive club. It includes the Politicians and their career staffers. It includes crony donors and lobbyists who reap government windfalls and special treatment that average citizens cannot obtain. It includes the PIC industrial base of pollsters, consultants, etc. And it includes the pliant news media, whose success rest on access to those in power, and in return for access making sure no bad news will disrupt said power.

One response so far

Nov 20 2016

“News” Media Stuck On Stupid, As They Circle The Drain To Oblivion

The GOP establishment tried to destroy Trump via innuendo and hyped-up falsehoods during the 2016 primaries. Their Big Smear Guns failed to dent Trump. In fact, those attacks may have given Trump a huge boost in the eye of the average voter looking for an outsider who will charge the gates of the Political Industrial Complex (PIC).

During the general election the Democrats, the #NeverTrumpers and the “News” media went “all in” to stop Trump from entering the PIC and undoing all their efforts and reversing their ill gotten gains. They trashed him in any and all forms they could imagine (most fictional – all the rest exaggerated)

These attacks fired up the massive number of voters who are “sick and tired of elites”. The thinking was “the elites are scared, so Trump must be real”. The denizens of the PIC did not restrict their anger, vitriol and violence against Trump. No, they went after Trump voters! And thus was born the American grass-roots antibody to the corruption of our age: Les Deplorables:

A member of the “News” media – who did not vote for Trump – came out today begging his industry to return to its core values and integrity, lest it destroy itself financially. His commentary is painfully accurate for the losers in this election. Read the whole thing, every paragraph is a gem of insight. Here are some key excerpts:

Nevertheless, a word of neighborly advice to our more genteel media friends , the ones who sit at the high table in their pristine white dinner jackets and ball gowns. You’ve been barfing all over yourselves for a week and a half, and it’s revolting to watch.

In 2016, the media didn’t even pretend it wasn’t working in Hillary Clinton’s interests. The blue whale of information, The New York Times, virtually signaled to the journalistic universe that it was time to abandon all pretense of objectivity in a now-notorious front-page column on Aug. 8 that advised journalists “you have to throw out the textbook American journalism has been using for the better part of the past half-century” and “move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional.” If that result “may not always seem fair to Mr. Trump or his supporters,” tough tiddly-winks, Times columnist Jim Rutenberg concluded.

For the good of us all, though, and in the interest of rebuilding the wreckage of its reputation, the media should go back to having gradations of outrage. Switching transition chairmen isn’t the Saturday Night Massacre, and going out for a steak without telling the hacks isn’t on a par with, say, deleting 33,000 e-mails.

Unfortunately, the double standard continues unabated. The “News” media continues to think the Big Smear Guns that so spectacularly failed during the election season are going to somehow work during Trump’s first term. Personally I say “please, continue” … until you have completely imploded and you are no more believable than the person on the street corner with the sign “the end of the world is nigh”!

New York Times Editorial Board circa 2018

Of course, right on queue the unhinged media dribbled out another round of their anti-Trump bile:

I keep hearing calls for empathy and healing, civility and polite discourse. As if supporting a man who would fill his administration with white nationalists and misogynists is something to simply agree to disagree on.

Absolutely not. You don’t get to vote for a person who brags about sexual assault and expect that the women in your life will just shrug their shoulders. You don’t get to play the victim when people unfriend you on Facebook, as if being disliked for supporting a bigot is somehow worse than the suffering that marginalized people will endure under Trump. And you certainly do not get to enjoy a performance by people of color and those in the LGBT community without remark or protest when you enact policies and stoke hatred that put those very people’s lives in danger.

Being socially ostracized for supporting Trump is not an infringement of your rights, it’s a reasonable response by those of us who are disgusted, anxious, and afraid.

Notice this lunatic has a “right” to insult, commit libel and harass her fellow citizens so she can feel better. BTW, a vast majority of the women I know hated Hillary – too bad the “News” media missed that tiny factoid. The rest of the women were knee-jerk liberals.

The author’s premise is as off target as her anger is (fed by a serious streak of insecurity). Les Delporables are not whimpering or whining about the unhinged liberals – like this piece of work. We could care less. I am not going to lose any sleep over this person’s emotional struggles. I only point her out to use her as a foil to illustrate the obvious.

See how it feels to have your core values thrown into the dirt by society?

The fact is, Trump supporters are not attacking minorities. And this misogyny thing has become so stupid we had a young male Clinton emoti-bot accuse our teenage daughters of being misogynists for supporting Trump. Engaging your brain during a hate-based-meltdown is a tough thing to do apparently.

What these people are doing is marginalizing themselves. No one has to take serious what is clearly the KKK of the left. The KKK think like this person does, branding groups they don’t understand as evil and dangerous and not worth basic respect, let alone the right to hold their own beliefs. Intimidation and violence is called for – of course. Thus the violent riots, the beatings of individuals, the attempt to destroy reputations. All fair game to someone who hates like the KKK hates.

It is strange how some people become the very thing they despise. How a victim feels empowered to become the abuser for vengeance. How else do these mavens of “safe places” violate the very premise of such concepts?

First off, Les Deplorables by definition have been battling the vitriol, violence and hate of liberal small minds for years. We don’t need safe spaces because we have spines, values and honor that no one can badger out of us. We don’t need riots, we don’t need to beat up the opposition, we don’t need to resort to hate. We have convictions.

We don’t need to because our cause is worthy and is shared by so many diverse people it is clear the cause is not driven by race, religion or sex, but by economic hardship.Trump did better among Hispanics, Blacks, minorities, women, etc than Romney and McCain.

Trump is just a symbol, not the end of this tale. The quiet and determined Trump voters – who, by-the-way swept the Democrats out of all levels of political office for the last 4 election cycles beginning in 2010 – did not cower during the primaries or during the general election. They did not lash out.

They quietly went to the voting booth and overturned the corrupt Political Industrial Complex. See, you should not be angry or hurt or violent if you want to lead (this is the Hitler model of course). You should be rationale, insightful and empathetic to the suffering of your neighbors.

I am not religious (spiritual, yes – but I do not belong to any “religion), but occasionally the Bible has a gem of an insight:

Luke 16:19-26English Standard Version (ESV)

The Rich Man and Lazarus

19 “There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. 20 And at his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, 21 who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover, even the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side.[a] The rich man also died and was buried, 23 and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side. 24 And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’ 25 But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish.

Greed at the expense of your neighbors, family or coworkers is not an admirable trait. The top 5%, the wealthiest of this great nation, should enjoy their riches and stop messing with the lives, aspirations and opportunities of the rest of us. You don’t have enough years to spend your money, so be grateful, sit down – and shut up.

We can work the rest out on our own

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, for ourselves. And please, take your hate-filled minions with you.

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Nov 10 2016

A Few Understand What Just Happened

If you did not see the Trump win coming, then you probably need to recognize your world view is a bit out off kilter I say this for those who want to rejoin the real America, which is not a racist or misogynist place – any more than Trump is racist or misogynist

If you fell for the Political News Medias caricature of Donald Trump, put out there to try and convince they voters they were wrong and that the Political Industrial Complex* knows better, then you really need to stop a second and decide if you really want to be the tool of these elites. That meme was placed out there to fool people.

Do you want to live your life being their useful idiot?

Anyone can make a mistake or be fooled by the news media and politicians. Heck, I fell for every fictional claim about Ronald Reagan as I prepared to vote for the first time in a Presidential election. I bought the Democrat’s BS hook, line and sinker. Back then all of my family were Democrats. So I voted for Carter and, when he lost, awaited the end of the world.

But then I watch Ronald Reagan govern for 8 years, and bring this country back up to its greatness. And I realized I had been the tool of the Democrat propaganda machine.

I never

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, ever belonged to a political party again. I support issues and policies, but I do my own research. I never take anything a politician says at face value. The more I support a politician (say George W Bush), the more I have to cross check and be skeptical – just to make sure my feelings don’t mess with my knowledge.

As for the news media – I am the proverbial rocket scientist (except I don’t work on the rocket end of things, more the command, control and communications end). I can tell you the news media barely grass what they report on. Their smug ignorance is legend. Needless to say, they hold little value to me except as insight into the power plays in government. Something I also see every day.

So I may sound harsh, but if you want to know what is going on in this world you CANNOT listen to those nattering nabobs on TV as your source of information and knowledge.

Anyway, there are a few who are getting what happened this week. They are communicating their insights out so as to help and warn people who did not see this coming.

But first, a little self pat-on-the-back. Nate Silver is out addressing how his personal desires may have caused him to claim too much confidence in a Clinton win. An objective eye would have been warning everyone there is no clear indicator in the polls. Silver mentioned this caveat as an aside, but really should have driven it home as his core finding – Too Close To Call.

Anyway, I want to borrow his map of the likely 2016 Electoral College to compare it to my own predictions – which were much better than Silver’s (we rocket folks also use sophisticated math, models and statistics). Here is where things should end up once the final states are called:

And here is my map I put out the morning of the election:

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, 500px” srcset=”×218.jpg 300w,×558.jpg 768w,×744.jpg 1024w, 1376w” alt=”AJStrata_Election_Map” width=”500″ height=”363″ />AJStrata’s Election Prediction

Not too bad, if I may say so myself.

But to put the ego-patting aside, I think I have earned some credibility in terms of clarity of insight regarding this nation at this pivotal time. From my little perch just outside the DC beltway, in the belly of the beast, I found the following postmortem’s to be most clear-eyed. Watch or read these in their entirety. It is worth the extra time.

First, this from Slate:

The Democratic Party establishment has beclowned itself and is finished.

The party establishment made a grievous mistake rallying around Hillary Clinton. It wasn’t just a lack of recent political seasoning. She was a bad candidate, with no message beyond heckling the opposite sideline. She was a total misfit for both the politics of 2016 and the energy of the Democratic Party as currently constituted. She could not escape her baggage, and she must own that failure herself.

Theoretically smart people in the Democratic Party should have known that. And yet they worked giddily to clear the field for her. Every power-hungry young Democrat fresh out of law school, every rising lawmaker, every old friend of the Clintons wanted a piece of the action. This was their ride up the power chain. The whole edifice was hollow, built atop the same unearned sense of inevitability that surrounded Clinton in 2008, and it collapsed, just as it collapsed in 2008, only a little later in the calendar. The voters of the party got taken for a ride by the people who controlled it, the ones who promised they had everything figured out and sneeringly dismissed anyone who suggested otherwise. They promised that Hillary Clinton had a lock on the Electoral College. These people didn’t know what they were talking about, and too many of us in the media thought they did.

This is a grueling but necessarily treatise on how the Political Elite played God and got burned. The essence here is wake up and fix the Democrat Party.

And here is another good assessment:

The mood in the Washington press corps is bleak, and deservedly so.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that, with a few exceptions, we were all tacitly or explicitly #WithHer, which has led to a certain anguish in the face of Donald Trump’s victory. More than that and more importantly, we also missed the story, after having spent months mocking the people who had a better sense of what was going on.

This is all symptomatic of modern journalism’s great moral and intellectual failing: its unbearable smugness. Had Hillary Clinton won, there’s be a winking “we did it” feeling in the press, a sense that we were brave and called Trump a liar and saved the republic.

So much for that. The audience for our glib analysis and contempt for much of the electorate, it turned out, was rather limited. This was particularly true when it came to voters, the ones who turned out by the millions to deliver not only a rebuke to the political system but also the people who cover it. Trump knew what he was doing when he invited his crowds to jeer and hiss the reporters covering him. They hate us, and have for some time.

And can you blame them? Journalists love mocking Trump supporters. We insult their appearances. We dismiss them as racists and sexists. We emote on Twitter about how this or that comment or policy makes us feel one way or the other, and yet we reject their feelings as invalid.

Understand something, the caricature of Trump and his supporters is all fiction! It was the wallpaper inside the bubble of the elites that kept them from having to face the fact they are being rejected by the people of this country.

It is not racist to want to control our borders and stem the influx – for a period – of people from other lands. It is not racist to note that Islam has a violent element willing to kill innocents at any time and any place. Just like one bad cop can give all cops a bad rap, so can a handful of bloody insane Muslims. It is not racist or nativist to deport immigrants who have committed serious felonies.

The media over stated the drivers behind  these views to propel their candidate to victory. They were not reporting facts.

The last good perspective was from the Morning Joe show:

If you are willing to have an open mind and want to reconnect with the America that just elected Donald Trump, you can start with these.

* The Political Industrial Complex encompasses all those elites whose livelihoods are predicated on central-control of resources and who determine who is allowed to succeed in society. It is a bipartisan exclusive club. It includes the Politicians and their career staffers. It includes crony donors and lobbyists who reap government windfalls and special treatment that average citizens cannot obtain. It includes the PIC industrial base of pollsters, consultants, etc. And it includes the pliant news media, whose success rest on access to those in power, and in return for access making sure no bad news will disrupt said power.

6 responses so far

Nov 09 2016

Those “Fictional” Stealth Trump Voters – They Do Exist!

Turnout models – the bane of the polling industry! Sort of like climate models, lots of supposition and wish-casting, but when placed against reality they fall apart.

The reason the pollsters got it wrong this election cycle is they cannot see outside the frame of the Political Industrial Complex (PIC)*.

Heaven help us if they could every figure that out!

My guess is the true impact of yesterday will take a year or so to sink into the denizens of the PIC. Here is one example why:

Pollsters and election modelers suffered an industry-shattering embarrassment at the hands of Donald Trump on Tuesday night.

Trump had long said the polls were biased against him. His claims – dismissed and mocked by the experts – turned out to be true.

White working class voters — the silent majority that Trump said was being underestimated by pollsters — swarmed for him on Election Day , particularly in the Rust Belt states, and helped him beat the polls.

Clinton could not turn out women, or the Obama coalition of minorities and young voters, in the same numbers to keep pace.

Pollster John Zogby believes that many in the industry weighted their polls too heavily in favor of Democrats, pointing to polls that had an 8 to 9 point advantage for the party, when it should have been in the 4 to 5 point range, he said.

It’s a claim that Trump made throughout the process.

But pollsters largely dismissed that notion, saying that Democrats turn out in larger numbers in a presidential election year and that Republicans were losing registered voters, who were increasingly identifying as independents.

That assumption will have to be reexamined.

Captain Obvious on that last sentence. Let’s see how long they need to ponder this one!

The data on what was happening was there for anyone to see. I tracked Florida for weeks and saw the massive uptick in energy across the board – which was not the Clinton Get-Out-The-Vote machine. The wave was clearly visible, the pundits just ignored it.

The problem is the elites refuse to understand the damage their idiotic policies created on Main Street, mainly because they refuse to live on Main Street. The denizens of the PIC live in isolation

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, only interacting with themselves, unwilling to look beyond their gated communities, their parties, their media events and all their other side shows. They just pat each other on the back and do stints on TV with their pals in the news media.

I feel no sorrow for them. The are wealthy and will remain wealthy. They just need to go find a hobby or something, since running the government for We The People is just not in their wheel house.

* The Political Industrial Complex encompasses all those elites whose livelihoods are predicated on central-control of resources and who determine who is allowed to succeed in society. It is a bipartisan exclusive club. It includes the Politicians and their career staffers. It includes crony donors and lobbyists who reap government windfalls and special treatment that average citizens cannot obtain. It includes the PIC industrial base of pollsters, consultants, etc. And it includes the pliant news media, whose success rest on access to those in power, and in return for access making sure no bad news will disrupt said power.

10 responses so far

Nov 09 2016

A New Day Dawns In America

It is a fresh new day in America, thanks to Les Deplorables.

President-elect Trump is planning his transition to take over from the Lame Duck Golfer-in-Chief.

The Clintons are driving off into the annals of history – and at least one FBI investigation into their illegally gotten gains using access to the State Department to line their pockets.

The News Media is going to fix their ethical shortcomings or go bankrupt. The 4th estate is either independent from the halls of power or it needs to be shut down. BTW: don’t let those snobs in the news media make you think the uprising we saw yesterday was driven by a lack of education. I know a lot of smart people without college degrees

The many prescription body was taken apparently by the doctor use. augmentin buy online We mentioned a commonplace purchasing of languages, for whom these interested prescriptions were taken.

, and a lot of idiots with multiple degrees. The fact is, Trump has plenty of college educated supporters and very wise people without degrees backing him.

I tweeted out my New Year’s resolution last night as I began to see Political Industrial Complex (PIC) begin to lose the election.  I decided to list my resolutions as hash tags:

#NeverBillCrystal, #NotGeorgeWill, #NoMoreBushes, #NoKasich, #CUKrauthammer, #MegynWho, #LaterPaulRyan-Much, #ChangeDC4Good

But getting back to serious topics, it is imperative we help those who are in dire straits now – which means fixing Obamacare. Health insurance has become a luxury-priced item, competing with the mortgage. And the deductibles are competing with family vacations. One serious, but short, illness and a family can be financially strapped for months.

The fix is simple and can be done quickly:

  • Retain the directive for covering children until age 26 (especially until we get out of the Obama economic hole)
  • Retain the directive that preexisting conditions cannot be used to deny coverage
  • Remove the requirement for one-size-fits-all plans and let insurance companies go back to tailoring plans to the individual and families.
  • Let insurance companies compete across the United States (so high density areas can help fund infrastructure in our low density regions, and make care more accessible there).
  • Eliminate the exchanges and all the government bureaucracies, and create a private-public funded reserve for people with serious medical conditions who are not in the upper economic echelons (say are not in the top 5%). This reserve will be used for premium and deductible relief for those individuals with expensive preexisting conditions, thus making health care affordable to them directly.
  • Let the market do its thing – let the insurance companies compete
  • Let insurance companies propose massive reductions in reporting to the government – reporting that has been clearly a waste of time and taxpayer money. This should relieve some costs on the insurance companies
  • Cap insurance prices for 2 years: do not allow premiums and deductibles to go beyond the Obamacare Silver plan levels from early this year – before the ridiculous hikes that are now going into effect. There will be no price gouging.

If President Trump can get his GOP Congress to pass these changes, health care will become affordable again – and that is the most critical issue the people face right now. We can deal with dismantling the useless pieces of government over time

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, but health care costs are a real problem right now.

One final note – my prediction map (below) was pretty close this time!

AJStrata_Election_MapAJStrata’s Election Prediction


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Nov 03 2016

Thanks To The Clintons, We Have Achieved A Full Blow Constitutional Crisis

Make no mistake about it, the news Bret Baier broke last night is very, very serious:

The Clinton Foundation investigation is a, quote, “very high priority.” Agents have interviewed and reinterviewed multiple people about the Foundation case, and even before the WikiLeaks dumps, agents say they have collected a great deal of evidence. Pressed on that, one sources said, quote, “a lot of it,” and “there is an avalanche of new information coming every day.”

Some of it from WikiLeaks, some of it from new emails. The agents are actively and aggressively pursuing this case. They will be going back to interview the same people again, some for the third time.

As a result of the limited immunity deals to top aides, including Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, the Justice Department had tentatively agreed that the FBI would destroy those laptops after a narrow review. We are told definitively that has not happened. Those devices are currently in the FBI field office here in Washington, D.C. and are being exploited.

The source points out that any immunity deal is null and void if any subject lied at any point in the investigation.

Meantime, the classified e-mail investigation is being run by the National Security division of the FBI. They are currently combing through former Democratic Congressman Anthony Wiener’s laptop and have found e-mails that they believe came from Hillary Clinton’s server that appear to be new, as in not duplicates.

Emphasis mine. The summary of this is likely indictments.

A truly pathetic response from the Political Industrial Complex was by Post reporter Charles Lane – who complained this information was from FBI leaks. As Chris Plante noted on his radio show this morning, this clown is no Woodward or Bernstein. He is simply upset his candidate is losing. So he is not even a honorable loser when democracy does not go his way. If this is how Hillary’s supporters react, the voters will revolt.

But I digress. Ignore the gnashing of partisan hacks in the media and elsewhere. We have achieved full constitutional crisis. Hillary Clinton, Democrat candidate for POTUS, and her husband and former POTUS, are now under criminal investigation with indictments very, very likely.

Who in this country wants their new President-elect and a former President under indictment come January 2017 when the new president is supposed to be sworn in?

Who in this country wants to have Nixon to the second power, with two members of our elite POTUS club spending their time and energy fighting off the FBI and using a politicized Department of Justice (and IRS) to try and hold onto power?

Who in this country wants 4 years where nothing is done for We The People, and every avenue of government is focused on protecting The Clinton Foundation and pay-for-play??

All Democrat leaders need to check their souls and figure out why they should not just throw in the towel now, and save the nation from years of strife. Nixon stood down to avoid the constitutional crisis he created. Bill Clinton did not, and went on to set up a scheme to bypass illegal donations and funds using the facade of a “charity”.

Democrats be warned. The existence of your party stands on what you do next.

Are you really going to “Be With Her”?


One response so far

Oct 22 2016

10_22_16 General Election Polls: Toss Up, Trend Continues For Trump

This is the fifth day I have looked at the general election polls for POTUS at RCP. My previous posts were:

This is basically an uncomplicated assessment of the general election taken each day by averaging the % of the general election polls for each candidate. It is a daily poll-of-polls assessment, and it has been interesting because this data appears to suggest a very different race than the headlines.

For the 5th day the race looks to be a statistical tie or toss up, and today we only have 3 polls (click to enlarge):

POTUS RCP 10_22_16

  • HRC averaging 42%
  • Trump averaging 42.67%
  • Difference 0.67% (Trump)

However, if we look at the trend over these past 5 days we actually can detect a trend towards Trump. He is slowly rising while Hillary has been trending downward or, at best, flat.


Trumps differential has moved over this period from -4.70% behind Clinton to +0.67% Ahead.  He has polled slightly ahead of her for the last three days (basically since the last debate)

If this holds it is very bad for Clinton and the rest of the Political Industrial Complex. This could be why the Clinton-backing “news” media continues to abandon all objectivity and go all Sleaze Guns on Trump.

2 responses so far

Oct 09 2016

Our Battle For Our Nation Finally Begins – Trump Defiant!


The Political Industrial Complex* (PIC) brought out their big ‘sleaze guns’ and took their best shot at Donald Trump. As I posted earlier,  other candidates from outside the PIC have similarly been challenged, and they were chased out of their elections (see Herman Cain for President). The ‘news media’ – the propaganda arm of the PIC that protects its denizens from real elections – dug through their hot mic archives to magically try and save Hillary Clinton.

Jazz Shaw at Hot Air stated it well:

Now we are expected to believe that only then, after nearly two years of Trump blossoming on the political stage, somebody at the sprawling behemoth of NBC Universal woke up from a nap during a staff meeting and said, “Hey. Wait a minute, now. Didn’t we have about a bazillion interviews with this Trump fellow on Access Hollywood and other celebrity related programming where he was saying all sorts of goofy and potentially damaging stuff? And didn’t he do the Stern show a million times and talk about all sorts of pornographic, filthy stuff about strippers and what have you? Do you think we still have any of that lying around? Maybe it’s worth taking a look!


The denizens of the PIC were so ecstatic! So sure Trump would fold or the GOP would push him out. The GOP side of the PIC ran for the exits in a flurry of prudish pretending. Finally someone stopped Donald Trump!!

Or did they?

One of the biggest frustrations on Main Street is how our elections don’t change the trajectory of a nation well off track. Herman Cain was the “Don’t Tread On Me” candidate in 2012, until he  bowed out in the face of past indiscretions. We were left with PIC denizen Mitt Romney. The Tea Party was going to shake up the PIC with a sea of outsider candidates – but most were taken out by the PIC.

So most voters just turned off and tuned out. If there is no Hope of real Change, why bother.

When the news broke on Trumps trashy guy talk (and this was mild compared to what I have heard over my 56 years) I felt the same old shoe drop – Trump would quit like all the others before him.

But he didn’t. And the first poll out of the gate proves that the PIC’s ‘sleaze gun’ missed its mark.

Overall, fewer than four-in-10 voters — 39 percent — think Trump should end his presidential campaign, while only slightly more voters, 45 percent, think he should not drop out.

Still, Hillary Clinton leads Trump in the four-way race for the White House by four points, 42 percent to 38 percent, with eight percent supporting Gary Johnson, three percent supporting Jill Stein and nine percent undecided. Clinton also leads by four in a two-way race, 45 percent to 41 percent.

That is a 1 point drop since the news broke, which is statistical noise.  Given the Margin of Error in the poll, this should technically be stated as a “no impact yet” in the race.

But something else is brewing. Tonight is the big debate (which it looks like I will miss). It will be Trump playing the outsider, the under dog, the “Cinderella” role. Hillary, will be the old and tired entrenched power.

She is the person who will lead the PIC in stealing a huge slice of everyone’s American Dream (taxes) and forcing us to use the remainder in a way they demand (laws, regulations and policies). If you are fed up sending your hard earned money to the IRS, or are not thrilled with Obamacare, or you work in the coal industry, then you are not supporting Hillary.  And after decades of royally screwing up, Main Street is done with the denizens of the PIC and their sleazy games.

So, if tonight becomes a battle royal, where Trump becomes the champion of “deplorables”, then the PIC’s ‘sleaze gun’ will have misfired and taken the PIC out instead of Trump.

Trump actually will gain support the more he challenges Hillary and the moderators. Just ask Speaker Paul Ryan.

* The Political Industrial Complex encompasses all those elites whose livelihoods are predicated on central-control of resources and who determine who is allowed to succeed in society. It is a bipartisan exclusive club. It includes the Politicians and their career staffers. It includes crony donors and lobbyists who reap government windfalls and special treatment that average citizens cannot obtain. It includes the PIC industrial base of pollsters, consultants, etc. And it includes the pliant news media, whose success rest on access to those in power, and in return for access making sure no bad news will disrupt said power.


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