Jan 09 2008

Rudy’s New Ad

Published by at 7:37 am under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

I mentioned below Rudy was on the air finally with his new ad. It played during the Fox News coverage of the New Hampshire primary. It’s pretty darn good, take a look:

And reader Sally Vee notes Rudy also has a piece up on the WSJ today. Right no cue Rudy comes out ‘after’ the New Hampshire primaries. It’s worth a read, check it out. It is packed full of details on actual foiled attacks on America.

Addendum: I have to note this one example of real border security (not the triple-diple-super-wuper fence garbage some obsess over):

Homeland security and border security are inseparable in the 21st century. The story of Ra’ed al-Banna is a chilling reminder of why. On June 14, 2003, al-Banna was denied entry into the U.S. at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport by Customs and Border Protection inspectors, who questioned him after their Automated Targeting System identified him as warranting further scrutiny. On Feb. 28, 2005, al-Banna blew up himself and at least 125 others outside a health clinic in Hilla, Iraq. It was one of the deadliest suicide bombings committed by al Qaeda in Iraq. We’ll never know if al-Banna was coming to the U.S. to inflict similar harm, but strong border security prevented him from having the opportunity.

Everyone of the 9-11 highjackers got into America legally. Many long term illegal aliens got here legally and overstayed their visas. Fences do not stop highly sophisticated and well paid terrorist forces.

Addendum: OK, I can’t help but give Rudy one hit on his over use of the word ‘stat’. We need more visibility into events heading our way. Just don’t turn into a techno-weeb. Other than that I felt the proposals were reasonable, and – unlike the wild promises of changs put out by Huckabee that require changes to the constitution (fair tax, birthright citizenship) – the proposals look like they could pass a divided Congress.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Rudy’s New Ad”

  1. crosspatch says:

    Fences do not stop highly sophisticated and well paid terrorist forces.

    I have been trying to make that argument for a couple of years now but conservative Republicans just want to stick their fingers in their ears and go “lalalalalala” . Their “control the border” talk is really just a euphemism for “keep the foreigners out”. They still have their head in 1970’s and 1980’s economics and no understanding whatsoever on how our economy has changed, where we are headed and why we NEED those immigrants … PARTICULARLY if we go to a consumption tax instead of a production tax.

  2. Jules Roy says:

    “Fences do not stop highly sophisticated and well paid terrorist forces”

    So why won’t Israel tear down its ‘Apartheid’ wall?

    I wonder why the man being advised by the fanatical ex-Soviet supporter Norman Podhoretz didn’t mention ‘World War IV’?


    Eeconomics does not drive history. The idea that a nation exists FOR an economy is bizarre. You have it backwards. The economy is supposed to serve the nation. Of course, the US is no longer an actual nation. That may explain your confusion as well as the inability of the deracinated American to understand the motives of nations, tribes, and religious communities abroad. Enjoy living in Latin America!

  3. AJStrata says:


    Take a chill pill. No one here in reality is interested in your bizarre liberal fantasies. Go back to watching TV and educating yourself.