Dec 13 2008

The Obama Administration Is Now Damaged Goods, Obama Lied To America

Update: A consensus is brewing about Obama’s pending troubles – see here, here, here and here.

Major Update Below!

The big dominos seem to be falling already, less than a week from the news breaking.  I simply cannot fathom the damage Barack Obama and Rahm Emmanuel have done to their incoming administration, a month before it takes office. But I do know they dealt hit a critical blow this week.  Barack Obama has just been exposed as a liar to the American people. He lied to us in a manner that puts him in the same league as Bill Clinton, Senator Ted Stevens, Senator Robert Torricelli, Rep Randy “Duke” Cunningham and Rep William Jefferson. We have yet to know what, if any, crimes Obama has committed. But the fact is this week he went out and lied straight to the American people. He tried to cover his tracks.

Here is the lie, which caught my eye because of the phrasing Obama was using during his press conference on Daschle’s appointment:

“I had no contact with the governor’s office. I did not speak to the governor about these issues. That I know for certain.”

It is a lie because now we know Obama’s Chief of Staff provided Blagojevich Obama’s list of candidates he thought should fill his seat. The news broke last night:

Another source said that contact between the Obama camp and the governor’s administration regarding the Senate seat began the Saturday before the Nov. 4 election, when Emanuel made a call to the cell phone of Harris. The conversation took place around the same time press reports surfaced about Emanuel being approached about taking the high-level White House post should Obama win.

Emanuel delivered a list of candidates who would be “acceptable” to Obama, the source said. On the list were Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, Illinois Veterans Affairs director Tammy Duckworth, state Comptroller Dan Hynes and U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Chicago, the source said. All are Democrats.

Sometime after the election, Emanuel called Harris back to add the name of Democratic Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan to the approved list, the source said.

Emphasis mine. Does Senator Obama really think the American people care about the parsing of ‘talked’ verses ‘sent my list of candidates through my Chief of Staff’? Come on! Who gave the list to Emmanuel? Obama of course! It was Obama’s list of candidates Blagojevich was working with. OMG – are these people morons?

Barack Obama, the next President of the United States, just wagged his finger into the camera and said “I had no conversations with that Governor, Blagojevich, on the candidates for my senate seat’. Of course sending the list of candidates through Emmanual doesn’t somehow count as ‘conversation’. 

Obama won the election by gaining the trust of the majority of the voters. He was preparing to take office with the added trust of many like me who were willing to give him a chance to prove us wrong. There are no perfect politicians. I was more than willing to give Obama a shot. But his followers were living a dream come true – or so they thought.

I will not be lied to and right now my view of Obama is totally shattered. But my blowback on Obama is going to be mild compared to all those true believers who voted for ‘change we can believe in’. The entire Obama administration is now in a shambles because it’s load bearing characteristic has failed in a devastating manner. Obama is not only just like all other pols, he is inexperienced klutz as well.  

Obama could not trust the American people to simply tell them he exchanged information with Blagojevich on the matter of the vacant senate seat. All of us would have been shocked at his ineptitude if he hadn’t been pre-planning his transition. But Obama failed America by failing to trust us with obvious details. So he lied and tried sell the idea his ‘office’ had nothing to do with ‘the issue’ (his office of course being his senate office, not his transition team).

And it may get worse. As I noted previously, when reviewing the infamous November 10, 2008 conference call, there were some counter offers from team Obama to team Blagojevich to try and tone down the quid pro quo, to make it less apparent to the public. The first one listed in the criminal complaint covers a two year ‘quiet period’ so that the connection of the quid pro quo to the senate seat would not be so damn obvious. The Team Obama proposal got a big response out of Blagojevich:

[statement 6] ROD BLAGOJEVICH said that the consultants (Advisor B and another consultant are believed to be on the call at that time) are telling him that he has to “suck it up” for two years and do nothing and give this “motherfucker [the President-elect] his senator. Fuck him. For nothing? Fuck him.”

Note he is not saying ‘get nothing’ forever, he is complaining about getting nothing for two years. This delaying tactic comes up later in the conference call as well, when discussing what seems to be the final solution, a three-way deal with the SEIU and a golden parachute job for Blagojevich and/or his wife:

[statement 8] HARRIS re-stated ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s thoughts that they should ask the President-elect for something for ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s financial security as well as maintain his political viability. HARRIS said they could work out a three-way deal with SEIU and the President-elect where SEIU could help the President-elect with ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s appointment of Senate Candidate 1 to the vacant Senate seat, ROD BLAGOJEVICH would obtain a position as the National Director of the Change to Win campaign, and SEIU would get something favorable from the President-elect in the future.

…[Gap 5]…

[statement 9] One of ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s advisors said he likes the idea, it sounds like a good idea, but advised ROD BLAGOJEVICH to be leery of promises for something two years from now.

…[Gap 6]…

[statement 10] ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s wife said they would take the job now.

…[Gap 7]…

[statement 11] Thereafter, ROD BLAGOJEVICH and others on the phone call discussed various ways ROD BLAGOJEVICH can “monetize” the relationships he is making as Governor to make money after ROD BLAGOJEVICH is no longer Governor.

If Team Obama proposed a delaying tactic to make any payback more stealthy, they are in trouble. If, as the last statement appears to indicate, they agreed on an even more stealthy plan using the SEIU it would be worse. We don’t know how deep Team Obama got into the muck, but we do know they were in it. And for Obama to claim the opposite was probably the biggest crime of all. 

He had America’s trust, but could not trust America to deal with the obvious aspects of government. He tried to spin a fantasy picture and he is going to be exposed as a charlatan. And when he tries to spin his facade as The One, with answers of hope and change for America, it will all now be seen by many as a lame joke.

This is what many of us feared from the neophyte, from the Junior Senator from Illinois. The man is inept.  I, like many, are going to be going out and get those ‘don’t blame me, I voted McCain-Palin’ stickers. Obama has completely and utterly bungled this matter. His credibility is now shot. He has bungled so many things (Iraq to name an obvious one), but this one is probably the worst because he made fools of his most ardent followers. They can no longer claim he is The One, that he will fix politics, that he is different. It really is a stunning fall.

BTW – Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has just lost all standing in this matter. Now that we know Obama provided her name to Blagojevich via Emmanual she cannot be calling for anything related to this case. She really needs to sit down and be quiet and make sure her name gets cleared. I am not saying she did anything wrong, but for her to put pressure on any of the key players in this could be seen as self serving.

This is such a mess.

Major Update: The yacking pols in Illinois are digging the hole deeper. Just about anyone would agree that controlling who is an allowable candidate for selection to fill Obama’s seat is absolute control over who gets selected. The same story from above notes that Blagojevich could only work from an approved list from Obama, according to one of the candidates and her discussions with Rahm Emmanuel:

Schakowsky also spoke of a conversation she had with Emanuel shortly after he was named chief of staff. She said she called Emanuel “to get some intelligence” on whether Obama might approve of her selection as senator.

“He indicated that the president-elect would be fine with certain people and I was one of them,” Schakowsky said, adding that he did not share the identities of others on the list.

Clearly this indicates Obama had veto power on who could be considered. And since we now know Obama provided Blagojevich the allowable list of candidates it is clear Obama WAS heavily involved in who was selected. No wonder Blagojevich was threatening to seat Jesse Jackson, Jr – he was not on Obama’s list! 

Yeah Barack, you had nothing but ‘interest’ in who was selected to fill your seat. You were dictating terms and Blagojevich was dictating terms. That is what we call a ‘negotiation’.

86 responses so far

86 Responses to “The Obama Administration Is Now Damaged Goods, Obama Lied To America”

  1. Terry Gain says:

    “Obama won the election”… because the media not only didn’t vett the candidate but cheerleaded him to victory and the American electorate was prepared to let their presumed betters tell them how to vote.

    Nothing about this guy – from who he worked with to radicalize Chicago schools, to what he heard when he sat in that pew, to how he was going to finance his campaign, to how did finance it, to where he was allegedly born – should be taken at face value.


  2. Terry Gain says:

    but was stopped by someone in the Justice Dept. Probaby one of those, “We’re the good guys,you know, the party of speak no evil of the opposition lest we be accused of racism and mud slinging” pseudo modern day enlightened Republicans that infest the federal bureaucry or possibly one of the many Clintonistas who are embedded for life in civil servant jobs where they can control who, when and what is investigated and who is indicted.

    Who knows. I thought it incredible that Bush waited until after the election to tell the American public that the war in Iraq had been won. But then I find it incredible that Bush is going override the Senate vote and flush taxpayers dollars down the UAW black hole which will only delay the inevitable.

    I find it incredible that Americans don’t protect their borders and refer to illegal aliens as undocumented as if anyone who asks can obtain the requisite papers.

    And I’m still shocked that Americans elected as POTUS someone who advocated conceding Iraq to al Qaeda and Iran and who has never held an executive position, other than the aforementioned school radicalization project.

    Mind you, when he proposed a 300 billion mortgage foreclosure prevention bill McCain did prove that he was right when he said he didn’t understand economics.

  3. crosspatch says:

    Obama won, in large part, because some 6 million Republicans who cast a ballot for the office of President in 2004 did not cast one in 2008.

    Had they voted, McCain would have won. It is called cutting off one’s nose to spite their face. Republicans elected Obama. Apparently some decided to play “passive aggressive” and “teach people a lesson” or some such idiotic juvenile crap.

    But now I have (indirectly via Gateway Pundit) the first explanation that finally makes sense on why the AG, Lisa Madigan, wants to avoid impeachment and is attempting to declare the Gov. “unfit”.

    Her father is Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan and in an impeachment trial, they worry that Blogojevich will expose all the deals done with those politicians. She is trying to head off an impeachment trial to keep the dominoes from falling. They are afraid of a “if I am going to go down, I am taking others with me” mentality.

  4. todayslies says:

    You have no proof. You don’t know anything. And the last two don’t matter to you. As usual.

  5. crosspatch says:

    Actually, there seems to be quite a bit of “proof” that someone in the Obama group was in touch with Blogojevich. When the tapes are played in court, we will be able to determine exactly who it was.

    And if the tapes aren’t played, it will be a Nixonian coverup.

  6. angrycitizen says:

    So what’s that make it, one lie to Bush/Cheney’s 42,355,267,125?

    Please. Stop your whining. Get over it. The GOP is done. Finished. Toast. Karl Rove ruined the party for good – you can do one thing and one thing only – thank him for the mess he created.

    Soooo tired of the crybabies who can’t accept that their little 8 years of fun and games are over. Go away. Move to another country. Please. I beg of you.

  7. angrycitizen says:

    I’m sorry – did I say Bush/Cheney had lied 42,355,267,125 times? My bad. I meant 42,355,267,325. Forgot to carry the 2. Pathetic fools.

  8. farmer60 says:

    This isn’t even the tip of the iceberg as far as corruption in this election for the president of the USA.

  9. nicholas.nigeria says:

    I have carefully read this article to see where Obama has lied but to my greatest amazement, this is just a blackmail of the fact trying to paint it to suit individual/organized opinion thereby discrediting the eligibility of the President Elect. Reading the article, you can adduce that the writer was never an Obama supporter and never even voted for him like he tried to portray himself but it is not the subject of the matter only that I need to point it out for those confused and convinced about the writer.

    It is well said and noted that names was submitted to the Governor by the suspect Rahm Emmanuel. I will correct you that sending list of names that might appeal to Obama is not same as negotiating because Obama never offered or promised anything in return considering if as a Governor he has called Emmanuel to suggest to him based on his strained relationship with Obama to suggest names of possible pick that will interest Obama. Again, list was sent without a compelling order or promise in return to the favor if any name on the list was selected. The Governor went as far as indicating that if he picks anyone on Obama list that all he will get is just a gratitude message meaning there was no contractual agreement or negotiation on the seat.

    In as much as I do not see Obama as a saint but I do not see him as a devil either. He is just a normal guy with ethic and moral value which resembles none. In effort to discredit him, you made him look like god so that you can spew him at any slight chance you get.

    “He indicated that the president-elect would be fine with certain people and I was one of them,” Schakowsky said, adding that he did not share the identities of others on the list.
    Clearly this indicates Obama had veto power on who could be considered” Let it be known that in politics we all have our preferred candidate and if list of names was sent, that means there was no specific person but list that will appeal to the President Elect. There was no contract or compelling note to it and it cannot be termed as veto. Again, you noted the list was sent prior to election when Emmanuel has not been appointed.

    I know that everyone can’t just love this guy but pls love your country and support your president elect. Acceptable or not, you will agree that he ran the best political campaign ever in history of politics. I know you voted for McCain, but pls stop the spread of hatred. McCain has already accepted his defeat and he is living fine with it so you should do same for the interest of your country.

  10. a2burns says:

    i think you are making hasty rationalizations !!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Neo says:

    “I had no contact with the governor’s office. I did not speak to the governor about these issues. That I know for certain.”

    I have to disagree with your assessment of this statement.

    With the exactitude of a sleazy lawyer, Obama was absolutely correct. “I” or Obama himself had no direct contact. This is exactly the kind of “word play” that Obama did during the campaign; expect more.

    Of course, this does show that you will have to dissect each and every one of his statements for the “exact” meaning, now and in the future.

  12. theporch says:

    Did you notice that Obama read his statement??? It was obviously written for him by an attorney and he wanted to just parse the words as they were written.

  13. endovdays says:

    Whole story makes no sense … even for Illinois politics. Blago’s no Bozo, and can’t possibly be that stupid. Think he’s been meeting with black ministers to prepare black community for his blowing whistle on both JJ, Sr. and Jr. for their attempts to buy Obama’s senate seat for Jr. Prediction: Blago will soon call news conference to announce that he knew he was being wiretapped (and likely will have proof that he “knew” it), and was using the wiretap to (en)trap JJ, Sr. and Jr. (and maybe others) into directly offering money for the senate seat. Blago will demand release of all wiretap tapes. If tapes are ever released, Blago may be vindicated. Rahm Emanuel likely took phone calls from JJ, Sr., and may have had knowledge that he/they were trying to buy the seat from Blago. Even if Emanuel didn’t participate in the illegal conspiracy, his failure to report it will force Obama to dump him, possibly before the Inauguration. When the dust settles, JJ Sr., JJ Jr., Rahm Emanuel, and possibly others will be ruined. Depending on public reaction to the disclosure, Blago may appoint himself to the senate seat.

  14. Gina164 says:

    Well…you’ve shown ONE thing, and one thing only…
    you already hated Obama.

    If someone you liked said the same thing, you’d use it in the opposite way…as evidence that he (Obama, in this case) was smart enough to do two things:

    One: Give his preferred replacements, as IS EXPECTED by him.

    Two: Not talk with the screwy Governor to do so, and waste his time speaking with a guy who was ALREADY known to Obama and other Chicagoan politicians as a slimball.

    Obama is one of the smartest patriots around, and you seem to not want to accept that.

    You will be wasting a lot of precious energy in your attempts to down him…time and energy better spent on learning how to not make up your own lies…to support your own egomanical assessment of your ‘intelligence’ …in attempts to create lies about those who you obviously didn’t vote for.

    Not too intelligent to try to make up lies about lies…

    Well…I imagine that you will not allow this comment… hope I’m wrong on that guess, though.

    Aloha, from Hawai’i

  15. haveanear says:

    This will be the first on 4 years of scandals. He has smoozed and lied and covered up from the begining. The liberal Press and Media establishments being his willing, salivating accomplises, in it all. Their almost orgasmic responses to everything that he has to say, with only softball questions lobbed his way as if not to offend the new monarch.
    He is a “harvard educated lawyer” don’t ever forget that, because as it has been said earlier, he will parse with the best of them. lying all the way. After the Clintons, the democratic leadership doesn’t believe that the American people will want to go through their dictionaries to have to really clearly define words like, “is” and “talked to”, when the spirit, meaning and intent is in the actual action of what really did happen. But, Obama, as he has so skillfully done up until know, will show that he too can keep up with Bill on redifining words like,”is” and talked, and who knows what!
    The US Attorneys had to spill the beans early, because they know that Obama is ready from Jan 20th to fire them all, and launch his own putsch of the Department of Justice. BUt, you’ll never hear a peep from Katie Couric like during the few that were fired during Bush. Charlie Gibson will soft pedal it as Obama’s desire for the “new face of true justice” in the US. Afterall he was the editor of the “Harvard Law Review”.
    The people that I feel most sorry for is the 90% of Black Americans who hoped that this historic election would give politics a new face and era of equality. But, sad to say is that they fell for the lie, he simply played them. And in return, what they will get after 4 years is never to have another black president in their lifetime. They gave a man a chance who was just as decieving and corrupt as the rest of the political elite.
    Change for the sake of change alone, usually ends up a nightmare.

  16. AmericanFirst says:

    So what if he had conversations with the governor of the state he represented? Of course it would be totally normal to do so. All these disgruntled Republicans that are upset over their man losing should look in the mirror and ask themselves how many times Bush has lied over the last 8 years, and McCan to talk about the lobbyist problem. When his whole campaign was full of them! Lies! Give me a break!!! This is just a major distraction that Obama shouldn’t have to deal with while preparing to take over the mess that the Bush Clan has got us in. Obama wasn’t my first choice but I am now 100% behind him now and hope he can straighten our country out. Reading some of these comments make me wonder how “American” these people are!
    Do any of you know what United means?
    I just wish there was just one woman willing to give Bush a BJ so we could have impeached him!

  17. AmericanFirst says:

    I was wondering if some of you were also writing the newspapers with ficticious stories about McCan. Can’t blame Mccan about those lies can we? After all, he didn’t write the lies!

  18. Layne says:

    I know some people HOPE this will become a big deal. It won’t. Obama himself didn’t speak with anyone concerning this matter. The country can see that the McCain losers are trying their best to turn this into a scandal. Americans are way too smart and they’re not going to fall for this. Mark my words.

    Plus, Obama won because AMERICANS were sick of all the lies that Bush has been shoving down our throats for the last eight years. Obama will be the President of the United States of America for at LEAST the next four years. Get used to it and get over it.

  19. Mjornir says:

    the most important word in politics is “I”…
    this is far from politics, pres elect obama is a puppet as stated by another, but of a different kind.
    P/E obama as he stated will “excercise” his “executive powers” I.E., declare marshall law which silences the remaining branches of government (eventually).
    by 06-2009, israel will sign the peace treaty.
    P/E obama will be the beast that gives all authority over to the second beast that was before him (as a previous comment by yet another suggests that P/E obama is in by the effort of another(s), while McCain sat on the sidelines during the election.
    obama 6th-9th cousin of dick cheney (CEO for middleeast development founded by bush sr. whom was upset when jr. ran and won the election for someone else was supposed to be here instead of jr.).
    palin who is related to a prominent bloodline by marriage where as obama, bush, and McCain (McCain being the closest to the elusive royalty-Mc being abreviated for Mac (irish-scottish/gaelic for “son of” and a teaser for you-1990 US census, “McCain” rarely used as a first name, NEVER used as a surname, please explain why a us citizen has a surname that is NEVER used…some one again is lying…)
    3 1/2 years after israel signs, the current US goverment is handed over to the final dictator (McCain) and at this time, according to myan calendar, nibiru (the other half of what we call earth) returns just as the sun switches polarity and with both forces, the earth flips over causing major quakes in diverse places…

    the world is in a major economic (the wealthy are going broke) crash and the once illegal central bank is trying to force wars in order to get countries to borrow (US oils during WWII financed US, russia, AND hitler)…

    Barack Obama, one of the two Democratic contenders for the presidency, is perhaps, among the three candidates, the most genealogically diversed. His bloodline consists of Luo (Kenyan), English, German, Irish, Welsh, and smattering of French and Dutch ancestries. His pedigree shows different groups of people spanning several generations from different places. (Click here to see his pedigree chart).

    Obama’s Kenyan ancestry is sketchy, and is traced only through the male line. (Click here for a diagram of his Kenyan ancestry.) Much of his known family tree is through his maternal side, and it is here that we find many interesting relations to the senator.

    Obama could count at least two royal ancestors: William I “the Lion”, King of Scotland, and Henry II of England. He is related to at least six US Presidents: Jimmy Carter (half 7th cousins three times removed), Harry Truman (7th cousins three times removed), the 2 George Bushes (10th cousins once and twice removed, respectively), Woodrow Wilson (husband of Obama’s 6th cousin five times removed), and James Madison (3rd cousin nine times removed). He is also a ninth cousin once removed of Vice-President Dick Cheney. He has several relative lawmakers and Supreme Court Justices, as well.

    Of Politics and Genealogy: US Edition (continued)

    But Obama’s ancestry is not limited to political personalities. He is a 7th cousin four times removed of renowned artist Georgia O’Keefe, and his eighth cousin once removed, Elizabeth H. Richardson, was married to novelist Ernest M. Hemingway. Another relative is Gordon B. Hinkley, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Theodore N. Vail, founder of AT&T, is a sixth cousin four times removed, while banker JP Morgan is a 7th cousin four times removed.


    Other interesting relations of Senator Obama are actors: Margaux Hemingway, his 9th cousin; Superman Christopher Reeve, a 7th couin twice removed, and Katharine Hepburn, a 7th cousin thrice removed, and Brad Pitt is a 9th cousin. Even Justin Timberlake is Obama’s 11th cousin! A truly interesting approach to American politics.


    Ancestry of Barack Obama



    6162 Samuel Hinckley, b. … , d. Barnstable, Mass., 31 Oct. 1662 m. Hawkhurst, co. Kent, 17 May 1617

    6163 Sarah Soole, b. … , d. Barnstable, Mass., 18 Aug. 1656


    Gov. THOMAS HINCKLEY (1619-1706) m. Mary Richards
    .Samuel Hinckley m. Sarah Pope
    .Job Hinckley m. Sarah Tufts
    |.Samuel Hinckley m. Abigail Welch
    | .Samuel Hinckley m. Dorothy Strong
    | .Sophia Hinckley m. Jonathan Huntington Lyman
    | .George Hinckley Lyman m. Marie Cornelia Ritchie Austin
    | .Katherine Maria Lyman m. James Read Chadwick
    | .Bessie Lyman Chadwick m. Douglas Hamilton Thomas
    | .Katherine Lyman Thomas m. MATHIAS Graf von OPPERSDORFF (1899-1968)
    | .Rosamonde Whitridge Thomas m. EDUARD Graf von OPPERSDORFF (1896-1976)
    .Mary Hinckley m. Samuel Bangs
    |.Joseph Bangs m. Thankful Hamlin
    | .Lemuel Bangs m. Rebecca Keeler
    | .Elijah Keeler Bangs m. Esther Stackhouse
    | .Mary Ann Bangs m. Joseph Ambrose Beaky
    | .Martha Adela Beaky m. David Davis Walker
    | .George Herbert Walker m. Lucretia Wear / SEE: HEEDING BIBLE PROPHECY: 10.G Dragon Court: Vere/Weir Bloodline
    | .Dorothy Walker m. Prescott Sheldon Bush
    | .GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH (b. 1924), US President, m. Barbara Pierce
    | |.GEORGE WALKER BUSH (b. 1946), US President
    | |.JOHN ELLIS “Jeb” BUSH (b. 1953), Governor of Florida
    | |.Neil Mallon Bush m. Sharon Smith
    | | .LAUREN BUSH (b. 1984), model
    | .Jonathan James Bush m. Josephine Bradley
    | .William Hall “BILLY” BUSH (b. 1972), entertainment reporter
    .Thomas Hinckley m. Mercy —-
    .Thomas Hinckley m. Ruth Merrick
    .Nathaniel Hinckley m. Mercy Nickerson
    .Nathaniel Hinckley m. Rhoda Barber
    .Nathaniel Hinckley m. Lois Judd
    .Ira Nathaniel Hinckley m. Angeline Wilcox Noble
    .Bryant Stringham Hinckley m. Ada Bitner
    .GORDON BITNER HINCKLEY (1910-2008), president of the Mormon church / SEE: MITT ROMNEY’S MORMONISM



    all in all, the olde versions of the bible references this dictator as being born of a jackal (not from a jackal) which is one of the coat of arms for the “Merovingian” royalty which claimed to be royal as the seed of jesus/magdalene, mary which the templars tried to hide…

    anyhow, do your own search and see for yourself that this is all but political…

  20. kittymyers says:

    I agree with crosspatch: “Who really “runs” Barack Obama?”