Dec 17 2007

Savage Idiocy

Published by at 8:35 am under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

Folks know I am moderate on many issue – which simply means I fiercely believe progress beats lip service. I am not queasy or undecided or shy. I just don’t support the anger and hate of others as policy. This desire not to be a lick-spittle, raving lunatic when discussing complex and challenging issues has kept me from joining one of the two parties because of a few in each party out there on the fringes who I wish not to be associated with in any sense. Personally I think the party the ditches their rabid fringe and entices the middle can hold sway over this country for a long time. Primarily because reasoned and well thought out policies succeed where those built on emotional outbursts usually fail.

One such person who I cannot stand is Michael Savage. He is a cartoon bully who dresses like a bad ass and talks like a bad ass, but I would wager is just an actor out to make money. To understand what a dolt Savage is one just needs to look what he would do to the Muslim Awakening rising in Iraq and now dedicated to the eradication of al-Qaeda. We finally see every day Muslims rising up against al-Qaeda and denying them sanctuary, an event that could hasten the end of the war on terrorism and therefore save lots of lives. In the wake of the good news from Iraq, this idiot Savage goes on a rampage against the very Muslims we need on our side right now:

Then, a few weeks ago, Mr. Savage uncorked a cascade of invective about Islam. Among his on-air comments: the Koran is “a book of hate”; some Muslims, at least, “need deportation”; and adherents of Islam would do well to “take your religion and shove it up your behind” because “I’m sick of you.”

Savage deserves to be thrown off the air – he is risking lives by venting his ugly insecurity about Muslims. We have a chance to end bloodshed and this jerk wants to bring everything back to a boil so there will be more killings and bombs and carnage. While Pelosi was dead wrong when she said Republicans enjoyed war, Savage actually falls into that description. This chest-thumping fool is not going to be the one out there on the front lines in the Middle East. He probably won’t be the victim of an attack here in the US either. So he can ignite hate and violence without little concern he will get hurt.

But those who do have loved ones in harms way should tell this buffoon to just shut up. It is their family members who will be the first to feel a rise of hate against Americans because of idiots like Savage. The guy is playing the perfect foil for Bin Laden, who can now use Savage tapes to incite another generation of suicide bombers. As long as the GOP embraces fools like this I will remain outside the party – with pride.

13 responses so far

13 Responses to “Savage Idiocy”

  1. WWS says:

    As a result of this, CAIR is attempting to lead a boycott of his show. I don’t care much for Savage, either, but CAIR is one of the most vile and misleading front groups in the country. (they pretend to represent American Muslims, but they actually have only a handful of members, the directors, and a huge bank account of middle eastern bank money) CAIR was most recently seen promoting the “flying imam’s” stunt in Minneapolis, where they tried to discredit airline security measures.

    So who to cheer for in a fight where I profoundly detest both sides? I wish there was a way they could both lose. Although Savage is likely to come out of this with a bigger audience, which is his only goal. This whole tactic is so predictable and transparent – struggling lower tier radio talker needs to generate some buzz, so he creates an emotional controversy guaranteed to upset some people. In the resulting furor, his ratings go up because a certain segment loves controversy and gravitates to it wherever it is. As long as the talker can keep the buzz going, his ratings stay pumped up and his station is happy, since all any station cares about is numbers.

    Lou Dobbs has been playing this line for years now – Savage is just adapting a page from Lou’s playbook.

  2. MerlinOS2 says:

    To me he is just a political shock jock sort of the right side version of Howard Stern, but as you well point out his choice of message is much more destabilizing.

    Even with all that I will defend his 1st amendment rights strongly, and just hope his extremism makes him fade away in the marketplace of ideas.

  3. AJStrata says:


    Leave to Savage to make CAIR look credible. What a moron.

  4. VinceP1974 says:

    CAIR took Savage’s comment out of context. What you have there began with a rant about the dangers of Iran and what Iran is planning to do and how they seem to get away with everything.

    What CAIR didn’t show is the positive things he has said which could be found here

    CAIR is targetting one media person after another… There’s a handful of hosts CAIR got fired.

    It’s a systematic effort to silence all criticism of Islam in this country in the guise of civil rights… in effect it’s dhimmitude.

    I can’t believe you folks won’t take a stand for a man’s right to speak, and especially the right to speak out against a dangerous ideology .. a religion of hate founded on a book of death.

    Who cares what the people in Iraq think about what he says…. have you heard what their Imams say about us? People in Iraq are not made of glass.. after they put up their big show of macho emotion, they really don’t care.

  5. AJStrata says:

    Everyone has a right to make an ass of himself, but no matter what else he said his rant makes it possible Muslims on our side now may turn on us. Deadly speech is not a right

  6. VinceP1974 says:

    So when Iran makes their usual threats and we take offense, and we are turned off from them… that’s somehow ok.. no admonishment to them to control their Death to America rallies….

    When the Arab’s fragile sensibilities are offended,, well, we must fall all over ourselves to shut the person up. lest the Arabs take offense at our taking offense of their offense.

    When do Arabs/Muslims ever take responsibility for themselves?

  7. AJStrata says:


    How can you confuse comments on Iran with Savage’s idiotic comments on Islam? Not even the same subject.

    His mouth could get our people killed – is that all of a sudden OK with you?

  8. WWS says:

    Savage and his supporters forget (or don’t care) that what Al Qaeda *wants*, and has always wanted, is for this conflict to become a global war of All Westerners (atheists as well as Christians) against All Moslems. Bin Laden saw early on that in such a conflict, his group would come out way ahead because they would then be the spearpoint of 1billion moslems world wide. Comments such as Savage’s play directly into Bin Laden’s long term gameplan.

    In truth, this is a war between people who wish to lead a civilised lifestyle and those who would wish to bring about a totalitarian version of some mythical barbaric past, and who are willing to use horrific violence to accomplish it. To win this war, we desperately need the compliance and alliance with civilised peoples the world over, no matter their religious faith. Example: I live happily around atheists, who are much farther from me in their beliefs than muslims are, because I can co-exist comfortably with anyone who agrees to follow their life in a peaceful, civilised fashion, and I’ll ally with anyone who makes war on the elements that won’t live that way. Needlessly insulting people who’s help you want and need is worse than foolish, but this is what Savage is doing. (Famous old quote after a political murder in France: “It was worse than a crime, it was a blunder!”) To say “all islam is evil” is a modern rehash of the sad old 19th century line, “the only good indian is a dead indian.” That attitude led to nothing but a lot of mindless and tragic bloodshed.

    This is the key to the Anbar Awakening and all of those in Iraq who are now allying with the US – they want peace in their land and are willing to do what it takes to get it. I want peace in their land, too, so that I can have peace in my land, and I’m willing to give them as much help as they need. Al Qaeda is my enemy, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

  9. VinceP1974 says:

    These are his full comments…. I agree with them totally:

    AJStrata: Vince, I don\’t want that crap on my site – sorry.

  10. the struggler says:

    I’m with Vince.I like Savage.I think he has a great show.I enjoy it nightly.Also, I think Savage is far from a fool.

  11. Boghie says:

    The ‘Doctor of Food’ Savage is a moron.

    He is all over the map. Much like wobbly Democrats.

    All for the war. Things heat up. All against the effort. Could have done it better. Warm up the bombers and target population centers. Bush is a moron. Everybody is a moron. Only I am right. Even with minimal information I always make the right move – every time. The Middle East would be a parking lot if I was President. I won’t run for President because it doesn’t pay enough. Too many morons in D.C..

    Sounds like a different flavor of Clinton or Kerry or Hagel.

    I don’t think this slug could make a decision (at least one where he doesn’t have 100% of the information) and see it through. No important decision is ever made with 100% of the information. The game would be over.

    If you ever listen to his show – and note the patterns of his absences – he would simple go on vacation till whatever blows over!!!

  12. Boghie says:

    Something else about ‘The Savage Wiener’…

    He is using ‘the comment taken out of context’ as advertisement.
    Not with further dialog before the comment.
    Not with dialog after the comment.
    Simply the comment.

    Maybe the surrounding blather was extraneous.

  13. VinceP1974 says:

    “He is using ‘the comment taken out of context’ as advertisement.
    Not with further dialog before the comment.
    Not with dialog after the comment.
    Simply the comment.”
