Mar 26 2012

As Details Come Out, George Zimmerman’s Claims Crumble

Published by at 12:10 pm under All General Discussions,Trayvon Martin Case

Update: As the  Zimmerman’s camp calls for patience, one wonders where Zimmerman’s patience was on the night he cornered (and probably threatened if not enraged) Trayvon?

Update: Read this as well, because it lays out the reasoning that shows Trayvon was the victim, Zimmerman the obsessed vigilante. It means Zimmerman is the likely culprit:

If you have been advised to not approach the subject, but you do, you then become an aggressive participant in an unknown matter. Your level of training may not be vast enough to prepare you for unknown events. You certainly are not in a situation that requires immediate action. You are in a safe position to watch and wait for assistance. Unless you are trying to stop great bodily harm to yourself or others, you have time and distance to choose differently.

Now we have a person who saw a kid he thought was suspicious – for what? Do we know? He decides (after being advised not to) to approach a person in the dark out of sight that he said was suspicious. And do what?

Did he say something to the person that was threatening or fearful —  so intimidating that it would frighten you and make you fear for your life in an isolated dark area where no one else could see you? Was that person so aggressive that it scared you to a mode of defense?

With so many robberies, murders, abductions going on today, may be the kid felt for his life, maybe he thought this guy was trying to do him bodily harm. Maybe he was right. But we won’t know, because he has no voice. He is dead, and everyone knows dead men tell no tales.

Since when does the aggressor get to call it self-defense when the so-called perpetrator is moving away from them and not to them?

Exactly. Why go after the ‘suspicious’ person with a loaded gun? – end update

You’re a 17 year old kid visiting with your Dad’s fiance’. You went to the nearby 7-Eleven to get some candy and  drink at night. On the way back some yahoo in a pick up truck starts shadowing you. You’re in a strange town and some guy finally stops his truck and follows you on foot. You duck away, but you don’t know your way around. You just need to get home.

But you are also a 17 year football player, used to physical encounters. And as most 17 year olds, you are dangerously fearless. Worse yet, you are talking to you girlfriend on the phone and now is not the time to be timid.

This is a recipe for disaster.

Now switch shoes. You are an egotistical 28 year old playing sheriff. You see someone in your neighborhood and you jump to conclusions based purely on stereotypes. You stalk a 17 year old kid at night, first by car and then on foot. You are king of this little pond, and you are armed. You too are fearless in a dangerous way.

So who is the victim here? Who is being ‘hunted’? Not the kid with the candy and soda – he is talking to his girlfriend with no intention of an altercation. He is not pushing for confrontation, he is not looking to show his manhood.

George Zimmerman escalated his eventual confrontation with Trayvon Martin. And now we know he failed his last chance to avoid trouble. Zimmerman was not attacked from behind – by his own admission:

Zimmerman was on his way to the grocery store when he spotted Trayvon walking through his gated community.

Trayvon was visiting his father’s fiancée, who lived there.  …

Zimmerman called police and reported a suspicious person, describing Trayvon as black, acting strangely and perhaps on drugs.

Notice how Zimmerman, from a distance, had already tried and judged Trayvon. How strange was Trayvon walking, drinking his soda and talking on his cell phone?  Good lord, what is Zimmerman’s definition of ‘acting strangely’? One thing we do know, Zimmerman was an obsessive vigilante type who loved to play sheriff.

Anyway, back to Zimmerman’s crumbling excuses:

Zimmerman got out of his SUV to follow Trayvon on foot. When a dispatch employee asked Zimmerman if he was following the 17-year-old, Zimmerman said yes. The dispatcher told Zimmerman he did not need to do that.

There is about a one-minute gap during which police say they’re not sure what happened.

Zimmerman told them he lost sight of Trayvon and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from the left rear, and they exchanged words.

Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police.

Ahh. They exchanged words. Words like “I am visiting in the neighborhood” or “Just went to the 7-Eleven”. Or how about words from Zimmerman accusing Trayvon while being derogatory? You think Zimmerman simply said ‘no’?  When he finally gets to be the big bad sheriff in town?

Zimmerman’s last chance to back off.  He could have said “was just checking” or “OK kid, just get home safe”.

If Trayvon hauled off and hit Zimmerman in the nose, it was because Zimmerman was being a jerk. And I hate to tell this to Zimmerman, but if you cause a fight with words you cannot later claim self defense.

Since words were exchanged there was no attack. Zimmerman was the one pushing for the confrontation. To the point he left is truck on foot with a loaded gun. Trayvon, loaded with Skittles, never stood a chance.

You want to know why Zimmerman is all teary and upset. He is just now coming to grips with what he did, and how instead of being a sheriff he is just a child killer. He knows he could have avoided all this many times over. And it is about time he did what is right and truly courageous – and admit it.

81 responses so far

81 Responses to “As Details Come Out, George Zimmerman’s Claims Crumble”

  1. jan says:

    When you put all the ingredients together, dealing with the profiles and circumstances surrounding both the shooter and the teen who was killed, it figures to be a toxic brew, blurred all together under the cover of darkness.

    The only aspect of this story, which seems crystal clear to me, is that there is definite explolitation being done by the Obama administration (for political reasons), by the MSM (to make for a sensational story), and by the black community and it’s leaders (to extend feelings of racial animosity).

    BTW, where was the outrage, by the President, the press, and Black leaders on these racially provoked incidents?

  2. AJStrata says:


    While I deplore the political vultures trying to gain from this, the priority should be on justice for Trayvon. The details out today completely upend Zimmerman’s claims. He was not attacked until he faced the kid and had the kind of ‘words’ that elicit a violent response.

    Want to defuse the far left’s use of this? Put Zimmerman in jail and send him to trial. Everyone will then shut up for a time.

  3. jan says:

    I agree, AJ.

    However, IMO, the fuses being lit in this country are motivated more by sheer demagoguery of this tragedy, for personal gain, than seeking true justice for Trayvon and/or Zimmerman. What message will be sent if ‘justice’ is of the railroaded version, brought on by mob rule or demands?

    For one thing, the FL law is murky, with lots of cross-overs between the right of self defense versus the travesty of vigilantism. It’s becoming increasing difficult, though, to neutrally collect and assess the details leading up to and taking place in this confrontation because of racial tension being ratcheted up by outsiders (Black leaders, MSM, and the POTUS).

    Also, the link I posted above, dealing with attacks from blacks on whites did not receive this kind of attention. Why? Was it any less egregious or was there any less degree of ‘lawlessness’ demonstrated in these other incidents? Can there be a fair examination of evidence if the accused is a ‘white Latino’ versus an African American? Or, do we have to exercise affirmative action in assaults from individuals of one race to someone of another race?

  4. oneal lane says:

    I repeat, no-one here “knows” all the facts. All supposition is just that. don’t complain about the medias hype and do the same.

  5. AJStrata says:

    Oneal, Pulleease.

    We are free to comment on current events….

  6. crosspatch says:

    With a single punch, Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who eventually shot and killed the unarmed 17-year-old, then Trayvon climbed on top of George Zimmerman and slammed his head into the sidewalk several times, leaving him bloody and battered, authorities have revealed to the Orlando Sentinel.

    That is the account Zimmerman gave police, and much of it has been corroborated by witnesses, authorities say.

    Doesn’t seem to fit the “narrative” .

  7. crosspatch says:

    Rather important link to an article in the mod bucket.

    With a single punch, Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who eventually shot and killed the unarmed 17-year-old, then Trayvon climbed on top of George Zimmerman and slammed his head into the sidewalk several times, leaving him bloody and battered, authorities have revealed to the Orlando Sentinel.

    That is the account Zimmerman gave police, and much of it has been corroborated by witnesses, authorities say.

    Orlando Sentinel link but if I post it, it goes into the mod bucket.

  8. oneal lane says:


    Why yes your free to comment! but there is a lot of judging going on before the facts are in.

    Its too soon to pronounce “this person is” or “this or that should happen” We just don’t know the facts.


  9. Layman says:

    We don’t know all the facts and we won’t until there has been a thorough investigation. Whatever degree of culpability there is for Zimmerman will have to wait. All is speculation except for one fact.

    Zimmerman, by virtue of his actions, was responsible for the encounter with Martin. I don’t need to be psychic or have ESP to draw that conclusion. It is a fact. Beyond that we can draw some conclusions and form some opinions – recognizing that is what they are: opinions and speculations. And just because we speculate and have an opinion that doesn’t mean we don’t believe in justice and it doesn’t mean we are in favor of lynching Zimmerman.

  10. Layman says:

    We don’t know all the facts and we won’t until there has been a thorough investigation. Whatever degree of culpability there is for Zimmerman will have to wait. All is speculation except for one fact.

    Zimmerman, by virtue of his actions, was responsible for the encounter with Martin. I don’t need to be psychic or have ESP to draw that conclusion. It is a fact. Beyond that we can draw some conclusions and form some opinions – recognizing that is what they are: opinions and speculations. And just because we speculate and have an opinion that doesn’t mean we don’t believe in justice and it doesn’t mean we are in favor of lynching Zimmerman.

  11. jan says:

    Layman, you and others here are certainly not in favor of lynching Zimmerman. But, what about those mobs out there, and the spectra of the Black Panthers offering a $10,000 dead or alive reward for him?

    It appears, there are those out there who have already determined Zimmerman’s guild, no matter where the intervening evidence, dribbling in, may lead them. In fact, this latest witness is probably susceptible to a violent act himself, just for coming forward with an eyewitness observation of what he saw in that altercation, which synced with Zimmerman’s account.

    I think it’s good that a more thorough investigation is going on as to what really happened the night of this kid’s death However, it’s just too bad so many outsiders rushed in to inflame the incident before all the evidence was in and fully processed.

  12. dbostan says:

    Why the rush to convict Zimm?
    What I read is very different from the picture splashed over the news.
    Trevor was a troubled teen who seems to have attacked Zimm first.
    I I would have been decked and my head smashed to the GND several times, I might have pulled also…
    Look at the following posting before it goes into the memory black hole. Actually I got it from Google’s cash, because the web page is not accessible…

  13. MarkN says:

    Who is leaking all this info to the press??? The police??? The DA???This case is dead. Sorry to say but to get a 12-0 manslaughter conviction is out the window now. It was 50/50 with the self-defense being accepted by the cops at the scene. Now you would need a political intervention to get a conviction. Scott did the right thing by appointing a special prosecutor. It is the only way to keep the case alive.

    AJ you are wrong on the self defense. Even if Zimmerman started the fight, if the other person cannot constrain themselves and you are in fear of your life, you can use the self defense argument. Slamming his head against the sidewalk could put the fear of life into Zimmerman enough to justify the firing of his side arm.

    That is what the police concluded at the scene.

    Anyway, enough with Tray, let’s talk about the Bayou Blowout.

  14. jan says:

    “The Bayou Blowout” —> the one where Tony Perkins and other evangelical ministers advised their congregations to vote for Santorum? The same one where Santorum received 10 delegates to Romney’s 5, creating a sum total March 24th victory of 5 more delegates than his closest opponent?

    Oh, that one!

  15. MarkN says:

    Jan you ignorant Mittbot. The 5 uncommitted delegates will be pledged at the state convention to ……? If Mitt isn’t at 1,144 by June 2nd, you only get one guess here Jan.

    LA has 46 total delegates and with Santorum’s vote totals from Saturday, unless Mitt clinches and Rick withdraws before June 2nd the delegates will be 38-5 Santorum with 3 super-delegates.

    What is wrong with Tony Perkins and other ministers advising on politics. Does tax law trump the first amendment??

  16. MarkN says:

    The Bayou beatdown is significant for one reason, Rick broke out of the static demographics which have defined the race so far. Santorum tied Romney in non-evangelicals. Romney should have gotten around 37% of the vote. 27% is a serious underperformance.

  17. Frogg1 says:

    We are not going to know the facts until the facts come out. I was sympathetic to the victim (being painted as a12 year old like kid with skitles by the MSM). But, as more and more comes out I’m beginning to think it was, indeed, self defense. I’ll hold off final judgement until the evidence is heard in court. I suspect, at the end of the day, we will find it a tragic event of circumstances.

  18. Frogg1 says:

    Trayvon suspended over marijuana

    SANFORD, Fla — . Miami Gardens teenager Trayvon Martin was suspended from school because he was caught with an empty plastic bag with traces of marijuana in it, the boy’s family attorney has confirmed.

    Trayvon was killed while serving out the suspension in Sanford Florida, where his father’s girlfriend lives. A community watch volunteer who thought he looked drugged out and suspicious called police and later wound up in a fight with him.

  19. Frogg1 says:

    Video: Brave man steps forward to defend his friend, George Zimmerman