Archive for April 12th, 2007

Apr 12 2007

Dump Wolfowitz

Published by under All General Discussions

Oh Lord, save us from these fools! Since Paul Wolfowitz has admitted to bribing his lover with World Bank funds he should be fired – plain and simple. There is no excuse for this and he should be gone. He made a mistake, he admits it. Now leave. Granted, Clinton never PAID Monica…. But we […]

19 responses so far

Apr 12 2007

Imus Gone!

Published by under All General Discussions

I am really surprised that the media actually bent to the pressure and fired Imus from his radio show too, but since the victims were young girls who had achieved rare glory, and that is when Imus made is nasty comments, I can understand the uproar. Every parent in the country probably had had enough […]

15 responses so far

Apr 12 2007

Turkish Insanity

Published by under All General Discussions

NOW the Turks want to invade Northern Iraq (a little late, since we asked them to let us invade northern Iraq over 4 years ago and they said ‘no’): The head of Turkey’s powerful military General Staff called for a military operation in northern Iraq to quash Turkish Kurdish rebels hiding there. Northern Iraq and […]

14 responses so far

Apr 12 2007

Global Snowing

Maybe Al Gore, Scientist Extraordinaire and Internet Inventor, can explain this Spring’s Global Snowing (here and here and here – H/T Drudge). The point is any ‘expert’ worth listening to will be able to show, scientifically and with hard data, how Global Warming is resulting in this spring’s Global Snowing. Unless of course their theories […]

10 responses so far

Apr 12 2007

Europe In Jihad’s Crosshairs

I meant to add this news to the post below on how the Muslim civil war between the modern states and the Islamo Fascists is heating up with today’s bombing of the Iraqi Parliament. The point of this is the spread of Jihad into the EU and how other Parliaments may soon become the victims […]

6 responses so far

Apr 12 2007

Litvineko Home Highly Contaminated? Storage Site For Contranband?

What is happening at the home of Alexander Litvinenko? It seems his house has been marked off limits until the radioactive Po-210 decays to harmless lead (Po-210 has a half life of around 130 days, so two years and most of the risk should be gone). The Muswell Hill home of poisoned ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko […]

2 responses so far

Apr 12 2007

Muslim Civil War Intensifies In Iraq

A bombing inside the Iraqi Parliament today is a wake up call to every Muslim in the Middle East. The bold move shows al Qaeda and the other Islamo Fascists will go to any ends to destroy moderates and democratic institutions. This is what every government from the local city counsel to the heads of […]

7 responses so far