Mar 05 2008

Divided Dems Heading For Crack-Up V

Published by at 3:35 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

Back on February 6th, right after Super Tuesday 1, I predicted the Dems would splinter and be at each other’s throats to their convention. It started with this post:

The democrats may be able to do for the presidential race in 2008 what they did for the last Congress on Iraq – screw up royally. Iraq is a running success and the Dem Congress has less public support than the evil President George Bush. The left has a battle royale raging (while the GOP battle is over, just some aren’t ready to admit their defeat – again). I bet this one goes to convention and back room deals with the Super Delegates (which is another word for Congressional bribes for pet projects).

You can’t have two captains leading anything, so the dems will struggle for months all the while moving more and more left to hold their hyper-partisan base in line. Truly and unexpected gift to the staggering GOP.

The next few days after Super Tuesday 1 I expanded on this prediction here, here, here and here. Super Tuesday 2 has cemented that prediction into reality. And I find it quite humorous to see the vaunted political press finally waking up to the rolling disaster that is the Dem nomination process – which will likely keep the Dems from taking the White House as they go left to fight for the liberal base:

Obama’s failure to win Ohio and Texas and lock down the nomination — combined with Clinton’s newly defensible decision to press on despite a deficit in delegates — virtually guarantees Democrats a draining contest that will give Republicans a months-long head-start on the general election.

It will heighten racial, ethnic, gender, and class divisions already on stark display, raise awkward questions about the legitimacy of the nominating process, and inflict potentially lasting wounds on the eventual winner.

Look, this is what you get when you promote power hungry people like the Clintons out of desperation to win elections. The Clintons will do what ever it takes for Hillary to be the nominee. They don’t care about the party anymore than they did the country. They are power trippers – always have been and always will be.

Bill Clinton took the Democrat control of the WH, both houses of Congress and ideological dominance on the Federal Bench and when he was done Bush and the GOP had the reigns of government and were re-balancing the federal bench. Clinton was willing to send the country into a constitutional nightmare all for the want of a blow job. These people have no morals, only greed.

Why is the Democrat party just now waking up to the beasts THEY created? You know why Nixon’s antics did not become part and parcel of the GOP? Because when he slipped he was dumped and the GOP was cleansed. The Dems, in trying to salvage Clinton, gave the Clintons all the power they needed to take back control again. Now the ugly side of the Clinton brand is doing to the Dems what it did to the country and the dems in the 1990’s.

When will people learn that you cannot grasp at any old option to simply win. When you sacrifice quality and standards to gain quantity (votes in this case) you end up with lots of crap in the result. Hillary only has this one shot at President. She will not let go of this one opportunity for history, no matter how ridiculous it is for her to be the candidate after decades of Bush-Clinton-Bush. She doesn’t care, she must try and do everything in her power to win. The crack-up is now unavoidable.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Divided Dems Heading For Crack-Up V”

  1. patrick neid says:

    I hope you are right but I’m not getting my hopes up.

    If Hillary and Obama get to the convention with Obama maintaining his narrow lead I think she gets the nomination and the powers that be bring all the pressure they can to get Obama to accept the VP slot despite how ugly the campaign may have been. If his raw political power cravings exceed his ethics he will take the job. McCain may find that ticket to hard to overcome. The demographics would be in the Dems favor.

    Had Hillary lost Texas last night her staying in the race would have been meaningless. Obama would never have picked her as VP. He claims to be running on change. I certainly hope it wasn’t repubs that kept her in this race. You must always kill Dracula at the earliest opportunity!

    McCain could possibly beat each of them alone but together its near impossible. McCain’s VP choice had better appeal to independents if he is to have any chance.

  2. Soothsayer says:

    Don’t you wish AJ . . . turns out its actually free publicity. The more Clinton and Obama go at it – the more irrelevant McCain becomes . . . keeping Chimpy waiting like a fool at the White House.. Imagine … seeking out the endorsement of an idiot with positive ratings of 20% who is generally considered to be the worst president in US history. Meanwhile:

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain trails Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in hypothetical matchups, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released on Wednesday.

    Illinois Sen. Obama leads McCain by 12 percentage points — 52 percent to 40 percent; New York Sen. Clinton leads McCain by 6 points — 50 percent to 44 percent, the poll found.

    McCain fares poorly against Clinton and Obama among Americans who disapprove of the president and Americans opposing the war, The Washington Post said.

    It’s called a landslide.

  3. VinceP1974 says:

    Oh what a surprise, a national media poll shows the Democrat leading the Republican.. Isn’t it this way every election year?

  4. WWS says:

    Oops! Rasmussen national polls today show McCain with a 1 point lead over Hillary and a 2 point lead over Obama.

    Oh of course, any poll that doesn’t agree with preordained positions doesn’t count.