Jul 24 2008

Astronaut Claims Aliens Have Visited Earth

Published by at 10:21 am under All General Discussions

OK, I am not sure what to make of this, but given the source I would not dismiss it outright:

FORMER NASA astronaut and moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell – a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission – has stunningly claimed aliens exist.

“I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we’ve been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real,” Dr Mitchell said. 

“It’s been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it’s leaked out and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it. 

“I’ve been in military and intelligence circles, who know that beneath the surface of what has been public knowledge, yes – we have been visited. Reading the papers recently, it’s been happening quite a bit.” 

Here is a shot of Edgar Mitchell on the Moon during his Apollo 14 mission with the legendary Alan Shepard.

Update:  I should address the NASA statement I guess:

In a statement, a spokesman said: “NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe. 

The first comment is a non sequitur: Mitchell is not claiming NASA tracked any UFOs (Roswell was well before NASA even existed). The Military are the ones who sweep the skies today looking for unidentified objects – NASA tracks it’s satellites, it doesn’t sweep the skies looking for unknown objects using tracking resources (they are busy dealing with all of NASA’s missions). Mitchell also specifically quoted military and intelligence groups – NASA is neither. Finally, if this is classified no one is going to admit it openly of course. I have no clue what to make of this, but the NASA comment is interestingly irrelevant to the claims.

If I was really suspicious I would wonder why NASA denied “tracking” UFO’s? What about tracking known off world space vehicles???

Update:  Seems Mitchell has some interesting views on life, universe and everything.

22 responses so far

22 Responses to “Astronaut Claims Aliens Have Visited Earth”

  1. RickS says:

    On the surface, this seems like it could be big news. We have a Doctor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, a former carrier pilot, and a NASA astronaut who is telling us that aliens exist.

    However, the good doctor has quite an extensive history of New Ageiness and has often dwelt on the fringes of rational thinking.

    The good Doctor claims to be a psychic and while in space, he tried to contact his family and friends using his ESP. He believes in “remote viewing”, that is the use of physic powers to ‘see’ remote locations in your mind, and he has made the rounds at UFO conventions over the years.

    It would not surprise me if Dr. Mitchell was an associate of John Lear, son of Bill Lear the founder of Learjet, as both try to use past credibility to justify their current unsubstantiated claims.

  2. Neo says:

    In the movie “Contact“, based on Carl Sagan’s novel, there is the presumption that the revelation of extraterrestrial life will turn the world’s religions on their ears.

    Methinks that the Western religions that have gone through more doubt and turmoil would fare better then the static religions, where deviant thinking is punished with death, like Islam.

    So .. I’m wondering what kind of stew the Middle East would brew given Dr. Mitchell’s assertions.

  3. Ray_in_Aus says:

    Isn’t NASA, while conducting it’s normal activities, routinely identifying a whole array of flying or orbiting objects, and using systems to filter out irrelevant ones, and wouldn’t every NASA employee involved in tracking work have an obligation to report (or at least log) unexplained flying objects?

    If the ARE doing that, then they are tracking (or logging) UFO’s and if they are NOT, then they are deliberately ignoring UFO’s.


  4. Ray_in_Aus says:

    If there ARE visitors from other worlds, have we got enough ammo to kill ’em all – and if not, who should we blame?

    Also, if aliens are born on American soil, are they allowed to be President?

  5. WWS says:

    Senile dementia is sad when it strikes.

  6. AJStrata says:


    No SpaceCom (DoD) tracks the ‘debri’ and provides reports to NASA so they can determine what is a risk to shuttle, space station, satellites, etc.


  7. Ray_in_Aus says:

    AJStrata wrote:

    No SpaceCom (DoD) tracks the ‘debri’ and provides reports to NASA so they can determine what is a risk to shuttle, space station, satellites, etc.

    I assumed that NASA would by now, have live feed from major telescopes – thus giving them the ability to analyze or comment on unusual activity that was reported at any given geo coordinates.


  8. AJStrata says:

    Ray, Not live feed but NASA does tap into the astronomer networks where new objects tend to get detected.

  9. WWS says:

    One of the team members who won a nobel prize for solving the puzzle of DNA put this issue better than anyone else years ago. Watson, of Watson and Crick fame, said that when one does a complicated chemical experiment, often the results obtained are very small, just some residue in the test tube. However, repeating the experiments many times and combining the residues results in a scientifically quantifiable result.

    Watson said that with respect to these “alien” sightings over the years, “there is no residue.” No matter how many times the stories are told, nothing more ever turns up than was present before, none of the tales are cumulative, knowledge never advances. If this was a true scientifically observable phenomena, there would be some residue of the observations. There never is. The story never gets better, it just gets repeated. As such, it seems to be simply an indicator of how willing to decieve themselves even intelligent people are. Reality is harsh and unrewarded by others, fantasy and irrationality are much more fun and much more highly rewarded. Many people spend their entire lives there.

    What I would need to see, expect to see if there truly were extraterrestrial creatures visiting this planet – why has no one found the equivalent of a ball point pen? Let me explain – to a primitive culture, ball point pens are quasi-magical things, impossible for a primitive to even explain, much less create. And yet to us they are cheap throwaway items that we ignore. We have a lot of those, and it’s reasonable to assume that any advanced culture has analogs. Something they think is valueless but something we cannot reproduce. All these aliens running around the woods and they’ve never dropped a single ball point pen? Show me one, and I’ll stop being such a skeptic.

    And let’s not even go into the logic of beings mastering interstellar travel and yet hiding in the dark and going “boo!” through windows while ignoring all reasonable attempts to make contact. Ever notice how the “abduction” stories tend to be more about human sexual obsession than about anything that any actual alien would be interested in?

    “You traveled halfway across the galaxy just to look up there??? What’s wrong wit you, boy???”

  10. Ray_in_Aus says:

    Talking about UFO’s – which are often equated wth ‘flying sucers’ – I remember reading about 25 years ago in an old American Websters encyclopedia from about 1926 where they said that the ideal high speed flying machine was an “oblate spheroid” which is what a flying saucer is.

    I’ve occasionally wondered if the idea of flying saucers came from writings like that, more than from visual sightings.

  11. Ray_in_Aus says:

    WWS wrote:

    One of the team members who won a nobel prize for solving the puzzle of DNA put this issue better than anyone else years ago. Watson, of Watson and Crick fame, said that when one does a complicated chemical experiment, often the results obtained are very small, just some residue in the test tube. However, repeating the experiments many times and combining the residues results in a scientifically quantifiable result.

    Watson said that with respect to these “alien” sightings over the years, “there is no residue.” No matter how many times the stories are told, nothing more ever turns up than was present before, […..]

    Good point, but I suppose it depends on what would be considered ‘residue’ in relation to UFO’s.

    Look how much residue we didn’t see in relation to genetics, before DNA was understood a lot better. We could have done a hell of a lot better than we did, if we had only looked at family trees in detail.


  12. cmhyland says:

    The term flying saucer came from the explanation given by Keneth Arnold of his sighting over them mountains on the west coast around 1945. Fighter pilots during the war refered to them as foo fighters.

    So it seems like people think Edgar Mitchell is crazy or gone soft in the head with age… Maybe so.

    It’s often mentioned that religion would be in crisis should proof present itself… This is false… The scientific world would be in crisis.

    Hell half of them believe that man is responsible for Global Warming… and UFOs and AGW have about the same amount of proof…

    Actually there is more proof that UFOs are real than Global Warming is caused by man.

    As Michio Kaku often says “Open your mind to the possibility an advanced race is hundreds of thousand, or even millions of years more advanced than us”

  13. VinceP1974 says:

    In regards to aliens and religion. Many Christians and Jews believe that in the days right before the flood, that Angels alligned with the devil had fallen to earth and that some of them started to reproduce with human women, creating a hybrid called the Nephilim.

    Genesis 6:1 When humankind began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humankind were beautiful. Thus they took wives for themselves from any they chose.

    In the Hebrew “sons of God” is bÿne-ha’elohim, which specific refer to the angels, not mankind.

    Gen 6:4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days (and also after this) when the sons of God were having sexual relations with the daughters of humankind, who gave birth to their children. They were the mighty heroes of old, the famous men

    I think this implies a connection to old ancient myths and gods. Perhaps they weren’t so fanciful?

    This contamination of mankind by the angels , and the evil nature of the Nephilim is what caused God to flood the earth.

    Gen 6:5 But the Lord saw that the wickedness of humankind had become great on the earth. Every inclination of the thoughts of their minds was only evil all the time.

    This infiltration by non-Earth beings is also mentioned in the New Testament

    2 Peter 2:4 For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but threw them into hell and locked them up in chains in utter darkness, to be kept until the judgment, and if he did not spare the ancient world, but did protect Noah, a herald of righteousness, along with seven others, when God brought a flood on an ungodly world

    and also

    Jude 1:6 You also know that the angels who did not keep within their proper domain but abandoned their own place of residence, he has kept in eternal chains in utter darkness, locked up for the judgment of the great Day

    The Bible says the End Times will be like the time right before the flood.. perhaps its hinting that these things return to earth. Perhaps this time in the disguise as aliens from another solar system.

    Many Christians are aware of these teachings and thus would view any “alien” to be really a demon in disguise.

  14. Ray_in_Aus says:

    VinceP1974 wrote:

    In regards to aliens and religion. Many Christians and Jews believe that in the days right before the flood, that Angels alligned with the devil had fallen to earth and that some of them started to reproduce with human women, creating a hybrid called the Nephilim.

    I’ve noticed that very few people ever allow for the possibility (or even probability) of The Bible having been written in a fashion that people could relate to many centuries ago.

    I mean one only has to read “The Mac Bible” or the “The Dead Mac Scrolls” to know that a “folder” on the desktop is not really a folder, and it’s doesn’t really have “documents” in it, but the illusion merely helps us to navigate around a PC, so we need to be on the lookout for the same sort of innocent deceit in other places, as well – including the holy books.


  15. Ray_in_Aus says:

    VinceP1974 wrote:

    In regards to aliens and religion. Many Christians and Jews believe that in the days right before the flood, that Angels alligned with the devil had fallen to earth and that some of them started to reproduce with human women, creating a hybrid called the Nephilim. […]

    [Edit error]


  16. Ray_in_Aus says:

    VinceP1974 wrote:

    In regards to aliens and religion. Many Christians and Jews believe that in the days right before the flood, that Angels alligned with the devil had fallen to earth and that some of them started to reproduce with human women, creating a hybrid called the Nephilim. […]

    [Edit error]


  17. WWS says:

    I remember that! The Nephilim were 40 feet tall and one was turned into a giant mummy and buried in Utah (why not?) but they took out his brain first which made his demon daddy really mad so when he came back to life because some evil capitalist pig raping the land and building a dam woke him up he was just a giant zombie nephilim mummy and shambled around doing about what you’d expect a 40 foot tall zombie nephilim mummy to do. I think the good guys broke the dam and just like the wicked witch of the west he melted when the water got on him, or something like that, but he didn’t say “what a world, what a world!”, since all he could say was “ARRGHH ARR ARRGHH!!” He could have used a richer vocabulary, but it must have made his cuecards pretty simple to make.

    that was a bad movie.

  18. Ray_in_Aus says:

    cmhyland wrote:

    The term flying saucer came from the explanation given by Keneth Arnold of his sighting over them mountains on the west coast around 1945. Fighter pilots during the war refered to them as foo fighters. […]


    Here’s a graph that I just knocked up, which shows how many sightings occurred in each year of the 20th century (in my collection).

    [I have no special interest in UFO’s – it’s just one of many things I’ve looked at]



  19. dave m says:

    One notes the complete absence of any stars in the black sky.
    If one goes outside, at night, and looks around, there are no areas of
    the sky that are just inky blackness.
    And the moon, with no atmosphere, would show up those stars
    even more brilliantly.
    I’m not saying we didn’t go the moon – just that that picture wasn’t
    taken there.