Jun 14 2007

Senator Reid Is Arrogant A$$

Published by at 6:11 am under All General Discussions

People who serve in our military do so at great sacrifice and risk. And they do the best they can under screwed up priorities and naive concepts that eminate from Congress like swamp gas. It is bad enough when the partisans are so poisoned that a man who did a fine job against a tough enemy is forced to step aside because of politics. But that is not an green light for personal attacks on our military members in a time of war.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called Marine Gen. Peter Pace, the outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “incompetent” during an interview Tuesday with a group of liberal bloggers, a comment that was never reported.

Reid made similar disparaging remarks about Army Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, said several sources familiar with the interview.

The coward Reid is not able to even muster the decency to say these things to the man’s face. He whispers these un-called for comments in meeting with his fringe base. How soon will the democrats go back to spitting on soldiers and reminiscing about Ghengis Khan?

Senator Reid – you owe these fine men a public apology.

27 responses so far

27 Responses to “Senator Reid Is Arrogant A$$”

  1. Dingy Harry Calls General Pace Incompetent…

    This guy is a laugh riot. A man who is so inept he’s unable to get anything passed in the Senate, a pathetic hack who is at a record low approval of 19% (that is not a typo), a simpering wimp beholden to far-left bloggers, is calling a fine military ….

  2. Retired Spook says:

    There’s a reason that Reid’s likability rating is at 19%, and one really has to wonder about those 19%.

  3. ordi says:

    Boy, would I love to see Pace and Petraeus come out and respond to these attacks. If Reid is going to cross the barrier to bring these fine men into politics than they should be able to respond. But we know they will not as they have CLASS and protocol and Harry has none.

  4. kathie says:

    A bunch of other Dems said like things, see Drudge. All they want is peace and stability in the Middle East. Bringing our troops home is a way to achieve this goal, re Chuck Schumer. Even after Gaza take over by Hamas/Iran, Mr. Schumer? You are looking at a Middle East with Iran in control. How do you like it? Iran is inching closer and closer to Israel who they vow to destroy. Is that in you plan book Mr. Schumer. Or when they try to destroy her, you will just say it is Bush’s fault! Holy Cow, do any of these guys read intelligence? Look at the bombs and fighting in Lebanon!

  5. Iowa Voice says:

    Carry Water Much?…

    So yesterday Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi send a letter to the President, saying the surge has fai…

  6. patrick neid says:

    i think dennis miller’s youtube video is putting reid over the edge–okay, further over the edge!


  7. crazy says:

    We should all send him our regards. Here’s mine…

    Dear Senator Reid,

    With respect to your recent comments on our nation’s highest and most important military leaders:

    you sir, are an ass.

  8. thecentercannothold says:

    Thank you Mr. Reid for finally telling the truth. Your ratings will now improve as you bring yourself more in line with the prevailing sentiment of the broad American public. They had declined because you were being associated more with warmongering Hillary than the decisive anti-war Democrat, Dennis Kucinich.

    As for Peter Pace, when he signed a plea for the traitorous dual loyalist Libby’s pardon, he proved he was a careerist lackey ,
    indifferent to true patriotism.

    And the surge has not worked, as the just released Pentagon review
    shows; no one trusts another careerist replacement, Petraueus,
    to tell the truth about its failure when the time comes and other
    opinions are even now being solicited for Congressional review.

  9. Bikerken says:

    He’s not just an ass, he isn’t very smart. Does he really believe that there is no connection between what is going on in Iraq and what is happening in Gaza? What an idiot!

  10. thecentercannothold says:


    The idiots are those who (continue to) believe America can play
    the broad stretches of the Middle East like its own chess board
    if it only tries hard and long enough. Gaza shows the failure
    of the US to undermine HAMAS’ electoral victory. Lebanon
    shows the failure of Bush to thwart Syria’s influence, and that of
    Hezbollah there. Following a Likud Party policy will lead to more
    deserved defeat for the US in the Mideast.

  11. Bikerken says:

    Why the hell is it our failures? I got news for you center, they have been fighting in the middle east for two thousand years, yet some always find a way to blame it on the US when we’re only a couple of hundred years old. Here’s the deal, we have tried to help the situation whenever we can, sometimes we have not always made the best decisions, but you can’t live your life through hindsight. Have you ever been divorced? If so, how stupid of you to get married to begin with! There is only so much we can do without going to war, then you’ll criticize us for doing that! But for people like you, it’s our fault for doing too much and it’s our fault for not doing enough. Your choice.

    Here’s an idea, maybe there are other parties at ‘fault’ here.

  12. kathie says:

    Who’s fault is it that people are killing each other in the Middle East? Christ Almighty, look at the guys with covered faces shooting thousands of rounds at each other, at the sky, at buildings, at woman and children, and ask yourself who’s at fault? These are psychopaths with guns! THE ONLY TO STOP THEM IS TO KILL THEM! Any one who thinks a deal can be made is as crazy as they are.

  13. patrick neid says:

    as stated by the center:

    “Gaza shows the failure
    of the US to undermine HAMAS’ electoral victory. Lebanon
    shows the failure of Bush to thwart Syria’s influence, and that of
    Hezbollah there.”

    you have much to learn grasshopper!

    gaza actually shows the merits of bringing democracy to the middle east as shown below. as for our failures towards syria–right you are. Assad should have been executed three years ago along with al sadr and the iranian leadership. for this discussion i’ll leave out the leadership of sudan, hamas and hezzbollah.

    this from an earlier post elsewhere. i think it has stood the test of time.

    patrick neid says:
    January 28th, 2006 at 8:15 pm

    Hamas wins!
    Despite all the chin pulling and hand wringing I think this is the best thing that could happen in regards to the peace process in the Middle East. This election brings complete clarity to the events on the ground. The final steps will be the completion of the wall and the granting of statehood–whether they want it or not–to Palestine. Once that happens the constraints of statehood will kick in. All manner of conditions will then limit the behavior of Hamas. First and foremost almost all of their funding will basically stop. Whereas now the common excuse for supporting the PLO bloodlust was, its for “the oppressed”. With statehood their behavior will have to meet certain standards not unlike Israel’s being limited in it’s treatment toward the terrorists, Arafat, etc. Israel will now be dealing with a recognized country. This will be a whole lot easier than with a “movement” and brings with it a lot more options.
    The UN, dragging it’s knuckles, will come to see Hamas, Iran, Syria et al as the thugocracies they have always been. There will be no gray areas to hide in. The world is finally hitting bottom! We should celebrate……

  14. Terrye says:

    And exactly what are Reid’s bona fides in regards to military matters? Is he some kind of expert? I don’t think so. He is just pandering to his audience.

  15. Retired Spook says:

    They had declined because you were being associated more with warmongering Hillary than the decisive anti-war Democrat, Dennis Kucinich. (emphasis – mine)

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, (grasps aching sides, catches breath) ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (wipes tears from eyes, catches breath again) ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Oooooooh, Ken — too funny!!!

  16. Bikerken says:

    That wasn’t me Spook. But you’re right, that is hilleryous! I think there’s a website somewhere you can buy Dennis Kucinich tin foil hats.

  17. thecentercannothold says:


    Yeah I was married and divorced. I learned I was married to the
    wrong woman. Just like the US should and will learn it
    was meddling in the wrong region. It’s learning the hard way
    just like it learned the hard way in Vietnam.

  18. thecentercannothold says:

    Patrick Neid is so much the “democrat” he believes the US should have assassinated arguably the most popular individual in Iraq.
    With attitudes like his, no wonder the US is doomed to bloody defeat there.

  19. Retired Spook says:

    Sorry, Bikerken, I didn’t mean to imply it was you. I was referring to The CenterCannotHold, who I’m pretty sure is the old “Ken” who got banned a while back. He is pretty entertaining — sad, but entertaining.

  20. thecentercannothold says:


    you want sad but entertaining, Superannuated Spook?

    The Libby part is the entertaining part.