Archive for April, 2011

Apr 16 2011

Liberals Up In Arms – With Blathering Slander

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The left now sits on the political precipice, as their doomed policies have led to a political quagmire they dare not and cannot pull themselves out of. The death spiral caused by their severe ignorance and horrible judgment has brought us to the final stages of the latest (and probably last for a while) political […]

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Apr 15 2011

Where To Start?

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If the conservative movement wants to take on a case of government over reach – this is the one: Authorities have determined there is no emergency need for a 13-year-old girl to be on medication, after the girl’s mother was accused of medically neglecting her by not giving her a psychotropic drug. The girl has […]

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Apr 14 2011

Rush To Gullibility Part 2

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OK, time to separate conservative commentators into the ignorant class and those savvy and honest about cutting the federal budget. As I noted the other day, poor Rush Limbaugh got completely hoodwinked by a piece of liberal media disinformation, and went off on an erroneous tear about how bad the current budget deal is that […]

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Apr 14 2011


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Yesterday’s speech by our Follower-in-Chief on the budget was a disaster. If he wanted to establish his 2012 campaign, he basically torpedoed it. He is well on the way to becoming a one term President like Jimmy Carter – one the country barely survived economically. He was not enlightening or optimistic. He kept babbling on […]

7 responses so far

Apr 13 2011

Obama’s Failed Economic Policies – 10.3% Unemplopyment

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Been waiting to post this update to the continuing false optimism on the economy and jobs as spun by the liberal media and the incompetent White House. Sadly, the dumbing down of our education system as left an electorate sometimes painfully unaware of how the statistics generated by our government are broken and misleading. As […]

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Apr 12 2011

A Rush To Gullibility

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It seems Rush Limbaugh has taken the bait in a bit of liberal media spin designed to sugar coat the budget deal reached this week for the closing 6 months of GFY 11 (which ends Oct 1, 2011). Apparently the usually sharp Limbaugh fell for some misinformation meant to convince the left they weren’t really […]

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Apr 12 2011


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President Obama is going to make a lame attempt to grab the leadership role in this country by producing another, radically different GFY 12 budget than the he produced a few short weeks ago. Back then President Obama was very tentative and pushed the hard cuts past the next election cycle. He proposed $1.1 Trillion […]

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Apr 10 2011

Why Ryan Is Right On Medicare

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The big surprise about the Ryan plan is that the older voters and current seniors probably agree with Ryan. As Bill Kristol noted Medicare is bankrupt and ready to cut services and payments. Doctors are fleeing from it – at least the good ones. So if you are like me, 51 years old, and faced […]

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Apr 10 2011

Mora & Juan – Too Partisan Clowns

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I think I have watched my last Fox News Sunday. The two liberals on the panel were in a fantasy world, spinning out lame DNC talking points. It was such a bad act I thought I was watching Charlie Sheen pretending to be deep and thoughtful. As Brit Hume noted, the President and Senate leader […]

16 responses so far

Apr 09 2011

Boehner’s Amazing Negotiation Wins

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Update: Even more liberal gnashing of teeth: These budget negotiations were a giant win for the Republican Party. President Obama initially cut $40 billion from his own budget proposal — and he got absolutely no credit for that. … The Republicans claimed in February that they wanted $32 billion in cuts from that point on. […]

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