May 25 2010

Sestakgate – Time To Come Clean Dems!

Published by at 5:00 pm under All General Discussions

Update: Seems Marc Ambinder has news that the person Sestak spoke to on more than one occasion about the job/bribe was Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel:

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), a friend of the President and his Chicago entourage, said that Rep. Joe Sestak, the new Democratic Senate nominee from Pennsylvania, should provide a fuller accounting of his conversation with Rahm Emanuel, the chief of staff, ahead of the primary race.

Administration officials are hinting that the White House will formally address the matter within a few days. That could mean the disclosure of an internal investigation, or the offering of new guidelines, or a statement from Emanuel and whoever else might have talked to Sestak.

Curious, but not unexpected – end update

While I hate the ‘gate’ analogies, this one applies since it could take down Obama’s presidency. Rep Joe Sestak, a former Navy Admiral, made the following claim during the Democrat primary campaign for the PA Senate seat now held by the soon-to-be-retired Arlen Specter:

In numerous other interviews in February and March of this year Sestak confirmed he was offered a job by the White House in July of 2009 to drop out of the race against Specter. All Sestak would confirm is it was a high level job (bribe), akin to Secretary of the Navy:

Whether Sestak wants to provide more details or not is irrelevant. He admitted that a felony may have been committed because a federal employee tried to bribe him in exchange for a political favor (leaving the primary). The fact that Sestak and the White House are not providing any more details on this now admitted set of conversations (I doubt there was just one) means there is some fire behind this lame smoke screen. If everything was legal, they would be racing to the teleprompters in the WH to show their innocence.

For months we have seen the opposite. In complete Nixonian tradition, the Obama WH claims it reviewed its own actions and cleared itself. More evidence of fire somewhere burning out of control. Even some democrat leaders are calling for complete transparency.

Sestak and the White House better come clean. Because in my mind there is sufficient prima facia evidence (an admission by one of the parties) a possible criminal act took place. If Scooter Libby can be indicted for not remembering all the details of his conversations with reporters (claiming he did mention the name of a CIA employee when the reporter bizarrely claimed he did not, in an investigation into leaking said CIA employee’s name to the press) then someone is sure fire going to get indicted for this.

The White House is in full panic mode right now, because the press not only sees the smoke they sense the heat coming off the fire behind the cover up. Would a grand jury produce a ‘true bill’ (indictment) in this case? Given Sestak’s open admission and multiple reaffirmations in the media I cannot see how they couldn’t.

24 responses so far

24 Responses to “Sestakgate – Time To Come Clean Dems!”

  1. bill says:

    It will be January before we know more …

  2. […] The Strata-Sphere – Sestakgate – Time To Come Clean Dems! […]

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Free To Prosper, AJ Strata. AJ Strata said: new: Sestakgate – Time To Come Clean Dems! […]

  4. lurker9876 says:

    I read yesterday that another Democrat admitted getting a job offer from the WH (probably Rahm or David) if he would drop out of the race.

  5. KauaiBoy says:

    And don’t forget the offfer to Judd Gregg (R) to get Commerce as a move to shift the Senate. Whether ego or virtue, at least he chose not to be a token.

  6. Wilbur Post says:

    Y, we need at least one house of congress to change hands for any action to be taken. And expect the usual cries of “RAAAAACIST” from the left.

  7. dbostan says:

    If these are the known crimes, one can only imagine what is not (yet) known…
    Impeachment time.

  8. BarbaraS says:

    It sounds like the WH is gearing up Rham to take the fall. He almost took it before inaguration but escaped that time. I predict he will escape this time also. And so will Obama.

  9. BarbaraS says:

    This congress will never impeach this president. If republicans take the house, he will be impeached but if they do not take the senate he will not be removed from office. Do you suppose this is a harbinger for the future? All democrat presidents will be impeached but the senate will decline to remove them from office. This might be. We all know the dems are thieves and liars and deserve impeachment, but their fellow liars and thieves will not remove them.

  10. archtop says:

    Obama: ‘PLUG THE DAMN HOLE!’

    Rham: About the Sestak matter, sir?

    Obama: No, you nimrod! Not THAT leak – the oil leak!!

  11. oneal lane says:

    This issue will die quickly. It will not affect Obama. He is the first Black President. There is no political will to impeach or damage the reputation of the Black President. He is in protected status. The White House knows this. At best some mid level flunkie will get the axe or perhaps Rham.

    Its going to be a long long summer, and a long haul to November. But it does seem like just yesterday Congress was breaking for Summer recess (August) and the rage at the town halls was suprising everyone but those of us who were angry at congress ourselves.

  12. Alert1201 says:

    Do not think it will touch Obama but I it may hurt Sestak if he does not come clean.

  13. dbostan says:

    This summer will be the summer of hell, as everything hot down there will break loose.
    The fruits of this socialist insanity are coming home to roost, in the Mexican Golf, in the Korean peninsula, in Middle East and here, at home.
    The economy is ready to take another big plunge, so, the pile of s@#t on obama is growing exponentially.
    No escape, and the demsheviks are growing ready to dump him before he drags them into a 25 years walk in the political wilderness.

  14. WWS says:

    I played Mexican Golf once. Didn’t get too far, people kept sneaking onto the greens and stealing the balls.

  15. daniel ortega says:

    Uh, Obama ain’t Black, he is our first part-Arab president.
    Genealogically speaking, he is 50% Caucasian, 43% Semitic, and 7% Black.
    Just another Obama lie.

    But here is what he really needs to come clean about,
    mass murder and eco-terrorism,
    all in a day’s work,

    This is a Lame Cheery rant, and it is right on,

    More Obama Well Sabotage

    The lies of Obama concerning his Gulf Oil Slick staged event are coming out and proving the first assessment of this blog correct.

    We now know that the original “methane ice” event was so bogus that it is the fecal matter from every bull ever producing poop in the world.

    For the facts, Obama’s BP which he was in cahoots with over the Libyan terror release for oil wells there, was ordering the Transocean rig staff to remove the heavy drilling oil to be pumped out of the shaft and replaced with saltwater.

    There was a tremendous fight on this oil rig over this and Obama’s BP representative won the fight to set the stage which caused the deaths of Americans, blew up this rig and is now polluting the Gulf Coast.

    The evidence now points to criminal homicide as everyone knew this was a high pressure gas well, which if the heavy drilling oil was removed before it was completely capped would blow the saltwater out of the shaft in exactly the manner it did.
    This would be followed by crude oil in a geyser and a tanker size cloud of natural gas which would ignite, which it did.

    None of this was by chance. Every single safeguard on this rig was terminated and in the final pyrotechnic show, BP ordered the literal gassing of that oil rig as certain as if he opened a valve into a house and then lit a match to blow it up.

    It appears Swiss Transocean had no knowledge of this Obama operation. I do not even believe the “Americans” of BP were aware of what was being undertaken as they almost were murdered too.
    This was played close to the vest and key inspectors and key BP executives in league with Obama set the stage to detonate this rig and pollute the Gulf so America would be buying foreign oil and not American oil.

    It is not in the least hard to connect the dots on staged events as they are deliberate and fill history. B. Hussein Obama is revealed as a knowing conspirator in this, by his absolute dithering in this just like telling American Soldiers to not even have their firearms loaded in Afghanistan.

    Mr. Obama implements a policy of “exploration” for oil and within weeks an Obama connected BP rig blows up after every safety measure is shut down and the way to turn it into an environmental bomb is initiated deliberately by a BP “company man”.


    Rig workers regularly conducted safety drills, and sometimes lowered empty lifeboats to the water for practice, but the tests almost always occurred at the same time, Sunday mornings, and never at night, Mr. Brown said.

    He said some people were unaccounted for, and he wasn’t sure anyone went to look for them.
    Why would they go looking for them? They were witnesses to ecological terrorism and needed to be silenced just like the Branch Davidians were burned alive to silence them.

    This was planned. It was sabotage. It was deliberate and it is murder with crimes against the entire ecological world.

    Katrina was nature generated. The Gulf Oil Disaster was Obama generated.

    The evidence can not be denied.

    agtG 291

    Obama oil well sabotage

    We don’t have a president, we have a treasonous murderer.

    You may also wish to consider why he is building up naval forces in the Persian Gulf,
    5 carrier groups to be in place by July.
    If you said to protect Israel, go straight to jail,
    do not pass Go and do not collect 200 dollars.

  16. WWS says:

    This isn’t directed at you, Daniel, although you did repost something incredibly dumb there. This is meant for the original author – We need a .gif of Lame Cheery pounding on his head with a rubber mallet while a little cuckoo bird flies in and out of his mouth with each hit. Although some of that is really quite funny, such as “The tests always occurred at the same time!!!”
    Yep, that’s called having a schedule, brainiac – hey lame, any chance you ever had a real job? Where maybe you would have learned that this is how people do things at their real jobs?

    Meanwhile, the stories from the last hours of the rig are starting to hit the mainstream papers – and if you’ll notice, they confirm *everything* that I wrote about what happened out there in my comments on this blog about 3 weeks ago. There was an argument between the engineers/workers on the rig, and the managers back in the Houston office. The managers overrode the engineers, and everything went boom not long after that. Just like the men on the rig warned them would happen.

    *And* the initial failure was that the cement job was total crap and led to a massive underground failure of the wellbore containment system.

    To recap the blame:

    Halliburton screwed up the cement job.
    Transocean screwed up the BOP’s.
    BP *royally* screwed up all of the decision making.

    If *any* of those companies had done their jobs the way they were supposed to, this disaster could not have happened.

    Anyone with experience in large companies or organizations knows from first hand experience that this doesn’t need a conspiracy; this kind of thing usually happens when the office people decide to override the people who actually know what’s going on. It just had spectacular and deadly results this time.

    As I also said before, this is the same kind of managerial disaster that caused the Challenger disaster.

  17. lurker9876 says:

    Linda Hamm….

    Question for ya, WWS…

    Obama is making moves to put everything related to oil on the back burner…no new leases, no drilling in Alaska and VA, and so on.

    HHHmmmm…I got to thinking…what about China going very close to Key West to drill oil for Cuba? And what if the foreign oil companies decide to come in very close to our coastline (within 50 miles) and start drilling? And they start to have accidents like this BP accident? What can our friendly federal government do against the foreign oil companies?

    Wow! Obama sure has been setting things up…

  18. WWS says:

    easy answer, lurker:

    What can our friendly federal government do against the foreign oil companies if they are outside our waters?

    Something right in there with diddly and squat.

    Hell, the Nork’s just torpedoed a South Korean ship and are threatening all of South Korea AND 28,000 American soldiers with a nuclear attack, and all we can work ourselves up into doing is to try and hit them with a stern Letter Writing Campaign.

    Obama and his top people really do believe that promises of Fairy Dust, Rainbows, and Unicorns can fix every problem. That’s why they fall to pieces and get shown to be absolute fools whenever a real world problem slaps them in the face.

  19. lurker9876 says:

    Yeah. They don’t seem to understand that strength in military might, even a minimum of perception, forces these silly children into their best behavior.

    So Obama is gonna pull all of these 28,000 troops out of SK and let NK bomb it? Just to put our 28,000 troops out of danger?

    Another question….

    Since the media and the blogs are comparing the BP oil accident as Obama’s Katrina, I can’t stop thinking that Obama’s decision to shut down Constellation and replace it with private space planes will end up Obama’s mini-Katrina. God help those who replace Obama in the WH if Congress ends up approving Obama’s decision. Because Obama would have gotten away with it and any commercial space plane accidents will end up as Obama’s replacement’s mini-Katrina.

  20. WWS says:

    The only reason that I think it’s probable that no one here will be blamed for spaceplane accidents is that all of the spaceplanes in the future will be Chinese. For all the happy talk, America is now out of the space business for good – or at least for the rest of our lifetimes, certainly. That’s the real meaning of the Constellation cancellation – and it fits in with Obama’s decision making perfectly. Whenever a difficult choice must be faced – the choice is always to do nothing at all.

    There will be a moon colony someday, and maybe even a martian colony – but the flags above those outposts will be Chinese, not American.