May 24 2007

Dems Crash And Burn On Iraq War Funding

Published by at 11:40 pm under All General Discussions,Iraq

The votes to support the troops and the war effort were crushing defeats for the Dems and the left. In the House it was two-to-one in support of Bush, in the Senate even more crushing:

Bush, who had vowed to veto any legislation with restrictions on troop deployments, announced he would sign the $120 billion package, which was approved 80 to 14 last night in the Senate, after a 280 to 142 House vote.

The partisans on both sides are imploding on different issues. But this vote was so lopsided in the Senate you wonder why the Dems wasted months posturing while huffing and puffing about their message and resolve and doing what America wants only to get to this point. If Dems are saying the result is what America wants (and I am sure it is) then what in the world took THEM so long to get it right? 84-14! That is a landslide.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Dems Crash And Burn On Iraq War Funding”

  1. DaleinAtlanta says:

    AJ: I’ll give you your “props”, man; you said Bush would get what he wanted all along, and the Scum-sucking Leftists Surrendercrats would cave; I’ll give you that; I was so depressed on this issue, I thought it would never happen.

    But, I’m still not buying into the Immigration Bill…so don’t get cocky!

  2. ordi says:

    [i]Success Has a Thousand Fathers…..while failure is an orphan….[/i]

    So she is now, [b]Little Orphan N-ANNIE! [/b]


  3. ordi says:

    Success Has a Thousand Fathers…..while failure is an orphan….

    So she is now, Little Orphan N-ANNIE!

    Opps, Sorry about my first post. I forgot which site I was on.

  4. ordi says:

    Success Has a Thousand Fathers…..while failure is an orphan….

    So she is now, Little Orphan N-ANNIE!

    Opps, Sorry about my first post. I forgot which site I was on.

  5. Dc says:

    Oh…but wait….didn’t the current DNC majority in both house “AND” senate get elected to “STOP” the war??? And don’t they have (by polls) majority of americans behind them??

    OOoopsss.. As in the “no surprise” category…most of the MSM runs the story leed as ” Admin and DNC led congress “compromise” on Iraq funding bill. HAHAHAHAH.

    Yea RIGHT! Dream on….and keep drinking that Kook-aide.