Apr 19 2008

Clintons And Dems Face The Monster They Created

Published by at 9:48 am under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

Why is propaganda dangerous? I believe it is because it has two elements that can get out of control real quick. First it tries to harness mob think, creating a false sense of emergency in tandem with labeling some group as the root cause of the emergency. This focuses the mob’s anger and resentment onto the political opposition. It was used to great extent in Nazi Germany to make the Jews the source of all Aryan problems past, present and future.

The second component is what makes it hard to stop – it is built upon lies. Once someone buys into the lies many will refuse to face the fact they may have been duped or wrong, so they hold to the lie until something shakes them so soundly they can face the truth. This personal vesting in the propaganda makes it hard to stop. The fact it is built upon lies makes it escalate. As for some they have to become further invested in the lies so as to avoid the pain of being wrong. In some cases the lies are so outlandish in order to hold back reality to the outside (and still untouched) observer it seems like insanity to believe such garbage.

But if you build up the lies slowly, over time they can seem incredibly reasonable. Look at the Palestinians after decades of being brain washed. Now I have used extreme comparisons to make my point because a broad range of people can easily appreciate them. But deep down we are no different humans than Germans and Palestinians – so we too are susceptible to manipulation if we are not careful.

And so I get to the point of my post. After decades of the Democrats feeding the far left incredible propaganda, including how the GOP wants to starve people by throwing them out of welfare and school programs to the idea Bush and Cheney invaded Iraq for oil based on forged documents and 9-11 was actually committed by them, we have the expected results. An angry out of control mob, which has been told for decades the GOP is trying to kill people (while giving tax cuts to the “rich”). They are backed up by a military industrial complex which has been compared by democrat leaders to the Nazis, Pol Pot and Stalin relative to GITMO, have been accused of terrorizing women and children in the night, have committed acts reminiscent of Genghis Khan.

The heroes of the far left are now propagandists who can create the best lies about evil America, the ones who ran to the guns and bible in their evil bitterness. The old time heroes are those who “God Damn” America and who set bombs on the symbols of power back in the 60’s – killing to prove a point. After decades of creating the mindless mob think on the left, which exists on pure fantasy (I know, I used to believe in them), the Clintons and the Dems are shocked at how they have turned on them, for simply trying to be occasionally reasonable in the battle against the evil GOP.

At a small closed-door fundraiser after Super Tuesday, Sen. Hillary Clinton blamed what she called the “activist base” of the Democratic Party — and MoveOn.org in particular — for many of her electoral defeats, saying activists had “flooded” state caucuses and “intimidated” her supporters, according to an audio recording of the event obtained by The Huffington Post.

“Moveon.org endorsed [Sen. Barack Obama] — which is like a gusher of money that never seems to slow down,” Clinton said to a meeting of donors. “We have been less successful in caucuses because it brings out the activist base of the Democratic Party. MoveOn didn’t even want us to go into Afghanistan. I mean, that’s what we’re dealing with. And you know they turn out in great numbers. And they are very driven by their view of our positions, and it’s primarily national security and foreign policy that drives them. I don’t agree with them. They know I don’t agree with them. So they flood into these caucuses and dominate them and really intimidate people who actually show up to support me.”

Emphasis mine. It is true the radical far left wanted us to take our licking on 9-11 and apologize for being stronger and more productive than the rest of the planet. They want America punished – for what who knows and honestly who cares. They have issues with America, irreconcilable ones if massacre is the only answer for them. The Democrats created this monster out of laziness and indefensible policies, replacing debate on issues with propaganda to keep their base ‘energized’ – which equates to keeping the mob angry. They had to feed more exaggerated lies to keep the anger focused and the voters coming out over a period of decades. They had to feed their beast.

By contrast Reagan rallied his base on optimism and thanks for our great nation. Sadly even the far right has succumbed at times to trying to generate anger in the mob instead of reason on the issues. I hope it wakes up and realizes America is not a mob-think country but a diligent, hard-working, caring testament to mankind’s potential. We are not evil, just human. When we makes honest mistakes it natural because humanity is as imperfect as nature. But when we use exaggeration and propaganda to rally the mob against political opponents we are undoing all we have done before. This is not an honest mistake, it is criminal negligence.

The far left monster is out of control now. It feeds on extrapolations from the propaganda to make new propaganda (such as the idea 9-11 was an inside job). There are also those in the Democrat Party with no scruples and a lust for power that blinds them to the dangerous game they are playing. And there are those who know exactly what they are doing, building a new world power structure where they reign supreme. The monster is out and out of control.

All I can say to the Clintons and Dems is you should have thought about what you were doing when you were raising this beast. Now that it has a mind of its own and is destroying the Democrat Party it is too late to moan about the monster. The true irony in all of this is the only way to destroy it is to ally with the GOP and start destroying the mythology the beast thrives on. By destroying the propaganda and bringing the GOP back to respectable status the beast loses its power.

Same for the baby-beast on the right, though that one does not seem to be surviving. McCain is beating down that proto-monster nicely, mainly because everyone on the right still basks in the sunshine of Reagan’s optimism. The right respects individual accomplishments, it still sees the shining city on the hill. If it can jettison the purity wars and go back to respecting diversity and losing debates with honor and integrity (instead of propaganda of its own) it will survive to lead America again. The left… They seem to be a lost cause.

34 responses so far

34 Responses to “Clintons And Dems Face The Monster They Created”

  1. WWS says:

    Remember Hillary and the “Vast, Right-Wing Conspiracy”??
    Now she’s the victim of a vast left wing conspiracy, poor dear.

    Hillary reminds me of Robespierre. In a lot of ways, actually.

  2. kathie says:

    The hysteria of the 60’s is back in full force. Now those 20 year olds are all grown up thinking that they were successful in the 60’s and can be successful again using the same tactics, whipping up the masses on half truths and out right lies. But now they are on a national stage and are very dangerous because these lies don’t just affect the universities where they reeked havoc, but give aid to killers who are really after our country and will kill all of us if they can. Hillary was at the center of hysteria, Obama on the outskirts. Given Obama’s associations he is the new leader of the radical lift. Hillary started it, she must be ticked that she is not the assumed leader. It is really kinda funny, all be it very dangerous. Maybe John McCain can put these radicals to bed once and for all. Just think about it. The guy who was a prisoner of war in Vietnam puts a final end to the radical left that got its credibility fighting the very same war. What irony!

  3. MerlinOS2 says:

    Take their position as you wish but move on is releasing a statement they counter Clinton with..

    “Senator Clinton has her facts wrong again. MoveOn never opposed the war in Afghanistan, and we set the record straight years ago when Karl Rove made the same claim. Senator Clinton’s attack on our members is divisive at a time when Democrats will soon need to unify to beat Senator McCain. MoveOn is 3.2 million reliable voters and volunteers who are an important part of any winning Democratic coalition in November. They deserve better than to be dismissed using Republican talking points.”

  4. Whippet1 says:

    Move-on exposes how truly radically far left they are when they equate Karl Rove with Hillary Clinton and right wing talking points.

    You got it right, Kathie. It is hysterical to watch the fall of the Clinton’s but the alternative to Hillary for the left is an empty shell and a very dangerous one at that.

    One lefty site I was reading was bashing Hillary and all she and Bill have been doing and saying and asked the question…Do you suppose the Right had the Clinton’s right all along? Duh……

  5. truthhard2take says:

    AJ, you don’t know what an “out of control mob” is, but you might find out if America’s Middle East policy continues on its present trajectory, and one based in part on the disrespect you show Palestinians above.

    Because if McCain is elected and tries to continue the Bush policy, or worse, a military draft will be required to shed the then required blood on the scale required.

    And that draft will certainly teach you what out-of-control mobs are.

  6. truthhard2take says:


    Strata wants the Palestinians to accept their persecution like good slaves.

  7. truthhard2take says:


    take it passively, Pals, or you’ll get on Strata’s terror list.

  8. WWS says:

    T2T must have missed a lithium dose today – these comments are even more bizarrely out of touch than his usual drivel.

    I’m waiting for him to start shrieking “YOU WILL ALL PERISH IN FLAME!!!” while laughing hysterically.

  9. VinceP1974 says:

    T2T is the C3PO of this blog.

  10. truthhard2take says:

    Guess you don’t feel the pain of the American 4000 and the American 2000 WTC/Pent not to mention the 50,000 maimed.\ thus far due to ME policy.

  11. ordi says:

    Don’t feed the INSANE TROLL

  12. Terrye says:

    Insane is right. The little Nazi. truth should be ignored.

  13. Terrye says:

    Moveon can say they did support going into Afghanistan, but there was Micheal Moore and his silly paranoid crap about a fabled nonexistent pipeline. And of course there are the Truthers and all the in general hostility toward the military in general.

    Yes, the Democrats created this beast and now it is devouring them.

  14. Whippet1 says:


    I’m waiting for you to start ranting about blood libel shortly, after all it is the jooooooooooooos!

    We all know that Israel is known for the mutilation of innocents. Yeah right. That kind of activity is commonplace with your “freedom fighter” favs… And certainly we wouldn’t put it past the Palenstinians to create any propaganda now would we? Paliwood anyone? Possibly, possibly not…the problem is once you play the propaganda game your reliability is nil.


  15. truthhard2take says:


    not a good day in Iraq, more US soldiers killed and they’re caught in cross fire in Sadr City.

    but you Islamophobic racists might cheer a pro-Palestinian rights activist being assasinated in Austin, Texas.

  16. crosspatch says:

    So anyone who isn’t anti-American and anti-Iraqi is an Islamaphobic racist? It must really be getting to you, “Truth”tard. Hehe, Michael Yon’s book is sold out on Amazon (more on the way from the publisher) and the anti-war movies can’t even sell a ticket.

    I can’t blame you, tard, it has to be hard with you being on the losing side all the time.

  17. Mata says:

    America’s 4000, WTC’s almost 3000, maimed 50,000… All remembered, mourned, and honored. I hate the personal affects of war.. tho I also recognized that war is, sometimes, necessary.

    Yet by comparison, 5.7 mil Jewish lives were extinguished during WWII before the world united to stop the genocide. 57,000 lives lost, or injured compared to 5.7 million dead. Stark contrast of doing nothing until last minute, or doing something before the numbers escalate to that even more unbearable amount.

    How many more would die in today’s times, had we chose to stand by idly and do nothing after 911… as did the previous admin decisions? Decisions that lead only to increasing deaths with each more intense jihad assault on western interests world wide over several decades. We had warnings. We ignored them. 911 was the culmination. The largest death count for a jihad assault in our life time. And unlike Pearl Harbor – an assault on a military facility – this was deliberately launched against citizens.

    Of course, since we can’t reverse time and travel another path, no one can predict that future’s trajectory. However what we can compare is that – since the start of the jihad assaults decades ago – their attacks have been increasing in number and intensity until we had 911 happen on our shores.

    Then again *some* here (who obviously believe doing nothing against the global Islamic jihad movement is the correct foreign policy ticket) may also believe that WWII was a worthy fight for American interests. Or that the number of Jewish victims in the Holocaust was greatly exaggerated.

  18. Mata says:

    Correction above… “… may also believe that WWII was NOT a worthy fight for American interest”. DOH! Typos. Sorry

  19. Dorf77 says:

    Is it a form of mental illness to keep making obviously correct (and heaven forfend true) statements to an idiot and to expect enlightenment within said idiot?????

  20. ivehadit says:

    Excellent post, AJ!!! I am saving it to my harddrive. It expresses how I have felt and thought for years. The democrats are deserving of every bit of what is happening now. They knew they were dancing with the devil which was expedient for them in their minds. Now the price is to be paid.

    G_d bless America, the Beautiful. It will STILL be the home of those who love life and freedom.

    So whose chickens are coming home to roost now?? LOL!

    On another subject, did you see where Lucianne was hacked into by a group from China? It was the worst I have seen in 8 years….wonder who solicited that attack? Hmmmm, couldn’t be any of those dastardly dems of the hard left, now could it? Sarc off BIG TIME.