May 21 2007

Immigration Bill Passes First Hurdle

Published by at 5:40 pm under All General Discussions,Illegal Immigration

Well, it looks likes the Immigration Bill is not as dead as people predicted. The first vote for cloture was a filibuster-proof vote to continue forward. Sounds like we will see a lot of noise in DC as people posture for the PR machines, but it looks like a lot of momentum behind the Bill getting through. Just like Dems ‘being on the record’ against the war and then passing the funds for Bush, we may be seeing the Reps ‘on the record’ and then getting coverage as their pet elements get added to the Bill. Looks good so far for progress and finally getting rid of the crappy status quo.

11 responses so far

11 Responses to “Immigration Bill Passes First Hurdle”

  1. MerlinOS2 says:


    The funding bill is a whole different animal from the other.

    Most knew that the funding bill was just pay for play for the far left.

    There are many people who have true issues with the immigration bill both left right and middle.

    I don’t think they can be simplistically compared.

    I saw at least 20 people today who said they would support cloture, but still had major issues with the legislation that could prevent passage and the gang of 10 was repeating that it was a fragile solution that could fall like a house of cards.

    It has a much longer path to get out of the woods and is by no shape or form a forgone conclusion.

  2. DaleinAtlanta says:

    That’s curious AJ, they just had to “table” the whole bill until JUNE, at a minimum, because they know they can’t pass it as is!

  3. DaleinAtlanta says:

    That’s curious AJ, they just had to “table” the whole bill until JUNE, at a minimum, because they know they can’t pass it as is!

  4. MerlinOS2 says:

    I heard one senator today say the calls to his office were overwhelmingly against the law as it stood. He also noted they were calling with specific section of the law issues and not just generalized disagreement. So he notes people are reading the draft bill and coming up with points that have gotten his attention.

    The draft only became available at 2am Saturday.

    Not a good sign at this point.

  5. MerlinOS2 says:


    I think that is not a table, but Reid agreed to extend the debate period by a week today to give a total of two weeks consideration to the bill.

    The second week will be after the Memorial Holiday break.

  6. retire05 says:

    Well, yippie yi aye, President Bush gets war funding, no pork strings attached, and the Democrats get the President’ promise to sign a bill providing the New Socialist Dhimmicrat Party of America 12 million new voters with a promise of millions more to come.
    Hang a black wreath on your door. The Republican party is on it’s death bed.
    Doubt it? Just check with Pew Hispanic Research Center and their survey that shows that 49% of all Hispanics vote Dhimmicrat and only 20% vote Republican. The other 31% said they either didn’t vote or didn’t know. But they will now.

    Anyone think the two just might be related?

  7. retire05 says:

    Bush get full war funding without pork strings. The Dhimmicrats get 12 million new voters.
    Anyone see a connection?

  8. ivehadit says:

    Yes, Retire, I see a masterful President getting what he needs as best he can under the circumstances of the pathology from the Left AND the Right….a bunch of 6 years olds, imho. Sick of both of ’em.

    Go George! You are truly the master!

  9. Terrye says:

    I don’t doubt that the paleos have the pones ringing off the hook, they are out there scaring people to death.

    And for what? To damage their own party and their own president and end up where they started, with no fence.

  10. retire05 says:

    Sorry, Terrye, the Republicans are no longer a viable party. They have just hand every election for the next 40 years over to the Dhimmicrats. Not to mention, that you are going to personally suffer straight from your wallet.
    A fence? Give me a break. The Fence Act of 2006 called for over 700 miles of fencing. They have built two. Now the fence has been dwindled down to less than 400 miles. How long before the Dhimmicrats in power decide that even a $50. fine for being in the U.S. illegally is too much for low wage earners to pay?
    I take it that you don’t mind that you had to work 10 quarters to be fully vested in Social Security but that an illegal, who works here for one year at age 61 will be fully vested to draw SS at age 62?

    How many of you have even spent the time to read this travesty of a bill? It is only 1,000 pages. Get on it and then tell me that you think it is good. Point by point.

  11. clarice says:

    terriye on one of these threads you took issue with my remark about grants for harvesting machines. In one sense you are right–my sarcastic shrothand remark does seem mean-spirited. I was trying to address the claim that we needed to do a lot to let in armies of unskilled workers or produce prices would rise substantially. I think that is a very weak argument. NRO shows that the cost of produce would rise very little without guestworker pickers. In fact the use of ethanol seems to account much more for higher food prices than a failure to increase the number of pickers allowed in as temporary workers.
    I may have a blinkered view, but then again I am watching what has happened to Europe when it allowed in massive numbers of cheap laborers who quickly went on the dole and created new social and political problems and I am heartened by Sarkozy’s statement that that idea was not working.

    With ever expanding social programs, and the expansion of illegal aliens’ “rights”, the cost of importing cheap labor is way too high.