Aug 22 2008

Obama Screws Up, Announces Too Late On Summer Friday Evening

Published by at 5:03 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

Friday evenings are when bad news comes out that people hope will be missed by most of America. Summer time Fridays are the best because people are off work and heading for their weekend. It is now 5:00 PM Eastern and Obama has missed the window on his VP selection for America this week.  

Is he just not smart about these things, or is his selection so bad he wants to sneak it out?  Who knows, but the inexperience of Obama is showing again.

33 responses so far

33 Responses to “Obama Screws Up, Announces Too Late On Summer Friday Evening”

  1. daralharb says:

    Some additional possibilities:
    1. The Obama team has misjudged the willingness of the media and the public to treat a VP announcement as if it were as segment being “teased” on some local news program. “Later this hour … stay with us for … after the break … coming up soon,” and finally “in our next hour”. It’s irritating.
    2. Recent poll results have convinced him that he must change the choice he supposedly made in Hawaii, and schedules are being rearranged and announcements rewritten.
    3. There is dissent among his staff at a bad or risky choice, and the announcement is on hold while he and the team deal with their differences.
    Number 2 and number 3 are not incompatible.

  2. momdear1 says:

    This isn’t the only thing he isn’t so smart about. Is there really people in this country who would vote for a man who says that as President the first person he would go to for advice is his wife and after that his grandmother. Especually since wifey has publicly stated she isnt’ so proud of her country? If he gets even one vote it will mean that someone in this country has lost his senses, or is harboring a death wish.

  3. lurker9876 says:

    macranger said that there are many emails going around confirming Biden and that the announcement will be tomorrow.


    Obama’s delay of the VP announcement is telling me that Obama is indecisive. He is certainly not ready to be our president.

  4. lurker9876 says:

    Drudge Report is reporting Obama-Bayh based on a bumper sticker.

  5. kathie says:

    Maybe he is reconsidering Hillary!

  6. ordi says:

    Hotair says: Ambinder says there are reports of a charter jet on its way to Delaware from Chicago

    Who knows??????

  7. breschau says:

    “It is now 5:00 PM Eastern and Obama has missed the window on his VP selection for America this week.”

    LOL. Oh, really? And who defined this “window”, exactly?

    Tonight, everybody is talking about either 1) who is Obama picking as VP, or 2) John McCain’s house. The delay in announcing it allows that second issue to completely play out.

    Tomorrow (after it gets announced in the morning) and Sunday, everybody will be talking about Obama’s pick.

    Monday, the convention starts.

    So, for 7 straight days, the country’s attention is on Obama, his VP, the Democratic party… and McCain’s $13M worth of houses. Oh – sorry, $13M worth of his wife’s houses, since they’re all in her name, and she insisted on a pre-nup, since he had already abandoned his first wife for him. You stay classy, you Maverick.

    Remind me never to dream of hiring any of you people as political consultants.

  8. Terrye says:

    Who cares who he picks? It just goes on and on and on and on.

    and breschau: Considering how many rich people there are passing themselves off as regular folks in the Democratic party I don’t think Obama wants to go there. McCain’s wife has money. So did Kerry’s. Who cares about that either?

    Let’s see, Nancy Pelosi is one of the richest women in California. And that is saying something. Jane Harmon is worth almost half a billion dollars. Rockefeller and Kennedy would no doubt have to ask an estate planner before they could tell you how much property they owned. Harry Reid has a history of lucrative and shady real estate deals in and around Las Vegas that have made him a lot of money.

    And the list goes on. And the Democrats are so desperate to stop Obama’s slide that they grab onto this house thing like a drowning man grabbing a life saver. Pathetic.

    BTW, I thought that Obama said wives were off limits.

    I wonder if McCain should talk about all the charity work Cindy has done around the world. Just the other day Obama was chastising us about being selfish and not caring about people, maybe he would feel better if he knew of all the good works McCain’s wife has done for poor people all over the world.

  9. Terrye says:

    And McCain did not abandon his first wife. His marriage did not survive the years he spent in captivity. the Democrats are the ones who need to stay classy, but they won’t.

  10. Terrye says:

    BTW, how many of Obama’s relatives are living in abject poverty while he is flying around in Obama One? I hear it puts Air Force One to shame.

  11. breschau says:


    Let’s go rapid fire:

    None of those Dems you mentioned are running for President.

    Also, none of them have been trying to hypocritically label Obama as an elitist.

    The wives are indeed supposed to be offlimits. Please show me where Obama or his campaign has said anything about Cindy. And would you like the list of things that have been said about Michelle already?

    McCain has gone on record, and he blamed himself for the failure of his first marriage. Didn’t you hear him say that on Saturday night? The problem with that marriage wasn’t his captivity – it was the accident that caused his first wife to shrink and gain weight, along with his desire to start sleeping around with rich, young, blonde beer heiresses.

    I don’t know – how many?

    Obama One is a 757, on charter. Air Force One is a 747-200. If you think one can put the other “to shame”, then you really need to read more. By contrast, Cindy McCain actually owns the corporate jet John has been flying around in.

    Keep trying, big guy – I’m sure you’ll find one that sticks eventually.

  12. kathie says:

    It’s attitude not number of houses. “We are the one’s we have been waiting for”, oh please! “God sent us Obama”. Really? Middle America relates to this dribble, I don’t think so!

  13. ivehadit says:

    I tell you what, Cindy has personally made her money (not with John) with Anheuser Busch. I don’t know a single person in this country that would begrudge her that.

    How many jobs are created by poverty?

    So when did it become a crime to have financial success in America? It is for the resentful…which the dems foster…lower self envy as opposed to inspiring the highest and best selves….which, to me, Cindy is one who does and is inspirational, especially to women.

    Go ahead, dems. Tick off successful women in this country. Good job!

    And Biden, it appears to be. Bring. It. On.

  14. breschau says:

    “I tell you what, Cindy has personally made her money (not with John) with Anheuser Busch.”

    What? Since when does inheriting money from your father count as “personally made”?

    But I agree – she is a sharp woman. Insisting on that pre-nup was very shrewd.

  15. J.D. says:

    Being successful does not make McCain or his wife elitist, but demeaning the “little people” for clinging to guns and God does. I can guarantee the most often heard phrase among Obama’s advisors is, “Please, please, please just read the prompter.”

    And if his choice is Biden, that will be the cherry on top. Nothing like a good, old-fashioned, New England liberal to solidify McCain’s base and lock the South and Mid-West in for the Republicans. This would certainly prove that they were searching for a V.P. more laughable than the nominee.

  16. breschau says:

    Okay, so does spending $247,000 on “household help” make you elitist?

    It’s a simple concept: John McCain does not have a single financial concern in his life, and hasn’t since he married the millionaire heiress Cindy.

    How can he possibly relate to someone like me, who was filing bankruptcy papers a year ago because the cost of building my current house went way above budget?

    How can he relate to my brother-in-law, who is fighting a bank over his mortgage, after his wife died a year ago, and he had trouble making payments?

    If John McCain needs another summer home – he just buys one. For over $2 million. In fact, he already did.

    Do any of you think that John McCain has the slightest idea of how the struggling economy has hit the common person? Do you think that John McCain gives 2 thoughts to filling an SUV with $70 worth of permium gas? Does that give him even a MOMENT’s notice, when his wife is worth $100M+?

    His own tax policy will save him and his wife almost $400,000 in taxes next year. Not overall – PER FREAKING YEAR. And it will save me NOTHING. Meanwhile, Obama’s tax plan will save me about $1000. Remind me again why I should vote for McCain based upon fiscal reasons?

    YOUR party decided to run with the “elitist” meme, and then ran an ultra-rich, pampered, corporate jet flying adulterer as its candidate. Please don’t blame ME if that comes back to bite you in the ass.

  17. breschau says:


    “And if his choice is Biden, that will be the cherry on top. Nothing like a good, old-fashioned, New England liberal…”

    You, sir, are an idiot.

    So, which of these geographical area is part of “New England”:

    Scranton, PA, where
    Biden was born


    Suburban New Castle County Delaware, where Biden grew up. (See above link.)


    Greenville, DE, where Biden currently resides. (See above link.)

    I eagerly await your geographically-challenged answer.

  18. breschau says:


    “If he gets even one vote it will mean that someone in this country has lost his senses, or is harboring a death wish.”

    Now, see – you are my favorite kind of Republican: the kind that cannot simply fathom the idea that someone thinks differently than them. It is a sign of a shocking lack of intelligence and/or wisdom.

    I recognize that there are very smart people out there, who disagree with me on a variety of topics, whether they be political, or moral, or religious — or related to mathematical theory (you don’t even want to see the catfights over the Nobel Prize for Mathematics).

    The fact that Obama has been polling nationally at 44-48% for the past few months must be very upsetting to you. So tell me, in your own words: how can almost half of the country “[have] lost [their] senses, or [are] harboring a death wish”? Is it.. I don’t know, tied into the flouride in drinking water, or something similarly wingnutty?

    And honestly – why won’t you non-wingnut Republicans tell people like this that are out of their freaking minds? Are you proud of the fact that your party depends upon ignorance to win elections?

  19. Redteam says:

    How can he possibly relate to someone like me, who was filing bankruptcy papers a year ago because the cost of building my current house went way above budget?

    So because you were dumb or overloaded your ass you begrudge John McCain, who was tortured in a prison camp for 5 years for your right to be stupid.

    How can he relate to my brother-in-law, who is fighting a bank over his mortgage, after his wife died a year ago, and he had trouble making payments? and he was so dumb he didn’t have mortgage insurance and was depending on his wife’s income to pay the mortgage. geez.

    how can you possibly relate to someone that spent many years in the military and 5 of those in a torture camp for you to sit on your sorry ass and criticize.

    So now we’ll have to deal with Chia the plagiarist.

    Are you proud of the fact that your party depends upon ignorance to win elections? yep, when it’s the ignorant voting for the losing party.

  20. breschau says:

    “So because you were dumb or overloaded”

    Ah – so everyone who struggles with their current mortgage is either “dumb or overloaded”? Excellent message – let’s run with that! The common people will never have a problem with it!

    My General Contractor embellezed from me, and did so in a manner that it took me months to figure it out, and how he did it. (He was a smart theif.) Would you like to further insult me by insisting that there are no evil people in the world, and how dare I accuse someone of trying to steal from me?

    If you are of the opinion that every single person or corporation is 100% responsible for everything that happens under them, even when the people under them act illegally – then please explain to me why the Federal Government is about to hand over a few billion dollars to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?

    Were they “dumb and overloaded” too? If so, why give them a federal handout?

    Oh, and thanks for the sympathy in the situation that myself, my wife, and my two kids now find ourselves in, dickhead.