Jul 20 2005

John R0berts Update

Published by at 7:44 am under All General Discussions,Filibuster Showdown

Leon at Redstate made the comment you can discern a person by their enemies and how they react. If the open thread on DailyKOs was any example of this, then John Roberts is going to be an interesting nominee. What stunned me was the massive amount of surrender. It has finally hit many what has been happening to the left politically since 1980, but really since 1994. In 1992 democrats ruled the land, in 2005 the opposite is now true.

The other thing that struck me in these comments is how the leftward margins are reacting to those trying to stop the death spiral. Anyone suggesting a calm re-assessment of strategy was instantly targetted by a conspiracy binge fearful of conservative plants in their midst. Same for those not wishing to lose more ground with the moderate independents by avoiding a fight on this nomination. The distillation, and therefore fracturing, of the democrat party down to the fringe zealots and the clear thinking continues to break apart the left and send the moderates away.

As sampling of the leftward fringes to celebrate the nomination of John Roberts

Im not watching. (none / 0)

I really dont feel like puking tonight.

Reigning Welterweight Female Piefighter since 1998

by ablington on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:02:55 PDT

Let them have Roe and leave it up to the states (none / 1)

If Roe vs. Wade is overturned Republicans will lose elections like crazy, and most states will keep abortion legal. If you live in Kansas it’s not hard to take a trip to Colorado.

by flicknut on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:27:20 PDT

How right you are! (none / 0)

Its time for liberals to start taking the long view…..and overturning Roe is the best thing that could happen for that. It’ll take a few years but such a move will ultimately be good for libs.

by TheRover on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:37:56 PDT

Agreed (none / 1)

Overturning Roe v. Wade would take a lot of wind out of the sales of social conservative groups thathave used “activist” judges as their whipping boys for years. Once Roe is gone it will be awfully hard for them to drum up support for conservative judges to preserve corporate rights.

Also, Roe v. Wade is just a bad decision. There I said it. I am 100% pro-choice, but it’s hard to find a Supreme Court decision that makes less sense than that one. “Emanations” and “penumbras”? Give me a break.

by Cat1133 on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:55:36 PDT

I agree, (none / 0)

we lost this fight in November. Fillibustering this guy would be like trying on a pair of cement shoes for the next elections.

“Although some species may be now increasing, more or less rapidly, in numbers, all cannot do so, for the world would not hold them.” Darwin

by dissenter2004 on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:38:32 PDT

filibuster? (none / 0)

Give up guys!. Like someone else said the puking was in November and continues to today. Dem’s are powerless at this point and it sucks!

But we knew that in Nov. ’04 didn’t we.

by Beatrice on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:54:05 PDT

Okay, so here’s the thing…options (none / 0)

  • If we can filibuster, we should (God I hope we do)…and if we filibuster this asshat and the Repugs go NuKUlar, then we shut down the entire senate and only let the budget through. Thereby destroying ALL of Bush’s agenda for the rest of his Presidency.
  • If we don’t filibuster, and we let him through…he votes for school prayer, against the environment, pro-business (anti-union/labor), anti-affirmative action, anti-title 9, and to overturn Roe V. Wade. Once he starts voting and really f***ing things up…people wake up from their deep sleep and realize that elections DO effect them very deeply, and people run out to vote Democrat every chance they get.
  • I root #1, but if #1 isn’t possible, and #2 is all we have, then I guess that’s what we’ll have to deal with. If we go to #2, I want to see a daily f***ing count of women who have died from back-alley abortions so I can shove it in everybody’s face.

    I am REALLY pissed.

    by Elise on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:07:36 PDT

    I have a sadder one (none / 1)

    Sometimes when I see pregnant women I feel they are bringing a new life into a hopeless world.

    by anotherCt Dem on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:31:21 PDT

    People have lost their minds (none / 0)

    None of your comments deserved troll ratings, and clearly people just went into mob groupthink. So I’ve uprated your comments that got trashed by the hooligans who want to pout and wail and be outraged like little babies instead of reflecting and researching like adults would. Sorry about that.

    by Addison on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:55:28 PDT

    Is that you Sean Hannity aka the Vanilla Gorilla (none / 0)

    by Cat4everrr on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:19:40 PDT

    BAH! (3.00 / 2)

    You guys are talking about winning a battle. I’m talking about winning a war. We can talk and complain and wail and whine all we want; John G. Roberts will be a supreme court justice.

    Failed filibusters don’t win us anything, except some fresh store-bought egg on our faces.

    Instead, we can confirm him, get points from the media for “uniting the country” and get back to the issues that will actually win back Congress in 2006.

    That IS what this is all about. Anything that doesn’t contribute to electing a Democratic Congress next year is simply non-sensical.

    So, to recap. We can do what most of the base wants. Filibuster, be defeated, and spend 3 or 4 months opposing a nominee that most Americans support, and look bad doing it.

    Or, confirm him in time for the new term, and get back on Iraq, health care, education funding, the Rove debacle, Tom Delay’s “pay to play” politics etc.

    One road leads to Speaker Pelosi…the other leads to more of the same.

    by kb54010 on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:45:40 PDT

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