Mar 26 2012

As Details Come Out, George Zimmerman’s Claims Crumble

Published by at 12:10 pm under All General Discussions,Trayvon Martin Case

Update: As the  Zimmerman’s camp calls for patience, one wonders where Zimmerman’s patience was on the night he cornered (and probably threatened if not enraged) Trayvon?

Update: Read this as well, because it lays out the reasoning that shows Trayvon was the victim, Zimmerman the obsessed vigilante. It means Zimmerman is the likely culprit:

If you have been advised to not approach the subject, but you do, you then become an aggressive participant in an unknown matter. Your level of training may not be vast enough to prepare you for unknown events. You certainly are not in a situation that requires immediate action. You are in a safe position to watch and wait for assistance. Unless you are trying to stop great bodily harm to yourself or others, you have time and distance to choose differently.

Now we have a person who saw a kid he thought was suspicious – for what? Do we know? He decides (after being advised not to) to approach a person in the dark out of sight that he said was suspicious. And do what?

Did he say something to the person that was threatening or fearful —  so intimidating that it would frighten you and make you fear for your life in an isolated dark area where no one else could see you? Was that person so aggressive that it scared you to a mode of defense?

With so many robberies, murders, abductions going on today, may be the kid felt for his life, maybe he thought this guy was trying to do him bodily harm. Maybe he was right. But we won’t know, because he has no voice. He is dead, and everyone knows dead men tell no tales.

Since when does the aggressor get to call it self-defense when the so-called perpetrator is moving away from them and not to them?

Exactly. Why go after the ‘suspicious’ person with a loaded gun? – end update

You’re a 17 year old kid visiting with your Dad’s fiance’. You went to the nearby 7-Eleven to get some candy and  drink at night. On the way back some yahoo in a pick up truck starts shadowing you. You’re in a strange town and some guy finally stops his truck and follows you on foot. You duck away, but you don’t know your way around. You just need to get home.

But you are also a 17 year football player, used to physical encounters. And as most 17 year olds, you are dangerously fearless. Worse yet, you are talking to you girlfriend on the phone and now is not the time to be timid.

This is a recipe for disaster.

Now switch shoes. You are an egotistical 28 year old playing sheriff. You see someone in your neighborhood and you jump to conclusions based purely on stereotypes. You stalk a 17 year old kid at night, first by car and then on foot. You are king of this little pond, and you are armed. You too are fearless in a dangerous way.

So who is the victim here? Who is being ‘hunted’? Not the kid with the candy and soda – he is talking to his girlfriend with no intention of an altercation. He is not pushing for confrontation, he is not looking to show his manhood.

George Zimmerman escalated his eventual confrontation with Trayvon Martin. And now we know he failed his last chance to avoid trouble. Zimmerman was not attacked from behind – by his own admission:

Zimmerman was on his way to the grocery store when he spotted Trayvon walking through his gated community.

Trayvon was visiting his father’s fiancée, who lived there.  …

Zimmerman called police and reported a suspicious person, describing Trayvon as black, acting strangely and perhaps on drugs.

Notice how Zimmerman, from a distance, had already tried and judged Trayvon. How strange was Trayvon walking, drinking his soda and talking on his cell phone?  Good lord, what is Zimmerman’s definition of ‘acting strangely’? One thing we do know, Zimmerman was an obsessive vigilante type who loved to play sheriff.

Anyway, back to Zimmerman’s crumbling excuses:

Zimmerman got out of his SUV to follow Trayvon on foot. When a dispatch employee asked Zimmerman if he was following the 17-year-old, Zimmerman said yes. The dispatcher told Zimmerman he did not need to do that.

There is about a one-minute gap during which police say they’re not sure what happened.

Zimmerman told them he lost sight of Trayvon and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from the left rear, and they exchanged words.

Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police.

Ahh. They exchanged words. Words like “I am visiting in the neighborhood” or “Just went to the 7-Eleven”. Or how about words from Zimmerman accusing Trayvon while being derogatory? You think Zimmerman simply said ‘no’?  When he finally gets to be the big bad sheriff in town?

Zimmerman’s last chance to back off.  He could have said “was just checking” or “OK kid, just get home safe”.

If Trayvon hauled off and hit Zimmerman in the nose, it was because Zimmerman was being a jerk. And I hate to tell this to Zimmerman, but if you cause a fight with words you cannot later claim self defense.

Since words were exchanged there was no attack. Zimmerman was the one pushing for the confrontation. To the point he left is truck on foot with a loaded gun. Trayvon, loaded with Skittles, never stood a chance.

You want to know why Zimmerman is all teary and upset. He is just now coming to grips with what he did, and how instead of being a sheriff he is just a child killer. He knows he could have avoided all this many times over. And it is about time he did what is right and truly courageous – and admit it.

81 responses so far

81 Responses to “As Details Come Out, George Zimmerman’s Claims Crumble”

  1. oneal lane says:


    Actually, we “don’t know” that “Zimmerman by virtue of his actions is responsible.” Thats part of not judging until the facts are established. While you and others are free to speculate, it adds to the general hysteria of this case.

    A few weeks in Kansas City ago four black youths poured gasoline and set on fire white kid, stating “thats what you get white boy”
    Where was CNN, FOX, Obama, AL Sharpton and Jessie et al.

    This Florida incident is being played up for political gain.

  2. ivehadit says:

    So….we really should not have Neighborhood Watch, because WHO THE HECK would want to get involved for fear of something like this?!!

    AJ, did you see the Miami Herald article today…and pictures of Trayvon in the comments section?

    Rush to judgement going on bigtime, imho.

  3. jan says:


    I felt the same way when black churches used their pulpits for political purposes in swaying congregations towards voting for Obama, back in ’08. The same standards are being used by me in looking at the LA religious leaders interference/influence with the vote in that state. Religion should be separated from politics, IMO.

    As far as Santorum’s ultimate viability, he is both losing steam and viability, by mainly shooting off his mouth, which is ending up shooting his own candidacy in the foot, no matter how great the popular vote for him was in LA.

    A grumpy breakfast with Rick Santorum, by Robert Costa.

    Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum have also moved to their next act: hecklers, rather than competitors

  4. Frogg1 says:

    Furthermore, Jesse Jackson should be held accountable for his recent statement that Trayvon Martin was “shot in the back of the head,” as I heard on CBS News this morning. Such is not the case at all! He was shot in the chest.

    Jesse Jackson said more:

    Jackson said he would like to see the black population turn its anger over the death of Trayvon Martin into an energy directed at voter registration, economic inequity and other issues of discrimination and racial injustice.

    “I would hope that movement would turn into Trayvon Martin voter-registration rallies,” Jackson said in a press conference following the Sunday service.

    Aha! There stands one agenda related to the shooting of Trayvon Martin!

  5. MarkN says:

    Religion should be separate from politics. And damn that first amendment. Free exercise, free speech, free assembly. Damn those negative rights. Jan you sound like a liberal democrat.

  6. MarkN says:

    How do we know he was shot in the chest??? Police report, eyewitness, autopsy or all of the above???

  7. ivehadit says:

    Yes, oneal and Mississippi State murder this weekend….

    This is going to turn out for the dems like the flukey flu that the dems caught last month from Rush Limbaugh and followers, imho. No moral high ground when all is said and done.

  8. Frogg1 says:

    Former NAACP leader accuses Sharpton and Jackson of ‘exploiting’ Trayvon Martin


    Why Manipulate the Tragedy of Trayvon Martin?

    Jesse Jackson is not going to like the statistics in that article.

  9. Frogg1 says:

    Herman Cain: ‘Swirling rhetoric,’ ‘war of words’ in Trayvon case must stop, facts are needed before rushing to judgment

  10. AJStrata says:

    One of the links I had identified Martin was shot in the chest. Police report says when they arrived the gun was inside the waistband of Zimmerman, in holster.

  11. Frogg1 says:

    Change of topic:

    Day 1: Listen to the Supreme Court’s oral arguments on Obamacare

  12. jan says:

    New info and photos spilling out on Trayvon, all the time.

    Here it is acknowledged that Trayvon was suspended from school for smoking marijuana. So, a prior history is starting solidfy around this teen, including a less clean-cut picture of him on Drudge today. Another piece has come out alluding to selling drugs.

    This whole scene is but an example of how easy it is to jump to conclusions, only to be brought back to some kind of sensibility once the ‘rest of the story’ fills in the knee-jerk headlines.

  13. Layman says:

    Oneal Lane said: Actually, we “don’t know” that “Zimmerman by virtue of his actions is responsible.” Thats part of not judging until the facts are established. While you and others are free to speculate, it adds to the general hysteria of this case.

    Sorry, but you are wrong – and nicely done – taking my quote out of context and truncating what I actually said. By making the decision to get out of his truck and follow Martin he set into motion the events leading to the encounter between the two. Not saying that he is guilty of anything (except maybe bad judgement). I said he was responsible for the events leading up to their confrontation. Whether or not that translates into any legal culpability is another question to be decided after a proper investigation. And even if it turns out he’s off the hook from a criminal standpoint you know the lawyers are going to get with the family and come after Zimmerman in a Civil Court.

  14. Frogg1 says:

    Trayvon Martin Shooter Told Cops Teenager Went For His Gun

    George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch crime captain who shot dead 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, originally told police in a written statement that Martin knocked him down with a punch to the nose, repeatedly slammed his head on the ground and tried to take his gun, a police source told ABC News.

    Zimmerman had claimed he had called police about Martin, whom he found suspicious, then went back to his car when Martin attacked him, punching him.


    Martin's girlfriend had said in a recording obtained exclusively by ABC News that she heard Martin ask Zimmerman "why are your following me, and then the man asked, what are you doing around here." She then heard a scuffle break out and the line went dead.

  15. Frogg1 says:

    Treyvor Martin had a Criminal History

    Posted by MacRanger as News

    It was said that Martin didn’t have a criminal history, but it’s not true. As he is a juvenile his records are hid from public eye. But that’s about to change.

    UPDATE: I’m attemping to retrieve the records at this time. Read the link above, Treyvor was definitely involved with burglary (you don’t carry the tools for nothing), and from what I understand he had been arrested with a NTA (notice to appear) at least once.

    More to come.

  16. oneal lane says:


    OK, your stating this as fact! this is your statement.

    “All is speculation except for one fact.
    Zimmerman, by virtue of his actions, was responsible for the encounter with Martin.”

    I am not trying to slam you, I just do not think we can make such statements until the facts are in….ther is just too much politically motivated disinformation and media hype going on.


  17. kathie says:

    Good Grief… Obama Starts Selling Hoodies on Website
    Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, March 26, 2012, 4:03 PM
    Never let a serious crisis go to waste.

    What is this all about? Why did Obama weigh in? Is it just political?

  18. jan says:

    Kathie, I just read the piece about Hoodies with Obama’s name on them. At first I thought it was a joke. But, then found it was simply another political ploy. Graceless, simply graceless….

  19. kathie says:

    Honestly I don’t get it. It is a tragedy, someone’s child died. A little 3 year old girl was shot 2 times in the head standing on her front porch in Chicago. Where is the outrage, she was one of 13 deaths.

    What does Obama want from this tragedy? This is political just like the Rush comment for him. Sure he cares about the boy dying, but there is another agenda for him to…..getting in touch with his base. Forget about this is not a red America or a blue America, this is not a white America or a black America or a brown America, it’s a shame he can’t be President of all American’s in his heart.

  20. jan says:

    Well said, Kathie.