Nov 08 2006

Olberman and Bin Laden Are Celebrating

Published by at 8:21 am under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

With the current numbers 27 House seats and 4 Senate seats lost the conservative movement better take a good hard look at what happened. All their frustration with Bush has now left him as the only thing standing between our sanctity for life and fetus harvesting for spare parts. Remember when the House refused to compromise on illegal immigration? Well now there will be nothing done about it for two more years. We needed the hispanic voters (you know, the ‘legal’ immigrants) on our side yesterday. I don’t need an exit poll analysis to know the hispanics sent a message.

Bin Laden and Zawahiri and all the rest of the goose-stepping Islamo fascists are probably besides themselves with glee right now. And every brave Iraqi who stood up to take control of their country, who braved suicide bombs to vote, are probably cowering in fear. The Democrats are coming, with people like Keith OIberman at their head spewing insults and conspiracy theories. The terrorists know they have us on the run now. They want us out of the ME and they want to take on the EU to form their caliphate. The attacks on us will escalate. Once the herd turned, all the terrorists need to do now is scare us into a stampede.

Bush is all that stands in the way of rampant liberals. He and our military are going to have to weather a storm of witch-hunt investigations from the House. It seems the country said “what’s the harm, how bad could it be”? – and therefore voted for ‘change’. We shall see how bad it is. But those celebrating indicates it could be a lesson we did not need to learn.

Any conservative out there who wants to blame Bush is perpetuating this defeat. He has been solid and true to his positions. We voted him in – warts and all – and he deserved and still deserves our respectful support. I am not talking blind obedience – simply respectful support. It was internal recriminations that pushed the non-aligned voters away from the Reps. The insult of “RINO” should be banned from all serious, mature talk. It is a tiresome insult. Trying to define ‘good’ and ‘true’ reps verses all the others simply shrinks the pool of support. That too should have seen its last days, unless the reps want to remain a minority party. Insulting Hispanics and Muslim allies with wild and broad accusations does not win elections or pass Bills. We have two years to learn these lessons, and probably others

The Dems learned – to some degree. I am afraid it is only a facade and the sad truth will come out over time. But the Dems recruited conservative Democrats, people who are not like Pelosi and Kennedy. And that is how they won. They moved towards the common center. Ned Lamont lost – he was too far left. He did not hide his core beliefs well enough to pass muster. A lot of good people lost yesterday and the ‘payback’ so many called for over the year is now upon us. Hopefully the country will not be punished too hard for all our misteps – but with the characters now setting the tone (Olberman and Bin Laden), I am afraid things might get pretty rough.

I do want to thank all who stopped by the Strata-Sphere yesterday. It was a record day for us and it was an honor to spend election night with you good folks. Hope things stay well with you all.

One last thought on MD: I am really disappointed that African Americans have yet to stand up and be their own representatives. They lean on the Democrats way too much. Michael Steele was the best candidate in the country, yet party alliegance was stronger than hometown pride in PG County. That is one change I was really hoping to see happen. Not as much for reps, but for my neighbors across the river who deserved a national representative like Steele. Hope the Dems return the favor – but history shows they won’t.

Update: I have to disagree with someone I have got to know better during this election (by reading him more regularly) and who I admire – Hugh Hewitt. Hugh is blaming the Gang of 14 for the defeat we faced yesterday, but that group succeeded in getting conservative judges and justices to the bench without any filibuster. DeWine did not lose because of that – he lost because of the scandals plaguing Ohio. The center of this country (‘moderate’ is an innacurrate term since it implies a lack of passion) still decide the winners in these races. I have a lot of respect and trust in America and Americans – therefore their decisions, made en masse cannot be that wrong. The question for Reps is why did the people, especially in the middle, turn their backs on them. As I said, I did not turn my back. But I understand why many would. They were just RINOs anyway.

117 responses so far

117 Responses to “Olberman and Bin Laden Are Celebrating”

  1. Limerick says:

    I don’t know the ins-n-outs but I expect that Rummy might have just said ‘take this job and shove it’. Dunno. Any honeymoon between Pelosi and Bush is going to last about 5 mins.

    CNN called MT for the dems.

  2. Carol_Herman says:

    Sometimes, the only way forward to wisdom, is a swift kick in the behind.

    And, now the democrats have two years to show us “what they can do.”

    Including doing the stuff that will anger a lot of folk. Should they inherit a slide in the stock market, which just started. And, a jobs’ layoff. While Rumsfeld’s been fired. And, whatever happens “next” it won’t be for the protection of our soldiers; BUT FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE UN. While who knows what the costs are?

    Am I surprised? Yes.

    Is it the end of the world? No.

    One thing about Iraq, because it’s showing us the arabs can’t really reach “democracy” without going hell bent on violence, and tribal killings, AT LEAST WE WON’T GIVE THE SAME OPPORTUNITIES TO IRAN.

    Will people laugh for awhile?


    But what does it mean to give Nancy Pelosi such a head start?

    Over the next two years, how do the donks charm their way back into the White House?

    From Carol to Carol: No, we’re not going to be sold out! IF the donks get very aggresive against our efforts on the War on Terrorism, it will be their weaknesses for blood lust that will get exposed.

    People vote their passions. Passions will eventually calm down. And, buyer’s remorse may yet set in?

    Can Bush work with the democrats? Isn’t this what he did in Texas?

    Plus, a lot of the people running for election did NOT comport themselves as left wingers. They ran “conservative.” Since the democrapic house is, in fact, in a state of DISrepair, why assume that politics just continues with bait and switch tactics? And, lawyers investigating everything? Where did this crap really work?

    And, is there a blessing in disguise, here? In other words, instead of finding the GOP at a disadvantage in 2008. It shows up NOW.

    Frist and Guiliani BOTH CHOSE NOT TO RUN in ’06.

    What happens if the donks run amok?

    You think “leaving vietnam” is back on the agenda?

    There are a lot of ways this stuff can get sliced-and-diced.

    The republicans? Yup. It got much harder. (But where? On the conservative’s agdenda?)

    Yesterday, in fact, was a good day for the MAINSTREAM. As the government divided 50/50. And, people are watching! It seems Nancy Pelosi spent some time getting a face lift. (Gone for 3 weeks. To come back and claim her prize.) But it’s still a tug-of-war.

    By the way Gates (from the CIA), is coming into the Pentagon. So, for Iraq? Perhaps the decisions that roll away are the one’s that got put in place to try for “real democracy?” And, not Chalabi?

    If there’s a 3rd rail in politics; getting Americans angry, wholesale, seems to be the exposure. Would things have been better of Hastert had been tossed out? Sure. Hindsight.

    Now let’s see how both parties build. Especially when “less pork” cuts off supplies to programs. And, Bush does carry a veto pen! (The democrats don’t have enough congress-critters to over-ride vetoes.)

    But it’s still feels awful. (Perhaps, better now, to take the GOP out for repairs, than in 2008?) How did Frist and Guiliani know? I was so sure they were both wrong! My turn to learn lessons.

  3. Squiggler says:

    I went to bed in the wee hours very discouraged and depressed. I woke up this morning to find out that GWB just did a major in-you-face by replacing Don Rumsfield with Bob Gates. This is rejoicing time. Bob Gates knows where all those leaking bodies lie at the CIA, he knows Iran, he is perfect for dealing with the resurrection of Sandinista Daniel Ortega. He is phenom. brilliant and it was all planned. Know what Bob Gates has been doing lately besides being President of A&M University? I love it … he has been on the Baker/Hamilton commission. An architect of the proposed change of direction. This is such a brilliant move. And, blogger heaven.

  4. DaleinAtlanta says:

    By “Traitors”, do you mean all those people in the military who publicly called for his resignation Monday?

    Left by Shimanilami2 on November 8th, 2006

    “all those people” in the Military did NOT call for Rumsfield’s as you mistakenly, or deliberately, misrepresent!

    The EDITORIAL Pages, of the Army Times, Marine Coprs, etc., carried an Editorial, calling for his resignation!

    HOWEVER, the Military Times newspapers, are owned by the Gannett Corporation, the parent Corporation of USATODAY; a Leftist, Anti-American, Anti-Bush newspaper, despite their audience, and Gannett Corporation, provides the Editorial Direction of the Military Times papers, and ever since they bought them up, they’ve steered them in a very liberal, leftist direction, as the Editorial on Monday shows!

    So please, get your FACTS correct, before you go around posting more BS…

  5. Limerick says:

    the ARMY TIMES has one use and one use only for the troops……they check the promotion scores there. Other then that it lines the bird cages and informs the contractors where to gouge next.

  6. Terrye says:

    I think the Army Times is bs but I do think that someone had to take the fall for Iraq and since Rumsfeld is the Secretary of Defence, he is the guy.

    Bush needs to restore confidence and this is probably what this is about.

    War crimes? maybe, but remember if they bring in war crimes, they have to go after the troops and people will not like that.

  7. The Macker says:

    Thanks for a great blog. I share your core values and appreciate your policy analyses. Your commenters, right and wrong, are challenging.

    Churchill was turned out of office after leading Britain to Victory in WW2. Bush-1 was rejected after victory in the Persion Gulf War. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.

    The Dems caused a lot of mischief for Nixon and Reagan in their 2nd terms. So we must stand strong with our new tools of communication and with a clear recognition of our real enemies and not learn the wrong lessons from this election.

  8. Limerick says:

    Veteran’s Day in three days. Dust off the flags. Put those ribbons back up. Say thank you! Drive to the airport. Buy a lunch. Offer a serviceman/woman use of your cell phone before they get on a plane.
    Help out the USO. Say thanks. Anyway you can.

  9. kathie says:

    The Dems would have made life for Rummy unbearable, he does not do fools well, now they don’t have the chance. Maybe DOD needs fresh eyes, Rummy has done a lot, he is a fine man who deserves our greatest respect. I think this is a favor to Rummy.

  10. the good doctor says:

    Guess who owns Military Times?? Gannett.
    They are part of the MSM. They just used one of their publications to state what they have been saying in their OP-Ed pages. It’s a farce.

  11. Terrye says:


    Yes, Rumsfeld is not a young man either. These last years could not have been easy for him.

  12. retire05 says:

    R. Mutt, you are typical of the left wing of American politics. You complain about corruption in Republicans but say nothing about Gerry Studds, William Jefferson, Harry Reid and his shady real estate deals along with his refusing to return $68,000 in Abramhoff kickbacks, along with every other Dem that has fattened his bank account by shady deals. It seems you are only concerned, like your idols on the left, with corruption on the right side of the aisle.

    You talk about the 3,000 soldiers who have died in Iraq. You would have been one of those who, as the death toll came in from Iwo Jima, would have demanded that we just give the island to the Japanese as the cost to take that island was just too great.

    You repeat history, sir. You are a copperhead, and nothing in your rhetoric has changed since 1864.

    No, sir, we are not “selfstyled super patriots”, we are citizens who realize that we are facing the worst threat to our nation and our citizenry in our entire history. We realize that our enemies will not be appeased and they view our reluctance to kill them, to a man, as weakness. We understand that we cannot change a culture, built on the sword, in four years.

    You say that we on the right cannot engage in vigorous debate on what is the best strategy for fighting Islamic terrorism. Well, I have been listening very closely. Perhaps you can tell me what the strategy of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean are to win against those who would love you see you and your entire family buried under the rubble of another large building.

    Then, true to your liberal nature, you call out someone with whom you disagree. Was that to show what a tough guy you are? If so, you failed. You just come off as an angry, ill-informed and bitter person who has yet to get over the butt kicking the Republicans have been giving your party since 1994.

    So when the stock market continues to fall, blame your party. When your taxes go up, blame your party. When it is legal to take your 14 year old daughter across state lines to get her an abortion without your permission (yet requiring you to give permission for the school nurse to give her an aspirin or the teacher to take her on a field trip), blame your party. When unemployment starts to rise because businesses are taxed to the point where they can no longer create jobs, blame your party. And when the next attack on American soil happens, blame your party.

    Funny thing about this election, though. Where are all the hanging chads? Where are all those disenfranchised voters? Where is all the voter fraud? It seems that all those knuckle dragging morons who did not know how to vote in the last two elections just earned their PhDs. Never mind the 10,000 fraudulent registration cards turned in in St. Louis and Kansas City by Hillary’s favorite group, ACORN.
    So perhaps you can explain to me why, when it is Repubicans winning, it is through voter fraud and voter disenfranchisment? But when the Dems win, it is because the voters are so very, very smart.

  13. kathie says:

    Terry your right, it must have been very tough—-and sitting in front of congress would have been the last straw for him. He has served our Nation well, he is a remarkable man, God Bless him and we all need to be so grateful to him

  14. For Enforcement says:

    DaleinAt, limerick, retired, etc. All excellent comments

    My daughter called me a little while ago and asked how I was holding up. I told her it’s not my fault there are a lot of damn fools in the world. I did my part.

    Pres. Bush is a strong moral leader with a lot of vision. Too bad he didn’t have a strong supporting crowd in the Congress.

    In general, I feel that the Repubs lost the election. The Dems didn’t win, they are just the beneficiary of a lost election. They don’t stand for anything good. At least we can blame everything on them starting today. The Dem led senate voted to go into the Iraq war, so I guess we can start calling it “their” war. What the hell they gonna do with it?. What are they thinking? They’ve been in for what, 12 hours now and I haven’t heard their plan to get out yet. What they waiting for?

    The military is NOT against Pres. Bush. You people that are doing so, have got to stop believing the Formerly MSM. They are going downhill faster each day. They prob won’t be around at all in about 5 years. If you don’t believe that, just watch Katie ‘perky’ Couric one time. If you don’t get sick to your stomach, you aren’t normal.

    Did you see them questioning Pres Bush in the P conference today, they were downright rude. He should’ve kicked their butts out, but he’s too upright for that.

  15. legaleagle says:

    \”I went to bed in the wee hours very discouraged and depressed. I woke up this morning to find out that GWB just did a major in-you-face by replacing Don Rumsfield with Bob Gates. This is rejoicing time. . . .brilliant and it was all planned.\”

    Thaaat\’s right, Squiggly, keep telling yourself how joyous and wonderful it all feels. It may not be politically correct, but we know better: [please keep it civil]So you keep right on thinking about rainbows and pink bunnies and flying unicorns while the Republicans continue to get the vicious rump roasting they so richly deserve.

    \”we must stand strong with our new tools of communication and with a clear recognition of our real enemies and not learn the wrong lessons from this election. \”

    No need for reminders, Macker, everybody is fully aware that Republicans couldn\’t give a rat\’s ass about terrorism, but simply use the issue to attack their \”real enemies,\” i.e., blacks, feminists, Mexicans, liberal, gays, civil libertarians, the poor, and, of course, the Democratic Party that represents the rights of all Americans.

    \”Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.\”

    Tsk, tsk, tsk; why is it that Republicans hate American democracy so much?

  16. Retired Spook says:

    Know what Bob Gates has been doing lately besides being President of A&M University? I love it … he has been on the Baker/Hamilton commission. An architect of the proposed change of direction. This is such a brilliant move. And, blogger heaven.

    Squiggler, I am a big Rummy fan, dating back to his first stint as SECDEF in the mid 70’s, and my initial reaction was that one of the best public servants this country has ever seen just got thrown under the bus. After reflecting on it a bit, I came to exactly the same conclusion as you. I think this is a brilliant move. As a retired member of the military intelligence (I know – oxymoron) community, Don Rumsfeld has my eternal gratitude.

    So perhaps you can explain to me why, when it is Repubicans winning, it is through voter fraud and voter disenfranchisment? But when the Dems win, it is because the voters are so very, very smart.

    Retire05, just a guess, but could it be because the Donks are a bunch of

  17. Limerick says:

    I truly believe that the jihadists/Iranians are going to completely misread this whole thing and do something to change the whole conversation in America. I do not hope they do, but I expect it. They do not understand us. There IS an invisible line in the sand. A line that even we cannot see, but it is there. I don’t think the Dhimmi’s will have long to control the conversation in congress.

  18. Retired Spook says:

    (CONTINUED – not sure what happened)

    SORE LOSERS!!! Just a guess, of course.

  19. ama055131 says:

    You may want to blame everything except the truth!
    I switched parties when Pres Reagen asked us to, his idea was that if we
    1. Beleived in national security be a gop’er
    2. If you belive in a good economy be a gop’er
    3. It is one big tent we may not agree on every social issue but we would be heard. Today we are basically told if we do not talk about religion we are not a conservitive which is bullshit the gop has been hijacked and not only hijacked by the ultra right but the corruption
    of those who lost their morals and ethics.
    It wll take decades for the gop to regain the confidence of the people.

  20. Ken says:


    I am grinning ear to ear. Like you said, Strata, you’re an engineer,not a politico. Loved seeing all your starry-eyed predictions discredited, as they have no more bearing to reality than your foreign policy and immigration foolishness.

    I’ll comment only on yours,above, not on your readers’.

    Hispanic issue first. You say we need “guest worker” unassimiables.
    I say we need a third (hard Right) party, like the Europeans have because of milquetoasts like you who will always pressure the GOP to compromise Whites into second class citizens in their own country.
    Even if the third party never assumes power it will pressure the GOP from the Right not to transform America into Brazil, which your policies would do.

    Regards your fears about Democrats anti-Bush actions…

    I have no faith in the Democrats to apply the kind of pressure on Bush
    and his nefarious coterie which is warranted …not until the Arabs and Moslems tack on a little more hurt if George insists on staying a no-win course. And even under the Democrats, the US is on long term retreat in the Middle East, as the Arab and Moslem-friendly
    Russians and Chinese will fill the gap in the US vacuum…a retreat
    which will continue as long as the US kowtows to Zionist Lobby

    You include Muslims along with Hispanics in your admonishment against “insults” but I have yet to notice any criticism from you of the
    Bush Middle East Likud Party friendly policy and its Iraq War which
    are supreme (and unnecessary) “insults” to Muslims worldwide.
    Nor a call from you to force Israel off the West Bank.

    You wish to patronize invading Latinos and attack Islam overseas.

    The average American doesn’t buy your and Bush’s conflation of the Iraq War with the war on terror and informed Americans realize bin Laden has zero chance of taking over Iraq if Americans exit.

    The “missteps” you worry about have already been made: the attack on an unthreatening country and the kowtowing to the Hispanics for cheap labor. America is reaping the whirlwind.