Sep 19 2010

Christine The Witch

Published by at 9:54 am under 2010 Elections,All General Discussions

Lots of back and forth over Bill Maher’s latest effort to be something, this time through blackmail and extortion aimed at Christine O’Donnell. It is a fairly gross and crass act, which will probably endear voters to O’Donnell and finish off Maher’s cancerous career.

But the response to the realization Christine O’Donnell had a date with a witch, and was not impressed, is not surprising. Those uncomfortable with her as a candidate find one more excuse to express their legitimate doubts, and those out RINO hunting find one more ally to target in their mindless game of conservative fratricide (too many links to select the worst offender). The response on the far right is the other telling moment here. This is why you don’t promote questionable candidates on broad coalitions – they end up destroying the camaraderie.

If your candidate tilts too far towards one faction and does not represent all factions evenly, you get a mess. As example I give Bob McDonnell, the VA Governor. He is just as conservative as Christine O’Donnell, comes down personally on the same social issues as she does, yet he garners trust that he will be fair to center left to far right. Christine O’Donnell had a chance to gain this stature by facing this latest test head on during the morning news shows. She instead cancelled out.

I could care less about Maher’s claims and what a young Christine was doing in 1999. The real story is how everyone responded to Maher’s gutter tactics.

34 responses so far

34 Responses to “Christine The Witch”

  1. WWS says:

    This is all I can think of anytime I see this story:

    She’s A Witch!!!!

  2. MerlinOS2 says:

    They are trying to pull the same early kneecapping of the candidate just like they tried with Angel out in NV.

    Who cares what she dabbled with and learned from in her youth?

    More important here is to examine the self described Marxist she is running against who is hiding behind this smoke screen.

  3. alwyr says:

    Although it was no big deal to the MSM during the campaign when their Demi-God Obama admitted to snorting cocaine while in college. I guess it’s because MSM (including Maher) are just so…so….so sophisticated in these types of matters. Or could it simply be their heads are stuck so far up Obama’s butt they’ll never see the light of day? Only November 2 will tell.

  4. Aitch748 says:

    I basically don’t care if Maher says he has video of her turning somebody into a newt (whether he got better or not), because I’m tired of clowns like Maher throwing stuff like this to get us to react blindly. We’ve been through things like this so often that I’m inclined to give the “goat” the benefit of the doubt, and to deny the benefit of the doubt to her accusers.

    There’s only so many times someone can play the “J’accuse!!!!” card before you just want to tell them to shut the hell up.

    Why should I believe the nasty things being said about O’Donnell? If she is so bad, maybe Delaware voters should have had this explained to them before the primary? Or maybe the Delaware voters are like me nowadays — maybe they’re skeptical when they hear somebody badmouthed. Maybe they’re tired of the badmouthing. Maybe they think the person who’s saying “So-and-so is a nasty person” is a liar.

  5. crosspatch says:

    I don’t know. I think many people have explored various other spiritual paths from time to time in their lives. Just because someone looked at something or even tried to learn a little about something doesn’t say much to me. People explore things, it is our nature.

    Many times it is driven by someone you meet who you come to like who is into something so you listen a bit and explore a bit, but apparently she came to realize it wasn’t for her so what’s the big deal?

    Besides, the religious belief of a candidate for office does not even belong in the conversation as it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with governing. I really don’t care.

  6. Terrye says:

    I don’t think it will hurt his career. I think it might hurt O’Donnell’s. I don’t think people will really care about the whole witch thing, but it is just something else that can be dragged out there and used to make her look silly.

    I am a lot more concerned with the bogus law suit, the strange financial dealings, the accusations of people watching her from the bushes and bugging her phones.

    I have been wrong lots of times, but I have the feeling that Christine O’Donnell is an attention seeker who has a habit of not paying her bills and not telling the truth. That bothers me. I guess I just do not trust her.

    In fact baling out on the Sunday shows after this announcement only makes it harder for her. To be honest, she should not have promised to go on shows like Fox News Sunday at all…she should listen to people like Rove and answer the questions people have about her and move the whole campaign off of her and onto the issues. As long as strange stuff like this happens, it makes it hard for her to do that.

  7. Terrye says:


    My concerns about O’Donnell had nothing to do with her badmouthed by other people. My concerns began when she lied on the Don Gaffney radio program. It was a dumb lie that could be easily checked out and I just thought it seemed strange, it made me think she was not all that stable.

    As for the people of Delaware, well they can vote for whoever they liked. In the last election they gave it to Barack Obama with a margin of over 20 points.

  8. Frogg1 says:

    Libertarian leaning Repubs are vocally encouraging O’Donnell after this latest. Besides Ron Paul and Rand Paul both offering encouragement and/or saying “she can win”, Palin gave some tweet advice:

    Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) went to bat for Christine O’Donnell Sunday after the Delaware GOP Senate candidate canceled her appearances on two Sunday morning shows.

    “Christine O’Donnell strategy: time’s limited;use it 2 connect w/local voters whom you’ll be serving vs appeasing nat’l media seeking ur destruction,” Palin tweeted.

    Palin’s choice Sunday to advise O’Donnell via Twitter, in full view of her 256,000 followers, suggests the same lack of hesitation that prompted her to cut radio ads and a robocall for the political novice in the days leading up to last Tuesday’s primary.

  9. […] other Mike Castle supporters over-simplistically synthesized as … more… Christine The Witch – 09/19/2010 Lots of back and forth over Bill Maher’s latest effort […]

  10. DSCF says:

    Although I was somewhat disappointed that she canceled the Sunday shows, I don’t blame her. Her time is better spent in Delaware.

    Delaware has a population of less than 1 million. In 2008 it had 602,000 registered voters of which 414,000 (68%) voted and the party split was (roughly) 46% Dem. 30% Rep. and 23% Other. In addition, it has been reported that her campaign headquarters is her home and her staff is at most 6 people. When you add that she had been at a severe money disadvantage, I end up respecting her for even trying.

    According to Real Clear Politics two months ago, a Rasmusson poll showed her beating Coons by +2. This tells me people know who she is. The primary was pretty trashy and it is not surprising she lost some credibility.

    With a cool 2 million+ give her 7 – 10 days. She will be on the Sunday shows if her appearances election night and the day after is any indication.

  11. kathie says:

    I saw this at DEBKA, is this an act of WAR? Sorry to change subject.

    Despite denials, Iran did kidnap 5 Americans on Afghan soil
    DEBKAfile Exclusive Report September 19, 2010, 4:17 PM (GMT+02:00) Tags: Iran US soldiers detained

    Iran detains US soldiers as Ahmadinejad heads for New York
    Notwithstanding Pentagon and Tehran’s denials that seven US troops were detained by Iranian border guards, DEBKAfile’s military and Iranian sources report that Iran did in fact kidnap 5 Americans in Afghanistan nearly a week ago. Tehran denied its own semi-official Fars agency report in the face of a furious reaction from associates of Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who said it was leaked deliberately as the president was on the way to New York for the UN General Assembly.

  12. crosspatch says:

    If DEBKA published it, it almost certainly isn’t true. I have NEVER known of a single instance EVER where a “DEBKA exclusive” has ever ended up being true. Not once, ever. They make stuff up.

  13. Redteam says:

    I have heard a rumor, unconfirmed as of now, that Obama has practiced being President, but gave it up because he didn’t understand what it was. As I said, this is just a rumor.

  14. MerlinOS2 says:


    This is simply a right of center candidate no matter how flawed taking down a RINO no matter what others think of that.

    The rest is just an attempt to kneecap her early after the primaries because she presents such an easy target.

    But still the fact that her opponent is a self described marxist should not be swept under the carpet.

  15. lurker9876 says:

    Merlin, agreed. Look at Obama. Bush. Franken. Frank. Maher, too.

    Believe a retired police office ran a “bolo” on Maher but he’s not sure what it is.

    Back in the early 90s while working in law enforcement we received a bolo (be on the lookout) for Bill Maher, wanted for questioning in connection with sexual assault on a minor. I still have the printed bolo – a part of my scrap book.

    I don’t know the outcome of the case – most likely Maher – who was just beginning his gig on Politically Incorrect at the time plead out or got it dropped. Maybe there was nothing to it.

    Why the relevance? It was more than 15 years ago. But since he wants to make what happened 15 years ago news today I thought the public would like to know.

    By the way, O’Donnell’s response to the “witchcraft” comment was masterful. Who doesn’t have something in their past during their youth that they wish they hadn’t done?

    And…remember what Obama said about his dabbling with hard drugs and alcohol? He says those are the sins of the youth or something like that. And Maher voted for Obama????

    Give me a break.

    BTW, O’Donnell seems to be handling this just fine.

    And while the numbers are against her, the numbers WERE against her. She still has the good odds to win in the general elections…providing she handle this correctly. So far, it appears that she is.

    Between Coons and O’Donnell, I’d vote for O’Donnell.

  16. lurker9876 says:

    Great Dabblers in history – Ted Kennedy dabbled into alcohol and look what happened.

    Byrd dabbled into KKK

    Frank dabbled into gay prostitution

    Obama dabbled into coke and hard-core marxism (and still does…the marxism part)

    And liberals still voted these people into the office????

  17. lurker9876 says:

    “I have heard a rumor, unconfirmed as of now, that Obama has practiced being President, but gave it up because he didn’t understand what it was. As I said, this is just a rumor.”

    Hahaha! If only it were true.

    I see that Drudgereport reveals that the Obama team is planning on assault on the Tea Party.

    Good grief!

  18. archtop says:

    I think the idea the MSM has to help the Dems, as they always do during elections, is to nationalize the O’Donnell story so as to try to tip close races towards the Dems (e.g. Angle-Reid). I don’t think it will work, considering that Minnesota 2008 elected Al Franken with all of his faults (what ever happened to those shady financial dealings with Air America?).

    However – she will have to take control now and take her message to the people of Delaware. If, as Terrye suggests, she’s an attention-seeking, slightly unstable person who has trouble with the truth, the people will find out and act accordingly. What I would surprise me (although who knows in a state as small as Delaware) is that she could fool enough voters into making her the GOP nominee given all of her “faults”.

    I’m sure there will be at least one debate, and I think we’ll get to see if she has the right stuff in that venue. If Coons clobbers her and she comes off as ill-prepared and untrustworthy, it’ll be over…

    I saw her primary night victory speech, and she appeared, at least in the clip I saw, to be energetic and articulate. However, I will reserve my enthusiasm for her candidacy until she delivers more policy oriented speeches and we see how she performs in a debate…