Jun 02 2009

Leftwing Extremism Is No Better Than Rightwing Extremism

Published by at 1:12 pm under All General Discussions

Some denizens of the leftward fevered swamps are upset that I equated the mad murderer of Dr Tiller, who the pro-lifers call a ‘mass murderer’, to the liberal anti-war nuts who promote Bush and the US military as ‘mass murderer’. The same rhetoric which probably led to the assassination of a young 23 old private in Little Rock, AR yesterday.

Well, let’s set the abysmal left wing fringe record straight. Example 1, Example 2, Example 3, Example 4, Example 5.

And Example 6:

The latest front in the War on Terrorism was opened yesterday – by former Vice President Al Gore. At a critical juncture in the War on Terror, with the handover of sovereignty to the Iraqi Governing Council just weeks away, Gore appeared before the MoveOn.org, a radical group which had already compared Bush to Hitler. In a voice trembling with affected passion, Gore indicted the President for seeking world domination, referred to Abu Ghraib as Bush’s “gulag,” accused the President of “war crimes,” and intimated that he was a murderer. Gore also accused the war criminal of denying civil rights to terrorists and subverting American democracy, asserted there was no connection between the Saddam regime and terror, and declared for the third time this year the commander-in-chief had “betrayed” the American people.

I could go on and on, listing democrat leaders and their nut job followers. Don’t be confused. The fringes in this country (left and right) are un-American and dangerous. These are the same words echoed by the man who murdered Pvt William Long yesterday.

26 responses so far

26 Responses to “Leftwing Extremism Is No Better Than Rightwing Extremism”

  1. conman says:


    Why do you keep mischaracterizing the Pvt. Long killer as a left-wing nut job? It has been confirmed that the killer was a Muslim convert, who recently came back from Yemen. The local police chief stated that based on interviews with the killer he “probably had political and religious motives for the attack.” http://www.usatoday.com/news/military/2009-06-01-army-recruiter-killed_N.htm?loc=interstitialskip

    There is simply no basis for your continuing assertion that the killer was part of the liberal fringe or that he was motiviated by statements from Domocratic leaders. Just because the right is feeling defensive over the fact that the over-heated pro-life rhetoric may have led to the brutal assassination of an abortion doctor doesn’t mean that you have to make up stories so it appears that it is a problem on both sides of the political spectrum. While there are crazy groups on both sides, the groups on the far right are far more dangerous. Islamic fundamentalist (aka terrorist) are conservative and are far right on the political spectrum. The Oklahoma bombers were part of the far right fringe in this country. The DHS is far more concerned about the far right groups in this country.

  2. AJStrata says:

    Gee conman,

    Did you follow the links or are you afraid to? I get the feeling you are feeling a bit to cozy to these whack jobs.

  3. jeffgus says:

    I don’t know how a person could call themselves a true conservative or a Christian and take any sort of joy in the death of Tiller. Why? Because conservatives believe in upholding the rule of law. Murder is against the law. Christians believe murder is breaking the law against God Himself. The shooting of Tiller is, without a doubt, *murder*.

    Leftists don’t believe in the rule of law, they believe in what feels right. It all *sounds* very nice, but it will lead to disaster. Some leftists will cite foreign law to help justify their actions, but they are disregarding this country’s clear mechanisms for justice.

    I also find some fault with the church that Tiller was going to. Not fault in the murder, but fault in how they dealt with Tiller. He was going to a church? Eh? Clearly not a Christian church. Where was the condemnation from the elders of his church for what he was doing? Why were they not pricking his conscious? Why didn’t they expel him from their ranks when he continued in his non-repentance? What is up with a church that does not re-affirming God’s laws? What is up with a church that allows a member to, very publicly, practice sin? It is no church at all! It is just a building in which people hang out each Sunday and get their ears tickled.

  4. conman says:


    I reviewed every one of the links you provided and have the following reactions. First, none of these statements/articles led to leftist groups pursuing violence. Second, Muslim fundmamentalist do not hate America and practice violence because Martin Sheen and some US journalists accuse Bush or the US military of murder. Remember, they hated us and wanted to cause us harm well before Bush and the GWOT. Did you forget?

  5. conman says:


    Who annointed you the judge of who is entitled to worship in a Christian church? Isn’t God the only judge of who is a true Christian? Didn’t Jesus tell us not to judge our fellow man -who among you can cast the first stone? Didn’t Jesus preach that we are all God’s children and are entitled to ask for God’s forgiveness?

    Didn’t Jesus preach against all forms of killing, including war and killing people in the name of war? Murder is murder in the New Testament isn’t it – there is no exception for war? So does that mean that churches should banish the President and military personall who order and/or carry out murder?

    What about other sinners that regularly attend church? What about divorced people who violated the sanctity of marriage? What about the Catholic church, which knowingly protected pedophiles for fear of the damage to the church’s reputation? Who gets to decide which sins are grounds for banishment – you?

    How do you know that God views abortion doctors as muderers? The Bible does not even discuss the concept of abortion, so how do you know how God feels about this issue?

  6. ivehadit says:

    Off subject, AJ, but what do you think about obama’s comment today about Iran deserves to have nuclear power?

    I grieve.

  7. kathie says:

    Ive…….I like to take a stab at your question to AJ if I may……..Obama knows he will never use force to stop Iran, and he knows that sanctions are probably not going to get harder. He can pretend that Iran is just developing nuclear power, the Iranians won’t disclose that they have the bomb until after Obama leaves office. It’s kinda like Jimmy Carter, oh I didn’t know the Mullahs were so radical.

  8. Terrye says:


    Oh please, lefties have been yammering for people’s heads for years. Day in and day out.

  9. Terrye says:


    Right at half the country is pro life, I doubt very much if many of them thought of Tiller as a mass murderer. They did not like the procedure he carried out and of course some of them would consider him a murderer, but I think you are putting too much emphasis on crazy things crazy people say.

    As for the left, there is Obama’s friend Bill Ayers who still feels he did not do enough back in his days as domestic terrorist. And there is the famour Ira Einhorn, creator of Earth Day…who beat his girl friend to death and put her body in a trunk. He ran off to France was able to successfully fight extradition for years. There is Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple who was responsible for the deaths of more than 900 people.

    The interesting thing is that a guy like conman can point to the fact that the soldier killer is a Muslim convert…but what does that say? For years we have been told by the left that it is wrong for us to assume that Muslims are the enemy because of the actions of a few deranged people…and yet they do the same thing with abortion opponents all the time.

  10. Terrye says:


    God is the only judge, that is true, but churches do have standards and rules..for instance most Christian churches would not accept a man into their congregation if he was known to live in a state of sin without remorse. Say he had several wives….most churches would not look the other way and say the more the merrier.

    In 2003 Tiller made more than a million dollars, he did more than 250 partial birth abortions. He was not breaking the law, he did not deserve to be murdered, but there are a lot of churches which would have a hard time accepting him in the congregation.

    Now what God does, is up to God.

  11. AJStrata says:


    Well, if anyone was paying attention during the Bush negotiations that statement is consistent with President Bush’s and the international community.

    Iran should have access to nuclear power for electricity. One of the best solutions floated during this time is that Russia would provide the fuel for the Iranian reactors and then recover it when it was spent – therefore minimizing any opportunities to create weapons grade material.

    Nothing I read about Obama’s comments conflict with this approved approach from the Bush years. In fact, I could (and probably will) illustrate how nearly identical Bush and Obama were on the peaceful use of nuclear energy for Iran, and how to ensure it is only used for peaceful uses.

    I grieve for those with short term memories.

  12. conman says:


    Thanks for confirming my point that the rightwing extremist are currently a greater danger than those on the left. The only three examples of leftwing extremism violence you could come up with happened in the late 1960s and early 1970s (Bill Ayers), 1977 (Ira Einhorn) and 1978 (Jim Jones). In case you weren’t aware, it is currently 2009. So these examples are more than 30 years old. In fact, I agree that leftwing extremist were more dangerous in the 1960s, but I’m no longer concerned about the 1960s because I live in 2009. Thanks again for making my point – even if you didn’t mean to per usual.

  13. conman says:


    What does it mean to live in a state of sin without remorse? If someone divorces their spouse and makes no attempt to reconcile, does that mean that they live in a state of sin without remorse? If someone repeatedly sins and simply asks for God’s forgivness rather than stopping their sinful actions (which I believe makes up 99% of the population) are they living in a state of sin without remorse?

    As I previously said, the Bible also says that killing is not justified under any circumstances, including war. In fact, the Bible specifically condemns wars and says that Christians should not follow man-made laws or orders that conflict with God’s laws. So are US soldiers who have killed or attempted to kill in the line of duty, whom assume their actions were justified because they were defending our country, living in a state of sin without remorse?

    If most churches have standards and would not look the other way for certain types of really bad sins, maybe you can explain why the Catholic Church, one of the largest churches in this country and the world, is paying out so many settlements for knowingly concealing child molesters?

    These are all examples of what is problematic about interjecting religion into political issues like abortion. We all have different interpretations of what is moral and immoral. The Bible provides us some guidance, but it is not clear on many issues. Some sins we as a society chose to ignore because it is inconvenient or impractical – like the need to protect our country’s interest through the use of force even though we all know that killing is condemned by God under all circumstances.

  14. conman says:


    “The interesting thing is that a guy like conman can point to the fact that the soldier killer is a Muslim convert…but what does that say? For years we have been told by the left that it is wrong for us to assume that Muslims are the enemy because of the actions of a few deranged people…and yet they do the same thing with abortion opponents all the time.”

    I didn’t say that all Muslim converts are the enemy. What I said is that those Muslim converts that shoot our soldiers in broad daylight because they are opposed to our military efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan are our enemy. The fact that he is a Muslim convert is relevant to show how ridiculous it is for AJ to portray this as leftwing radical. If that is not clear enough, I give up on you.

  15. WWS says:

    Conman conveniently leaves out the Unabomber – one of the most hard left extremists this country has seen.

  16. gary1son says:

    If only Obama and the rest of the left was a little more accepting of our OWN development of nuclear power. If they were really serious about CO2 being the death of us all, they’d be pushing for the development of late/next-generation nuclear fission/fusion/hybrid technology — yesterday.

    Me thinks it’s more about power, money and control.

  17. russellshih says:

    Sadly the left in this country have show they are not as condemning of terrorist acts as those on the right are and for this reason if no other the terrorist will more likely be seen as coming from the left as opposed to the right. Just the way it is.

    The story of the Little Rock terrorist attack is being under-reported by the MSM. That said the most disturbing thing is the failure of Obama and DOJ to mention this, as they quickly did in the case of Dr Tiller. Not only did they quickly condemn the Tiller act, but acted without hestitation to send federal marshals to protect abortion clinics throughout the U.S. Where, I ask, is the protection for unarmed U.S. military recruiters operating in the major cities. Do we have to have another such attack before the President acts. His response and is totally unacceptable and he will have to answer for any successful attack on recruiter in the future. This command-in-chief is MIA on this, but finding time to consort with his Islamic friends in Saudi Arabia and Egypt while the family of Pvt. William A. Long is preparing to pay their last respects to their son. A son who was killed on American soil by Islamic terrorist while the so-called commander-in-chief remains silent. He is showing total disrepect for the military and must be held accountable.

  18. gary1son says:

    Sarah Palin’s statement on the death of Pvt William Long:

    The stories of two very different lives with similar fates crossed through the media’s hands yesterday – both equally important but one lacked the proper attention. The death of 67-year old George Tiller was unacceptable, but equally disgusting was another death that police believe was politically and religiously motivated as well.

    William Long died yesterday. The 23-year old Army Recruiter was gunned down by a fanatic; another fellow soldier was wounded in the ambush. The soldiers had just completed their basic training and were talking to potential recruits, just as my son, Track, once did.

    Whatever titles we give these murderers, both deserve our attention. Violence like that is no way to solve a political dispute nor a religious one. And the fanatics on all sides do great disservice when they confuse dissention with rage and death.

    Previously she issued an equally eloquent and appropriate statement on Tiller.

    Statement on Pvt. Long from Barack Obama:

    chirp______________________chirp chirp

    “Often saying nothing speaks volumes.” — me

  19. kathie says:

    Maybe we should be having this discussion. I’m sick of the personality discussions, and who’s really bad, the right or left, people who want to and do kill innocent people are bad. Have a look at this?

    Al Qaeda eyes bio attack via Mexico border
    Seeks white militias as allies
    By Sara A. Carter (Contact) | Wednesday, June 3, 2009

    U.S. counterterrorism officials have authenticated a video by an al Qaeda recruiter threatening to smuggle a biological weapon into the United States via tunnels under the Mexico border, the latest sign of the terrorist group’s determination to stage another mass-casualty attack on the U.S. homeland.

    The video aired earlier this year as a recruitment tool makes clear that al Qaeda is looking to exploit weaknesses in U.S. border security and also is willing to ally itself with white militia groups or other anti-government entities interested in carrying out an attack inside the United States, according to counterterrorism officials interviewed by The Washington Times.

    The video first aired by the Arabic news network Al Jazeera in February and later posted to several Web sites shows Kuwaiti dissident Abdullah al-Nafisi telling a room full of supporters in Bahrain that al Qaeda is casing the U.S. border with Mexico to assess how to send terrorists and weapons into the U.S.

    You can find the rest of this at FREEREPUBLIC

  20. kathie says:

    PS to the above post. Algores depiction of President Bush is despicable and any body who engages in politics of personal destruction is a disgrace to our political process. There are some very angry loosers out there. I wish our MSM would skip over their rants.