Archive for the 'Sarah Palin' Category

Oct 02 2008


The Huffington Post has compiled some segments of Palin’s prior debating stints and it is impressive: I like this hard hitting Sarah-Cuda better than the sunny optimistic one that has been on TV interviews. I think she needs to show both tonight – sunny optimism at the end, after she has dispatched Joe.

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Oct 01 2008

Gwen Ifill Needs To Decide: Book Royalties Or Moderator Chair

PBS and the presidential debate commission have a real disaster on their hands. Gwen Ifill, the liberal leaning, Obama supporting, supposed debate moderator has one more conflict of interest which cannot be swept under the carpet: she stands to gain vast riches from her book on Obama if Biden wins the debate tomorrow night. Geez, […]

9 responses so far

Oct 01 2008

The Real Sarah Palin On Hugh Hewitt

Published by under 2008 Elections,Sarah Palin

Today’s must listen.  And why Joe Biden could be in serious trouble in tomorrow’s debate. Who is the one who will be talking tongues to America: the hockey mom or the policy wonk who can name a 100 inside the beltway statistics and acronyms?

10 responses so far

Sep 30 2008

Gotcha Katie!

McCain-Palin took on Katie Couric and put in her place. What is interesting is McCain was demonstrating to Palin how hard you can push back, which is probably the only bit of advice she really needed. I think the liberal media has set expectations so low Palin will shine through. Remember, she represents a lot […]

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Sep 30 2008

Some Rays Of Light In The Polls

Jay Cost at RCP points out a few slivers of hope in the poll numbers: First, the number of undecided voters has increased in the last three weeks, from a low of 6.3% of the electorate on 9/8 to 8.8% last night. Second, the polls themselves have been very volatile this month. The Gallup tracking […]

4 responses so far

Sep 29 2008

If Palin Does Reasonably Well Thursday, America’s Backlash Against Liberals Will Be Severe

I have been waiting to post on the upcoming VP debate because I wanted to make sure the liberal politicians and news media grabbed so much rope to hang themselves there was no way for the to recover from the Palin Derangement Syndrome.  And we seem to have reached a point of insane, heated rhetoric […]

13 responses so far

Sep 28 2008

SNL On Palin

Only one comment on the SNL skit (if you must have a link go here): I am so glad I graduated from the 3rd grade!  So, ferenners work in the UN? Wow, us poor old rubes in Amerika would never have figured that out without the Einsteins in TV land. Entertainers have such simple minds, […]

3 responses so far

Sep 27 2008

CBS Edits Palin Response To Create Bad Impression Of Palin, Obama Compaign Edits Out Half A Sentence To Create A Lie

SJReidhead over at the Pink Flamingo notes why Sarah Palin came off so incoherent in those CBS News interviews with Katie Colic – Palin’s responses where edited to make her appear to stumble: “…(2:58) Couric: What, specifically, in your view, could be done to convince the new government in Pakistan to take a harder, tougher […]

12 responses so far

Sep 26 2008

Kathleen Parker Is An Embarrassment

Kathleen Parker is a whining embarrasment to the GOP.  She is wringing her hands because an average American, Sarah Palin, is poised to become part of the leadership of this country. Her solution, demand Palin to step down becuase Ms Parker, Goddess of all Knowledge, is embarrased. Well Ms Parker is a joke and an […]

5 responses so far

Sep 25 2008

OMG – People PRAYED For Sarah!

OK, I am not religious and am not affiliated with any church. So I was curious to see all the hoopla over the video of Sarah being prayed for in her Church in 2005.  Needless to say I found the hoopla to be a show of ignorance. I have a lot of evangelical pastors and […]

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