Jul 04 2007

Happy Fourth America!

Published by at 10:04 am under All General Discussions

Folks, Crazy as it sounds I am swamped with work today (and the next two months solid) so poting will be light indeed. I just wanted to wish every one a Happy Fourth of July. Americans are a harding working, hard partying, hard driving lot. And we work really well together when we find common cause. The best example of all of this is to remember we were the first people to go off planet and visit a different heavenly body. And with dedication we will go back soon.

Our only problems come when we find fault with each other and oppose our own efforts. In our over 200 years of existence ‘doing nothing’ has never been our calling. Things are always hard to do. The results always imperfect. There are always risks things will go wrong. Americans take these challenges on and produce results. Others use these challenges to rationalize their paralysis.

On this Fourth of July I have one thought for everyone as they celebrate our nation’s birthday. We are Americans, not members of polictical parties in a death match. Everyone loves their children and watches out for their neighbors. We have all admired the talents and efforts of those around us. It is OUR time to remake the American dream for the next generation. It is time to think about whether we our efforts are for America, or more for us. There is no better day of the year to think about what we can do for America than on her birthday. Happy Birthday America!

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Happy Fourth America!”

  1. ivehadit says:

    Americans are a harding working, hard partying, hard driving lot.
    Touche, AJ!

    Happy Fourth and Happy Birthday America! Long will we reign, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. (And thank you Francis Scott Key!)

  2. cali_sun says:

    happy fourth to you as well. Sorry to hear that you have to work today.
    Your thoughts are well taken, and appreciated!

  3. tomfromPV says:

    I think its OUR time to SAVE the American dream for our children. This means ensuring our nation (borders, language, & culture) continues as a nation. Today is all about being a nation (borders, language, & culture) and we should remember that.

  4. The Macker says:

    tomfromPV ,
    Yes, “today is about being a nation.” By linking “borders, language and culture” you suggest immigration is undermining our language and culture.

    I suggest that the schools and the popular media are the primary sources of language and cultural degradation. I do not feel threatened by a Spanish or Chinese speaking subset of population.