Jun 26 2007

Closing Down Comments?

Published by at 3:10 pm under All General Discussions

OK folks, the comments section of this blog is being underused by serious commenters and fouled by people who whine about insults as they fling them left and right. Sadly, the comments section is losing it purpose for me – the owner of this little old site. So I put it to a vote.

Keep Comments Up? – “yes” or “no”.

Please just vote in the comments. I have had it with the BS and it is a pain to keep monitoring the comments for spam and finding just a bunch of crap once the spam has been removed. We have 1300 registered users, but only a handful comment. I get the feeling they are bogarting the comments and have chased others into silence. I know I avoid them most days. Anyway, please vote. No promises from me I will honor the vote.

My time is precious and when I take a day off for a big event like today’s vote and the losers come thrashing in with angst and anger it really questions the utility of the comment section. It was never meant to be a “bitch and moan about AJStrata” section.

Update: Seems the trend is to keep the comments and ban the nasties. I am glad to hear there are more folks reading than posting the garbage, which is what I suspected since the traffic level only drops a bit when I challenge the orthodoxy. I will keep the comments on. And if posters can’t be civil (as the amnesty hypochondriacs seem incapable of doing)….

Well – we shall see. After listening to Sean Hannity whine all day about how our democratic processes was shoving something down his throat (simply because his side took a loss) I realized a lot of people do not love this country as they profess so much to do. True love of country is demonstrated in how one loses the debate, and does this while still supporting America. It is not demonstrated in how one acts when they win.

The far right has done a disservice to this country in the way they are losing ugly on this. Hannity was crowing about how he has had the same position on immigration for years and how this was something to admire. Well, Bush (and others) have held their positions for long times. So if it is admirable in Hannity, it must admirable in Bush. But Hannity did not admire his adversaries – he belittled them and puffed himself up. I realized after getting totally repulsed by Hannity’s hissy fit that there is possibly some good to come of this. And it is probably better to demonstrate a better option than following in the footsteps of those who cannot tolerate differences of opinions. The comments will stay open, if only to prove to the hypochondriacs there is a better way.

118 responses so far

118 Responses to “Closing Down Comments?”

  1. For Enforcement says:

    So Reader, In the end, the Senate and House (comprised of our ELECTED officials) will eventually represent the will of the people

    you’re saying many of them are going to reverse themselves and kill the billl?  The will of the people. 

  2. reader2007 says:

    I think this post may interest you more, FE.

    HA HA HA


  3. For Enforcement says:


    Whatever you think is best, AJ, I will support. It’s your site and I will still read the articles either way. I vote “present”

    Now that’s really taking a stand.  sounds like terrye and sallyvee,   me too,  me too,  song and dance 

  4. For Enforcement says:

    Reader, what’s with your laughing problem, you related closely to any laughing animals?

  5. mrbill says:

    Rather odd about “needing “immigration….we did not have it AT ALL for 40 years. Then started up again. What did we miss during those 40 years? zip…!

    Perhaps we need another 20-40 years without…to allow assimilation and a new generation to be born and become “Americans” and not some type of mumbo jumbo “multiculture” nonsense…but the word Assimilation has become a curse word to the elites and academics. They are enamored in the Soviet dreamed up concept of “multiculti” as a method of finally stopping or reducing the West and our strong homogenized society based on nationality rather than on ethnicity.

    No nation can withstand being “multiCULTURAL”. MultiRACIAL yes, but not multiCULTURAL. There is a difference.

  6. retire05 says:

    What is the value of a child’s life? Not much it seems when you can kill one and only serve three years.


    Let’s keep our crime rates in the United State high by importing criminals. But remember, this guy did not have a documentation problem. He was documented. Both of them false.

  7. Christoph says:

    A.J., YOU constantly insult those who take the opposing view from you on immigration so you reap what you sow.

    Shut down the comments if you want… I’ve been one of those who used to support you, often found you interesting, but lately find you arrogant and a jerk. You could simply debate or propose your position, but instead, you insult those you disagree with about immigration and whine when you’re insulted.

    Very rich.

    While my comment today won’t win you any points on the Dale Carnegie meter, your snarky posts didn’t either. This whole people ganging up on A.J. Strata is an example of people responding in kind to you.

  8. crosspatch says:


    It is AJ’s blog and it isn’t my place to tell him what to do with it. I wanted to acknowledge that I saw his posting and tell him that he had my support no matter what he chooses to do. I am not in a position to know what his current work or civic or personal situation is so I can’t pretend to give him advice on what he should do.

    And I certainly do need to live up to your expectations as to what I should or shouldn’t say. My ex passed away about a month ago and I have my hands full with young ones right now so I don’t really have a lot of time to blog as I once did so it really isn’t that important to make comments. I find what he puts out lately is more important than people’s opinions of what he puts out. Plus my frame of mind right now is to not take a lot of unnecessary crap so I am likely to be more snarky than usual making any comments I might make less valuable.

    Is that acceptable to you, sir?

  9. Mike M. says:

    Keep comments

  10. crosspatch says:

    meant “DONT need to live up do your expectations”

  11. retire05 says:


    The Captain, along with help from others, is disecting the “clay pigeon” shamnesty bill.

  12. Christoph says:

    “The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 22% of American voters currently favor the legislation. That’s down a point from 23% a couple of weeks ago and down from 26% when the debate in the Senate began. Fifty percent (50%) oppose the Senate bill while 28% are not sure.”

    A.J., in your post, “GOP Meltdown”, published earlier today, you said:

    They are a 25% minority who like to pretend the are 75%. Clearly they are not. Or else the vote (and the polls) would show the opposite of what they did.

    What are you talking about?

    Actually, can you just read the above, admit that you are diametrically wrong, and publish a retraction?

    I challenge you — your integrity and reputation is at stake.

  13. browngreengold says:


    As I told you in my last post (which was my first post) here I have been reading and enjoying your blog for a long time now.

    I don’t know if you have a way to track those kinds of things but I would say I have been reading daily (several times a day many times) for at least a year or two.

    I have you on my Morning Coffee button (a Firefox feature).

    Until your stand on this immigration business we were right on the same page with one another on almost everything. I keep hoping your head will clear on that issue and then you can be on the right side with the rest of us. 🙂

    I have found your Polonium posts to be incredible. I have followed that story with great interest ever since it came out and have eagerly waited for you to post more and more.

    Please seriously consider what is best for you when it comes to the comments issue. I read the comments on a regular basis but only felt compelled to register and post very recently.

    Will the deletion of comments drive me away? Probably not.

    Will the deletion of comments lessen my enjoyment of your lil’ ole blog spot? Probably.

    I ran a forum once upon a time. I know how people can be.

    Ultimately the decision is yours and I, for one, will respect your decision, whatever it is.

    All the best,


  14. Christoph says:

    Fixed broken link to “GOP Meltdown” (for correct link, click here) … my apologies for the bad link.

    But then, I can admit when I’m wrong.

  15. ivehadit says:

    Hi AJ, I love your site and I will be happy for you whichever you choose. Personally, I like the comments section and reading (most) of the posts…prior to this ridiculous “the sky is falling” immigration debate.

    My vote is to keep the comments open.

    And a very big thank you, AJ, for having this site.

  16. owl says:

    Vote to keep them. Either way, appreciate a site that does not buy the Mad Malkin MSM on every issue. And not afraid to go against the grain and say it. You are almost the only one that understood the horrible damage these folks have caused. Thanks AJ.
    I stand on the immigration issue almost exactly where I stood on Miers and for the same reasons. The process should play out without hysterics. The Republicans had full controll of Congress for several years to work out their own solution. The Far Right Pundits and BDSers shouted it all down. Tough. Nothing less than Round Em Up/Ship Em Out would do when they had the opportunity. But boy, did they shout. It lurked behind every issue. I could read their blogs and hear them “shouting”. A bunch of do-nothing shouters teamed up with a bunch of do-nothing Congressmen. So much easier to POINT at Bush. They were willing to lose the Congress over it. And they did. But they do not speak for me. Neither do folks like Crying Voinovich or BDS Lugar.

    I have wanted something done about the ‘system’ as it relates to immigration for years. The Far Right Pundits have thrown their hissyfits but refused any compromise. The end result is more deadly to the Republican Party than the 40 year blockade by the black vote. So stupid it hurts and will continue to hurt for decades. The Party has been torn to pieces by their own MSM pundits and the spineless stupidity demonstrated by their very own Congressmen. Take a good look at all the individual kingmakers such as Specter on NSA, McCain on torture, Voinovich on Bolton, Snowe on Katrina, Hagel and the likes of Lugar on the war. But they all know how to POINT at Bush.

    FE can add me to the dance list with crossp/terrye/sallyvee.

  17. loneferret says:

    Keep the comments please!

  18. SallyVee says:

    AJ, I think the comments are bothering you or you wouldn’t have to ask. Take a break . Comments or no comments, I’ll still be reading whatever you have to say. I think your generosity has been abused way beyond what I would be willing to tolerate. I vote close down the comments and go jump in the pool and relax.

  19. retire05 says:

    Owl, would that be the dance of the Dervish or a dance with the devil?

  20. For Enforcement says:

    The Republicans had full controll of Congress for several years

    seems you need a memory checkup also.
    The Dems had the Senate very recently, check it out

    FE can add me to the dance list with crossp/terrye/sallyvee.

    check, I’ll also add you to the list of immature name callers.