Dec 06 2006

ISG A Wasted Punt

Published by at 10:51 am under All General Discussions,Iraq

The Iraq Survey Group has come out and demonstrated their total incompetence and futility. Instead of providing a plan to win in Iraq (which we are not winning or losing, still battling) they have decided the politicians would best be served if they did not have to deal with Iraq during the next election cycle. They propose a date certain to give up. Now Al Qaeda knows how long they need to hold on and our Iraqi allies know the day they will be slaughtered in the streets by Al Qaeda. No concern for our military or what the future would bring if Al Qaeda took over Iraq. No concern for all those brave Iraqis, the vast majority, that have risked their lives and died to gain a democracy. Just a thinnly vieled CYA for all those knocked-kneed Pols who hate to be confronted with tough issues while they serenade us with all their virtues and grand successes during the campaign season. Washington DC is officially broken folks. All they can do is cover those wide bottoms of theirs and try to cling to their cushy little Congressional seats. That is why the date was picked folks – our elections and their discomfort. Congress paid for this report so they have enormous say on what is in it (trust me, this group was not independent from Congress at all). Why not surrender now? Politically too damaging. Now our fearless Congress has two years to explain why they cannot be bothered with Iraq. Pathetic. Thank goodness Bush is not going to fold or run. I suspect his trashbin is overflowing with this ridiculous cover up for political cowards.

41 responses so far

41 Responses to “ISG A Wasted Punt”

  1. mrmeangenes says:

    I’ve supported the war – at times with reluctance – but do think the time has come to admit you can’t always “civilize ’em with a Krag”:
    they’re going to have to impose their own civility sometime !

    I think it’s better to give them a “sell by” date as a means of encouraging them to step up to the plate and get it done.

    The way I look at it, we did OUR part-and more.

  2. Sue says:

    I hope you are right about Bush, AJ. I am not getting good vibes from him.

  3. Carol_Herman says:

    The good news. Bush’s “backing the Saudi’s” plan, has crapped out.

    NO arab nation has an army! (The IDF can take five of them on at once; leaving them without centers. Air strips. Airplanes. You name it!)

    When Bush was gearing up to get rid of Saddam (A BLESSING TO ALL!), Saddam “hid” his jets under the sands. They were among the things he “buried.” When someone pointed out that it would make the jets unable to function; the answer was “it was better than becoming oil slicks on da’ runways.”

    Most people don’t know this. But Bush is very friendly with the Saudis. Bandar, in particular. According to Bob Woodward, in his 3rd Bush book: STATE OF DENIAL, he says Bandar met with Bush 2, in 1997. Bush didn’t have gravitas. But he was very angry “that a draft dodger threw his own dad out of office. And, he wanted revenge.”

    Well? Did you notice nothing stopped Bush’s support of the Saudis? Not even 9/11.

    As a matter of fact, againt according to two sources, Bob Woodward, and Paul O’Neill’s story about his first two years as Treasury Secretary, in Bush 2’s white house, he said IRAQ AS A TARGET WAS ON THE TABLE TEN DAYS AFTER BUSH 2 was sworn in.

    No. I’m not making this stuff UP.

    But here are TWO DOTS. The arabs don’t have a military. We do. And, the Israelis do. (And, this past summer, breaching a bonafide border, nasrallah kidnapped two Israeli soldiers. Within 32-seconds Halutz had planes in the air. And, Bush 2 stepped forward, and called Olmert. Signalling him to go into syria with force. And, destroy Assad.

    Then you saw 34 days of diplomatic pants dancing. Because Israel didn’t want to take away the devil she knew (weak Assad), and put into place “DA’ SAUDI’S!”) Wasn’t a mistake, either.

    Let alone, after Arik Sharon stroked, in January 2006, Bush 2 had condi call Olmert. (It seems junior was hoping the Israelis would toss their prime minister OUT OF OFFICE.) And, Condi told Olmert “Israel was a 2nd tier country. So there was no direct access for Olmert to call Bush 2, anymore. He’d have to put his “requests” for talks through Condi. AND, through the anti-Semitic State Department.)

    What’s forgotten by most people watching this?

    Maliki met the sunni terrorists (in the beginning Al-Qaeda, but also home-grown Baathists), with TERROR thrown back in spades. And, half the sunni population in Iraq, has run for their lives. Into Jordan. That’s why that midget-king is on board “linking up to the Saudi idea that Israel should return to her “original” UN 1948 borders.

    Just in case you don’t see it. The Israelis don’t trust Bush 2. And, they don’t trust the Saudis. AND, THE SAUDIS ARE LOSING!

    “We” are not losing in Iraq. The Saudi’s are losing! Oh. And, their next threat? Lebanon won’t turn into Iraq. “Hello. Lebanon is under the auspices of assad. For decades, already.

    While America has shit upon her few friends. Including the Kurds. And, the Shi’a AGAIN. There’s no difference NOW from Bush #41’s Gulf War. And, this one.

    But no matter what happens next, the saudis have finally reached “come-upance.”

    Most people don’t see this at all. But a few, do.

  4. Carol J says:

    Having listened to the ISG news conference and the arrogance with which they put forth their “best” recommendations…I am absolutely stunned that anyone who is listening to this and agreeing with it can do so with a clear conscience! I mean, James Baker came right out and said “victory is not mentioned in this report…” WOULD SOMEONE REMIND ME JUST WHY THE HELL WE ARE THERE IF NOT FOR VICTORY??? If this is what war by consensus is like, then we can expect nothing but disaster for this country in the future. If bipartisanship is more important than winning the war…then I’m in the wrong country! Did you notice that recommendation #1 was drawing down troops?

    Did anyone hear what Bill Crystal said after Fox cut away from the press conference? He called this report “deeply dishonest and lacking in seriousness!” I couldn’t agree more! I will add one more thing. This is a total disaster on its way to becoming the law of the land if a few in Congress have their way.

    I am stunned.


  5. jerry says:

    Seems to me that everyone is asked to present a plan except the Administration, which clearly didn’t have one from the start as we are thoroughly mired in this mess now for years and the White House never seems to suggest believable solutions beyond an increasingly worn “victory!” Whoopee.

  6. Carol_Herman says:

    Carol J. This Congress (with the GOP majority) ENDS on December 31st. 2006. The newly elelcted Congress doesn’t get sworn in until January 2007.

    Yes, the Army Intelligence Committee, that is holding these hearings, has MORE GOP members. And, is CONTROLLED by the GOP. Which is WHY James Baker ordered the confirmation hearings held NOW.

    Still up? After Gates gets out of his hearing room, the WHOLE CONGRESS will get to VOTE. Up and down. And, you think the GOP is out of the woods? Because it IS easier to confirm Gates with the current GOP Majority members in the senate. AND, with Cheney casting a vote, should some of the GOP majority members “vote NO.”

    Some won’t?

    Karl Rove has a tendency to POLL. He knows the score. We do not. And, by “score” I mean the way this James Baker “trick” affects the majority of American voters “out there.”

    Cox & Forkum did an excellent cartoon, today. With members of the “study group,” sitting around. And, James Baker “suggesting,”
    “Maybe, we could get the Supreme Court to announce that we’ve got our victory in Iraq, so we can move our troops out.”

    Isn’t that an “OUCH?”

    Another cartoon, I saw today? Condi and Bush at a gambling table. Betting “Shi’a.” And, going, “oh no.” Ahma-nut-ready-to-nuka-ya” is also betting the same thing.

    A done deal?

    Or something where James Baker, in January, will be hung by his own petard? The INCOMING senate puts the dems in the majority. Dr. Frist goes homes. And, Lott takes over!

    You see peace?

    I see pieces. I see, too, that the clout the saudis have with Bush 2, is RUINOUS to our nation. Yet, nobody steps forward with a “stop sign.”

    At least? Not yet.

  7. Carol_Herman says:

    The White house fired Rumsfeld. Instead of a “plan” they put up a head on a spike.

    The cartoon world is running against Baker. Making him look like a shill. And, a fool.

    While this Senate? It’s the “old one.” With the majority of GOP kiesters, on board. So that when Gates comes out of the hearing room. And, he is being “blessed” with a unanimous vote. He still needs to go in front of the ENTIRE SENATE (with the GOP in the Majority), for an UP OR DOWN vote. To acccomplish “Advice and Consent.”

    Yes, seven GOP members got tossed OUT by November’s vote.

    That’s why the democrats WILL CONTROL the majority, in a VERY THIN MARGIN, come January 2007.

    Ditto, for the HOUSE. Who could go on a roll? With INVESTIGATIONS.

    You think this is slam dunk, here?

    I think IF the current senate gives Gates a pass with flying colors, THE ONLY REASON would be that the current democratic senators are setting a trap. Even if a host of GOP kiesters vote against Gates; where you’d see some turmoil, you still have to know that the ball rolls into the democratic court ONLY AFTER JANUARY 1st.

    James Baker is the butt of a number of cartoons, now, as well.

    Maybe? He thinks he’s on a roll? I think, however, he’s just going down the garden path. And, up ahead Bush 2 will have far less friends, than enemies. (Including the enemies he’s made of former allies.) But that’s just me. Because all of this is just so very distasteful. I’ve never seen Americans marching towards Neville Chamberlain’s give-away of Czchezlovakia.

  8. Barbara says:

    It is pathetic that these old men have decided to cut and run from Iraq. They are not taking into consideration that we cannot fail in Iraq. We cannot let Al Quaeda have this country as a base from which to try to destroy the west. This is the second richest oil country in the world. What are they thinking? As bad as it sounds I would be more in favor of bombing the Sunnis than leaving Iraq unprotected. Better them than us. Did these arm chair soldiers even go to Iraq? Did they see what has or has not been accomplihsed in person or did they get all their information from the newspapers and tv? I agree that we cannot divide the country into three parts either. Syria would take over the Sunni part and Iran would take over the Shiite part. Also their idea of go along and get along with Iran and Syria is insane. Baker and Hamilton are from the old school of “lets talk everything to death and give them anything they want” diplomacy. They don’t seem to realize you can’t bargain with these people. I was appalled that they were even appointed to this committee. I knew what the results would be. Appeasement. That’s all they know. What military experience does anyone on this committee have? And I don’t mean a soldier on any front. I mean someone who has experience in tactics and strategy. A genuine leader. None of them has any. It is just too bad that these old, old men do not realize the world has changed from their time and it time for them to retire from public life entirely. Just like Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd still being senators into their nineties. Ridiculous. They need to make way for younger , more clear sighted people. Or is clear-sighted and politicians and oxymoron? I wonder what Bush’s strategy is? Gates and now this. I hope he has a plan and an ace up his sleeve otherwise we might as well pack it up.

  9. The Macker says:

    I suspect GWB will give this report its due.

    The hubris of these people, claiming to be charting a “new” path forward is not suprising, given the makeup of the Commision. Much of what is recommended is already being done.
    I think Crystal is correct that it is dishonest, particularly in assuming Iraq’s neighbors want “stability” in Iraq.

    It suggests the EU and the UN deal with Iran’s nukes. There’s a new idea!

    Helpful from the report are:
    * The report acknowledges that al Qaeda is in Iraq.
    * The report insists that only Palestinians who recognize Israel’s right to exist be allowed to negotiate.
    * The report may put the Iraqis under more pressure to “work things out.” And it may give Bush some domestic “cover”.

    GWB still has his NSA and DOD reports to consider.

  10. Carol J says:

    Carol Herman,

    I’m so tired I am not comprehending whatever it is you are trying to say…so I have no comment on it. All I know is that the GAME goes merrily on. I just heard the Dems press conference on this report on C-Span. To THEM this is now a blank check to begin the investigations and they FULLY intend to. Harry Reid is giddy with the prospect of Jay Rockefeller taking over the intelligence committee so that they can use it as a weapon against President Bush. How do I know? Harry Reid made a VERY big deal out of saying that come January they will proceed with “oversight hearings” into PRE War intelligence and the incompetence of the Bush Administration. That is fact. They CAN’T WAIT!!! To THEM this is a done deal…frosting on the cake. Just what the current majority can do is not necessarily what they WILL do. We are being LIED TO big time!!

    Bipartisanship is the only excuse for this atrocious event. How the hell does Harry Reid KNOW what the American public wants? He claims something that the American people never granted him.

    Does ANYONE in our government have the WILL or the means to STOP them? This is the nightmare we are facing.


  11. kathie says:

    I say go to plan B, the Dems will love it. Put some troops on Turkish border and in Kurdish region. Bring the rest home. Announce that to protect this country we will no longer buy oil from any Arab country or country that is hostile to the US. We have a 6 months supply of oil which will be used for essential services only. Americans pull up your socks, get out your winter woolies, park your cars, stock up on essentials, we are going to ride this out without firing one shot. When those who are hostile to us have destroyed each other and those who are left want to join the community of nations, those of us who are civilised, we will consider if and under what conditions we will buy your oil. We are ready to return to the stone age before we will be annihilated by you.

  12. kathie says:

    I add to the above, Israel, if you decide you want to keep your nation, get out your nukes, you are on your own.

  13. Terrye says:


    Get tired of trolling at Captains?

  14. Terrye says:

    From what I hear Rumsfeld was not exactly gungho about fighting this thing himself. Maybe that is why he was fired. But Carol has decided that Condi is [in her words] the affirmative action appointee and Bush is the enemy who dissed the savior Rumsfeld and on and on.

    The truth is the report does not call for a troop withdrawal or for winning, which means it will not make anyone happy. But I think it has been misrepresented to a great extent, but in this world..what isn’t?

  15. stevevvs says:

    Bill Bennet has an excellent post over at the corner at National Review. Also, Rush was Spot On today. His comments will be up soon at his site. Jeff Katz at WBT in Charlotte is taking calls from Veterans. They are ALL upset with this. And many also are upset with Bush as well. I can’t blame them for either. The Bush Doctrane, which I supported has been dead for a couple years now. Instead of going after the regiems that cause these problems in Iraq, we have done nothing. In fact we may now talk to them. How Nice. A sad day.

  16. The Macker says:

    Except that in the world market, oil is effectively pooled.

  17. The Macker says:

    stevevvs ,
    Except that Bush hasn’t signed on to it.

  18. For Enforcement says:

    carol h
    And, up ahead Bush 2 will have far less friends, than enemies. (Including the enemies he’s made of former allies.)
    What is your evidence that Pres Bush has made any enemy of any former ally?
    Other than Britian, name one country in Europe that has been a friend of the US since WWII?
    The Germans resent the US because we kicked their butts, the French hate the US because we had to save their butts. and on and on.
    I spent some time in the middle east and Europe in the 1950’s and I never felt or thought any of them were ‘friends’ or liked the US. Back then, and it has grown worse since, they just DID NOT like the USA. They’ve always resented us as the little rich kid. Some people may disagree with me about this, but if you do, tell me you were over there and observed something different.
    Allies, yes. That what a gang is, and many join to keep from being labeled as the enemy, but they are only in it for the benefits THEY get. All the while not wanting to GIVE anything.

    This ISG is a farce, put together to pacify the Dems and to give them an excuse to be able to try to withdraw and save face. If we withdraw and leave that country undefended, Americans will DIE. over here, not over there.
    A lot of young Americans have volunteered to go over there and fight. I hope it hasn’t been in vain.

  19. The Macker says:

    I agree!
    However, I found the rural French and Italians more agreeable than the political class. Quite frankly, I don’t care what decadent western Europe thinks of us.