Jun 20 2007

Carter The Terrorist Appeaser

Published by at 7:19 am under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

Jimmah Carter is the epitome of the clueless liberal. He is the kind of man who would have counselled the world to respect Hitler as a duly elected head of a Nation – no matter what he did to his fellow man. Because for Jimmah, there are no bad elected leaders:

Former President Jimmy Carter accused the U.S., Israel and the European Union on Tuesday of seeking to divide the Palestinian people by reopening aid to President Mahmoud Abbas’ new government in the West Bank while denying the same to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.
Carter, a Nobel Peace Prize winner who was addressing a human rights conference in Ireland, also said the Bush administration’s refusal to accept Hamas’ 2006 election victory was “criminal.”

Carter said Hamas, besides winning a fair and democratic mandate that should have entitled it to lead the Palestinian government, had proven itself to be far more organized in its political and military showdowns with Abbas’ moderate Fatah movement.

OK, I guess armed battles in Gaza can be considered being ‘far more organized in its political and military showdowns’. Of course why would anyone want a group well organized militarily and calling for the destruction of Israel in power is beyond me. But Carter has shown time and time again how lucky this country was to survive this madman. He has appeased terrorists over democracies at every turn. And he has an uncanny ability to dismiss the violence of terrorists while focusing on the self defense of the democracies. Even if he does not admit it, the man is a terrorist appeaser and supporter.

Bin Laden must love it when Jimmah speaks. He knows that having an ex-President side with the terrorists is mana from heaven for his cause. Wonder if he pays Carter through some secret money paths…. He would be a good investment for Bin Laden and al-Qaeda, the US President who calls for surrender to the Islamo Fascists.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Carter The Terrorist Appeaser”

  1. thecentercannothold says:

    We know bin Laden loves Strata’s posts on Iraq-he wants us to stay there and get beaten down, military sapped over time, just like AJ proposes.

    Strata doesn’t really like democracy even though he never misses a chance to bray about Bush and America spreading it,as an excuse to spread American Empire that is.

    When an opponent of that Empire, and its puppet-manipulator Israel
    wins freely it’s another story, however. Democracy is suspended.
    Luckily Bush is handing the Mideast to Hamas and Hezbollah types with his blundering and AJ gets to moan long-term.

    Its all a hypocritical continuation of liberal Wilsonian/FDR
    blather–AJ’s prototypes brayed about democracy while aligning
    with Stalin and turning over half of Europe to him.

  2. AJStrata says:


    I am way too young to have allied with Stalin! I have to admit, you are a quite funny little creature. You are so anti-America and pro terrorist it is a wonder no one is checking you out for connections to al-Qaeda. You do wish to have connections to al-qaeda, don’t you? I mean you dream of their inevitable success over America right?

    You sound like an Adam Gadhan wannabe looking for 70 virgins (since your electronic machoism displays a bit of an insecurity complex there). Are you an Adam Gadhan type TCCH?