Apr 27 2007

Eco-Economics Takes A Bite In Canada

Published by at 7:33 am under All General Discussions,Global Warming

One nice thing about the Canadians and Europeans, their lefty socialist tendencies drive to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the problems with lefty socialist tendencies. We all can see the disasters of government controlled health care from the experience of the English and Canadians. We can see the failures of gun control laws in England. And we are about to see devastation mindless (and science-less) eco-policies will have on economies as Canada drinks the eco-Kool Aid:

Canadians are being warned to brace themselves for price increases on cars, natural gas, electricity and household appliances under the government’s new green plan.

Yesterday’s announcement was also the final nail in the coffin for Canada’s commitment to the Kyoto protocol, as Environment Minister John Baird touted his plan as “tough,” “attainable” and “realistic.”

The goal is to reduce Canada’s annual greenhouse gas emissions from 780 megatonnes in 2006 to 630 megatonnes in 2020.

Pitched as one of the most “stringent industrial regulatory systems in the world,” the plan forces major industry polluters to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions per unit of production by 18% by 2010.

Last week, Baird warned implementing Kyoto — which called for reducing emissions to 6% below 1990 levels — would kill 275,000 jobs and cost the economy $51 billion.

Baird said his plan will cost the economy up to $8 billion, but was unable to peg a number on the potential job losses attached to his report.

The good news is we will see the results quickly, by 2010. The bad news is the Canadians are going to pay a heavy price for this experiment in futility. I am all for cleaning up the planet and enforcing clean air and water and land laws. I am also for PUBLIC investment in cleaner technologies and I am willing to wager, through no enforcement whatsoever, hybrid cars will be 20% of the cars on the road by 2012. Because the way the hybrids have been funded and worked is the right model. Anyway, as usual the lefty socialists are all going send us a clear message on how these crazy policy ideas work (or don’t work).

Oh, and this is the pain associated with NOT meeting the Kyoto benchmarks. Heaven help Canada if they had to actually support Kyoto.

One response so far

One Response to “Eco-Economics Takes A Bite In Canada”

  1. owl says:

    Well the Anchoress has a solution for all ( funny) and a must read for all that missed it a couple days ago.

    “Stow the Summer Concerts, Save the World”

    I put this one right under her “Bush”……exceptional!