Jun 16 2008

Far Right Pushing The Wrong VP

I feel for Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, he looks to be a nice family person and has had a skyrocketing career. But he is the wrong candidate for the VP slot on McCain’s ticket. Gingrich is out pushing Jindal for VP:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) said Sunday that Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal “would be far and away the best candidate” to appear on the Republican presidential ticket with Sen. John McCain (Ariz.).

Gingrich, who appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” heaped praise upon the former congressman, saying that he is a “spectacular” governor and predicted that Jindal would be a presidential candidate in the future.

Why do I say that? Becaue Jingal brings along baggage in the form of far-right mythology and silliness:

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal defended intelligent design as a legitimate scientific discipline that has a place in the nation’s classrooms Sunday on Face the Nation.

The moderator in the video below asked Jindal if he has doubts about evolution since Jindal was a biology major in college.

“I’m a Christian,” Jindal said. “I do think that God played a role in creating not only the earth but mankind. Now the way that he did it, I’d certainly want my kids to be exposed to the very best science. I don’t want any facts or theories or explanations to be withheld from them because of political correctness.”

Well, how about having totally wrong and unscientific concepts thrown out? Evolution is the creation of God – the sooner the far right comes to grip with that the better. Evolution, and its related biological mechanism genetics, are proven out every day. I won’t go into the unending proof of genetics and evolution, the field is so broad and so established it is as predictable as many physical sciences. Even projecting how bodies work in gravity have error bars and secondary forces (like friction, movement of air across the surface, solar heating) that perturb what should be straightforward equations of motion.

But there is no call to throw out the basic science simply because we have more to learn, like some feel with genetics and evolution. When we broke the genetic code and started to unravel the sequences of genes we opened up whole new library on life. We now see in 1 and 1/2 day old chicken embryos some vestiges of dinosaur traits that are only genetically active for a few days in the egg, and then disappear before hatching. This proves out how some animals today retain genetic markers from millions of years ago.

Sometimes sea mammals show vestiges of their previous genetic code when they were land animals, such as a dolphin found by Japanese scientists with vestiges of hind legs in the form of extra fins. BTW, the skeleton structure of dolphins and other sea mammals indicate places were legs might attach, hips were/are, etc.

Intelligent Design is the effort to think up excuses to deny the obvious. God created this world, and one of his most fascinating writings is in the genetic code. It is the very same genetic code that proves why abortion and embryonic stem cell research is the act of killing young human individuals. It is the genetic code of the embryo (and later fetus) which demonstrates scientifically that the young organism growing inside the mother is NOT part of the mother, but a hybrid of genetic combination (evolution) which shares its genetic code with mother and father.

The same legally binding and legally recognized DNA testing that convicts murderers and frees the innocent in courts across this land will show, without any doubt, that an embryo is a human individual, unique and distinct from its mother.

To hide minds from evolution and genetics is to mentally disarm in the fight for human life and dignity in the face of some who see humans as a commodity to exploit for personal gain. Science didn’t kill God, it is the detailed picture of God’s creations which we have been privileged to uncover because God gave us a brain, but not just any brain – a specialized brain (there’s that genetics again). Science is not bad, nor does it kill people. People kill people, people go bad by making the wrong decisions (and many times they do this with the best of intentions).

So when someone is so far right they say we must forget science, we must shun knowledge, we must dismiss reality, we must disarm ourselves in the fight to make humankind wise and pro-life then I say we would not be doing God’s work, we would be doing the work of ignorance. And we know who runs that game. Science has been a hidden treasure trove of blessing from our creator. It allowed us to unlock the human immune system and save millions of babies and young children from disease. It has brought about enormous potential for all sorts of ailments through adult stem cell research (another offshoot of genetics and evolution).

And stem cell research is the perfect example of why the path of ignorance is the path to defeat for humanity. One form of stem cell research, that based on killing embryos, is science used for greed and false promises and failed results. It is evil using a tool that could be good. Adult stem cell research, on the other hand, uses science to save or better lives without taking a life, and it is producing lots of results. It is science in the hands of God’s children doing right with his gifts of knowledge.

But only those who embraced science could have proven that embryonic stem cell factories, filled with young humans created so they could be slaughtered as cattle, were wrong and there was a better path. Same thing with nuclear power. It can save our planet or destroy it. But to pretend it doesn’t exist or is not real is not how to handle the nuclear genie.

We don’t need more quasi-scientific mysticism like we get with Tom Cruise and his Scientology cult. We need educated, humble and respectful people in science who believe in God and can keep their faith as the details of God’s creation unfolds in front of us. We need these good people to learn how to use that knowledge for good instead of greed and evil. McCain doesn’t need baggage of this kind on his ticket. He is up against the Messiah as it is. Jindal is the wrong choice for VP.

Addendum:  I wanted to add one more thing to pull this all together.  If God created mankind, he created the genetic code (which I still think is an insight into God’s universe than a conflict with his goals) and the minds we used to discover this treasure and use it.  QED:  The book of genetics and evolution IS the book of Intelligent Design. And thankfully that book includes the ability to appreciate beauty, our loved ones and each other.  That too is in our genes – we are not mindless creatures who live our lives solely to feed and reproduce.  If God is inside us, then so is his handiwork at all levels.  And now some may understand why I don’t relate to any given organized religion or to atheism.  We have a lot to learn about what we have been given.

26 responses so far

26 Responses to “Far Right Pushing The Wrong VP”

  1. Terrye says:

    Carl Sagan said that God created the laws of nature and allowed them to take their course.

    As for Jindal, my problem with him is not about evolution, the guy is too young and inexperienced. He is only 36 and has barely any time as Governor of LA.

  2. Mike M. says:

    Right answer, wrong reasoning.

    Jindal is clearly one of the up-and-comers in the Republican party. And Intelligent Design is a LOT more defensible than any of the insane economic theories of the Left…and a lot less damaging.

    That being said, McCain needs both to throw conservatives a bone and undermine Obama. Jindal does the former, but not the latter. Guliani would do the latter, but not the former. Right now, I really think Sarah Palin is the answer. She’s got impeccable conservative credentials, and would leach away a good number of women from Obama’s camp.

  3. MerlinOS2 says:

    I agree with the experience issues and that tactically in this election would tend to take the air out of the no experience argument about Obama.

    Interesting to see ex Gov Warner say no to Obama for VP slot this weekend and news that Obama seems to think he can win without Ohio or Florida.

  4. will82 says:

    I would point out that McCain isn’t exactly ID’s biggest consistent foe:


    “On Tuesday, though, he [McCain] sided with the president on two issues that have made headlines recently: teaching intelligent design in schools and . . . “

  5. bgrnathan says:

    Once you have a complete and living cell then the genetic program and complex biological mechanisms exist to direct the formation of more cells. The problem for evolutionists is how did the cell or life originate naturally when there was no directing mechanism in Nature.

    Yes, natural laws are sufficient only to explain how order in life and the universe operate, but mere undirected natural laws are not sufficient to explain the ultimate origin of that order!

    Natural laws may explain how a computer operates, but mere undirected natural laws (an explosion of metal, plastic, silicon, and wires) cannot explain the ultimate origin of that computer.

    Science cannot prove that the universe and life came about by chance or design. Both are ultimately positions of faith. The arguments and evidences for both should be allowed to be expressed and taught and debated.

    I hope all will read my Internet article “Life On Mars Could Have Come From Earth”.

    Babu G. Ranganathan

  6. Mike M. says:

    If Obama thinks he can win without Ohio OR Florida, he is in for a thrashing come November.

    With the current Electoral College breakdown, and the current political makeup, there are three states that are real toss-ups: Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania. All are close, all carry a lot of electoral votes. And whoever wins two has won the Presidency.

  7. WWS says:

    I agree with Mike that you have the right answer but the wrong reason. I have friends and family in Louisiana, and travel there frequently. Jindal is *exactly* what La. needs, and may be the only hope that state has to overcome so many of the problems that have plagued it for generations. (Katrina simply brought a lot of the old poisons to light, it didn’t create them)

    Anyway, Jindal hasn’t even gotten started yet! It would be a tragic mistake for La. for him to leave now – there is so much work to be done, and no one there qualified to take his place. Jindal needs to stay in the Governor’s office at LEAST 8 more years, and only then should anyone consider floating him for some other office. Taking him now would be a tragic waste of opportunity, and it’s a mistake that does not need to be made.

    And who knows, 8 years from now the current criticisms will probably have faded from view, because by then the only relevant question will be “how did you run things the last 8 years?”

  8. MerlinOS2 says:


    Part of the reason is there is a mis match between Obama’s game plan and Florida demographics.

    He got beat bad by Hillary here and would likely not be competitive in the general without a major effort.

    We simply don’t have the large number of college kids he is counting on to carry the day and the seniors who were in the Hillary camp and the Hispanic voters are less than on his bandwagon.  Also the Jewish vote comes into play.

    We have a lot of immigrants from central and south america who don’t cotton to Obama’s leftist near socialist agenda which they lived the results of in their home countries.

    Also Michigan will be an issue for him the way the polls are trending.

    He is trying to pick up the states where major urban concentrations are enough to over come the balance of the state voters if he can register enough college kids to carry him.

    He is targeting Virginia and Georgia as well as Colorado and Utah to try to do this shift.

    What he is attempting to do is exactly what he did in the primary by looking for the few places he can concentrate on build up a major advantage in urban areas and kiss off the rest. 



  9. […] Far Right Pushing The Wrong VP But only those who embraced science could have proven that embryonic stem cell factories, filled with young humans created so they could be… […]

  10. AJ,

    I am agaisnt Jindal because he is too young and needs time. However I fail to see how his position is “far-right mythology and silliness”

    INtelligent Design is not Creationism and also JIndal is not saying get Evolution out of Schools. In fact Jindal is not the force at all behind this bill but certain members of the LEgilsature.

    Also I might suggest what does this have to do with the Executive BRanch? Not much!!!

    WHen this came up during the Huckabee debate and his views a lot of folks were annoyed that they were being put ins some category as Witch Doctors because they migh have different views

    Anyway, I would refrain from Calling Bobby Jindla the far Right. He has the usual supposed”true conservatives” after him down here already.

  11. AJStrata says:


    I respect your position, but Intelligent Design AND Creationism are both areas that are not science – they are mythology or something else. We need people, as I said, who can handle and control science morally. We have plenty of people who fail at this simple test.

    By fighting science with non-science we are disarming ourselves. You don’t fight wars with lawyers, and you don’t keep science on the right track by teaching non-science.

  12. AJ not all of Evolution and its presumptions are Science either. I say this as a person that belives in much of Evolution. What is going to be the final product in the Louisiana legislature I suspect will be very sane and regulated.

    I also think that it would not hurt because people are pretty ignorant of what Intelligent Design actually is. I eman every time this comes up people are saying that it means THe Earth was created in Seven Days, that all people that believe this believe in a Young Earth, and that that everyone is denying all aspects of Evolution. All of which is false.

    As to Jindal. I can’t see it being much baggage. Whenever this issue comes up I have noted that Governors that believe this still have States that are produing fine Students. Have WOrld Class Universities, and still have WOnderful Medical Skill that are producing Research.

    That being said I am against Jindal as well as Palin on the same grounds. That both are too young in their politcal careers to be on the ticket

  13. crosspatch says:

    Jindal needs to be right where he is for a while to clean out some of that corruption down in Louisiana. Having him there for only two years isn’t enough. He needs to be down there for at least 4 and hopefully 8 in order to develop a track record AND be effective in straightening out some of the stuff going on down there.

    Jindal would be better off, I think, doing his time as Governor and then maybe doing something at the federal level such as a run for a congressional term or serve as a VP.

  14. Mike M. says:

    Jindal has served a term in Congress. Make no mistake, he’s probably at the top of the list for 2012 or 2016. He’ll have at least five years experience as a governor, which is quite adequate. The only thing he would be lacking is a National Security Policy ticket-punch, which is very hard to get.

    However, I don’t think he’s the best fit with McCain. Obama is vulnerable with women, and Palin is made to order to pick up the Soccer Mom vote. On top of her impeccable conservative credentials, which help with the base.

    In any event, McCain would be a fool to pick a VP at this point. He has an advantage…Obama is holding his convention first. Which means that McCain can vet three or four candidates, wait for Obama to make his move, then choose the best countermove.

  15. ezra says:

    @ AJ. Amazing blog. Thanks for passing on your thoughts.

    @ BigLSU, you’re obviously right about what “Intelligent Design” means in its most austere intellectual sense, but I think this is one of those places where “between the idea and the reality… falls the shadow.” From my experience, “intelligent design” teaching is seldom so intellectually honest as you present it. What I’ve seen is that IT is usually an attempt to give anti-evolution teaching the benediction of science itself.

    My concern is that rather than improving our religious and scientific teaching, introducing IT might tend to propagate more bad-science by allowing creationist to emulate the anti-theist propaganda of folks like Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and other assorted ‘Brights’. Obviously if you’re going to allow children to be propagandize at school it’s better to have a variety of ideologies presented (balance), but the ideal should be the eradication of this kind of teaching all-together. The fact is that we don’t have a clue about the origins of the universe and that fact should be so obvious that no one has to point it out. So why isn’t it obvious to most high school students that science can say nothing of beginnings…?

    What’s really lacking in our scientific education is the philosophy of science! We don’t give kids the context of science, we only give them the propositional content, which, if you think about it, is utterly absurd. What hope do the less-bright students have of ever being able to judge the difference between a real scientists and creationist or evolutionist hacks (i.e. Richard Dawkins or the institute for Creation Research Institute folks)? What chance do they have to realize that proverbial smoke is being blow up their proverbial back-sides.

    If we gave students more context it would go a great distance toward what AJ said… “We need educated, humble and respectful people in science who believe in God and can keep their faith as the details of God’s creation unfolds in front of us. We need these good people to learn how to use that knowledge for good instead of greed and evil.”

    Ezra of newpolity.com

  16. AJStrata says:

    Many thanks Ezra!


  17. gcotharn says:

    I strongly protest your characterization of Jindal in this sentence:

    So when someone is so far right they say we must forget science, we must shun knowledge, we must dismiss reality, we must disarm ourselves in the fight to make humankind wise and pro-life then I say we would not be doing God’s work, we would be doing the work of ignorance.

    I further protest your equating ID with “mysticism and Scientology cults.”

    I agree when you say

    The book of genetics and evolution IS the book of Intelligent Design.

    I’ve listened to Jindal’s comments a couple of times now, and I don’t see how anything Jindal said can be construed to disagree with that.

    I agree when you say:

    We need educated, humble and respectful people in science who believe in God and can keep their faith as the details of God’s creation unfolds in front of us.

    I don’t see how anything Jindal said can be construed to disagree with that. I suspect you are jumping to unjustified conclusions about Jindal.

    All that said: I enjoy your blog tremendously. I am sheepish about only commenting now – with a protest against something you’ve written – rather than commenting upon the many things you’ve written which are of great value to me. So, I write with great fondness for you, and with only a difference of opinion quibble:
    I just don’t see how your suppositions about Jindal are supported by what he said.

    Maybe you were misled by the slightly sensational way the linked “Raw Story” story was headlined and constructed. Or, maybe you know something about ID movement which I do not know, and which I was not able to find in a quick series of Googles, and which Jindal somehow implied in a way which was invisible to me.

  18. AJStrata says:


    I stand by my comments 110%. What Jindal and ID propose is bringing religion into science. To me that is as bad as bringing religion into government (not politics).

    With that said – don’t have reservations about sharing your views. It is what makes America great, and it is what makes science determine truth.

    ID can be religious bridge to accepting science – no problem there. But ID is not science. When people of faith can debate science on its premises and facts, then they stand a better chance of making the arguments they want to make.

    Sanctity of life is a core scientific principle. The mysteries of life are what science tries to understand. What has happened too many times is lust for money, fame or power have superseded these tenants. Thus we end up with ridiculous and problematic theories like Global Warming, which run more on faith that facts.

    It is very important to keep the two separate, because science has no answers for many things of faith, and faith should not over rule well established fact.

    All the faith in the world will not let someone fly when they jump off a 100 story building. That is a clear example of how conflicting the two areas can be deadly.

  19. gcotharn says:

    Thanks for responding so thoughtfully. I shall study, when I have a bit more time, just what the heck Intelligent Design is. What I think it is … is not what you think it is. It’s possible I have made incorrect suppositions about ID.

  20. BarbaraS says:

    The very religious believe the Bible in toto. When parts of it are questioned they get pretty upset. I know nothing about ID as opposed to creatism or evolution but wonder why this subject is being taught in high school. Surely, this is a subject for college where students can debate the pros and cons of this subject. There are enough subjects that should be taught in high school that are not, i.e. American history. There are even plenty of science courses besides evolution. This is a liberal stunt to cast doubt on religion. Another try at dumbing down education by teaching something that is not and probable cannot be proven. New discoveries are made every day that change scientists’ minds. It is nothing more and nothing less than a ploy.

    Jindal and Palin need to stay where they are. They are the republicans of the future not the present. They need to get experience. We need to groom more of these people in order to have a choice. Neither we nor the democrats have viable candidates for the presidentcy and it going to be hard to find viable VPs. Witness the two candaidates today. They both carry too much baggage.