May 21 2007

Reps Step Into Hault Progress

Published by at 4:37 pm under All General Discussions,Illegal Immigration

The number of poison pills Senators are threatening on the Immigration Bill is a clear indication Congress is completely dysfunctional. If Reps torpedo progress – again – and leave us with the current crap – AGAIN – they will pay a price. The US has not yet seen America rise up and dump ALL incumbents. But it could easily happen. I would be fine with allowing parties one shot to get a moderate challenger in the primaries, who would win and keep the party seat. If they fail we dump the incumbent and let the seat switch parties. If the parties are naive enough to think America as infinite patience with these games they are sadly mistaken. A “dump them all’ movement is not far fetched. Just note what happened to Lieberman. He won easily against the too fringes. The pols are playing with fire and Americans are not going to be the ones to get burned.

18 responses so far

18 Responses to “Reps Step Into Hault Progress”

  1. crosspatch says:

    Okay, this really will be my last post for a while but I had an idea. How about a compromise.

    It is illegal to buy a vibrator (unless it’s for medical purposes) in Georgia, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Indiana, Virginia, Louisiana and Massachusetts, where selling a dildo can get you up to five years in jail.

    So, how about a compromise. We put all the women in those states who have illegal vibrators in prison because they broke the law and what is the point to having laws if you aren’t going to enforce them, right? So I say we penalize the illegals with exactly the same sentence as the illegal vibrator owners and call it even. We should be doing house to house searches of nightstands, dresser drawers, shoe boxes, and medicine cabinets in all of these states right away and incarcerate these scofflaws straight away. And don’t go trying to change the law, amnesty is something we won’t stand for. These women have broken the law and they must pay dearly for it.

  2. AJStrata says:


    They are shaking in their shoes at your proposal…..

  3. Bikerken says:

    CP, maybe if those liberal women got penalized once in a while, they would get rid of the damn vibrators and we wouldn’t have any problems!

  4. Retired Spook says:

    This piece at this morning was written from a unique perspective. I think much of what she says has a great deal of merit.

    BK, what particular “problems” do you think are cause by vibrators? LOL!

  5. Bikerken says:

    The problems of what to do with millions of criminal women? We can’t just round them up! It would be way too noisy!

  6. Bikerken says:

    The problems of what to do with millions of criminal women? We can’t just round them up! It would be way too noisy!

  7. Bikerken says:

    Apologize for the double post.

  8. DaleinAtlanta says:

    CP: I’ve seen your posts for awhile, and normally admired you for your comments.

    But, you’ve lost it on the immigration issue, frankly!

    I’ve been into “adult” stores, in VA, and seen “vibrators” for sale, so I have no idea where you are getting that!

    And I live in GA, and there are 3 “adult” shops within 5miles of me, and ALL sell “vibrators”!

    So, I think you’re playing a little loose with the facts to make an absurd point!

    I agree, you need a rest!

  9. DaleinAtlanta says:

    AJ: frankly I’m astonished that you would think, that if we lived in a world where we “dumped them all” to include:

    John Kerry
    Teddy Kennedy
    Nancy Pelosi
    Barbara Boxer
    Trent Lott
    John Edwards

    ad naseum; how do you think that would be a BAD thing??

  10. crosspatch says:

    Just because they don’t enforce the law doesn’t mean it isn’t there. It is also against the law in Oregon to have sex with the lights on.


    Wikipedia says the same thing too.

    To suddenly enforce a vibrator law would be a lot like suddenly enforcing any other after having not enforced it for a long time.

  11. crosspatch says:

    Sorry, that is West Virginia, not Oregon, where you can’t have sex with the lights on.

  12. DaleinAtlanta says:

    CP: sorry to disappoint you on this but half the time I’ve had sex with people I DON’T want to see with lights on, if you know what I mean???

  13. Bikerken says:

    I know what you mean Dale. Why do you think those vibrators are here to begin with. They are just doing the jobs no one else will do!

  14. Terrye says:


    When people sat home last November to teach people a lesson did they not know that it would mean the other party would win? And if the other party wins then that means they have to bring up the bills. So if you are waiting for a bill that is only supported by Republicans you might have a long wait.

    Right now, I am thinking there are about as many loons in the Republican party anyway.

  15. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Terrye: that’s the choice that Republicans made last fall; not mine, I voted! But then again, I’m an independent, who thinks like a “Republican” on National Security, the GWOT, the Jihadis, etc.

    So, “conservatives”, etc., made the decision to sit home, that’s their fault!

    I realize that I will NEVER see what I want on immigration, no one has ever asked MY opinion on any bill that’s pass the Senate/House in the past 49 years, so I don’t expect it to start soon!

    Terrye, do you know, that the Communist Party, at the height of it’s strength in the former Soviet Union, never comprised more than 2% of the total populace?

    But somehow, 2% of the populace owned, controlled terrorized, brutalized and murdered the other 98% of the population!

    The Alawi Shia’s of Syria, comprise no more than 18% of the Syrian population, yet they control and brutalize the other 82% of the Syrian populace!

    My only point is, “we” get the government we deserve, or vote for, or LET stay in place!

    And don’t misunderstand what I’m saying, I’m in NO WAY comparing either the Democrats or Republicans to the Communist party nor the Alawis, and I’m NOT advocationg a “revolution”, or anything stupid like that!

    I’m NOT a anarchist or nihilist or a revolutionary; I still despise John Lennon for all his bullshit!

    My ONLY point, and don’t infer anything else, is that sometimes, we, or “people”, get the Government they deserve!

  16. For Enforcement says:

    why don’t we secure the border then declare citizenship for all the illegals up to that point then make any that come into the US after that time felons, and once we have enough of them, do it all over again. In other words, give up on the present situation, just Promise to do better in the future (as this current bill does) and then go ahead and ignore it (as we will anyhow) and then blame it all on the far right(hardliners or whatever),

    PS you can buy all the vibrators you want at WalMart here in Louisiana.

  17. For Enforcement says:


    Right now, I am thinking there are about as many loons in the Republican party anyway

    about as many as what? as are in the Dimmycrat party, or independents?

  18. For Enforcement says:

    I know what you mean Dale. Why do you think those vibrators are here to begin with. They are just doing the jobs no one else will do!

    bikker, it may not be a matter of intent, it may be a matter of ability.