Apr 30 2007

Democrats’ Blood II

Published by at 3:22 pm under All General Discussions,Iraq

The Democrats better stop playing games and get the money and material flowing to our troops. Their partisan greed has already sent signals to al Qaeda and others to ramp up the killings – which they gleefully did. But now protective vehicles are being held up ONLY because the money is not flowing

The armored carrier has a grim black slash across its side, burn marks on the door and a web of cracks along the window.

Like most of the Mine Resistant, Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles in Anbar province, this one has been hit as many as three times by enemy fire and bomb blasts. Yet, to date, no American troops have died while riding in one.

But efforts to buy thousands more carriers, each costing about $1 million (euro730,000), could be delayed if the White House and Congress do not resolve their deadlock over a $124.2 billion (euro91 billion) war spending bill.

About $3 billion (euro2.2 billion) for the vehicles is tied up in the legislation. The spending plan has stalled because of a dispute over provisions that would set a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.

At a hearing last month, lawmakers urged the Army to get more of the carriers to the battlefront as quickly as possible.

Got that? Last MONTH Congress told the military to get these life saving vehicles to the front was critical and this month they refused to send the funds without any conditions. This is what political desperation looks like. This is power lust. To say these systems are critically important and then in the next breathe hold them hostage is the epitome of hypocrisy. Dems claim Bush is not listening? Hell, the Dems are not listening TO THEMSELVES! Supply our troops! Save lives! Pass the damn clean Bill already!

Addendum: The hypocrisy of the Surrendercrats is stunning. Check out this statement from Dorgan (D-ND):

Senators pressed for more. “We’re buying far too few of them,” said Sen. Byron Dorgan, a North Dakota Democrat. “If we have that capability, why would we not do everything to mobilize, to move as many of them into the field as is possible?

Why Senator? Because, you fool, you did not give Bush the funds he needed? Even when you knew a veto was imminent you took politics over lives? How many will die because of your crass partisanship?

56 responses so far

56 Responses to “Democrats’ Blood II”

  1. Soothsayer says:

    Earth to the Strasphere:

    The Democrats have ALREADY passed the funding bill. If George wants to defund the troops its HIS decision.

  2. Bill's Bites says:

    2007.04.30 Dem Perfidy // Islamism Delenda Est Roundup– Breaking: Bush to veto Oink and Run bill tomorrow…

    See previous: 2007.04.29 Dem Perfidy // Islamism Delenda Est Roundup Below the fold (newest items at the top): Democrats’ Blood II Bush Plans to Veto Iraq War Spending Bill on Tuesday Former CIA Boss Out of Loop on Parts of…

  3. ivehadit says:

    The intellectual dishonesty (not to mention the juvenile spin) of the sorosites is LAUGHABLE.

    And the public knows it. Bring it on!

  4. lurker9876 says:

    Earth to Soothie:

    The Democrats passed the funding bill with the timeline. George has no plans to defund the troops. The defeat belongs to the Democrats. It’s their decision to give Bush a clean defense bill.

  5. ivehadit says:

    And we can see clearly what the sorosites are up to here…Your tricks are not going to work…

    Just as a reminder, Tenet was appointed by clinton…and what exactly happened during the 90’s to make us safer and send a message to the terrorists that we are STRONG?

    And why did Tenet keep his “knowledge” from the FBI….the wall comes to mind.

    Scream your untruths (trying to make them truths) all you want, you sorosites. The American public is alot smarter than you give them credit.

  6. Terrye says:


    No they did not, they jacked around for weeks and then passed some bill they knew would not stand. Now after doing everything they can to jack with the troops and the funding they are going to try and blame Bush. No one will buy that, in fact most real lefties want them to cut the funding anyway and Reid has threatened time and again to do just that sooner or later.

  7. DubiousD says:

    One Democrat has already been quoted as saying that Dems are going to lose this funding bill battle. Yet the Dems insist on waging this fight anyway.

    If Dems really believe this funding battle is doomed to failure, why don’t they take their own advice and pull out now?

  8. lurker9876 says:


    How many “defense pork bills” have the Democrats voted on in the past few months?

    And the Senate Democrats went on a one week vacation.

    And the House Democrats went on a 3 week vacation.

    Plus a trip to Syria.

    Don’t forget how they traveled! They spent that kind of money; yet, having no issues about the US troops not getting the money in time.

  9. Terrye says:

    Plus they have not even actually sent the thing to Bush yet. They are waiting so that they can make hey of that Mission Accomplished speech Bush gave on the carrier. Never mind that time of the essence, they want to show off and strut around and make some political partisan point. Then and only then will they pass the bill along so that Bush can veto it and they can do another one. After all, what’s the big deal they say.

  10. Soothsayer says:

    Show me anywhere in the Constitution, the Code of Federal Regulations or 200+ years of precedent case law where Congress is required or even obliged to provide a freakin’ mental defective with a “clean bill.”

    If George don’t like it – he can stuff it.

    The fact remains – the Democratically controlled Congress has passed a funding bill that provides the President funds equal to or greater than that which he asked for.

    He can pout like an infant, hold his breath till he turns blue, or veto the bill. But if he does – HE IS THE ONE WHO DEFUNDS THE TROOPS.

    That’s what the headlines will be; that’s what the American public – only 28% of which approve of his moronic incompetence – will take with them to the pools in ’08. If he wants to commit political suicide on behalf of the entire Repuiblican party and deny the troops vital funds – he’s free to do so – but he – and the Republicans – will pay the piper.

  11. Mark_for_Senate says:

    Sooth. You are irreversibly stupid.

  12. Aitch748 says:

    Now how in hell is the country going to say that it was Bush who defunded the troops? Even if the average person doesn’t quite understand the role Congress plays in funding the troops, for the last six years it’s been “Bush-the-warmonger” and “Bush-the-war-criminal” and “this is Bush’s war.” So America is just suddenly going to start believing that it’s the Democrats who want to see the war won and that it’s Bush who wants to cut and run (by vetoing the funding)??? I mean, at this point, this is tantamount to asking America to believe that it was Bill Clinton who was on a noble crusade to cleanse the Republican Congress of dishonesty and adultery and debauchery and sundry ungentlemanly acts and thus save America’s pristine virtue.

  13. ivehadit says:

    Do you all see the type of language the ssorosite uses? Doesn’t it tell you legions of information about it’s author?

    And the sorosites believe their own press/postings/huffingtons. Hysterical.

    Tell us more about yourself, ssir/madame.

  14. retire05 says:

    From Woodstock to Washington; the “new” Democratic Party.

  15. scaulen says:

    The President is the Commander in Chief, Congress controls the funds. If Congress wants the US out of Iraq then they either don’t pass a war time funding bill, or they pass one with enough money in it to withdraw the troops. They do not get to set dead lines, they do not get to set strategy, they do not get to do anything but gnash their teeth, pull their hair, beat their breast and make speaches. End of story.

    To quote:
    …Rather, the Constitution vests the two branches with different powers – the President as Commander in Chief, Congress with control over funding and declaring war – without requiring that they follow a specific process in making war. By establishing this framework, the Framers expected that the process for warmaking would be far more flexible, and capable of quicker, more decisive action, than the legislative process. Thus, the President may use his Commander-in-Chief and executive powers to use military force to protect the Nation, subject to congressional appropriations and control over domestic legislation….

    Congress is the bank, that’s it.

    If the Democrats and some Republicans want to play President, and block legit funding of the troops then I think the President will have to Convene Congress as soon as they head out on their Summer recess (only reason they get this one is DC is a hot stink hole in the summer and they didn’t have AC back then). Simply put, it’s detention center for Congress. They stay at work until his funding bill is passed. No campaigning, no fund raising, NO GOLF!!!!

    It’s amazing how the Democrats had to bribe so many caring politicians to vote for the troop funding(both sides of the aisle). I guess brown people only count when they live in the US and can be used to get some one with a D in front of their name in office. JFK (not John Kerry) is spining in his grave.

    And once again you have fallen back into personal attack mode. Why do you feel the need to deride the President of the United States? Don’t you like getting more money back on taxes? Don’t you like not having to watch airplanes crash into buildings? I know you must feel the same way as I, that you can never forget the pictures of the poor souls plumetting from the towers. And tell me you didn’t feel your blood boil when you heard about flight 93, “Let’s roll”. What is your problem with the Unites States as it is now? Why also do you feel the need to surrender Iraq to terrorists who will use the oil profits to cause more death and suffering then the world will ever know?

    What is it that drives you to act thus?

  16. kathie says:

    How are these gutless wonders going to protect this nation when they can’t take responsibility for funding or defunding the war, because of how it may look. Suppose they had a really big decision to make.

  17. Soothsayer says:

    Scaulen & Kathie.

    The Dems passed the bill. They’ve allotted the sufficient funds. More than Bush asked for. They placed conditions on the spending – they have the right to do so. They’ve done it before. Tough luck.

    George can either sign it or he can defund troops in the field.

  18. lurker9876 says:

    No, they do not have the constitutional authority to place conditions on the spending. The only constitutional authority that the Democrats have is immediate US troop pullout. The Democrats passed the WRONG bill. The Democrats passed a bill that will be vetoed and they knew it. The Democrats hung onto it for 3 weeks. Bush has not even vetoed it. Tomorrow we will see if Bush will veto it. The fault is placed on the Democrats.

  19. DaleinAtlanta says:


    Democrats = Liberals = Leftists = Traitors & Cowards!

    It’s that plain, it’s that simple, it’s a FACT!

    You can get upset, you can get outraged, you can get pissed; it doesn’t matter; at the end of the day, the TRUTH HURTS!

    Bottomline, someone said it on another thread, we are not only fighting the Jihadis for the fate of Western Civilization, but we are also fighting the “enemy within”, and that is Leftists like you!

  20. scaulen says:

    The only condition on the money would be that it goes to the war. The war that the Democrats voted for. Thus by approving the funding they are voting for the war once again. So they can stand there and say they are against the war, but as long as they keep funding it they are talking out the side of their mouths. They only passed this funding with pork, and timelines knowing it will get vetoed. Saying it’s the Presidents fault there’s the money. If the President had a line item veto they would never send it to him because their rabid base would eat them alive. If the Democrats want to keep setting precedents on the power Congress can have over a President it will come back to bite them in the ass.

    One more thing, very simple question SS, did the Democrats vote yeah or neah to go to war with Iraq?