Mar 04 2008

McCain & Clinton’s Super Tuesday

Published by at 11:35 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

Watched the returns from Reston, VA. McCain sews up the GOP nomination and Hillary is the come back kid. With OH and RI in her corner Clinton wins enough to go on. And I suspect she will eek out a win in TX. Right now I would prefer the vacuous phenom Obama up against McCain. But it looks like the Dems are heading to a brokered convention – which is all good for the GOP. Mike Huckabee ran a great race and he should be shoe-in in 2012 or 2016. My hat is off to the man for making the GOP tolerable again.

Addendum: Well the dems are still heading to their convention crack up with Clinton winning OH, TX and RI yesterday. In a total mess in TX Clinton won the primary and popular vote 51-47, and this morning the WaPo has Obama up 52-48 in the caucus count (36% reporting). My predictions were right this time (have to be lucky at least some times) and I believe I was right when I said Obama peaked too early and his campaign of sweetness and light was starting to get old. Those of us who said Clinton was not through yet knew she and her husband will do anything to win.

And so now comes the let down for the Obama groupies. Their hopes are being dashed not by their enemies – those evil republicans – but by those power hungry traitors in their own party. You can feel the frustration rising on both sides. Here is someone over at DailyKos clearly angry at Hillary for winning:

Mccain and the GOP were the ones who were REALLY partying it up last night.

Obama will now probably head negative.
while Mccain builds his base and attacks both and uses whatever they throw at each other.

Hillary winning last night was about the worst possible outcome. the Delegate count was about even meaning Obama is still way ahead and now with only 600 left Hillary needs 385 or 61% of them to get back even. though she won Texas and Ohio did she ever break 55% in the big states? no.

meaning Hillary can’t actually catch back up in the Delegate count, Obama is not going to just let her be negative against him while he does nothing. so now for 7 weeks Hillary has insured that the democrats will destory each other. and make no mistake she STILL wont win the nomination.

That last prediction is not very solid in my mind. The convention is where the Clinton power will be at its maximum against a junior, one term senator from Illinois. Neither Clinton nor Obama can win the nomination now. And who has the most pledged delegates don’t matter under Democrats’ socialist rules.

What will happen is not that the candidates go negative – their rabid followers will be so angry they will start slighting the opposition. How do you think a Hillary supporter feels about this guy’s comments? Check out the comments to his post. The infighting is just beginning and will rage all summer.

And it will rage because too many on the left are simply naive about power in DC. Check this out:

Despite her primary wins yesterday, Hillary Clinton faces insurmountable odds against having enough convention delegates to win the nomination unless she resorts to destructive backroom arm twisting and dirty dealing to try to get over the top.

While Clinton is right to declare that it’s not over until it’s over, she did recapture some of her base in yesterday’s contests and her showing in Ohio was impressive, it is indeed over. The sooner that she can fashion a graceful exit the better that she, the Democratic Party and those of us already asking hard questions about a Barack Obama-John McCain showdown will be.

How naive can you get? Clinton bow out? Of course this is coming down to back room arm twisting and shady promises. Wake up people – this is the most powerful job on the planet and people like the Clinton’s don’t give up for the good of anyone else.

46 responses so far

46 Responses to “McCain & Clinton’s Super Tuesday”

  1. VinceP1974 says:

    Momdearl: I agree with you 100% and have been saying the same thing.

    Bush might be standing firm on Iraq, but on EVERY OTHER FRONT against Jihadism, we’re losing and supporting the wrong side. It’s dispairing that our government is so utterly clueless.. but that’s the way it is.

    6 Years after 9/11 and our government shows that it knows no more about Islam than it did back then.

    Even AJ shows how people in the US do not see the threat clearly. Notice how he throws the ball in our lap… as if we are the ones who want war. Islam is at war against us and apparently we’re supposed to the lick the ass of Muslims around the world so that they dont get mad at us… meanwhile the Muslims in thier midsts plot our destruction because they sense that the time of Allah’s victory over the world is near and certain.

  2. AJStrata says:


    What I asked was whether folks want to start fighting the allies we have been garnering as al-Qaeda implodes over their violent tendencies.

    Neither of you have the backbone to answer the question – you want to go to war with the Awakening in Iraq? How about war with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia?

    LOL! I make it so difficult when I bring reality back into the equations. It’s all my fault those simple solutions fall flat….


  3. VinceP1974 says:

    Your question is a nonsequiter.

    You’re sounding like a Leftist now with the stupid question. You know how they say we shouldn’t have attacked Iraq because we haven’t invaded North Korea, Rwanada, Saudi Arabia, Iran , China and Russia.. You know their argument… those countries are more of a threat to us than Iraq was, so why attack Iraq.

    Well you’re doing something similiar, almost the inverse.

    Bush is not fighting against the movers and shakers of political Islam.. Bush is not doing anything to demoralize those in the Muslim world who view the conquest of Israel and Europe as inevitible. You cling onto Iraq but the problem is way bigger than Iraq.

    So good for you and your Sunni Awakening … lets see how the Iraq Sunnis help prevent war with israel or reverse the colonization of Europe , or prevent the nuclear bombing of the United States.

    How much money you want to bet they don’t do us a bit of good?

  4. Terrye says:


    We are losing on every other front? No we are not. That is flat out lie. What would you consider winning? The complete removal of Islam from the earth? Ain’t gonna happen. Hopefully there will be an Enlightenment within Islam that will help the majority of Muslims who do reject violence to come together and rid their communities of these murderers. The idea that somehow Bush could have been more aggressive against Muslims world wide and still even be in office is absurd. I do think that this is a long term problem that will take many years to deal with. But demanding the politically impossible will not only not fix the problem, it will make it worse.

    For instance, the overwhelming majority of Iraq is Muslim, what do you suggest we do with all those people? No, people like you are every bit as unrealistic as people like Obama are. So don’t call other people leftists because they refuse to follow a policy for which there is zero support.

  5. VinceP1974 says:

    Hopefully there will be an Enlightenment within Islam that will help the majority of Muslims who do reject violence to come together and rid their communities of these murderers.

    That about says it all. Call me when the Shuttle lands.

  6. Terrye says:

    And by the way, I just finished Infidel by Hirsi Ali, a very brave woman. She is tough, she is not even a believer any more and she does not support allowing people in Europe to pursue a policy that sets them apart from Western ideas. But you know what? When you talk about Bush and losing on all fronts and all that, you forget people like this woman who have been fighting this battle since long before 9/11. And we can not tell the Europeans what to do anymore than we can stab the Sunnis in the back and assume that since they are Muslim they are the enemy and always will be.

    Grow up.

  7. VinceP1974 says:

    So don’t call other people leftists because they refuse to follow a policy for which there is zero support.

    BTW: Learn how to read. Comparing someone to a Leftist is not the same thing as calling someone a Leftist.

  8. Terrye says:

    Losing on all fronts,in the Middle East today, AlQaida is more unpopular than the US. Osama is not the hero he once was. That is not defeat.

  9. VinceP1974 says:

    And by the way, I just finished Infidel by Hirsi Ali, a very brave woman. She is tough, she is not even a believer any more and she does not support allowing people in Europe to pursue a policy that sets them apart from Western ideas. But you know what? When you talk about Bush and losing on all fronts and all that, you forget people like this woman who have been fighting this battle since long before 9/11. And we can not tell the Europeans what to do anymore than we can stab the Sunnis in the back and assume that since they are Muslim they are the enemy and always will be.

    What an incoherent mess.

    I read Infidel last year when it came out. Good to see you finally came around to reading it.

    What the hell does Ayaan Hirsi Ali have to do with Geroge Bush?

    You don’t see Ali going around lying “Islam is a Religion of Peace”.. You don’t see Ali going around with this fantasy that a peace agreement can be reached with the Palestinians.

    She advocates a halt to immigration… She advocates monitoring the Mosques… She advocates denying Muslims the right to run their own private schools. She calls Islam what it is.. a totalitarian barbaric religion that is anti-human.

    You’re going to try to justify Bush through the actions of this lady.. how dare you insult her like that. She’s 20 times the man Bush is. And unlike you, she’s not “hoping” for an impossible “Enlightening” to happen to Islam.

    She’s with me.. calling Islam what it is.. our enemy.

    You grow up, and read more books.

  10. AJStrata says:


    Nice dodge and nice pout….

    And you wonder why the far right is now in exile???? Say hello to Savage for me – hope he stays in exile.

  11. VinceP1974 says:

    What makes me “far right?”

  12. The Macker says:

    It seems Bush has struck the right balance between Muslims of good will and Muslims with hostile intent.

    And Europe’s immigration problems are of its own making. It has nearly zero birth rate, nearly complete welfare, an anti business mentality and is desparately dependent on other countries for young workers.

    That Bush has put freedom on the march is obvious and historic. Thankfully he hasn’t used a “meat axe” approach.

  13. owl says:

    Do you believe that laundry list Vince? Bush aint God.

    He can’t cure the world. Nor can he come in and single-handed cure all the social ills we don’t like (that have been building for decades) and at the same time fight real wars (that have been building for decades).

    But he has done a mighty fine job in my opinion. His problem was following too many politicans that sat on their azzes and never addressed ANY of the problems. They all came home to roost on Bush’s head. You think he would get any cooperation if he came in talking trash to the crowd you mentioned? He’s not the NYT.

    I have not watched this President make any decision that would benefit himself. None. Zero. He has been gracious to all in the face of the most evil attacks that I have ever witnessed.

  14. Whippet1 says:

    So the conservative coalition put up McCain as payback to the far right? So I guess that conservative coalition doesn’t care about “conservativism”? They don’t care about the future of the country, it’s all about payback? Hmmm…sounds more to me like spoiled brats fighting it out in the sandbox. I know you detest the “far right” but you have no problems with the actions of the “coalition?”

    Once again you fail to acknowledge how unique this primary season has been and how the numbers of candidates, lackluster campaigns, media and any number of other issues brought us McCain. But go ahead and blame the far right , it’s what you do…that way you don’t have to face how moderates and independents also affected the outcome. It’s so much easier to blame the talking heads…

    VinceP1974, 75 ,

    Beware here…there are some who love to call names and put you down for disagreement. They hate the Rush’s, Malkins, etc for being too vitriolic and then use vitriol themselves. You want secure borders with no amnesty and you’re anti-mexican. You don’t like McCain and you’re a far right wing conservative. I guess I’ll have to tell my legal hispanic friends who don’t support any type of amnesty that they are anti-mexican. I’m sure they’ll get a kick out of that!

    They’re all about compromise, compromise, compromise….unless of course it’s something they don’t want to compromise on. Funny how that works, isn’t it?

  15. VinceP1974 says:

    But he has done a mighty fine job in my opinion. His problem was following too many politicans that sat on their azzes and never addressed ANY of the problems. They all came home to roost on Bush’s head. You think he would get any cooperation if he came in talking trash to the crowd you mentioned? He’s not the NYT

    That Bush’s predecessor left him an impossible world situation to deal with is undeniable. That all of these problems were easier solved in the 1990s is undisputible. That any of the alternatives to Bush (McCain/Gore/Kerry) would have done “better” is a fiction.

    But it’s not good enough.

    You guys who are defending Bush because he did X, Y, Z are not looking at the big picture, or do not understand the heart of the Radical islam ideology. That you think that just because X Y Z were somewhat addressed that somehow the consequences of not addressing or mishandling A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K can be excused is to totally misjudge what is going on.

    Is it “unfair” to expect Bush could handle so many things ? Well too bad, life is unfair. Islam is not fair. Our vast array of enemies are unfair. you think they’re going to attack us on a prorated basis determined by the workload of Bush?

    And in any case, the things I am critical of Bush on are things that require less effort then the effort he put into mishandling them.

    Take the Israel/Palestinian problem. This suddenly insane push for a peace settlement… to give up Jerusalem.. to create a soverign state for the death cultists.. WHEN EVERY DAY HAMAS IS FIRING MISSILES AT ISRAEL FOR **YEARS**..

    And by the way.. who was it that pressured Israel to allow HAMAS to stand for office in 2005? Who keeps pressuring Israel to “restrain” herself in responding to the daily missile attacks?

    Lets not forget who backs HAMAS.. Iran. Lets not forget who is the parent of HAMAS, The Muslim Brotherhood. Lets not forget what do the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda both want.. a Caliphate. Is HAMAS not emboldened?

    Then there’s Iran. Bush allows the National Intellegence Office to make a total fool of this country.. those idiots who wrote that NIE I bet are still working at their jobs, underming the country as we speak.

    Meanwhile… many countries think Iran is going to be nuclear by the end of this year. Is Iran not emboldened?

    So that’s just two example from the Sunni and Shiia worlds of Jihad of how Bush’s actions are emboldening our deadly and very serious enemies. The network effects reverberate throughout the Muslim world globally. What do the Muslims see.. victory after victory after victory. oh there’s a setback in iraq.. no matter… on EVERY OTHER FREAKIN’ FRONT in the global jihad, they’re advancing.

    And I guess we should pretend we dont know that something like 90% of the Mosques in the US are being funded by Wahabi Saudi Arabia.

    So yeah.. great job in Iraq! Too bad Iran is going to nuke us, destroy Israel, or cut off oil. Too bad HAMAS is going to pursue thier Jewish holocaust as they incrementally take more and more land from israel that the US forces Israel to give.

    It’s a good thing Bush focused his limited resources on making Ramadi a nice place to live. If only my workplace (The Sears Tower) was given so much consideration as well.

    Now someone tell me where I’m wrong with that? Calling me “far-right” will be laughed at.

  16. AJStrata says:


    The conservative coalition believes in conservatism in many varying degrees. It does support the purity wars and ideological decrees from on high.

    It is a democracy folks – learn to live with minor differences and we can do great things. Focus on the differences and blow them out of all proportion (and insult those who differ with you along the way) and you will find yourself in a small, powerless minority.

  17. Whippet1 says:

    And to some degree I agree with you. But what to you may seem a minor difference is major to someone else and visa versa. I’ve seen it here many times both when we agree and disagree. Whether something is blown out of proportion is in the eye of the beholder. So when you look at the demographics for who is voting for whom, you have your solid left and your solid right and the middle is splitting both ways, who really is the small powerless minority?

  18. 75 says:

    Sorry ladies and germs, for my tardiness but I took the afternoon off yesterday to get some golf in. Or at least, an attempt at golf…we can’t really say that what I do is “golfing” but let’s just say I got my money’s worth in with plenty of swings.

    Good posts Vince and Whippet. The “conservative coalition” is a false title, used to hide the fact that they gave us a non-conservative supported by the media. AJ likes to call it a purity war and blame conservatives but who in their right mind would settle for an impure candidate? I would no more settle for a bi-partisan republican in today’s political arena than I would settle for muddy water out of a hoofprint rather than bottled. This coalition supported a man who worked with the Democrats to give us unconstitutional campaign finance law and is the hand-picked opponent for the Dems by our media. And you have the temerity to blame conservatives for this candidate? The fact that the coalition goes to great lengths to blame the “purists” is evidence enough for me that they are uneasy with our candidate. And they should be. He’s the weakest candidate in years and an even weaker republican. You blame the “purists” but if that be the name you must call us, we will proudly wear it. I prefer pure water, pure air, pure conservatives, and pure “A” players and the coalition can keep their second team.

  19. owl says:

    Well 75…… must be a happy camper with all that purity.

    As someone who was begging the Purists at least a year ago (when he was DOWN)………..I said to ‘please, please, do not force me into voting for McCain’. I kept reading that many had rather stay home. I refuse to take that chicken way out but there is not anyone who dislikes voting McCain more than me. AJ is correct…….the Purists gave us this candidate. Darn shame but there it is and vote I will.

  20. 75 says:

    Owl, why would I be happy, now that my party has “given”me (as you say) the choice of voting for “not so bad” as opposed to “bad”. I’m curious though how despite the warnings of the “purists” about McCain, and what was clearly known about him already given his record, how it is that the you can find the “purists” responsible for who they “gave” us as a candidate? It’s not as if they don’t cover Rinos or anything. This certainly isn’t the first time that conservative opinion has been shunned and it certainly won’t be the last. “Exiled”, I believe is what someone previously said in this forum and “exiling” conservatives has long been the goal of the media. Conservatives didn’t expect their fellow republicans to buy into the plan so easily.