Archive for May 2nd, 2011

May 02 2011

How Clean Is Pakistan On Bin Laden?

Published by under Bin Laden/GWOT

In my usual glass-half-full nature (and the rule everyone is innocent until proven guilty) my title is more optimistic than I feel. Two reports bear serious consideration. First up, from the New Yorker: The city is most notable for housing the Pakistan Military Academy, the Pakistani Army’s premier training college, equivalent to West Point. Looking […]

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May 02 2011

You Can Hit Us & Knock Us Down, But We Will Kick Your Ass!

Published by under Bin Laden/GWOT

As the proud father of United States Marine Corporal, I can only imagine what his base must have been like last night with the news on Osama Bin Laden. I can only hope it was a lot like what transpired at the US Naval Academy! Update from LJStrata – link went away so here’s another […]

2 responses so far

May 02 2011

The 4 Year Hunt For Bin Laden – With Apparent Revisionism

Updates Below Confirming My Suspicions Finally, the story behind the hunt for Bin Laden begins to come clear – with some surprising twists and turns. It begins in GITMO, many years ago and probably involves extreme interrogation (e.g., water boarding, discomfort, etc): Some time after Sept. 11, detainees held by the U.S. told interrogators about […]

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