Mar 21 2008

The Left Wing Has Lost Their Minds

Published by at 7:31 pm under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT,Iran,Iraq

Update Reader Whippet1 notes that a professional psychiatrist has come to the conclusion that the liberal mindset is actually a mental disorder:

“Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.”

“A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity – as liberals do,” he says. “A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population – as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation’s citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state – as liberals do.”

Dr. Rossiter says the liberal agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority in the population by:

  • creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization;
  • satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation;
  • augmenting primitive feelings of envy;
  • rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will of the government.
  • He’s got a point there. Not to mention the deep denial about all the things they oppose and how there is no factual reality to back up their claims. But as long as they keep talking this madness, America will take note. – end update

    The left wing SurrenderMedia has all of a sudden had a mental break down. It seems the stress of losing and being wrong on so many fronts it taking its toll on them. All of a sudden, according to the left wing, a report that showed long term connections between Saddam’s Iraq and al Qaeda’s Zawahiri actually shows no connections between al-Qaeda and Saddam’s Iraq from future 9-11s could possibly result. According to the left wing the 9-11 commission report and numerous news articles outlining Iran’s support to al-Qaeda fighters in Iraq actually shows no such support from Iran to al-Qaeda. And now the mad left wing is saying the recent NIE detailing how Iran’s nuclear weapons program (you know, to develop nuclear weapons…) being suspended after the US invaded Iraqis now wrong and Iran has never sought nuclear weapons (though they had a program to seek them?….).

    Here is the latest example, in a string of wild-eyed and fanciful examples, of the insane levels of denial coming from the left:

    President Bush on Wednesday said something demonstrably false and inflammatory about Iran — asserting that the Iranian government has “declared they want to have a nuclear weapon to destroy people.”

    The Iranians have never done any such thing — and for Bush to say so at a time of great tension between the two countries is bizarre at best.

    The Iranians have clearly said they wanted nuclear weapons – that is why they had a secret and illegal program to build them. A program which was suspended in 2003, but also may be up and operational again today (the NIE was unsure on this latter part). And Iran has made many threats of Israel being wiped off the face of the Earth quite soon. Israel is full of, well… people. Only a head-in-the-sand liberal would not see the connection between acquiring nuclear weapons AND promising the pending annihilation of Israel. For some people there just are never enough dots for them to grasp the picture staring them in the face.

    And oh yeah, al-Qaeda is not retreating from their failures in Iraq, Lebanon, Algeria and Afghanistan and regrouping in the tribal regions of Pakistan. No, AQ is actually growing in strength and power as the numbers increase there. Hate to say this, but Hitler’s forces in Germany grew as well – as he pulled them all back to defend the homeland after the allies invaded France and Italy and routed the Nazis from Africa.

    So, why all the wild claims that defy reality? All I can figure out is the left sees their dreams of winning the White House slipping away and, in their panic, they are letting lose with all their wild and crazy rationalizations about how we are not at war with al-Qaeda, and if we just ran away from the middle east this bad dream would all go away. Sort of sad to see them all go Looney-Toons like this – but it does provide America a clear indication of why we can never let people in such deep, near psychotic, denial be in charge of defending this nation and its people. Never let the patients try and run the insane asylum – they only hurt themselves and others.

    25 responses so far

    25 Responses to “The Left Wing Has Lost Their Minds”

    1. VinceP1974 says:

      The Left is getting worse and worse.. and part of it is teh Right’s fault.

      From Bush to the GOP in Congress.. they just let the Left say whatever the hell they want and there is no pushback. The Left gets more and more out of control.. and nothing is doen about it.

      I know this is a major component of Conservative’s problem with the Republicans.. we want fighters.. we want communicators. we want leadership.. and time and again.. they never deliver.

    2. kathie says:

      You can only communicate if someone will print what you say. I have heard the President millions of times telling the American people what is going on…..but I never see it in print. MSM is hell bent on getting Obama elected and they will tell the American people any lie about the war, the economy, and about republicans that will put them in a bad light to get him elected. The war on the American electorate is on and has been on for years, but we have never seen what we are about to see.

      I agree that the President is a man of few words compared to Clinton…..but he says what he means and means what he says. So you have to listen to his words. They are seldomly reported accurately, and always with distain. The man is a fighter, few listen. Then they pretend they didn’t know.

    3. AJStrata says:

      Gee Vince,

      You mean I never call the left on their inanities?

      Who knew?

    4. VinceP1974 says:

      AJ: I was referring to political leaders / public officials.

    5. Whippet1 says:

      I disagree that Bush and the GOP are to blame. Bush may not be perfect as most Presidents are not but he accomplished a lot of really good things that shouldn’t be forgotten. Do I wish he was more like Reagan, sure, but considering this time in history I’m very proud to call him my President. And unfortunately, too many in Congress, from both parties, no longer work for the people, they simply work for personal gain and job stability.

      And Kathie, I think you stated the problems that Bush has had to deal with very accurately.

      AJ, what makes you think that the media is trying to rationalize anything? They know that everything they are printing are lies and they are simply perpetuating those lies. Our media is no longer a media by American standards. They ceased to be decades ago. They are propagandists. Their role is not to report the truth anymore, it is to push a far-left, dare I say, Marxist agenda. They relish in it. It is their perceived link to power. You are right that they are in a panic…but it’s because they have been exposed for who they really are…Propagandists…nothing more and nothing less. Without it they will be powerless.

    6. breschau says:

      Couple of simple questions (and I swear to you, I am not being confrontational – I honestly do not know the answers to these questions):

      1) If a country was trying to develop nuclear power for use in residential homes (usual electrical, etc), as opposed to trying to develop nuclear weapons – how would we know? What would we look for to tell us the difference?

      2) Congruent to question 1: is the concept of a Muslim country trying to develop nuclear energy to supplement its total energy consumption an inherently evil idea?

      3) If Iran had “a secret and illegal program to build” nuclear weapons – how do we know about them? Wouldn’t the idea that they were “secret” somewhat preclude that?

      4) If the Iranian President (who honestly has very little actual power in his own country) says that the Israeli government should be removed from the planet — is that the same as the entire country of Iran saying that Isreal should be “wiped off the face of the Earth quite soon”?

      I would throw in a question about what actual defines a “win” in Iraq, but again – I am not trying to be confrontational.

    7. piniella says:

      No, AQ is actually growing in strength and power as the numbers increase there.

      So, Bush is losing the WOT?

    8. Whippet1 says:

      You’re right! They really have lost their minds!

    9. VinceP1974 says:


      let me ask you this. Do you know what a twelver is?

    10. Terrye says:

      One of the best speeches I ever heard give Bush give was back in 2002 at the UN. And it got less press than Obama’s “landmark” speech on race.

      It is too easy to blame Bush because he has not managed to make people listen to him, but people tend to believe what they want to believe.

      Iran has never made a secret of the fact that they wanted to “vomit” the Zionists from the region. They refuse to accept their right to even exist. No one has ever doubted that desire. If they are doubting it now, they are stupid.

      Once again, it is always the fault of the US as to how some nutcase in the Middle East behaves. If Saddam had made a half ass effort to get along with the international community when Bill Clinton was President, he would still be running that country. But nooooo, he had to make a point of doing the opposite. So George Bush dealt with him.

      And now here we are with the Iranians, who have had every opportunity to act like they are not crazy people. If they really wanted a “peaceful” program, the United Nations would have been more than happy to work with them on that. In fact, they would have welcomed the chance to defuse tensions. But nooooo, the Iranians just have to jack people around.

      And whose fault is that?

      So no, I do not blame Bush for the stupidity of others. McCain makes one comment with the word AlQaida in it and the pushback from certain quarters was positively hysterical. That is the problem.

    11. Terrye says:

      The amazing thing is the Democrats say on one hand that AlQaida is gaining in the strength and that we are losing, and then they say there is no terror threat and then they say we can always “go back in” if we need to.

      How many times do we have to fight a war in Iraq before these guys are willing to do what it takes to win it? I do not want to “go back in”, which is what Obama said we could do.. That is just plain crazy. Good God, you would lose more people leaving and going back than you would sitting tight. Even I know that.

    12. Boghie says:


      1) If a country was trying to develop nuclear power for use in residential homes (usual electrical, etc), as opposed to trying to develop nuclear weapons – how would we know? What would we look for to tell us the difference?

      That country would be attempting to create highly enriched uranium. They would be spending billions and wasting years of time enriching their uranium beyond the point required to power an electrical plant. If Iran desired a nuclear power plant they could have one up and running right now. In fact they could have been generating power for their citizens for a number of years now.

      2) Congruent to question 1: is the concept of a Muslim country trying to develop nuclear energy to supplement its total energy consumption an inherently evil idea?

      No it would not be an evil idea. But, see answer number one. And, Iran has been a less than wholesome member of the community of nations for the past three decades, eh.

      3) If Iran had “a secret and illegal program to build” nuclear weapons – how do we know about them? Wouldn’t the idea that they were “secret” somewhat preclude that?

      The program is secret – they don’t admit to it – and illegal – they signed an agreement not to develop atomic or nuclear weapons programs. If Iran had not desired highly enriched uranium as a fuel than they would have their plant up and running now. We found their program after dissidents pointed it out. If it is not secret, nor illegal, why spend the time and money to bury and hide it? Do we bury and hide our atomic power generation plants?

      4) If the Iranian President (who honestly has very little actual power in his own country) says that the Israeli government should be removed from the planet — is that the same as the entire country of Iran saying that Isreal should be “wiped off the face of the Earth quite soon”?

      It’s the Mullahs that want the bomb. And, in a totalitarian state the people count for squat.

      And, for you bonus question:

      I would throw in a question about what actual defines a “win” in Iraq, but again – I am not trying to be confrontational.

      A win in Iraq would be a Theater of Action win in the Global War on Terror. And, if you look at a map we would have a central location from which we could act on the majority of bad actors in the GWOT – not all, but a majority. And, we would have three connected allies in the region that sit inside the communication lines of those state sponsors of terror. And, we would have a well trained military in the region allied to us. So, to summarize, Islamic terror would be constrained to shitty little holes (shrinking all the time) in the crappy mountains of Pakistan and the insane Gaza strip. The ‘militants’ would have to move, thus becoming visible available for targeting. And, they would be living like fine citizens inside the borders of the states that sponsor them. What a joy to have these violent, stupid, and energized terrorists living next to you rather than implementing Jihad hundreds or thousands of miles away!!!

    13. Boghie says:


      We could work out an honorable deal.

      How about supporting the use of Weapons Grade Uranium (i.e., the less polite term for Highly Enriched Uranium) in American, European, and Japanese plants. Because the fuel is directly useful for atomic weapons we do not use it. It would be difficult to determine if we were siphoning some off for duplicitous and secret weapons programs. Additionally, the spent fuel is plutonium (I think). Plutonium is a nasty material and makes a fine weapon itself.

      So, if you trust the Iranians you must trust America, eh.

    14. WWS says:

      Good answers, Boghie – and to emphasize a point that you understand but which Breschau doesn’t (I freely admit that most average people have no idea how nuclear plants work) fuel for nuclear plants does not need to be enriched to nearly the level that fuel for nuclear weapons does.

      This is why Iran’s claims to be working on nuclear power are such transparent lies – they are there already, it’s not that hard to get to that point. It’s significantly more difficult to get Uranium processed to the point it can be considered weapons-grade, but this is exactly what Iran is pushing for. That’s why they need such huge levels of high speed heavy duty centrifuges.

      IF Iran was honestly trying to develop power sources for it’s citizens, that would be something to discuss. But they aren’t, and everyone – EVERYONE, including the IEA – knows it. There entire program is focused on producing nuclear weapons, and there’s not even any room for reasonable doubt on the matter.

    15. MerlinOS2 says:

      Iran has spent billions putting together all the enrichment chains.

      The reactors being built by Russia already have the fuel for them in the contract.

      So they are enriching uranium for reactors they don’t have to fuel.

      The IAEA found plans for warhead designs in the files in Iran.

      They have been adding to their SAM missile sites around the areas they are working. They are now getting newer SAM batteries from Russian aligned border countries. Four new setups have been delivered under the recent contract.

      Iran has become the first non nuclear power to have Medium Range Ballistic Missiles installed in hardened silos underground.

    16. VinceP1974 says:

      And folks lets not lose sight of who Iran’s newest buddy is… the bafoon from Venezuela.

      Were you folks aware that Hezbellah has been setting up shop down for a few years now?

      Now consider this…

      A North Korean nuclear facility (some say reactor, some say warhead factory) was discovered by Israel in Syria. Somehow the entire US Federal Govt machinery didn’t notice it was there.

      When Israel went to Condezza Rice and said they found something , Rice didn’t believe Israel. Israel had to conduct an operation and have their people physically go to the installation and get a live sample of the nuclear material.. Which somehow they did. Rice still didnt’ want to let Israel do aynthing about it. but eventually israel got the ok to desroy the thing in September.

      Now what does that say about the immigination of Rice and the State Dept… to them it was simply out of the bounds of reasonable possiblity that a Norht Korean nuke facility would be in Syria.. so we can assume they weren’t even monitoring for such a thing to be discovered.

      What are the chances that these same people also consider the possiblity that Iran is staging missiles in South /Central America using thier proxy hezbellah and the latin american socialiast networks too far fetched to look into?

    17. VinceP1974 says:


      Do you know what a twelver is?

    18. Terrye says:


      I don’t think it is a question of whether or not Condi Rice believed Israel. She might well have believed them, but after the problems with Iraq the US is going to want a level of evidence that the Israelis have not been able to produce. They themselves said that.

    19. VinceP1974 says:

      Terrye: It’s a mindset problem.

      Your argument doesn’t hold up to this case, because both israel and the US imposed a cone of silence around the whole incident.

      They are not going to be showing ANYONE the evidence. They’re not even telling people what went on there.

      Now why would they be so silent about this outrageous facility being in Syria? the American deserve to know just what the hell is going on. We’re kept in the dark having to guess.

      It’s funny isn’t it… Israel attacks Syria and no one wants to talk about it. Not North Korea, Syria, Iran, Israel or the US.

      Considering what is at stake , you would think the US govt would feel a sense of urgency on the issue.. but no . instead Rice wanted a frekin CONFERENCE with the PLAYERS in the REGION. my God.t hese people are crazy. She’s so imcompetent..way worse than half-bright.