Dec 29 2008

“Real Conservatives” Are A Lost Cause, How The Dems Can Succeed

Published by at 12:12 pm under All General Discussions


I tell you what, the conservative movement is now totally destroyed. Some idiot running for RNC chairman took a sweet child’s song and twisted it into an ugly, racist, turd of supposed humor:

The sending of a Christmas greeting by Chip Saltsman to the members of the Republican National Committee that includes a recording of the so-called parody, “Barack the Magic Negro” is not only offensive, it is shocking and saddening in the extreme. It flies in the face of America’s deeply held hope for a new era in which common ground and mutual respect characterize the exchanges between our national leaders.

I and my co-writer of “Puff,” Lenny Lipton, have been eagerly awaiting an end to the mean-spiritedness, outright disrespect and bigotry that was commonplace prior to this last presidential election. What might have been wearily accepted as “the way it was” in the campaign, is now unacceptable. Obama is not a candidate. He is the President-Elect, and this song insults the office of the Presidency, the people who voted for him, as well as those who did not — and taking a children’s song and twisting it in such vulgar, mean-spirited way, is a slur to our entire country and our common agreement to move beyond racism.

Ideological idiots. Obama is very popular and now respected, and this stunted adult goes off in a fit of 3rd grade thinking and tarnishes the brand of conservatism that Reagan and the Bush’s had turned into a respectable political movement. With this muck sticking to the word ‘conservative’ I will not be associated with the movement anymore. I have limits to what I will tolerate and this is well beyond it. This guy needs to be marched off the public square.

It would seem the GOP and its extremist wing have a generation of growing up to do before they are ready for prime time and leadership again. I see no path to salvation with the current crop of haters. From the obsession with Obama’s middle name to this scum-duggery, the right has completely self-destructed. Unless the GOP treats haters like this (and Savage, and Levin and others) like their close cousin David Duke and disavows them their tolerance for what is wrong is just intolerable for most Americans. 

Now, with the GOP and the extreme conservatives basically a lost cause, here is how the Democrats can gain lasting control of the political stage in America. Basically shed the liberal and leftist demons and come clean, and you will have the center of America for decades to come. Here’s my list of actions the Dems could take to push the right out of play for a long, long time:

  1. Accept Iraq as a hard fought victory. Give up on blaming Bush for having tough challenges and a determined enemy. al Qaeda declared Iraq the prime battlefield of the war with the West and lost. Noe only militarily but it lost the hearts and minds of the Muslim Street. In 2001 al Qaeda was the future of Islam on the Muslim Street. Today it is the Enemy of Islam. Build on this.
  2. Accept Al Gore is a scientific idiot. The world economy is in a shambles. Much of this was predicted as the Baby Boomers go from producers to consumers as they transition into retirement. The world cannot afford to invest trillions into crack pot mumbo-jumbo about Global Warming. We will have decades of economic challenges as the US market contracts with the retirement wave of Boomers. Give up on Global Warming and move to real issues, like saving the Rain Forests and Whales, etc.
  3. Forget about soaking the rich. We all want to be rich. Reduce the burden of government because we are going to be taking on a huge burden of aging Boomers. Make room by cutting government.
  4. Don’t allow factories of young humans to be harvested for spare parts. Realize that the Adult Stem Cell options are outperforming Embryonic Stem Cell path (which has produced zilch so far – unless you count tumors and cancers). Show respect for life while preserving the right of parents and mothers to decide their own medical issues.

Really, four simple adjustments away from the liberal fringe and the center-left could hold for years and years. Especially given how bankrupt the right has become. One thing the left cannot afford to do is become impotent. That is what destroyed the conservative coalition. Years of getting nothing done (but plenty of screaming and blaming and demeaning comments) was the death knell of the conservative movement.

America surely doesn’t need more than that. For the sake of the people and this country I hope the Dems, with their newly acquired control, make things better. But to do so they need to moderate their own extremists. The current economic stress will not support radical liberal policies. Best to dump those ideas right now.

Addendum: I have to expand on this because of the lame excuses I have been reading in the comment section about this crap. Some are trying to claim this bile is OK because some racist liberal started the theme in the LA Times. Sorry, that is a load of crap. From what I am learning once the theme was established Limbaugh and one of his small-minded racists friends decided to expand on the theme and make the full up parody, with the excuse that the LA Times piece gave them license to be as idiotic as the LA Times.

Here’s the difference between Repulse-icans like Limbaugh and his KKK ‘song writer’ and me. If I had read the LA Times piece I would have been just as disgusted and repulsed as I am now. I would not see one racist schmuck’s efforts as a green light to let out my own extended version of racist muck. If Johnny jumps off the bridge could all like minded jerks please follow!

These excuses, that the bad behavior is OK because someone on the left behaved badly, are pathetic. All these faux patriot, who love and respect America more than any others, can’t seem to muster any of their love and respect for the President-elect. You don’t have to support him or even like him. You do have to respect the office and this country.

This is so over the line I am ready to shutter this website. It is just beyond the pale. The mentality surrounding this is that of an electronic mob, where all boundaries of civility, maturity, responsibility and respect have gone out the window and have been replaced by hate. How far a jump is it from the electronic mob to a real mob, and all its threats to life and liberty? How far is the jump from any form of mob-think to lynch mob-think? If all the rules of decency and respect are gone, how long until the rules of law are thrown out as well?

The more people try to excuse this crap the more they repulse me. There is no excuse. There is no way to tolerate this. All I see is a bunch of insecure whities trying to keep ‘the man’ down by playing on Obama’s race. President-elect Obama has enough challenges to face and personal limitations as it is. Race is not one of them – not in my book. 

I am sick of how this sewer rot spoils the image of Americans, Caucasians, etc. I thought we had moved beyond this. Clearly, some insecure schmuck’s have not.

76 responses so far

76 Responses to ““Real Conservatives” Are A Lost Cause, How The Dems Can Succeed”

  1. PeakMonk says:


    You missed the history and have fallen for the narrative from the left. The song was a parody of the left and their media appendage over at the LATimes. Early in the Obama campaign, many on the left were claiming that Obama was not black enough and that he didn’t have slave blood running through his veins. Therefore, he was not qualified to represent the civil rights wing of the Democrat party. A writer for the LATimes called him the “magic negro”. The song is poking fun and shining a light on the left.

    Your grievance should be directed at the LATimes, Hillary’s campaign, and the civil rights enterprise. However, the background of this parody will not be revealed by the media. Result, emotions will again win the day.


  2. gwood says:

    I agree, AJ, that the Democratic Party could control the political scene by adopting the four points you itemize above.

    I don’t believe, however, there is a chance in he$$ they will ever do so. The party’s members and financiers want socialism. They will never give up their ability to bring capitalism to its knees via the vilification of carbon dioxide.

    Point number three, in which the Left somehow begins to eschew class warfare, is a pipe dream. Stirring the pot of “income inequality” is not only how they get elected, it can and will in the end succeed in the eradication of capitalism by simply enlarging government reach until a plurality depend on the government, a line I believe we have already crossed.

    They don’t simply want to get elected. They want to get elected to a more and more powerful seat each time, and that means keeping points two and three as essential tools in their toolbox, IMHO.

  3. Tinian says:

    So you’re siding with Peter Yarrow the child molester? You’ve gone ’round the bend, AJ.

    As JammieWearingFool says:

    Dude, get over yourself. Have you even heard the song parody in context?

    I have more of an issue with child molesters than I do with people who makes song parodies.

  4. Sue says:

    It probably wasn’t very smart of the RNC candidate to use the parody, but most conservatives have heard it so much we can sing along with it. Rush played it almost daily during the primaries and general. The “idiot running for RNC chairman” didn’t turn it into anything, he merely used it. As usual, AJ, in his haste to damn a conservative, doesn’t know the entire story.

  5. browngreengold says:

    Let’s see….

    1) An LA Times writer (a big time lib) writes an editorial making fun of BO by calling him the “Magic Negro”.

    2) Rush Limbaugh hires Paul Shanklin to write a parody song based on the editorial written by said lib writer for said lib newspaper.

    3) Saltsman, sends out CD’s containing said parody and now the Lefties have their panties in a twist.

    4) AJ blames Saltsman for having taken “a sweet child’s song and twisted it into an ugly, racist, turd of supposed humor.”

    Humor, and sarcasm, have to have an element of truth and reality in order to be funny.

    There is nothing “racist” about this song. I’ve listened to it dozens of times. It is biting commentary based on the actual words and actions of the Left.

    Those who are getting themselves all in knots over it should perhaps listen to it first rather than falling for the narrative that the MSM is framing for their reader.

  6. AJStrata says:

    Let’s see. Some dumb liberal schmuck makes a stupid racist joke, so some other dumb conservative schmucks continue on the racist bandwagon, claiming the liberal made them do it or the liberal could do it why can’t they be schmucks.

    And AJ says enough with dumb racist schmucks and the schmucks whine about how they have a right to be dumb racists.

    Did I miss something from the dumb racist schmucks.

    Sorry folks, this smells like the crap it is. And hopefully all you dumb racist schmucks get my humor at your expense and are adult enough to deal with it in a mature manner. Funny – eh? Sarcasm – right? Just some fun!

    Ugh. There is no excuse, none.

  7. Sue says:

    You always miss something, AJ, in your haste to bash a conservative. I find it humorous and so did lots of Rush listeners.

    Say, how’d that moderate republican do in the general? Oh yeah. They chose a real democrat instead of a pseudo-democrat. Vote liberal AJ. It will make you feel better.

  8. Sue says:


    It would be nice if AJ actually listened to the song, or read the words, before condemning someone on the right for uttering them. However, I do agree it was probably something better left to Rush and not the potential head of the RNC. Parody has its place and it wasn’t very smart of him to insert it into his campaign.

  9. Sue says:

    The best part of the Huffington piece AJ linked to is …

    “It flies in the face of America’s deeply held hope for a new era in which common ground and mutual respect characterize the exchanges between our national leaders.”

    But of course it does, now that PEBHO is about to become the butt of the jokes and not GWB.

  10. crosspatch says:

    The song was a parody of the LA Times. It wasn’t a racist act aimed at Obama. It has been around for over a year, I believe. Rush Limbaugh played it often on his show (and other parody songs by the same guy, Paul Shanklin).

    I think you might have missed the target on this one.

    The media has hopped on this in their to twist anything anyone says who might be opposed to Obama or the Democrats as “racist” but I don’t see the original writer or the person who coined the phrase “magic negro” being blasted.

  11. browngreengold says:


    Have you listened to the song?

    It’s on YouTube.


    This parody is dead center right on target.

    You can tell that by the way the Libs and the pseudo-Libs are squealing over it.

  12. DJStrata says:

    The point that you all are missing is that if the Republicans expected to recover from the past elections and their bad tactics then they need to be above childish antics such as this and unite the party and welcome new people into the party. Instead we have the purists’ crap being spouted for the past couple years and now someone who wants to represent Republicans nationwide repeats the ignorant crap about Obama the Magic Negro.

    First of all, if conservatives want to gain any votes they need to stay far far away from derogatory slag terms. We are living in a time where Negro is NOT appropriate even in jest. Other inappropriate terms are towelheads, sand niggers, etc. It will never garner support. And those who think these terms are funny or that jokes with these terms are funny do not need to be a representative for anyone but their lame selves.

  13. Toes192 says:

    Cool down, Aj… I “read” the lyrics a couple times.
    When Frank Robinson became the 1st black baseball manager in 1975 my thought was…
    “Good… NOW, when they FIRE a black baseball manager and it’s no big deal… THAT is really good!”
    You fell for the old “Can’t make fun of black people or you are racist” ploy. Tsk tsk…
    Soooo, let’s make fun of our President without it being a big deal…
    And this conservative hopes like h*ll I am wrong about the results of electing Barak…

  14. crosspatch says:

    “they need to be above childish antics such as this ”

    It was childish antics on the part of the LA Times. The LA times published an article that Barack Obama was “black enough” to identify as such but not “so black” as to alienate white people and so he was a “magic negro” that could win an election. But the article went on to point out resentment in the “black community” that Obama didn’t have a history of “black activism” and it raised concerns among many in the “black community” that he hadn’t “walked the walk”. Basically hinting that Obama might not be “black enough” was the thrust of it.

    The song was to point out the racial hypocrisy of the liberal left and has to be heard in that context in order to be understood. If the context is shifted to something other than what its contemporary surrounding context was, it can appear to be something quite different. And here we are today many months later with that LA Times article (read that before reading the lyrics of the song) long forgotten and it is now brought up out of its contemporary context to be made to appear somehow different than it was at the time it was made.

  15. AJStrata says:


    Why in the world would I waste my time on this crap?

    Who the hell cares how it came about? Now this stain is imprinted on the conservatives – who are clearly not bright enough to figure that out!

    Like I said – I wash my hands of this and all who support it. Go inhabit some other dark place. I have no tolerance for this.

  16. DJStrata says:


    The childish antics is to allow this to continue you to get media attention. Who cares? And since he decided to bring it up at this late date which allows it to be understood out of context just adds to the reason to just drop it and move on.

  17. ivehadit says:

    Sarah Palin needs to come out and denounce this. She has had much worse thrown at her and she will show huge amounts of class in doing so. Jindal should do the same.
    They can both come out and say that, just as republicans do not like the slurs that have been perpetrated on them, the left should see how it feels, now and stop theirs as well.

  18. Wayne at Jeremiah Films says:

    I have posted Why Conservatives are losing ground – The Call to Dunkirk this morning. We need talented bloggers to continue to fight. I am certain there are a number here who have the talent to be able to do some good.

  19. GuyFawkes says:

    Amazing. The guy running for the freaking RNC Chair put “Barack the Magic Negro” on his Christmas gift CD, AJ rightly condemns it, and the reaction from the rest of you is – “It was taken out of context”?

    Holy cow. As a Democrat, let me just say – thank you. Thank you all for doing what you can to keep my side in power. I beg you to keep trying to defend this.

  20. PeakMonk says:


    You are still missing the point. The parody is not directed at Obama or “African-Americans”. It is directed at the left and the left-coupled media. The left is just playing to ignorance, hoping nobody will have the attention span needed to see the entire picture. So far, the left is right… so to speak.