Apr 09 2008

Iran Does Fund al-Qaeda In Iraq, According To Hamas In Iraq

Published by at 12:41 pm under All General Discussions,Iran,Iraq

Ed Morrissey notes over at Hot Air a very interesting interview with a Hamas In Iraq leader, who claims they have evidence of Iranian support to al-Qaeda and the Mahdi Army in Iraq:

Salah Al-Din accused Al-Qaeda of being subservient to Iran, [claiming] that they had [extensive] evidence to that effect. He said: ‘We found Iranian [currency], toman, at an Al-Qaeda headquarters that we uncovered. We have also captured Iranian weapons, not to mention audio and video recordings containing announcements by Al-Qaeda fighters that they had received training in Iranian military camps and that Al-Qaeda wounded were being transported to Iran for medical treatment.’

Well, if you have to take someone’s word for what is happening I would gather a terrorist leader in Iraq may be more in the know than the wild-eyed liberals in the US. If true we have decimated Iran’s primary force for destabilizing Iraq, as the Hamas leader notes:

… Salah Al-Din explained that as of late, Al-Qaeda in Iraq had considerably diminished in size – so much so that today it can be said to constitute 15 percent of what it was a year ago, …

The report notes that Iran has been funding AQ and Sadr’s Mahdi Army, so that means we are on the verge of destroying their last major destabilizing force as we decimate, with our Iraqi allies, the Mahdi forces. This really could mean we are at the tipping point in Iraq where we have taken out so much of the opposition it collapses and cannot rise up again. Stay the course – to success.

42 responses so far

42 Responses to “Iran Does Fund al-Qaeda In Iraq, According To Hamas In Iraq”

  1. norm says:

    they also funded maliki’s dawa party. hell they are behind everything…they even funded an airport in najaf. there will be no solution to the problems in iraq without extensive iranian involvement. and nothing short of making iraq an outright american puppet state can stop it. maybe that’s the victory you rant about but can’t describe.

  2. AJStrata says:

    Wow Norm,

    You can’t tell the difference between funding an airport and funding terrorists. No wonder the left his hopelessly lost!



    Left by: “Worm”

  4. truthhard2take says:


    Except as Scheer points out in discussing Petraeus’ treason to American citizens, Iran also funds Maliki’s supporters. Try again, Strata.

  5. truthhard2take says:

    Strata has banned some for much less than the dumpsterful of Dale’s dolorous doo-doo.

  6. norm says:

    aj…i think the larger point is again lost on you…iran is into everything in iraq. but you are too worried about what sadr had for lunch today to concern yourself with what’s really going on.

  7. AJStrata says:


    You know how we can all tell your losing the debate? You babble incoherently. I did not miss anything. Many terrorist groups use humanitarian fronts to confuse leftist dolts. Doh!

  8. norm says:

    right…ummm…i think the better indication of who is on the weak side of a debate is childish personal attacks instead of responses of substance. i’d like to see you adress what you call victory, but cannot describe, and the role you forsee an iran with leverage granted to them by the u.s. playing in that. but name calling is clearly easier for you.


    Left by: “WORM” and his Sockpuppet, “TRUTHHALF-BAKED”


    Left by: “WORM” and his Sockpuppet, “TRUTHHALF-BAKED”

  11. Mark78 says:

    Does Iran funding al Maliki somehow excuse them from funding al Qaeda? Can someone please explain the logic there?

  12. truthhard2take says:

    “Many terrorist groups use humanitarian fronts to confuse leftist dolts”

    Norm, here Strata is preparing his way to turn on Maliki when the time comes.

  13. truthhard2take says:

    Though he’ll never call himself a “right-of-center’ dolt, I fear.

  14. norm says:

    mark78…i certainly didn’t mean to excuse them from anything…the point is, as i said above, they are into everything. from maliki to al queda to sadr to brokering cease-fires and building airports. iran’s leaders get parades in baghdad, ours hide like the wusses they are. our diplomatic staff is warned not to go outside. any plans we have for iraq needs to adress iran in a serious way. it’s not simply a matter of getting a few militias under control as the original post implies when it says; “…we are on the verge of destroying their last major destabilizing force as we decimate, with our iraqi allies, the mahdi forces. this really could mean we are at the tipping point in iraq…” oh boy another tipping point.

  15. 75 says:

    Uh, oh…the “childish attacks” sobbing coming from Norm again. It’s a hot kitchen…take it or leave it.

  16. truthhard2take says:

    If Iran could play Bush and Perle and Feith and Wolfy, it sure can play Strata and all the Instapunblunderers.

  17. 75 says:

    Truthy is confusing the Bush administration with Jimmy Carter’s. That’s pretty hard to do.

  18. truthhard2take says:

    Carter never lost 5000 men and eighty thousand limbs.

  19. 75 says:

    No, he just facilitated the entire radical Islamic movement.

  20. Robohobo says:


    Man, you sure catch a high percentage of malodorous trolls! Sheesh!

    The victories go to those who outlast the other. Not to mention fight better and behave honorably. Something the Left in the US cannot understand in any way.

    Can I call you malodorous trolls traitors yet?

    Let the caterwauling begin! Cry, baby, cry!

    The Hobo