Feb 23 2009

Bill Moyers – Witch Hunter Of The Gays

Published by at 9:27 am under All General Discussions


Bill Moyers is one of those insufferable liberal elites who runs around proclaiming America evil – well at least conservative America anyway. He slammed the Bush administration for supposedly spying on decent Americans when what we were doing was noting who was in contact with known terrorists overseas, and passing any suspected terrorist allies in country to the FBI to investigate under the FISA laws.

It seems that Bill Moyers was not really basing his wild claims on evidence of wrong doing with the Bush administration, but was afraid there might be others just like him – political witch hunters who use societies’ fears and paranoia to target their opponents. In this case, Bill Moyers used to be a witch hunter of gays in government:

Under the Freedom of Information Act, the Washington Post has obtained a few of the former FBI director’s secret files. According to a Thursday front-page story, Hoover was “consumed” with exposing a (nonexistent) relationship between a gay photographer and Jack Valenti, the late film industry lobbyist who was then an aide to Lyndon Johnson. Hoover’s M.O. was to amass incriminating personal information as political blackmail.

But as the Post reports in passing, the dossier also reveals that Mr. Moyers — then a special assistant to LBJ — requested in 1964 that Hoover’s G-men “investigate two other administration figures who were ‘suspected as having homosexual tendencies.'”

Amid “bits of dirt on figures such as Martin Luther King,” Judge Silberman found a 1964 memo from Mr. Moyers directing Hoover’s agents to investigate Barry Goldwater’s campaign staff for evidence of homosexual activity. A few weeks before, an LBJ aide named Walter Jenkins had been arrested in a men’s bathroom, and Mr. Silberman wrote that Mr. Moyers and his boss evidently wanted leverage in the event Goldwater tried to use the liaison against them. (He didn’t, as it happened.)

When that episode became public after Mr. Silberman testified, an irate Mr. Moyers called him and, with typical delicacy, accused him of falling for forged CIA memos. Mr. Silberman offered to study the matter and, should Mr. Moyers’s allegations pan out, he would publicly exonerate him. “There was a pause on the line and then he said, ‘I was very young. How will I explain this to my children?’ And then he rang off.”

It seems the political hatchet man Moyers decided that he needed to atone for his sins. So he committed the sin of accusing others of doing what he himself did. It seems Moyers is a confused, bitter, back stabbing SOB. Instead of just coming clean, he has spent a career sullying anyone and everyone he can think of.

How will he explain it to his children? How can he explain this to America? The man is a professional mud slinger.

One response so far

One Response to “Bill Moyers – Witch Hunter Of The Gays”

  1. Mark_for_Senate says:

    Good observation and story, AJ. So…. How should we deal with it? Reach across the aisle to these people, like John McCain (and GWB) did? We can’t kill them all because dead democrats still seem to vote. Educate them? Don’t know how that is possible, because they seem to think THEY are the smartest people in the room, but discard any and all facts that may ‘challenge’ their world view, therefore remain ‘irreversibly stupid’. There are not a lot of options here, but we (conservatives) had better come up with something, and quick, or we will lose all of the freedoms we currently enjoy in this wonderful Country! I believe we need to expose them for the hypocritcal frauds they are at every opportunity (btw, good start with this posting), but how?. The American people need to realize how dangerous these people actually are, but again, how? The MSM are full of these frauds. THEY will be useless in this endeavor, meanwhile, THEY are doing their best to try and shutdown the only ‘truth’ on the airwaves (conservative talk radio). Blogs will be next. It’s going to get ugly… or do you have a plan?