Oct 02 2008

Palin Won! Obama Lost

Why did America tune in? To see one of our own fight the political class. Frank Luntz’s ‘independent’ group went something like 80% for Palin. She has changed the entire political landscape. The Palin phenom is just happening! Drudge poll shows 75-25 Palin. Look, this is HISTORY! Palin destroyed the media myths.

Please note: Palin, I am asking for a job in your administration!

Update: Just going to add onto this post from last night instead of starting a new one. CNN had a poll saying Biden won (must have been a poll of their viewers), Drudge has a non-scientific poll as well, showing Palin won. Biden was caught speaking DC wonk while Palin was able to remind everyone she comes from outside the Beltway. Is it enough to change the dynamics? Who knows – we have never seen a race like this one before. If anyone could change it, it would be Sarah Palin.

My next suggestion to McCain – send Sarah to debate Obama.

Update: I agree with Peggy Noonan (finally). Joe Biden slowly disappeared over the evening’s debate. He seemed to be waiting for something to happen to make him the winner. It never did happen. In fact, as the night went on and Palin gained her confidence, Biden ended up disappearing off the stage.

Did Sarah connect with America? I would wager most people tuned in to see her and measure her. By any measure she stood her own and destroyed the media spin. I must warn the left not to go down the path of belittling Sarah again, the repercussions of the backlash will be severe. But I know they will not listen. America just decided on their own who Sarah is and what she could mean to this nation. Spinning now will not destroy that image.

Getting back to Noonan, she had a very interesting observation:

Her triumph comes at an interesting time. The failure of the first bailout bill was an epic repudiation of the Washington leadership class by the American people. Two weeks ago the president of the United States, the speaker of the House, the secretary of the Treasury and the leadership of both parties in Congress came forward and announced that the economy was in crisis and a federal bill to solve it urgently needed. The powers were in agreement, the stars aligned, it was going to happen.

And then the phones began to ring, from one end of Capitol Hill to the other. And the message in those calls was, essentially: We don’t trust you to fix the problem, we suspect you may have caused it. Go away.

It was an epic snub, aimed at both parties. And the bill tanked.

We have simply, as a nation, never had a moment like this, in which the American people voted such a stunning no-confidence in America’s leaders in a time of real and present danger.

After this great point Noonan goes back to her bitter elitist, Bush-bashing self. She is turning into Andrew Sullivan.

Palin is the only non-Senator on any ticket. Americans may decide half a breathe of fresh air is better than none at all.

27 responses so far

27 Responses to “Palin Won! Obama Lost”

  1. Terrye says:

    I thought Sarah Palin was great. I did read in my travels however, that the CNN panel said she lost. Shocker!

    Fox panel liked her.

  2. bobsunshine says:

    Sarah did great!!!

    Lead headline for tomorrow:

    “Say it ain’t so Joe” Great line she used.

  3. archtop says:

    I enjoyed the debate, and agree that Sarah did what she needed to do. There were times when I wished she could have hit back harder (such as naming all the * democrats * who scuttled oversight of Fannie and Freddie). And I also wished she would not repeat herself so much. But on the war on terror, Iraq, Iran, and Israel she really cleaned up! I loved her line about Obama/Biden waving the white flag of surrender in Iraq – so true.

    I think “Joe Six-Pack” gets what Sarah Palin is all about.

    By the way, I’m sure there are some who will say that her answers weren’t as detailed and erudite as Biden’s. Well, I thought the same thing of Obama in the first debate (a lot of empty rhetoric and puff answers) but those same people will claim he won that debate. Fortunately, there are still more opportunities for Obama to show off his lack of knowledge and experience before the election…

  4. […] and folks felt her energy was refreshing. The Drudge poll says 75 to 25 in her favor. AJ Strata is asking for a job in the administration. It went good for […]

  5. sjreidhead says:

    So far you are the first person I’ve seen, besides my father and myself to think that Barack Obama was the biggest loser tonight – aside from the MSM.

    The Pink Flamingo

  6. momdear1 says:

    Yep! She won all right. She is back to being America’s sweet heart. She is a breath of fresh air. Let’s see if the MSM and the Obama jihad against her can knock her off the pedestal again. All the carping and belittling seemed to be taking it’s toll but she proved them all wrong tonight. Go Sarah!

  7. MerlinOS2 says:

    Is it just me or how many times did she call slow joe Obiden?

  8. kathie says:

    She won’t be knocked off her pedestal again. Why will she have to do any more interviews? We the people now know who she is. She doesn’t have to go solo again with MSM. She can do the crowds, and they love her.

  9. owl says:

    Sarah, you better learn how to duck because you made MSM look bad. (I am kissing the ground you walk on for that one)

  10. sbd says:

    Don’t be surprised to see the “so called” Troopergate stupidity to show itself again in an attempt to discredit her performance in this debate.

    In a rather “off the charts” Palin rant, Susie Bright wrote a story in her blog about why Palin’s Sex life matters. She started her story by repeating the debunked “rape kit” lie and then had this to say.

    I think for every woman who’s been appalled at her politics and the platform she’s been running on — and this certainly includes me — well, there’s this little part of me that’s thinking “Oh, If only she was on my side. If only I could kidnap Sarah Palin and just lick her pussy for a few hours, I think we could just work this whole thing out.” Do you know how many lesbians are discussing this? My friend Marga Gomez, who’s a fantastic dyke comedian, has this line where she says “Sarah Palin? She’s having my baby. And we’ve already named her Drill.” If only we could move her political viewpoint around just a little.

    While it might be appealing to some to watch, writing about it is simply distasteful.


  11. dave m says:

    I can’t even access Drudge this morning and he’s got pretty
    good servers. There must be a lot of interest here.

  12. VA Voter says:


    You could have gone all day without the “p—y” comments.

  13. gwood says:

    I thought Sarah won the debate, as I hoped she would, but her assertion that the credit crisis was caused by “predatory” actions on the part of mortgage bankers angered me no end. I’m sorry, but the mortgage industry gave Washington precisely what it legislated for. This mess is not a failure of capitalism, it is a mess born of government meddling in markets, and the inevitable unintended consequences.

    She missed a golden opportunity to name names, (Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama) and declare the obvious truth that this wouldn’t have happened without the distortion of the markets by government.

    She NAILED Biden on the Iraq war, defended McCain well on taxes and health care, and looking straight into the camera, scored some style points as well. In the end, SHE came across as the candidate of change, and I think that may be pivotal as to who won the debate here.

  14. archtop says:

    “I thought Sarah won the debate, as I hoped she would, but her assertion that the credit crisis was caused by “predatory” actions on the part of mortgage bankers angered me no end. I’m sorry, but the mortgage industry gave Washington precisely what it legislated for.”

    I thought about this and have to disagree (somewhat). The bankers were certainly encouraged by congress and Fannie and Freddie to make questionable loans, but noone forced them to. They could have, in many or most cases, refused to take on the risk. I think what happened here was the lenders had a field day making these bad loans when times were good (which enhanced their short term bottom lines), thinking that Fannie and Freddie would always be there. When Fannie and Freddie got into trouble, so too did the lenders.

  15. pjo says:

    GMA Gang was pretty subdued this morning biggest carp they had on Sarah was she was too optimistic and that she was winking. I noticed that they played the same clip over and over again where a lock of hair was getting in her eye, god was that distracting or what?

  16. pjo says:

    BTW, they grudgingly admitted she did what she had to do, though the big question out there is; did this move anybody in either candidate’s column?

  17. djs says:

    It’s not going to change things much given the GOP bailout meltdown, but she did herself a lot of good for 2012.

  18. archtop says:

    What bailout meltdown? How many dems voted against it? And didn’t Obama say that he couldn’t reach across the aisle because he didn’t have that much influence with the GOP. Besides just call him if you need him right?

    I think these last two weeks have shown me a lot about Obama’s crisis management style. Here we are going through one of the worst financial crises in recent years and Obama says – call me if you need me – I can’t be bothered working with the GOP (or anyone else for that matter) – and remember I warned about this two years ago! (BS)

  19. ivehadit says:

    Be afraid you dems (and site pests), be very, very afraid. You have been exposed now and there is no putting the toothpaste back in the tube. Sarah whupped you and she is just getting started.
    Enough! The Light WILL shine!

  20. OLDPUPPYMAX says:

    Imagine how much more effective Palin could have been were she permitted to be the conservative and patriot she truly is. Instead, she must shill for her RINO, limp-wristed, bailout-supporting running mate. Bipartisanship hell, Senator Biden, you are a liar! With a conservative at the top of the ticket, these words would have been worth ten points in November.