Jun 29 2007

GOP As Popular As Amnesty Bill

Published by at 2:20 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

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Think America wants the GOP shoved down their throats any more than the immigration bill? Apprently it is a worthwhile question now that they are as popular as the immigration bill:

FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. June 26-27, 2007. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3. LV = likely voters. Except where noted, results below are among registered voters.

“Do you approve or disapprove of the job Republicans in Congress are doing?


Approve : 30
Disapprove: 56
Unsure: 14

LOL! There’s a success. The GOP destroyed itself by making it as popular as the Bill it defeated. Combine that news with the fact the GOP lost ground over the last month to the Dems in the generic ballot question, going from a 7 point to a 12 point deficit, and one thing is becoming clear: the GOP is not very popular right now. About as popular as ‘amnesty’.

Update: Some GOP’ers are in the bliss of ignorance, saying not to worry! Whistling past the grave? Who knows. CNN has the GOP down 12 points too: 53-41. Two polls, same dismal result. And look at the Presidential head-to-heads. Earlier this year the GOP always led. Now the Dems have a slight edge across the board. Nothing here folks. Just ignore it!! About as truthful as ‘enforce the laws’!

Major Update: Well, the polls are already showing the damage is done and growing with hispanics – a group the GOP needs some support from it they have any hope of winning any non-House races:

According to poll of 502 Hispanics in the field from June 2 through 24, President Bush’s approval rating among this population is 29 percent — low, but not significantly lower than the 32 percent showing Bush puts up among all Americans in Gallup polling. However, when we move from topline results on down to some more internals from the poll, the problems for the Republicans become more clear.

The Gallup survey indicates that 42 percent of Hispanics self-identify as Democrats while a mere 11 percent self-identify as Republican; 39 percent self-identify as Independent. When Independents were asked towards which party, if either, they lean, the Democrats’ numbers go up to 58 percent among Hispanics while the Republicans’ climb to just 20 percent — a remarkable spread. When polling one potential head-to-head contest, that between the Republican Rudy Giuliani and the Democrat Hillary Clinton (who by far garners the greatest support among Hispanics in a Democratic primary, though that could be a facet of her significantly higher name recognition), Clinton leads 66 percent to 27 percent — a far greater margin than the 50 percent to 45 percent spread by which she leads Giuliani among all Americans.

There is a way to fix this. The amnesty hypochondriacs will never face up to it. As long as there is no immigration bill – basically as it is now – then there is no way to demonstrate good faith with these VOTERS (not illegal immigrants). And even if the far right did all of a sudden realize the damage they did and tried to correct it, why would Harry Reid let them?

190 responses so far

190 Responses to “GOP As Popular As Amnesty Bill”

  1. biglsusportsfan says:

    “Of course fences won’t work. That is why they are around the White House, prisons, high security military bases and Area 51. Because they don’t work.
    And biglsufan, you are dodging when you answer a question with a question. Again, what laws am I allowed to violate day after day”

    LOL, Ok yeah the White House and Area 51 is a apt comparison. By the way when I was a kid we kids would all stick in and climb the fence at the Barksdale Reservation AFB base. So I guess that doesnt count.

    Let us talk about the thousands of cases daily where people climb fences and break into business. I think that is far more apt

    Also, I take it from your answer that you fit in the category that even if the borders are secured what you call “amnesty” is never a option. That is ok. That is a valid political opinion. I am just trying keep up with people’s views on Regularization of the illegals are

  2. dhunter says:

    When the car bomb goes off at a mall or sporting event near you and an Islamic fanatic is found to have waltzed across our southern border to get here, the consevative postion of secure the borders first might make sense to some of you amnesty at any price folks. First post thanks for letting me join in!

  3. For Enforcement says:

    BigLsuGuy, if this is true:

    “Also, there will be no shifts to from Republicans to Democats in Mississippit because as I stated one has to be white to be a Democrat. I shall have to check to see what the status of Party laws were in Louisiana and Arkansas for that time. So not there will be no shift in Mississippi Registrations from Republicans to Democrat because that was impossible at that TIME.”

    Then you will admit that your original thesis, that Hoover caused a massive change in the black republican vote changing to Dims in the south because of his poor performance in the flood is what caused FDR to win the election. You are now admitting that there WAS NO shift in the south, that in fact it wasn’t even possible.
    So why don’t you just start back at square one and admit you were just attempting to blow smoke to make a point that would score with host. Better luck next time.

  4. For Enforcement says:

    BigLsuGuy so you don’t have to look it up to recall what you said earlier.

    “Oh well I don’t know where all the stuff I wrote went on the Great Flood and how that shifted Blacks alliance s fro the Republican Party to the Democrat Party. Needless to say to give it a short recap. Hoovers fumbling and broken promises so aggravted the Black community that the black leadership delivered the black vote to Franklin Roosevelt and thus the Democrats forever. See the book Rising Tide by JOun Barry that goes into detail about this”

    Let me remind you, you’re now saying they couldn’t have done that because they couldn’t vote Dimmicrat in the south. We were specifically talking about the vote in the south, remember.

  5. Retire will you please stop arguing with Bigbluesports fan logic does not apply to him.
    YOU and I know walls work Are they perfect No what it is. But they do work and that is his problem and others like him

    They will have to listen to the wailing and crying about those poor people being denied or dying at the border.
    Heaven forbid we do anything that offends any one any more Just give away the country.

    Edward Gibbons!

  6. Retire will you please stop arguing with Bigbluesports fan logic does not apply to him.
    YOU and I know walls work Are they perfect No what it is. But they do work and that is his problem and others like him

    They will have to listen to the wailing and crying about those poor people being denied or dying at the border.
    Heaven forbid we do anything that offends any one any more Just give away the country.

    Edward Gibbons!

  7. The Macker says:

    Walls work because you say so. Can’t argue with that logic.

  8. ivehadit says:

    As if CNN has ANY credibility…LOL!

    The hard Left is as out of touch as the hard right…

  9. retire05 says:

    Macker: If you think that the fence around Area 51 is small, you need to take a trip around it’s parimeter.

    Biglsufan, if you think that you can climb the fence around Area 51 be my guest. Others have tried it only to wind up with a gun in their face and being escorted out of the area by military police. But hey, give it a try and let us know how it goes.

    I have a problem with anyone who breaks the law. I don’t like people who exceed the speed limit (they are set for a reason), cheat on their taxes, do drugs of any kind even those called “recreational” drugs, let their dogs crap on a neighbors lawn or even exceed a city’s decible level with their boom boxes. You see, I believe that laws are made, not to be broken, but for the common good. Just call me a throw back to Jeffersonian times. But I also believe in respect for others and their property. That is obviously lacking in the current crop of immigrants that have cause 25 million tons of trash to be left behind in our national parks like Pipe Creek.

    But what about those who have been here for the last 20 years, you ask. If they really want to be American citizens, if they really desire to stay, then they should be willing to return to their nation of origin and do the paper work in the proper way, just as the thousands who are currently waiting in their native lands to be given admittance to the U.S. But what about their families, you ask. That is their problem. I am tired of people having children they cannot afford and expecting me to foot the bill. I think one of the greatest crimes against America was the “Great Society” scam of LBJ’s. It did not work and it will not work. New Orleans was a example of how welfare fails Americans. But they will have to pay fines, you say. Not after the ACLU gets a hold of it. They will be taking the federal government to court saying that these people are too poor to pay the fines and that to make them do so is discrimination. But they supply cheap labor that we need, you say. Well, what happens in two years when the minimum wage is $7.75 and they start suing employers for the higher wage now that they are legal and the government has agree to funish them lawyers? I can tell you what will happen when the newly “minted” legals start suing employers; they will not get hired in the first place. Then that creates a situation down the road where we have another 20 million people on welfare and the current tax base cannot support the cost.
    This bill that lost in the Senate only addressed the immediate legalization of millions who sneaked into our nation uninvited. It did nothing to take care of the very problems it would create down the road. We elect legislators to solve problems, current and future, not create more of them which has been the case with every immigration law enacted since Kennedy pushed his first bill through in 1965. And the fact that our borders are still wide open, with those Texas ranchers I think you mentioned that are finding Muslim prayer rugs on their ranches, is also a travesty. As well as a deriliction of duty from our government.

    I know you don’t agree with me. That is fine. But you need to stand back and try to look at the problems this bill created, not the ones it solved. You don’t eliminate murder by legalizing murder. You don’t stop drug abuse by legalizing drugs.

    I have been called a racist, bigot, heartless, cold hearted and a few other names like the one I was called by Terrye. But yet, not one of you can tell me what my race or heritage is or what my last name is.

    I have tried to apply common sense, not emotion, to my opinion on immigration. And I have asked the question that all Senator’s should have asked “how does this bill benefits Americans”? That after all, is the purpose of our government, to act in our best interest, not in the best interest of the citizens of another nation.

  10. rlqretired says:

    BigL- I have a question about your contention that Bush cannot violate a congressional law. Why not? Congress and Presidents do it all the time.

    President Bush could, and should, think and act like a General Patton class leader would think and act in a similar situation. Declare a national security emergency, issue an executive order to build the fence that was approved last year, secure the border with the National Guard or other armed forces as necessary and transfer whatever funds are necessary from any and all other funds available to the administration. Simply ignore any and all objections, court orders etc. until the border is secure and the national security threat is declared to be corrected once the border patrol is capable of taking over. In six months this Mexican border security problem would be solved and the courts could play with this for years to come. Mean while, the flood will be stopped and we can get on with the balance of the immigration issues, one at a time, and take back congress in 2008. I would love to see the Democrats sue and campaign to remove a secure fence at the Mexican border this close to the 2008 elections.

    Also, your contention that a more likely scenario would be that a terrorist would come across the Canadian border instead fails to recognize there is no law I know of that requires President Bush to build a border fence at that location. There is one for the Mexican border and BigL that is quite a big difference.

    Terrye-“And this stuff about Bush making the fence a priority. Do people have any idea how our government works? I mean really? Any at all? Congress wrote the bill, there is a bid process, there are environmental impact studies, they have to work with the locals, allocate the money”.

    Please review my comments to BigL above. We need a strong leader that can get the job done NOW and worry about the incidentals later. President Roosevelt did just that during WWII.

  11. retire05 says:

    RLQretired, the problem of illegal immigration has been totally ignored for the last 21 years. By all administrations. But our days of bliss ended on September 11, 2001. We learned that we are no longer divided by oceans that protect our homeland. We knew that we had those among us that want us dead. National security should have been #1 priority for any president, not just idle talk about how we need to legalize those who have come here without our permission.

    But I am afraid that we will not wake the sleeping giant until we have another 9-11. And if it is learned that the ones who came here and killed us, overstayed their visas or came here illegally, Katie bar the door.

  12. biglsusportsfan says:

    “Retire will you please stop arguing with Bigbluesports fan logic does not apply to him.”

    Thanks Bloodyspartan.

    “YOU and I know walls work Are they perfect No what it is. But they do work and that is his problem and others like him”

    So this Fence is now WALL lol.

    I would be nice if the FENCEbots could be a tad patience as we get this Virtual Fence that Boeing isdesigning up and running. It would be so much better and in the end faster to invest resources as to that. Plus it could be used on Our Northern Border too. But what do I and as you say “others Like him” know

  13. biglsusportsfan says:

    “Then you will admit that your original thesis, that Hoover caused a massive change in the black republican vote changing to Dims in the south because of his poor performance in the flood is what caused FDR to win the election. You are now admitting that there WAS NO shift in the south, that in fact it wasn’t even possible.
    So why don’t you just start back at square one and admit you were just attempting to blow smoke to make a point that would score with host. Better luck next time”

    Good Grief. What was happening to Southern Registration in these south States is not hwat is important. They could not for the most part vote. As I have pointed out as to these States we also a part of the Great Migration where voting rights were much better for blacks. Blacks were not voting in great numbers for President of any Party in Mississippi because most could not vote period

  14. retire05 says:

    “immigration hypochondriacs”……”prick”……”fencebots”…….

    Will it never end?

  15. biglsusportsfan says:

    “Why not? Congress and Presidents do it all the time.”

    RLQretired what Law is the President or in that matter Congress is ignoring at this time

  16. gowwowwow says:

    I don’t think we should let congress just drop the immigration thing.
    They need their feet held to the fire.

    Here is what I would do:
    Build the wall, even militarize it. Its not to keep out workers, but to keep out terrorist and drug people. This is diametrically opposite to the Berlin Wall.
    Create tamper proof IDs, enough to supply the needs of those companies that say they ‘need’ those workers, these would be of limited duration, but should have some sort of path to citizenship also.
    Make them available in Mexico and in Canada, and issue them to anyone who passes a legitimate background check, and give preference to those that had been working in the US.
    Enforce the ban on companies who hire illegal’s.
    After six months jail, fine, and deport any illegal’s picked up, this would give some time for those here to get their IDs.
    Don’t go after everyone, just those picked up, kind of like the highway patrol picks up speeders. They don’t try to catch everyone, just those they see. Anyone picked up for a crime would serve their time for the crime, plus the jail, fine and deportation of any other illegal found.
    Any official not complying with the law would be fined and send to jail on felony charges also.

  17. Brandon says:

    I am sorry Aj but this doesn’t track with reality. If this were the case then there should have been 70 plus senators voting for this. Point to anytime in the last 15 years that congress’ approval rating was much better.

    Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that the vast majority of hispanics are voting for democrats and that wasn’t going to change. Those of you that thought all these immigrants were going to be republican voters need to take off the rose colored glasses. That however wasn’t the point, the point is that there was no border security in this bill and that is why it has died…

  18. biglsusportsfan says:

    “Let me remind you, you’re now saying they couldn’t have done that because they couldn’t vote Dimmicrat in the south. We were specifically talking about the vote in the south, remember. ”

    Ok let me lay this out for you

    Blacks were for obvious reason Republicans

    Blacks Remained Republicans even in the South despite the fact that Federal Govt even when it was under Repuiblican Control did not have great track records of protecting Black Civil rights in the decades that followed.

    IN the 20’s Blacks were still mainly Republicans with some voices expressing the need to expand influence in both parties.

    The Great Migration occurs and millions of Blacks go North where their voting rights opportunities are better for the most part

    THe 27 Flood comes and Herbert Hoover who had organizational experience in these type of things takes control of the relief effort

    The black community is not treated well, horrible relief camps, people hekd at gunpoint because farmers feared they would have no workers. This is before the great advances in Agricultural Machinary

    The media is kept of of these but word leaks out to black leaders around the nation and to papers.

    Hoover makes a deal that there will be significant reforms if he gets their support.

    Hoover is perceived and actually did not keep these promisies thus causing a huge major rift between Balck leaders and those that owned the Black media.

    That rift never healed and in fact got worse as time went by

    Black leadership that felt cheated from Republican leadership in the past as Hoover as a the final nail in the Coffin started making alliance with Democrats up North. The Civil Rights movement and the Black leadership in the North was largely Democrat

    The fact is that this vote like any ther vote would have naturally had gone some in the Democrat column. Blacks like every ones else back then had different ideas as to Foreign policy, economic policy, etc etc.

    However, what happened in the the late 20’s turned out to be a something the Party never could recover from. It was the final seed of distrust that caused a rupture that did not heal and took on a force of its own and got rolling in the forces of history

  19. For Enforcement says:

    Walls work because you say so. Can’t argue with that logic

    For you people that think walls don’t work. What the hell do you hold the roof of your house up with?

  20. For Enforcement says:

    BigLsuGuy, you can’t even keep you story straight.

    “Good Grief. What was happening to Southern Registration in these south States is not hwat is important. ”

    Then why did you start out with the proposition that the black Republicans in the south changing over from the Republican party and voting dimmicrat and electing FDR in 1932 and had been dimmicrat every since. and now it’s not important. Then why did you make a point of it?

    Your whole deal was all this crap about why the blacks were Repub but went dim and elected FDR in 32 and are still dims, and them switching sides WASN”T what your story was about? Geez,

    maybe you really don’t know what fences are for.