Jun 04 2008

More On Obama Tape Contents – Johnson Steals Scoop From Fellow Blogger

Hill Buzz has a lot more detail on the content of the Michelle Obama tape with supposed rants about “whitey – and no Larry, it doesn’t have Louis Farrakhan in it as you insinuated:

The Michelle Obama Rant Tape was filmed between June 26th – July 1st 2004 in Chicago, IL at the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Conference at Trinity United Church: specifically the Women’s Event. 

Michelle Obama appeared as a panelist alongside Mrs. Khadijah Farrakhan and Mrs. James Meeks. 

Bill Clinton spoke during the Conference, as did Bill Cosby and other speakers, but not at the panel Michelle attended. 

Michelle Obama spoke at the Women’s Event, but referenced Bill Clinton in her rant — his presence at the conference was the impetus for her raving, it seems. 

For about 30 minutes, Michelle Obama launched into a rant about the evils of America, and how America is to blame for the problems of Africa. Michelle personally blamed President Clinton for the deaths of millions of Africans and said America is responsible for the genocide of the Tutsis and other ethnic groups. She then launched into an attack on “whitey”, and talked about solutions to black on black crime in the realm of diverting those actions onto white America.

There’s more at Hillbuzz.  I guess the irony of who the diatribe is aimed at is why this tape has limited value in some ways.  Larry Johnson, claiming he wanted to save the blogger Hillbuzz the site traffic, stole the entire post from the Hillbuzz, clearly without permission:

I am not trying to steal thunder from HillBuzz. That blogger is breaking important news. I’m posting the article in full because, having seen what happened to our site, a link to his will kill his server with the flood of traffic. Until Sunday, I was operating on one server. We’re up to four and barely keeping pace. 

Then he adds types the URL (no clickable link).  Johnson is such a prima donna – and a thief of Intellectual Property!  He should have let HillBuzz get credit and simply point to his site.  Anyway, the DVD was once for sale by Trinity Church – which means lots of people have the video:

The “tape” is a DVD that Trinity United sold on its website, and possibly offered free for download up until March 2008 when Trinity’s site was scrubbed and the DVDs were no longer offered for sale. 

Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton on a DVD – hell yes lots of people have this, including the news media which is playing games with the American people by sitting on this while we all voted in primaries, apparently willing to only release it once the votes are in and the matter is out of the American people’s hands.   I have low respect for the news media already.  I try and remind myself it provides a service.  But clearly it is doesn’t – it’s a manipulative propaganda outlet too many times, not reporting but framing reality.



Now, ponder who could have this DVD that was being sold at Trinity Church?  Well the first person that comes to mind is the Reverend Jeremiah Wright!  Maybe that is why he was smiling so much last month as he went on his Bust-Obama media tour? Maybe the price for his 3 days of fame, provided partially by Clinton supporter Barbara Reynolds, was the DVD of Michelle and Mrs Farrakhan?  But as I said above, a DVD that was for sale for 4 years with Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton and others of notoriety is in the hands of lots of people. I am just speculating here.

The video will come out sooner or later. But as Kim Priestap at Wizbang notes, the DNC and Dems leaders are forcing Super Delegates to choose their candidates by Friday – thus trying to force Clinton out of the race. That may not be enough time for the video to do its damage.

43 responses so far

43 Responses to “More On Obama Tape Contents – Johnson Steals Scoop From Fellow Blogger”

  1. MerlinOS2 says:

    In the exit polls last night CNN had the Trinity issue on their question list and it split 40/60 as yes/no effecting their votes with 70% of Obama supporters saying no.

    What could be in play here is blow back from members of Trinity who didn’t take to well to being thrown under the bus by Obama.

    So we shall see what happens.

  2. KauaiBoy says:

    What is apparent from all this is that half of the democrat party hate the Clintons as much as half of America and would do anything to get them off the stage. Even to the point of nominating a no nothing pretty boy (who happens to be non-white and thus the only trump card to counter potentially the first woman president). Knowing that they will probably control Congress for the next session, they don’t want the responsibility of having to actually produce and live up to their “change” mantra and thus give their constituents an unelectable president—so they can continue to use the divided government excuse as to why nothing gets done. But I am not saying this is a bad thing!!!

  3. dave m says:

    Can the DNC force their delegates to cast a BINDING vote
    by Friday? I thought they had until the convention in September.
    If they can force a binding vote this week, they might as well
    call off the convention, think of all the carbon dioxide !!

  4. norm says:

    it is a secret…only it was widely distributed for four years. it’s a tape…only it’s a dvd. it has louis farrakhan on it…only it doesn’t. and you have low respect for the news media which is a propaganda outlet. comical. can you say projection?

  5. kathie says:

    From American Thinker

    Email Friend | Print Article

    June 04, 2008
    What’s on the rumored Michelle Obama ‘rant’ tape?
    Thomas Lifson
    It’s existence is still not absolutely confirmed, but the Michelle Obama “rant” tape is being described with a fair amount of detail on the pro-Hillary website Hillbuzz.

    I mentioned the tape yesterday in my article on Hillary’s next stage of combat. Here are some of the details provided today on Hillbuzz:

    The Michelle Obama Rant Tape was filmed between June 26th – July 1st 2004 in Chicago, IL at the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Conference at Trinity United Church: specifically the Women’s Event.

    Michelle Obama appeared as a panelist alongside Mrs. Khadijah Farrakhan and Mrs. James Meeks. [….]

    For about 30 minutes, Michelle Obama launched into a rant about the evils of America, and how America is to blame for the problems of Africa. Michelle personally blamed President Clinton for the deaths of millions of Africans and said America is responsible for the genocide of the Tutsis and other ethnic groups. She then launched into an attack on “whitey”, and talked about solutions to black on black crime in the realm of diverting those actions onto white America. Her rant was fueled by the crowd: they reacted strongly to what she said, so she got more passionate and enraged, and that’s when she completely loses it and says things that have made the mouths drop of everyone who’s seen this.

    The “tape” is a DVD that Trinity United sold on its website, and possibly offered free for download up until March 2008 when Trinity’s site was scrubbed and the DVDs were no longer offered for sale.

    Hillbuzz notes that obtaining a copy of this clip should not prove terribly difficult should journalists wish to focus on finding it.

    Hat tip: Clarice Feldman

  6. AJStrata says:


    You did notice I have been complaining about this whisper campaign and whatever video is out there (and his some media hands) should come out now and end this character assassination.

    Maybe you should actually read the posts instead of emoting constantly.

  7. […] way of AJ Strata, we get a partial update from Hillbuzz about this tape Larry Johnson keeps mumbling about: For […]

  8. Latest on Michelle Obama “Whitey” Video Rumor…

    Update: Katy Grimes hears word that Rudy Giulliani acquired the tape. If so, we won’t be seeing this tape for a while. However, as AJ Strata notes, if it was on sale from Trinity United then lots of people should have the video.
    Here is the lat…

  9. Crzy4politks says:

    It looks like someone posted an excerpt from the video footage of the Rainbow/PUSH conference on YouTube, but then immediately took it down. If this thing was sold for 4 years why hasn’t anyone posted it yet.

  10. AJStrata says:

    Crzy – yeah, I saw that too.

  11. VinceP1974 says:

    Crzy : because that is how lazy the press is.. plus they would do nothing to harm him

  12. norm says:

    you say you are complaining about this “whisper campaign”…and then you go on whispering like a teenage girl with a secret she can’t wait to tell everyone. actually i’m sorry…you are an insult to teenage girls. actions speak louder than words and your actions show your hypocricy. i say put up or shut up.

  13. AJStrata says:

    Actually Norm, by calling it out I am hoping (at least attempting) to blunt it so America can decide on facts, not rumors.

    If I stayed silent that would be supporting the dirty trick. I don’t have the tape fool – or I would release it and put this to rest.

    I too am saying put up or shut up – Doh!

  14. Mrs. Obama and Mrs. Farrakhan is still pretty bad, if you ask me. Rant or no rant, it is a tie between the Obamas and Louis Farrakhan.

  15. owl says:

    Nonsense Vince……….the press is NOT lazy. When they are in full Pug attack mode, they can find a Plame to publish on their collective front pages. They can keep finding tibbits to keep their political attacks alive for YEARS. Their most effective attack mode is call The Silence.

    They no longer function as a news service and have not for many, many years. They came out of the closet with The World. Notice that The World welcomes Obama.

    You can not look at Michelle and Barry and not understand that they believe in Black Liberation Theology. They believe the same as Farrahkan, Wright, the priest, Jesse the impregnating Rev , Al the Sharpie, the Congressional Black Caucus that includes Maxine Waters and heading all the lists……….Conyers.

    THEY WANT MONEY. They call it reparations. The press is not lazy. I do not know if Michelle said all this stuff but it takes a pure idiot not to know that she agrees with it. Otherwise, she would have picked up her kids and got the hell out of dodge.

    How long would you sit where the preacher is damning your country? How long would you sit and listen (much less voice it) such RACIAL HATE SPEECH? They are racists. That simple and uncomplicated.

    The Dems have nominated Racists after pointing fingers for years at the rest of us. Poetic Justice?

  16. kathie says:

    If you are black I can see sitting there. It can be emotionally satisfying poking at “whitey”. I don’t pretend to know the scares of racial discrimination, but I know I would have hated it. HOWEVER,
    is Obama suitable to be President of the United States with his background? I’m worried he’s not. He said all the right things to the Jews today, but his background, his associations, tell me it was a lie. Black Liberationists hate the Jews. If he is not a Black Liberationist why did he sit there for 20 years? If Obama has to put policy to his great rhetoric we will know where he comes from. Right now he is willing to say things that are in direct contradiction to the values exposed by his church and those people who he has called his friends. That is a big worry for me.

  17. norm says:

    actually aj you are hoping to tar the obamas with rumors and innuendo because you know deep down that the folks you blindly idolize can’t and won’t win on issues. it’s the way right-wing extremists like you work…smears, lies, and mythical videotapes. obama is a muslim. oooh. his middle name is hussein. gasp. i heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another that there’s a dvd where someone said something bad. ohmigawd. no issues. no substance. no integrity.

  18. […] The Strata-Sphere – More On Obama Tape Contents – Johnson Steals Scoop From Fellow Blogger […]

  19. conman says:

    Kathie & Owl,

    Let me make sure I understand your point and pose a few questions for you to consider.

    Owl states that “You can not look at Michelle and Barry and not understand that they believe in Black Liberation Theology.” Why is it that you cannot “look” at them and not make that assumption – because they are black? Does that mean you believe that all blacks believe in the Black Liberation Theology?

    You both assume that Reverend Wright preached racial hatred and hate for America regularly at the Trinity Church services. I’m aware of only two video clips of him making controverial comments that have been interpeted as racial hatred and hate for America. It is my understanding that that Trinity Church regularly tapes the services, but only these two instances have been noted. Are you aware of other similar sermons? If not, why do you assume that Obama endorses these views based on two sermons during his 20 years at the church?

    You both assume that Obama is not fit to be president because he is affiliated with a preacher who made these contraversial and anti-american comments. There are numerous instances of Christian Right leaders making similar comments. Here is a link to an article by William Buckley himself slamming Falwell and Robertson for claiming that God caused 9-11 to punish America for being so sinful. http://www.nationalreview.com/buckley/buckley091801.shtml. Hagee has refered to Catholics as whores and the Holocaust as God’s doing. These are very influential leaders of the Christian Right. Why are you not concerned about GOP leaders (including GOP presidents) who have been heavily influenced and beholden to these types of preachers? Is it because they are white and conservative?

    Kathie asks “If [Obama] is not a Black Liberationist why did he sit there for 20 years?” Do you assume that every single member of a church believes in and adopts the beliefs of their church and preacher? Do you assume that if you disagree with anything the preachers says during a sermon you must quit the church? Do you think that catholics who remained with the church notwithstanding the revelations of the church’s knowledge of priests molesting children endorse child molestation? Do you think that all of the members of Falwell and Robertson’s churches hate american because they did quit the church after their dispicable comments about 9-11?

    Why do you consider it more important what others have said on this topic than what Obama himself has said? There is no record of Obama ever making these types of contraversial comments. That is why people are being forced to create these fradulent stories, such as Obama being a muslim, the Michelle Obama tape, etc. If he truly was a Black Liberaterian, hated whites, jews, etc. – don’t you think there would be some evidence of that belief from Obama himself?

  20. The Macker says:

    You purposely impute to Kathie and Owl unjustified beliefs.

    Michelle is on record as race baiting, so it’s no stretch to figure that she and “million man march” Barak are in sinc with their friend and pastor’s “liberation theology .”

    You tried to find comparable examples of other congregational acceptance, but didn’t come close.

    His church’s bias towards terrorists is reflected in his positions and advisors. Just look at their church bulletins. So, the continuity is there.