Archive for February 9th, 2010

Feb 09 2010

I Think I Discovered How Team Obama Missed The Ft Hood Massacre And Christmas Bomber

I have worked many years in the government and I can tell you that radical, reckless or illegal policies cannot be dictated from on high and then executed mindlessly. It is the reason why America was never really at risk of Bush/Cheney eavesdropping on Americans instead of chasing down NSA leads when the Bush administration […]

20 responses so far

Feb 09 2010

Liberals Whine About Political Heat On National Security, Then Claim Christmas Day Bombing Attempt A US Success

Published by under All General Discussions

President Bush had to tolerate years of ridiculous claims that he was listening in on the mad ravings of the liberal left when in fact he was following up on NSA leads that had detected people in America in contact with known terrorists overseas. It was a political hatchet job initiated by a false report […]

5 responses so far

Feb 09 2010

Conservatives Deserve Serious Leaders

In a follow up to my post on how the fringe right is trying to co-opt the Tea Party movement I want to applaud this piece on Birther nonsense: The “we’re just asking questions” rationale seems to be the explanation du jour for the tiresome and self-destructive continuing “Birther” fixation of some journalists who purport to […]

18 responses so far

Feb 09 2010

The Obama Administration’s Bait & Switch Schtick Is Getting Old

Want to know why President Obama and the Democrats are cratering with the American People? It could be we are tired of all the lofty BS followed by lousy results culminating insulting excuses. Rewind back to inauguration day and the promises that had been collected during the campaign which were supposedly about to come true. […]

3 responses so far