May 16 2008

Cry Baby Obama

Published by at 2:38 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

Boy, Obama sure is looking the fool over his Surrendercrat plan to run from Iraq and talk to Iran and al-Qaeda (can we all just get along). Bush rightfully noted how history has shown ‘talking’ doesn’t work when dealing with blood-thirsty and suicidal extremists. And how does Obama respond? He cries ‘unfair’!

Barack Obama rebuked Republican rival John McCain and President Bush for “dishonest, divisive” attacks in hinting that the Democratic presidential candidate would appease terrorists, staunchly defending his national security credentials for the general election campaign.

Nothing like emphasizing the negatives Barack! Aren’t Obama’s national security credentials his time as a Boy Scout when he went to Europe or something? Here is what people see when Obama cries he has been unfairly attacked:

And this is one of Bush’s most memorable images as the leader of a nation at war:

Hmmmm, when we think of a strong leader able to stand up to all of our threats as a nation does someone who cries “it’s unfair” come to mind? If Obama wants to paint McCain as another Bush he needs to make sure that analogy works in his favor. Right now …, not so much.

43 responses so far

43 Responses to “Cry Baby Obama”

  1. 75 says:

    Rush was all over this today:
    We can’t talk about his church,
    can’t talk about his pastor,
    his wife,
    his ears,
    his comments,
    his color,
    his Muslim background,
    his grandmother,
    and now apparently…his own policies straight out of his own mouth.

  2. norm says:

    so typical…all personal attacks…no discussion of the merits or any other substance.
    why don’t you discuss how bush’s policies have made iran stronger, allowed al queda to reconstitute itself, and provided the opening for hamas to win a palestinian election…all of which make israel less safe – not more. why don’t you discuss that mccain’s policy towards hamas was almost identical to obama’s…before he flip-flopped…again. why don’t you call for bush to fire rice and gates for advocating talking to iran?
    no…you just wallow in gutter-snipe politics and call out childish names like surrendercrats and cry-babies. i could be wrong but i listened to obama this moening and don’t remember him saying it’s unfair. so if i’m right that’s just another distortion you have had to make to try and make your point. not much of a point is it?
    and oh-by-the-way…that image of bush at the wtc was staged three days after the attacks when he finally came out of hiding under a table in nevada or some such place. it’s in the same catagory as the jumpsuit photo you all cream yourself over. all hat and downright scared of real cattle.

  3. norm says:

    rush was all over this today…that’s flipping funny. i should have known that’s where 75 is getting his talking points from. a regular ditto-head regurgitating a blowhard. cognitively disadvantged.

  4. ivehadit says:

    THE MERITS????
    Barack Obama’s name was never mentioned by the President in Israel. WHY does Barack think the speech was about him? Could it be that his OWN website had his OWN words and the debate tape shows him IN HIS OWN words saying he would meet with all the terrorist thug leaders of the world with NO conditions! Obama is being intellectually dishonest, if not outright lying.

    And it is an outright lie that AlQaeda has reconstituted itself. They are in DEEP trouble! And Norm, you know it. And gosh, why are the Israelis naming streets after George W. Bush??!

    I am sick and disgusted with the lies.

    Yes, LET’S TALK about the issues. That would be a GREAT change of pace for the Left! If you think talking to people who want to install a Caliphate AT ALL COSTS is what the world’s only super-power should do then there is just no hope for you. People who want to cut you head off don’t really like to “talk”. WHAT GRANDIOSITY, the Left has!!

  5. upyernoz says:

    so typical…all personal attacks…no discussion of the merits or any other substance

    i agree. for a president with this disasterous a record in dealing with the middle east to criticize anyone else is deeply dishonest. pointing that out isn’t “crying”, that’s nothing but spin.

    i suspect spin is all strata has got. it seems to me that he isn’t able to address obama’s remarks in the merits.

  6. 75 says:

    Yes, Norman, let’s discuss the merits of one Barack Hussein Obama…

    he’s a liar (and of course that would only be merit worthy for you)

  7. ivehadit says:

    And let me get this straight, Barack Obama is CRITICIZING the President of the United States BY NAME while he is overseas about making a speech of which NO NAMES were mentioned?

    Typical circular logic of those stuck at 6 to years old!

    Appeasement is just appeasement, WHOEVER is for it!

  8. ivehadit says:

    And Norm and upyers, does Barack agree with the President on appeasement?

    Tell us. Inquiring minds want to know Barack Obama’s stance on appeasement. Oh, that’s OK. We already have it on tape…

  9. ivehadit says:

    And, the really sad thing is this: Obama has telegraphed his entire Neville Chamberlain belief system to the terrorists, which ONLY respond to power. Man, I know they are really really scared of Barack Hussein Obama. NOt.

    Heaven help us is he is elected.

  10. 75 says:

    And let’s not forget Pelosi’s response!
    There are no bounds to the hypocrisies of these stool samples.

  11. Cobalt Shiva says:

    The problem is that Barack Obama is so vain that he thinks Carly Simon’s song is about him . . .

  12. conman says:

    I guess you GOP folks are going to have to find a new candidate – it turns out McCain is a Hamas appeaser. Here is a link to a video of a interview McCain gave 2 years ago in which he expressed a willingness to negotiate with Hamas. You know, the same Hamas that is on the US’ official terrorist organizations list.

    Too funny! Not even Obama said he would negotiate with terroroist groups. Is McCain so senile that he forgets what he said just a couple of years ago?

  13. 75 says:


    McCain is about as close as you can come to being a Democrat without actually being one so I would not be surprised in the least to learn he had said that.

  14. conman says:

    By the way, you folks once again misinterpret the reason behind the Democrats reaction. Obama and all of the Democrats are not making such a big stink over Bush’s comments it hurt their feelings and they are lashing out. A lot worse has already been said by Bush and the GOP. They are simply taking advantage of a golden opportunity that Bush has served up to them on a silver platter – to focus the debate on a foreign policy debate between Bush and the Democrats.

    I know you all believe that Bush walks on water, but you need to look at the polls to see how the majority of the country feels about Bush. Bush has record low approval ratings. His approval ratings on foreign policy are even lower. Right or wrong, the vast majority of the country believes that Bush’s foreign policy has been disastorous.

    Bush’s comments provided the golden opportunity to make the debate between Obama/Democrats and Bush, as opposed to McCain. Just as McCain has been spending the last couple of weeks trying to distance himself from Bush because of his negative ratings, Bush turns the focus on himself and actually forces McCain to have to publically back Bush’s position. McCain had to do so even though he has made comments to the contrary, as I pointed out in my post above, because he couldn’t distance himself from Bush. Bush was such an idiot that he made these comments on the same day that McCain gave a major speech on Iraq to try and distance himself from his 100 years remark, which got almost no coverage because all of the media is focused on the pissing match between Bush and the Democrats.

  15. conman says:


    You should take a look at AJ’s post and comments on this same issue yesterday so you can educate yourself a little about history. Every single President, including revered Republican Presidents and Bush himself, have negotiated with our greatest enemies at that time. Eisenhower negotiated with the North Koreans, Soviets and China to end the Korean War. Nixon talked to China, a communist regime that supported our enemies in both the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and opened the door to more productive relationship we currently enjoy with China. Reagan negotiated with the Soviet Union, a communist regime with 100’s of nuclear warheads pointed at us that was bent on expanding its world power, which led to the fall of the communist regime. Bush himself has been extensively negotiating with North Korea, a communist regime with nuclear weapons that Bush labeled part of the Axis of Evil. If you accept Bush’s theory, all of these presidents and Bush himself are traitors and appeasers regardless of the results they achieved. Come on, use your brain – not even you can believe that is true.

    As for the comparison to Neville Chamberlin appeasement, you need some more history education. Nobody claims that Chamberlin was an appeaser simply because he agreed to talk to Hitler. He was an appeaser because he agreed to give up half of Czechoslovakia in return for Hitler’s promise not to invade Poland. That was a huge concession that was given with very little tangible in return. It was what Chamberlin gave up in the negotiations that made him an appeaser, not the mere fact that he talked to Hitler. Obama has only expressed a willingness to talk with the Iranians to see if we can find any common ground, similar to what Secretary Gates said earlier this week, not wave the white flag and surrender.

  16. Terrye says:


    The left being the cry baby liars that they are took a tape of McCain and deliberately edited out parts of it so that it would sound as if McCain said something he never said.

    But this is the internet age, so if you really want to know the truth Ed Morrisey over at Hot Air has the original from CNN, rather than the fantasy being shown around the lefty nuthouse today.

    As for this latest hissy fit by Obama who always seems to have his panties in a bunch, I suggest that if he can not take the heat, he get his ass out of the kitchen.

  17. Terrye says:


    That is not what McCain said at all. It is not surprising that the sore losers on the right never believe a damn thing the left says, unless they are saying something critical about John McCAin…then you take them at their word and make some crack about McCain being a Democrat. I hope to God the next time we have a primary people like you actually field someone to vote for so that we can skip this constant whining. Obama ain’t the only cry baby out there.

  18. conman says:

    Just when you thought it couldn’t get any funnier, there is now another story about McCain approving of Secretary Powell’s talks with Syria in 2003. Here is the link –

    Believe it or not, McCain was responding to criticism from numerous conservatives that Powell’s trip was tantamount to treason because Syria is a terroroist sponsored state. So now we have an example not only of Bush sending a Secretary of State to talk to the Syrians, but McCain defending that decision. Folks, these are indisputable facts that have to pierce even your thick ideological bubbles. It is an indisputable fact that Powell meet with the Syrians at Bush’s request and McCain publically approved of it. What more do you need to see to understand that Bush’s comments yesterday are so ridiculous that they contridict his and McCain’s own statements/positions.

    By the way Terrye, I looked at the Hot Air piece and I suggest you go back and read the post carefully because you are obviously confused. Morrisey has the exact same video of McCain making the statement. All he adds is Morrisey’s explanation of what he thinks McCain was trying to say – no extra tape or claims the tape was doctored. The so-called “original from CNN” you refer to is a DIFFERENT interview. The tape I provided a link to is with British network Sky News, not CNN. Regardless of what McCain said in another interview, it is indisputable that he advocated recognizing and talking to Hamas in this video. I know it is hard for you to admit your wrong, but a video of your candidate saying something that you don’t agree with is not a “fantasy”. It is reality – you juts need to accept it and learn to deal with it.

  19. conman says:

    Given AJ’s comment about Bush being a strong leader of a nation at war, I can’t help but raise Bush’s “I quit golf to honor our troops” story in response. What kind of man is our fearless war leader?

    Earlier this week, Bush said in an interview that he gave up golf in August of 2003, after the bombing of the UN in Bahgdad, because” I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf,” he said. “I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal.”

    Since then, a few discrepancies have arisen with Bush’s claim. It turns out someone found a video of him playing golf in October of 2003. Ooops. It also turns out that at the end of 2003 Bush had knee problems that forced him to give up running. Problems that could also keep someone from playing golf. Here is the link covering all of this.

    So there you have it. Bush not only looks like an idiot by claiming he gave up golf for the troops as if it were some huge, noble sacrifice, but it turns out it was a lie intended to make it look like Bush actually cares about the troops. Pathetic.

  20. Terrye says:


    Secretary Powell…..what are you talking about?

    The US has not had diplomatic relations with the Iranians since they took our embassy. Bill Clinton did not meet with them and no one thought he should.

    Now you go dig up all kinds of crap about disconnected meetings over the years and somehow act as if it means something.

    It doesn’t. Obama is a thin skinned narcissistic cry baby who took a comment of Bush’s and assumed it was about him and responded like a pissed off teenager.

    Bush takes all manner of crap every day all day from all sorts of people and somehow he does not act like a baby.

    So who cares about Powell? I mean my God we have people who talk to the North Koreans but you are not going to see President Bush shaking hands with the dictator who runs the hell hole.