Jul 06 2007

Scientific Proof Our Planet Was Warmer Than Now, And It Was Normal

Published by at 8:10 am under All General Discussions,Global Warming

Al Gore’s timing is pathetic. He is out promoting his wild-eyed, unscientific thoughts on Global Warming as more and more evidence mounts that the man-made Global Warming canard is an incomplete and inaccurate picture. Now we have clear evidence that it is normal for Earth to cylcle between much broader ranges of temperatures than we have seen in modern times, and the Earth has been much warmer than it is today:

DNA of trees, plants and insects including butterflies and spiders from beneath the southern Greenland glacier was estimated to date to 450,000 to 900,000 years ago, according to the remnants retrieved from this long-vanished boreal forest.

That contrasts sharply with the prevailing view that a lush forest of this kind could only have existed in Greenland as recently as 2.4 million years ago, according to a summary of the study, which is published Thursday in the journal Science.

The samples suggest the temperature probably reached 10 degrees C (50 degrees Fahrenheit) in the summer and -17 C (1 F) in the winter.

They also indicated that during the last period between ice ages, 116,000-130,000 years ago, when temperatures were on average 5 C (9 F) higher than now, the glaciers on Greenland did not completely melt away.

This is science – the data shows what it shows and you learn to explain ALL of it without bias towards one type of data or another. You do not go by ‘consensus’ you go by laws of nature. If the world’s scientists one day decided gravity did not exist, it would still be here. Our reality is not open to debate – just denial or understanding. The fact is this world we are on goes through a wide range of temperatures as a natural part of its cycle and we, humans, have been able to adapt and survive for 100’s of thousands of years. In fact, we are the most adaptable animals this planet has ever produced (and we are a PRODUCT of this world, not necessarily an exploiter of it).

We are still exploring the world’s climates. And if you listen to the ‘scientists’ they will tell you that we do not have the knowledge or models to predict climate changes and their drivers:

CLOUDY.” As a metaphor, that is not a bad description of the science of climate forecasting. The general trends are clear, but the details are obscure. As it happens, however, the description is not merely metaphorical—for of all the elements that make up the climate, and have to be accounted for in models of it, it is clouds that are the most obscure.

The link Dr Knight is examining, between clouds and what researchers call climate sensitivity (the degree to which a particular input is likely to change the climate), has been apparent for nearly 20 years. But because clouds take different forms at different scales—from microscopic water droplets to weather fronts that span hundreds of kilometres—they are devilishly hard to describe in models that work by manipulating “virtual” chunks of the atmosphere that are 100km (62 miles) across and 100km high.

Only recently have such international undertakings as the Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project (CFMIP) and the Cloud System Study of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment begun a systematic comparison of the effects of clouds on dozens of the most important climate models, allowing researchers to start to unravel more precisely the role that clouds play in climate change. In a recent paper in Climate Dynamics, Mark Webb of Britain’s Hadley Centre for Climate Change and his colleagues reported that clouds account for 66% of the differences between members of one important group of models and for 85% of them in another group.

In other words, they have a lot of work to do to tune their models and deal with clouds and the water cycle. Remember H2O is repsonsible for something like 90% of the green house effect while CO2 is down around 3% (not looking up the actual numbers right now – sorry!). So if you want to understand and effect climate CO2 emissions is not the way to go.

And if you want a scientist’s view on the IIPC and their global warming predictions, the top scientist says they cannot make any predictions at this time – their models are not good enough yet:

In fact, since the last report it is also often stated that the science is settled or done and now is the time for action.

In fact there are no predictions by IPCC at all. And there never have been. The IPCC instead proffers “what if” projections of future climate that correspond to certain emissions scenarios. There are a number of assumptions that go into these emissions scenarios. They are intended to cover a range of possible self consistent “story lines” that then provide decision makers with information about which paths might be more desirable. But they do not consider many things like the recovery of the ozone layer, for instance, or observed trends in forcing agents. There is no estimate, even probabilistically, as to the likelihood of any emissions scenario and no best guess.

These are ‘what if’ scenarios. They are fiction. Science fiction, but fiction. They take real world elements and put plausible story lines around them by tweaking parameters. They are as factual as the Da Vinci vode. A prediction is what we do when we launch a rocket and predict (with some guidance adjustments) where it will hit the Martian surface. In that instance we use proven laws of physics and engineering to guide are robots to the place we want them to explore. That is not the same level of ‘science’ as in the Global Warming debate. Not even close. And the good scientist from IIPC, Kevin E. Trenberth, is clear on how far off the results of the models are because they are not initiated to reality.

None of the models used by IPCC are initialized to the observed state and none of the climate states in the models correspond even remotely to the current observed climate. In particular, the state of the oceans, sea ice, and soil moisture has no relationship to the observed state at any recent time in any of the IPCC models. There is neither an El Niño sequence nor any Pacific Decadal Oscillation that replicates the recent past; yet these are critical modes of variability that affect Pacific rim countries and beyond. The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, that may depend on the thermohaline circulation and thus ocean currents in the Atlantic, is not set up to match today’s state, but it is a critical component of the Atlantic hurricanes and it undoubtedly affects forecasts for the next decade from Brazil to Europe. Moreover, the starting climate state in several of the models may depart significantly from the real climate owing to model errors. I postulate that regional climate change is impossible to deal with properly unless the models are initialized.

If you don’t start with reality you don’t end with it. I applaud Dr. Trenberth for his honesty and standing up and communicating to everyone that Global Warming, as presented by the scientifically handicapped Al Gore and News Media, is not a scientific fact but simply some science fiction to show what is possible. When someone says the science is settled run down the major climate drivers listed above and remind that person that NONE of these major features, incuding clouds, is accurately represented in the dire predictions from the Global Warming Industrial Complex.

10 responses so far

10 Responses to “Scientific Proof Our Planet Was Warmer Than Now, And It Was Normal”

  1. MerlinOS2 says:

    I find it amazing that people will take as faith models about the climate that have many more variables and degrees of freedom than say for example you would have to include to perfectly model the outcome of each and every NFL game next year.

    When someone can do that then maybe long term climate models have a chance of being better accepted.

  2. crosspatch says:

    Check this out.

    Turns out that if you take the raw data from the Central Park weather station in NYC, there is no warming since about 1980. BUT for some reason NOAA has been adding an increasingly high “adjustment”. This adjustment has been increasing for some reason and nobody knows why. In fact, all the warming we have in recent years is due not to increasing measurements by the instruments, but to an increase in the “adjustment” that is applied to those measurements after the fact.

  3. crazy says:

    Now the next thing we need to know about Greenland is WHERE was it when it was green? The continents have moved a lot in the last 2 million years.

  4. crosspatch says:

    It isn’t going to move much in only half a million years. You can look at any of the plate tectonic simulators and see that. In fact, before 2 million years ago, there had been no ice at either pole for about half a BILLION years. Ice at the poles is relatively new in geological time though there were a few episodes of it in the past including a time when Earth was MUCH colder and nearly froze to the tropics (Snowball Earth)

  5. crosspatch says:

    But overall the poles have been ice-free more than they have been frozen over geological time. And Earth probably has only about 250 to 300 million years where it can support life as we know it due to warming of the Sun as it ages. As more of the oceans evaporate, water will outgas into space. Once the oceans are gone, plate tectonics will stop and once that stops, most volcanism related to subduction stops and the atmosphere outgasses and we end up looking like Mars well before the Sun has ended its life.

  6. Cobalt Shiva says:

    Al Gore said this planet has a fever.

    If that is true, then there’s only one cure:


  7. WWS says:

    more cowbell – LOL!

    I’m living through one of the ironic demonstrations of the uselessness of long range weather predictions. As recently as March, the National Weather Service’s 3 month prediction for north Texas (based on their most reliable computer models and the most current data, of course) was that April, May, and June would be “drier than normal.” Currently it’s rained 44 days in a row (although not officially, because some days the storm cells miss the only “official” weather recording station while it rains everywhere else) and who knows when it will end?

    nice forecast, guys. Nailed that one.

    I was noting on Drudge the headlines about the west coast having one of the hottest summer’s ever. Well where’s the headline about Texas having the coolest summer ever? At least all that rain’s good for something.

    I’ve also noted that each year after Katrina, the Hurricane Center has forecast “heavy hurricane activity! warning! warning! Danger Will Robinson!” while in fact there was almost no hurricane activity last year and there hasn’t been squat so far this year either. (admittedly there’s a lot of the season still to go) They get a pass on the bad predictions, but you know that as soon as there’s a bad year they’re going to jump up and down and say “see??? We predicted it! Give us more funding, because we are WEATHER GODS!”

    Madame Zelda, Tarot Reader Extraordinaire, would kill to get a gig like that.

  8. Terrye says:

    Imagine earth with no ice caps. As far as that is concerned, imagine earth with one large land mass and stagnant seas. This planet has gone through a lot of changes.

  9. crosspatch says:

    In fact, Terrye, it is always changing. Climate change is the normal mode of things and sometimes it changes faster than at other times but it is never static. It might oscillate around an average over a course of thousands of years or so but in the span of a human lifetime it is always either warming or cooling.

  10. WWS says:

    No! No! It can’t change! It always has to be exactly what it was in the Golden Age of Aquarious in the 60’s when I followed the Greatful Dead around because that was most gloryiforous moment in all of creation and any change from that wonderful time is EVIL, I say, EVIL! – Al Gore.