Jun 22 2007

More Iraqis Turning In al-Qaeda

Published by at 11:55 am under All General Discussions,Iraq

The tide is turning in Iraq, like a wave of fresh air rolling over the desert country cleansing it of the red hot hate of brutality and bloodlust that comes with the Islamo Fascists. It seems in every area we are applying the Surge forces and tactics, the locals are turning on al-Qaeda and turning them in to the US and Iraai Multi-National Forces:

Coalition forces seized multiple weapons caches near Tuwaitha Sunday.
Soldiers from Company D, 1st Battalion, 15th Regiment, who are currently attached to 3rd Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment conducted Operation Destroyer Strike based on information gathered from local citizens.

The operation was a part of Operation Marne Torch, being conducted by Multi-National Division-Center in efforts to eliminate insurgent sanctuaries southeast of Baghdad.

“In that area there are a lot of people frustrated with sectarian violence and al-Qaeda,” said U.S. Army Capt. Troy Thomas, a staff officer with 3-1 Cav. Regt. “They are just fed up with it.”

U.S. Army Capt. Brian Gilbert, commander of Company D and the commander of all Soldiers involved in the operation. He is in contact with local leaders and members of the city council on a daily basis. He spoke with local citizens and city council members following the operation.

“We talked to pretty much everybody that lives there and they were happy to see us,” Gilbert said. “They were specifically happy about us showing our commitment to their security and taking the bad guys off the street.”

With the local Iraqis everywhere turning on al-Qaeda it is truly just a matter of time before they are defeated. This will not end the problems in Iraq, but it will end about 80% of them. And the defeat will rip apart what little credibility al-Qaeda has in the Muslim world.

Just a few short months ago al-Qaeda was on the verge of chasing America from Iraq, thanks to the Surrendercrats’ and SurrenderMedia’s efforts to declare ourselves beaten. If we had given up and quit Iraq al-Qaeda would have become the most potent force in the Middle East in centuries. And the world would have on its hands another Nazi-Italian fascist axis in the making, one that would infect Muslim nations far and wide. The great Satan would have been slain.

Thankfully al-Qaeda’s recruitment poster are not out saying “You too can kill an American – Join Bin Laden’s Holy Jihad. We did it in Iraq, we can do it in Spain”. No, now al-qaeda is not just fighting America. It is fighting and losing to Iraqi Muslims who are fighting by our side. This is not over, but I think it is worth recognizing the huge changes taking place and giving credit where it is due. Thanks to the determination of our military and the Iraqis who are coming forward (and no small risk to themelves) we will not see endless re-runs of our exit from Iraq like we did with Vietnam. The Islamo Fascists will not get as far as their Nazi-Italian predeccessors from the last century.

More here, here and here. Just watch this spot as the reports come in.

29 responses so far

29 Responses to “More Iraqis Turning In al-Qaeda”

  1. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Okay, vis a vis this post, and AJ’s so-called “analysis” on this topic: BOGUS, totally BOGUS, okay?

    Please go to this site:

    Bogus Propaganda from Iraq by the Occupying Forces, and then go to this site: Even MORE bogus Propaganda by the American Imperialistic Occupiers of Saddam’s Utopia

    Read it ALL, then realize this:

    It’s ALL LIES, all LIES I tell you!

    The WAR IS LOST!

    The BuSHITler WMD-lying, Cherry-picking-Intel, Chimpco-HalliDICKCHENEYburton, Rove-mind-controlled, US Imperialistic Abu-Ghraib-loving Military is LOSING THE WAR!

    The surge is OVER!

    We’re committing URBICIDE I tell you, against innocent Muslims who would prefer to fornicate with their livestock in peace, but we won’t let them live in Peace; we INVADED them, after BuSHITLER warned all the Jews ahead of time, then demolished the WTC in a “controlled” explosion (because Rosie “Steel doesn’t Melt” O’Donnell told me during a Vulcan Mindmeld with her, Me, and Anne Heche, when we all had a meeting over at Ellen’s thighs!), and it HAS to be twroo, it really really really is twoo, honestly…..

    Okay, got that out of my system now, sorry….

    You know, it really is fun, having my brain taken out of my skull, and surgically implanted into my ass, I can think just like “Sooth” and “Center” now!

    It’s easy, I promise you, just read the above, and you’ll see I’ve got it down pat!

    Okay, off to drink tea with the “Russian advisors” in the Bekaa now; maybe this time, I can stop my buddy “Imad”, BEFORE he blows up the AmEmb and the Marine Barracks…..

    Ooops, sorry, wouldn’t want to do that, they’re the Oppressors…

    Okay, never mind….

  2. DaleinAtlanta says:

    PS: does anyone have a spare Ballpeen Hammer?

    Mine just broke from 79 straight hours of smacking myself between the eyes, and I almost, just almost, had a moment of “clarity”, and had a sane rational thought!

    I DON’T want to do that, because then I wouldn’t be able to think like “Sooth” and “Center”!

    Please let me know if you one; the hammer that is, and post your email, so I can send you a PayPal order for $20, to pay for the hammer and FedEX; I NEED it now; I’m starting to go SANE!


  3. AJStrata says:


    Was that “urbicide” or “herbicide”?

  4. DaleinAtlanta says:

    AJ: a little of both, I think…. 🙂

  5. Retired Spook says:

    Slow day, huh, Dale? Sounds like you took the Carol Herman seminar on Streaming Consciousness. BTW, what ever happened to good ol’ Carol?

    I have a $750 ballpeen hammer that I “borrowed” when I retired from the Navy, but I no longer have a PayPal account. If you’ll just send me a check, I think we can do business, heh, heh.

  6. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Retired: yes, a bit slow, so I might as well be an idiot, and post like “Sooth” and “Center”; I’m trying to get so crazy, that you won’t be able to tell the difference between our posts, but I realize I have a way to go yet, before I get THAT crazy…

    Carol, haven’t seen her here at AJ’s in a while, but she’s still posting her complete and utter Nonsense over at Capt Quarter’s Blog; as nutty as she is, I’m starting to suspect that she is really “Sooth” or “Center” in Drag, and she may in fact, be both, you never know!

    Nice one on the hammer, I’ll send you a rubber check!

  7. Retired Spook says:

    I’ll send you a rubber check!

    You can just email it.

  8. thecentercannothold says:


    I’m glad you approve of Bush’s reaching out to the Moslem
    Brotherhood,as your buddy “Counterterrorism” objected to.
    You gonna complain to him or are you simply confused?

    Let me set you straight,Ratlanta. If the Bushies indeed are
    reaching out to the MB it is a sign of the vulnerable spot their
    self-defeating policies have put them in and is not a sign of
    innate generosity.

    Strata your buddy except when Mexificanization come into
    play says,

    “With the local Iraqis everywhere turning on al-Qaeda it is truly just a matter of time before they are defeated. This will not end the problems in Iraq, but it will end about 80% of them.”

    I believe his fingers slipped and he meant (point) .8% of them.

  9. DaleinAtlanta says:

    THECENTERISABUNGHOLE: once again, the Ballpeen hammer has bounced off your head, one too many times!

    I NEVER approved of the Bush Administration reaching out to the MB!

    But don’t try and act like that’s some sort of a “win” for you, Leftist nutbag that you are!

    You don’t even know who, or what the MB is; you know nothing about Islamic History, nor the Religion itself, and you know nothing about the situation in the Middle East, EXCEPT what you can Google, and read off the “Wiki”!

    Your fingers are orange-Cheetos stained, and you view the world thru your Search Engine and your keyhold, as you maneuver your pencil thin arms around your concaved chest, trying to type on your keyboard with the keys stuck together from “self-abuse”!

    In other words, when you GROW up, and get a clue, you can come back and attempt to debate me again!

  10. thecentercannothold says:

    You da one who linked to Counterterrorism to defend Bush
    against his enemies, Ratlanta-Dale. Jes’ telling you what’s
    on the link.

  11. thecentercannothold says:

    By the way, under my name I ‘ve written extensively on Mideast politics since the 1970s, rook. Why I even predicted an eventual
    domestic hit as early as 1975, if America kept supporting Israel in typical one-sided manner. So golden parachute on outta here,

  12. DaleinAtlanta says:

    “By the way, under my name I ‘ve written extensively on Mideast politics since the 1970s, rook. Why I even predicted an eventual
    domestic hit as early as 1975, if America kept supporting Israel in typical one-sided manner. So golden parachute on outta here,
    loser. ”


    As I said, look out your keyhole, and SEE the world!

    There is whole REAL world, outside your Search Engine too, nutbag!

    I know what the link says, “THECENTERISABUNGHOLE”; it doesn’t say what you says it says, nutbag; reading comprehension is a skill, ya’ know?

    What’s it like to be Anti-Semite, and to hate your own country so bad, you actually root for it to “lose”!

    There has to be a special place in hell for Buffoons like you!

  13. DaleinAtlanta says:

    “Why I even predicted an eventual domestic hit as early as 1975, if America kept supporting Israel in typical one-sided manner. ”

    I LOVE that part?

    Can’t hide the Anti-Semitism, can you?

    It’s always Israel’s fault!

    Can’t hide the Leftist Socialist Academic Roots; “America IS EVIL”!

    Ever notice how it’s always “America’s Fault”??

    It’s not the idiots who actually KILL and MURDER and BEHEAD and RAPE; it’s always “America’s Fault”.

    Because..because we’re so EVIL!

    We MAKE people do stuff to us; they don’t do it of their own volition; we MAKE THEM!

    And the JOOOOOS too, they MAKE people do bad stuff to them!

    Hell, personal responsiblity, forget that? Why should anyone have any; hell, I’m a Nutbag Leftist Professor “expert”, and because of the EVIL moneygrubbing Zionist Jews, in cahoots with the Oil-swilling Cowboy Rednecks of America, they FORCE everybody in the WHOLE WORLD to do bad stuff to them!

    Hell, the Jihadis just wanted to be left alone, and in “peace”, to Abuse their women in peace, to bugger their little boys in peace, to treat their women worse than chattal in peace, to fornicate with their goats in peace, to chop the hands off theives, and slit the throats of Apostates in Peace; but NOOOOOO, we, the big BAD AMERICANS, HAD to force them to come over here and cut Stewardesses throats with boxcutters and slam planes into Skycrappers; we FORCED them to do it, because we are so EVIL!


    I’m not a Leftist Nutbag Professor at some Radical Leftist institution of “higher” learning like UC Berkeley or Harvard, am I?

    Wow, what a complete and utter Buffoon!

  14. thecentercannothold says:

    oooooo the dreaded “anti-Semite” tag . I’m so ashamed!

    What’s it like to worship anything your country’s government
    does provided the GOP and Israeli Lobby do it in cohesion;
    in other words what’s it like to be a pagan idolator calling himself
    a patriot?

    Tell me before the bottom of the ninth, loser.

  15. thecentercannothold says:


    Important Shia militia leader brags he will drive all Sunni out of Iraq.

    Well, I guess Daleratlanta will say the entire piece is a fiction.
    While Strata will say this kind of thing is only a part of the 20%
    of the few li’l problems remaining after al Qaida is driven from Iraq.

    Actually, it is a part of the 99.2% of violently-natured problems left in Iraq if and when foreigners are ever driven out….

  16. DaleinAtlanta says:

    oooooo the dreaded “anti-Semite” tag . I’m so ashamed!

    Ah, I never said you should be “ashamed”; I know you revel in your Anti-Semitism, your Anti-Americanism, and your Pro-Jihadism.

    By very definition, you have NO Shame!

    You are what you are, stand up, be counted, be proud!

    Be proud of being an Anti-Semite, it’ so “gauche”, it’s so “Leftist”; it probably gets you laid at Leftist parties, and by your students!

    It’s so “cool” to be a “rebel”, and Racist against JOOOOOOOS!

    But it shows the lack of depth of your miniscule character too!

    You see, you’re like Noam Chomsky, and Al Franken, and Sean Penn, the self-hating Jews; or John Kerry and Madeline Albright, the self-denying Jews; you’re like the “Trusty’s” in the Concentration camps, you surrender to the very people who oppress you, and turn against your own kind; go along to get along, they call it; because it’s the path of least resistance, it’s the EASY thing to do.

    Whereas to do the CORRECT thing; to do the RIGHT thing, that’s what’s hard!

    That’s why the world will always be filled with Leftist Nutbags like YOU, and “Bootlicker”; the Benedict Arnolds, the Neville Chamerlains, the Vidkun Quisling’s of our time!

    Much easier to Surrender to the Jihadis now; pay the “Jizya”, erase our Churches and Synagoges and Temples and whatever; maybe that way, they’ll let us live in servitude and peace, and not cut out throats!

    Societal Suicide, but then again, you’re so arrogant in your facade of Leftist superiority and intellectualism, and so comfortable in your Anti-Semitism and Anti-Americanism, that you BELIEVE it can’t happen to us, or anywhere else.

    Go to EURABIA blind man, and look around!

    While you were writing your so-called predictions, about us being in the Zionists pockets, I was writing papers, about the coming threat of Turkish immigration to Germany, North African dreams of reconquorering Spain; Arab immigration to the Philippines; I predicted Manila as a “hotspot” of Jihadi activity, prior to the Gulf War; I predicted the formation of “Londonistan”, ad naseum!

    And now, we have European countries, including England, accepting de facto Sharia in their countries; Honor Killings and Clitorectomies being carried out by the “Religion of Peace”, in obeyance of “Pashtunwali”, etc.; Film Directors murdered in the street who dare to “criticize” Islam; Newspapers and whole Governments cowed into submission by raving Lunatic Jihadis, “threatened” by a few Cartoons of their precious “Prophet” shown in a newspaper; Allies intimidated and the course of Elections changed, due to Homicide Bombers on Trains; Authors and Newspaper Journalists Beheaded, and threatened with Murder for publishing satire, or even worse, the TRUTH!

    Yeah, laugh all you like Nutbags, talk up the old canard, the “Jewish International Conspiracy”; it’s not the Jews who will slit your throat Old, dried up fool, when you’re laying in your bed some day; it’s the very Jihadis, that you and your Foolish, blinded Nutbag Leftists friends ENABLED, with your cowardice, your stupidity, your naivitee, and your self-hate!

    Read a “story” by an Author, Leftist in inclination, if not education, who actually “GET’S IT”, and then, go out and buy yourself a freaking clue!

    The Time Traveller

  17. BarbaraS says:

    The trolls add nothing to any discussion but disruption.

  18. thecentercannothold says:

    Finall some “facts” from Ratdale to answer rather than hebrephrenia.

    Are you Jewish, Ratter? You seem eager to herd non-Jews into the Jewish camp whether they wish to be or not. Sean Penn has one Jewish parent. John Kerry is not Jewish by Jewish law either.
    Albright may not be either.

    Calling Chomsky self-hating only means you go by the Zionist racist/imperialist definition wherein early Jew terrorists bent on legitimitizing driving out Palestinians decided to equate any
    opposition to Israel’s founding “Jew-hating” and that meant,
    unfortunately, sacrificing some Jewish opponents of racism
    to the same epithets.

    As far as your European predictions go, they have nothing to do with America; they are Europe’s challenges. Meddlers like you helped set up European weakness by killing off some of Europe’s best
    in the 20th century.

    By the way, the French president and opponent of Muslim immigrants-nevertheless opposed the Iraq War and still says America
    was wrong to launch it. So did LePen who would not have disagreed with your predictions about Europe. Meaning your injection of
    Islamic-European affairs into the argument is just another excuse for
    your defense of American Empire.

    Enjoy it while you can. American popularity in both Europe and the Mideast is at an all time low.

  19. thecentercannothold says:

    I refer to Sarkozy above.

  20. thecentercannothold says:


    These subjects are way beyond you, dear.