Jan 10 2008

Another Reason Not To Kill Young Humans (aka Embryos)

Published by at 2:55 pm under All General Discussions,Stem Cell Debate

The need to kill young humans for spare parts hit another snag today:

A drug used for arthritis can reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer’s “in minutes”.

It appears to tackle one of the main features of the disease – inflammation in the brain.

The drug, called Enbrel, is injected into the spine where it blocks a chemical responsible for damaging the brain and other organs.

A pilot study carried out by U.S. researchers found one patient had his symptoms reversed “in minutes”.

Other patients have shown some improvements in symptoms such as forgetfulness and confusion after weekly injections over six months.

Given the all the therapies in the pipeline from adult stem cells and the fact skin cells can now be transformed into an embryo-equivalent stem cell state the need to kill young humans (a.k.a., embryos) to cure the ill is pretty much history.

BTW, stem cells have little to no application to Alzheimer’s disease. Anyone claiming otherwise is selling snake oil. It is a quick and easy test to determine the knowledge of a proponent embryonic stem cell research.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Another Reason Not To Kill Young Humans (aka Embryos)”

  1. ama055131 says:

    AJ there is a amusing story in our local paper which is the Ft. Laud Sun sentenial I think page 2a. I think you could probally use a good laugh for today.