Jul 25 2008

Obama’s Unforgivable Stumble In Germany

Published by at 2:35 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

While Obama was doing the “We Are The World” crap (we all remember the duplicitous French regarding Iraq and the fact many NATO forces are not actually allowed to fight in our war to protect the West from terrorism) Obama’s greatest stumble and insult was not in visiting our wounded troops in Germany:

Chief Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell confirmed to Politico that Department of Defense officials cautioned Barack Obama’s campaign that his planned visit to wounded American troops in Germany could not be political in nature and that he would be barred from bringing along campaign staff and reporters.   He also said that Cindy McCain recently requested to visit sailors aboard the U.S.N.S. Comfort and was denied.

“Sen. Obama is welcome to visit Landstuhl or any military hospital in his official capacity as a United States senator,” Morrell said in a brief interview.  “But there is a DOD policy which governs campaigning and electioneering at military facilities that would have to be respected if he were to visit. That distinction was relayed and made clear to campaign, and they made a decision on their own based on that guidance.”

Morrell, in a subsequent interview, added that military officials told Obama he could only visit the military facility with his Secret Service detail and Senate staff.

This is just unforgivable. Obama had the opportunity to go visit those American who have given a part of themselves to America, and because he couldn’t turn it into a media circus he bowed out. American troops are not PR props Senator. They sacrificed for this country, why could you not sacrifice a few minutes of air time to quietly and respectfully go meet with them? 

How hard would it have been to visit them and give them a thank you no matter what the restrictions? How hard would it have been to simply honor and respect their sacrifices? Not hard at all in reality. You don’t have to agree with the policies to thank those who volunteered and took their orders to implement those policies. I cannot fathom what was going through Obama’s thick head. These American troops are “The World” too.

This incident shows Obama to be weak and self absorbed. He was confounded by a simple requirement which required the visit to be for the benefit of the wounded, not to the one visiting the troops. If he can’t work through this simple challenge he has no hope of running America. Clearly, the Obama campaign could not be bothered with going through the necessary hoops to visit the troops. When it became tough they quit and walked away.

Senator, you are no leader of America. Run for President of Europe- which I must note hosts the most nationalistic ‘tribes’ you will find on the planet, and who are not people of the World but Frenchman, Germans, Greeks, etc first. See if any of these white anglo-saxon countries of the world would ever elect someone as their leader who has ancestors tracing back to Africa. They applauded you as a puppet, and you lapped it up. Then you turned your back on those Americans who have given more to this country than you could ever hope to give.

Smooth move, Barry.

32 responses so far

32 Responses to “Obama’s Unforgivable Stumble In Germany”

  1. […] this delusional stance with his rebuff to our injured soldiers in Germany and McCain has his signature issue to win in November. As long as Obama stands pat, […]

  2. PrattStreet says:

    Hey Dick Heads, The Pentagon prevented Obama from visiting the troops because it would have looked political. Look it up assholes. BTW – no other President before W ever used the troops as a political prop as disgustingly as W has. Suck. On. It.

  3. ivehadit says:

    “”Sen. Obama is welcome to visit Landstuhl or any military hospital in his official capacity as a United States senator,” Morrell said in a brief interview. “But there is a DoD policy which governs campaigning and electioneering at military facilities that would have to be respected if he were to visit. That distinction was relayed and made clear to campaign, and they made a decision on their own based on that guidance.”
    It’s bad enough that Obama went shopping and worked out instead of visiting wounded troops.
    It’s worse that his campaign lied about it.”
    -from gatewaypundit.blogspot.com

    Soooo. The o is admitting that the trip was a campaign ploy, no? He could have gone by himself to visit the troops, no? Yes.

    It is never inappropriate to honor the troops with a visit to show genuine gratitude. But alas, o can’t because his base despises the military, no? They wouldn’t have approved his visit. That’s the REAL story, imho.

  4. crosspatch says:

    “Can anyone point me to the latest polls showing the percentage of the US soldiers favoring Obama versus McCain?”

    As far as I know, nobody polls military service members.

    My guess it would be about 90% McCain and 10% Obama with about 10000 more McCain voters created each month.

  5. crosspatch says:

    Oh, and maybe things have changed but when I was in, few military overseas actually voted. You had to get an absentee ballot request in to your state by the deadline and HOPE your ballot made it to you. Then you had to fill it out and send it in by the deadline.

    Most GIs stationed with me didn’t want to mess with that.

    It would be great if there could be some kind of effort to see that the Gis get their absentee requests in on time regardless of affiliation.

  6. […] didn’t go to Landstuhl AFB because the Pentagon vetoed the trip (after tipping off wingnut media of the cancellation, but not the […]

  7. crosspatch says:


    Barack Obama Finishes His Waffle!

    “Today Barack Obama finally abandoned his dangerous insistence on an unconditional withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq by making clear that for the foreseeable future, troop levels in Iraq will be ‘entirely conditions based.’ We welcome this latest shift in Senator Obama’s position, but it is obvious that it was only a lack of experience and judgment that kept him from arriving at this position sooner.

    “John McCain has always held the position that any withdrawal from Iraq must be based on conditions on the ground. With the incredible success of the surge, which John McCain advocated, it is increasingly likely that U.S. troops will be able to withdraw with victory in hand. John McCain had long urged Barack Obama, who opposed the surge, to return to Iraq in order to see the immense changes in the security situation there since his last visit. Now that Obama has finally met with General Petraeus, it appears that he has also come to the conclusion that troop levels in Iraq must be based on the conditions on the ground.”

    I saw that statement from the McCain campaign over at Hot Air in a posting on this article from Newsweek.

    Q: You’ve been talking about those limited missions for a long time. Having gone there and talked to both diplomatic and military folks, do you have a clearer idea of how big a force you’d need to leave behind to fulfill all those functions?

    A: I do think that’s entirely conditions-based. It’s hard to anticipate where we may be six months from now, or a year from now, or a year and a half from now.

    BARACK OBAMA HAS FINALLY FINISHED HIS WAFFLE! And now shares the same position as George W. Bush!

  8. BarbaraS says:

    Clearly, the Obama campaign could not be bothered with going through the necessary hoops to visit the troops. When it became tough they quit and walked away.

    How hard would it have been to leave his campaign staff at the hotel? Not hard at all. This would have been a golden opportunity for Obama and he flubbed it. Lefties do not honor the troops. They go through the motions of saying they do but in reality they don’t. They don’t care about them at all. They think the troops are stupid to be where they are to start with. John Kerry (Jon Cary) said it honestly and was representative of the left.

  9. […] a media or campaign event Obama runs to the gym. As I noted below this is an unforgivable outrage (I posted on it here).  So what does a liberal fool do? They rush out a post that notes our Commander-in-Chief […]

  10. […] publicized news on how Barrack Obama failed a key test of leadership and being Commander-in-Chief. I posted days ago on Obama’s unforgivable sin of setting high expectations among our wounded troops by a visit […]

  11. […] Obama dissed our injured troops in Germany because he could not work out how to follow the process and shut up his campaign staff and control […]

  12. […] AJ Strata:  This is just unforgivable. Obama had the opportunity to go visit those American who have given a part of themselves to America, and because he couldn’t turn it into a media circus he bowed out. American troops are not PR props Senator. They sacrificed for this country, why could you not sacrifice a few minutes of air time to quietly and respectfully go meet with them? […]