Jun 06 2007

More Hypochondriac Misinformation

Published by at 3:22 pm under All General Discussions,Illegal Immigration

My site has been plagued by false claims of pending doom on the immigration issue. These false profits of doom keep emphasizing the empty rhetoric Bush so accurately called the immigration bill’s opponents on. For example, if you hear gang members and sex offenders are exempt (as many a Chicken Little posted in my comments sections) don’t believe a word of it:

The close vote on a proposal by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, to bar felons—including those court-ordered to be deported—from legalization reflected the delicate position of the contentious immigration bill, which remains under threat from the right and the left.

The vote was 51-46 against the amendment. Democrats succeeded in sucking support from Cornyn’s proposal by winning adoption of a rival version that would bar a more limited set of criminals, including certain gang members and sex offenders, from gaining legalization. The Senate backed that amendment 66-32.

See, all that happened is the immigration hypochondriacs did not get their version of the amendment, clearly a better and more broadly supported version was adopted. The credibility of the shrill-seakers on right is toast. They keep making wild claims which are proved wrong and so they go onto making more wild claims. I guess Chicken Little is the wrong analogy. They are more like the little boy who cried ‘wolf’!

98 responses so far

98 Responses to “More Hypochondriac Misinformation”

  1. For Enforcement says:

    I’m leaving early Thurs AM to go to Florida for the space shuttle launch Fri PM at 7:30 so I won’t be writing before then probably. But when you watch that giant skyrocket light up the sky fri evening, think of it as a celebration of the death of the illegal alien bill PRIOR to that time. Makes me wonder how many illegal aliens are working on the shuttle program?….It’s only a matter of time before they are doing the jobs Americans won’t do. Keep up the good fight Dale, Merlin,05,Apache, Stevvs and all you other ‘hardliners’ er uh that is the name of the day, isn’t it?

  2. apache_ip says:

    Keep up the good fight Dale, Merlin,05,Apache, Stevvs and all you other ‘hardliners’ er uh that is the name of the day, isn’t it?

    Silly man. Today’s name calling is “Chicken little” and “the boy who cried wolf”. Try to keep up.

  3. MerlinOS2 says:

    Hillary is proposing an amendment that chain authorizes spouses and children of green card holders and z card holders

    Specter: Effect of the Clinton amendment would be for current green-cardholders to bring in a potential of 800,000 spouses and minor children. In addition, after 8 years of backlog-clearing under the current proposal, the 12 million illegal aliens on a path to citizenship would then be able to bring in all their minor children and spouses.

    Kyl notes that Clinton amendment would obliterate the right between a citizen and LPR to bring over spouses and minor children.

    For anyone who is a citizen here who had to jump through tons of paperwork hoops to get their foreign born wife authorized to enter this country, this is just a slap in the face.

  4. hehe…AJ if President Bush declared that up was down would you defend him?

  5. MerlinOS2 says:

    update Clinton amendment failed

  6. apache_ip says:

    I am going to email one of my Senator’s, Ron Wyden, and let him know what I think about his voting nay on Cornyn’s amendment, SA 1184

    To establish a permanent bar for gang members, terrorists, and other criminals.

    Who in their right mind votes against such an amendment????

    It appears to me that he is placing party politics above the best interest of the citizens of the United States. I am going to let him know what I think of that position.

    I strongly encourage everyone else to track these amendments and let your Senators know what you think. Do it from an informed perspective. Read the amendment and then voice your opinion in an informed manner.

    It will let them know how closely you are tracking this thing. And that just might wake them up. Hold their feet to the fire.

  7. apache_ip says:

    Illegal gang members – Doing the crimes and drive by shooting that American gang members just won’t do.

  8. apache_ip says:

    email away!!

    Below is what I sent to Senator Wyden –

    I really don’t understand your vote against Senator Cornyn’s SA 1184.

    I see only two possibilities –
    1. You are placing party politics above the interest of the citizens of the United States.
    2. You are more concerned about the welfare of people who have illegally entered this Country multiple times (that is the only way to be classified as a felon) than you are about keeping out gang members and other felons. Which means that you are more concerned about the welfare of felons than you are about U.S. citizens.

    I just don’t get it.

    Please explain to me why you voted against Senator Cornyn’s SA 1184.

    My real name was here

  9. apache_ip says:

    second email away!!

    My second email to Senator Wyden –

    I have a suggestion for you Senator Wyden. When it comes time to explain to the citizens of Oregon why you voted against Senator Cornyn’s SA 1184, you should say –

    “Illegal gang members – Doing the crimes and drive by shootings that American gang members just won’t do.”

    I’m sure they will understand.

    real name was here

  10. apache_ip says:

    If you want to know how your Senator voted on Cornyn’s SA 1184, Michelle Malkin is tracking it. There may be other sites as well, for those of you who aren’t Michelle Malkin fans. But I don’t know any off the top of my head.


    Whatever you do. Don’t be silent on this issue. It is time to step up to the plate, or forever hold your peace.

  11. apache_ip says:

    Ha. Ha. Ha.

    AJ has in his mind that all of us “hardliners” are against the guest worker program and immigration. I pointed out to him the results of a Rasmussen poll which proved just the opposite. Naturally, he didn’t respond.

    Anyway, if you want more proof of which party is in favor of a guest worker program and who is against it, take a look at the votes on the Dorgan amendment, SA 1316.

    The Dorgan amendment would sunset (aka “retire”) the Y-visa (aka guest worker visa) after 5 years.

    Almost everyone who voted in favor of retiring the Y-visa was a DEMOCRAT. The Republicans were overwhelming opposed. The split on that vote was almost entirely down party lines!

    Poor old AJ just keeps getting this one bass ackwards.

    Republicans are in favor of LEGAL immigration and guest workers.

    Democrats are in favor of ILLEGAL immigration and opposed to guest workers.

    Wake up and smell the java, AJ.

  12. MerlinOS2 says:


    You have gone from wrongly saying this bill FINALLY allows us to deport felons to a new position that a blanket felon rejection amendment is less worthy than a selective felon rejection amendment.

    So now we have two classes, good felons and bad felons.

    Kinda like meeting your new brother in law for the first time when he is in your front yard stealing gas from your car.

  13. For Enforcement says:

    Merlin I guess you saw the clip from archives where AJ was praising the Feds for using existing laws to export felons; Somehow they now don’t have the laws to export felons. As I said, try as I may, I don’t remember the Senate battle over repealing those laws since last September… do you recall that epic battle?

  14. For Enforcement says:

    It’s up near the top of this thread.

  15. For Enforcement says:

    For example, if you hear gang members and sex offenders are exempt

    It’s most likely because they are exempt.

    signed: Chicken Little (another name for those that want laws enforced)

  16. MerlinOS2 says:


    What I want to know is how this bill supposedly created NEW felon deportation opportunity but still two competitive amendments had to address that very subject.

    If it was such a slam dunk in the original bill, what purpose would the amendments serve???????

  17. MerlinOS2 says:

    Oh and both those amendments address eligibility for a zcard and a citizenship path, not deportation.

    If we could now automagically deport all felons, how can we have any still here to even be considered for citizenship path? I thought the act was supposed to have already drop kicked them across the border.

  18. MerlinOS2 says:

    Continuing the football talk, maybe it’s part of that often mentioned “touch back” provision in the bill.

    Tell me which illegal Chinese immigrant is going to head back to China to file paperwork via his government. He wouldn’t last long enough for the ink to dry on the paperwork as it hit the shredder.

  19. For Enforcement says:

    Both good points and I’m sure you know by now, one of the Poison Pills slipped through last night. That means a big hold up and probably death if they can’t get that reversed. Seems it ends the guest worker deal after 5 years. They can’t pass that bill with that amendment on it.

    Listen to Washington Journal this morning. All the callers (those Chicken Little’s) DON’T want the bill passed.

  20. For Enforcement says:

    By the way, it was organized Labor that wanted the amendment that passed last night. Those Hardliner Far Right Guys, Chicken Little’s I think the name of the day is.

    When did organized Labor move over to the Right? I missed that. Merlin… you up on that?