May 27 2007

This Memorial Day

Published by at 6:47 am under All General Discussions

This weekend, while we celebrate our oldest daughter’s graduation from college with friends and family, we will be reflecting on the sacrifices of so many families across this nation who have given one of their own in the protection of our freedom. I want to let those families know that they and their lost loved ones are not forgotten, nor taken for granted. This weekend, like all weekends for me, we salute those who protect us so we can celebrate the success of our children and the expectation of a good life for them to come. We do this by living good, by doing something positive with the gift given to us by those selfless, brave people who went off to war, to never return.

It is terrible that this world can create such monsters like al Qaeda and their Islamo Fascist cousins. It is unfortunate that these animals have decided to cleanse the world of all the good America (and the West) has brought humanity with seas of blood from the innocent. America is not perfect – we never claim to be. But America does have the best and the bravest, who go out and sacrifice themselves so the rest of us can live free of brutal oppression. God Bless those wonderful souls who are a gift to all of us.

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